Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

By the way, China is behaving strangely. It doesn't help at all.

It would be beneficial for the Chinese to colonize the European part of the Russian Federation, they have an overabundance of labor and nothing to feed them. But they are not brought to the European part, and in Siberia there are no more of them than there were, as far as I know.
For Putin now, this would be a way out of the situation. It would at least solve the labor problem.

I think that he will do it soon, he has no other way. If he wants mobilization, he needs to close the holes in the labor fund, otherwise the economy will collapse.
There are rules still being observed that dictate that Russia won't mount a Blitzkreif style offensive on the Ukraine by beating the civilian population into submission due to regular warfare.

The reason being because America/Nato would then start hitting Russian cities with normal non-restrained warfare.

To you goes the task of figuring out why that can never happen? Get back to me on that. It could have something to do with American big cities?
Well you’ve been listening to something other than CNN! Excellent!

Russia has been treading very carefully as a full scale WWII style offensive might engender a more aggressive response

They were at the Peace table in March 2022 until the Biden Administration ordered Ukraine to fight to keep the Money Laundering Operation in full gear
All the same, objectively everything is in full ass.
I think they are now working on agents in the US to put puppets there again. Otherwise, he is playing for time, trying to ensure that information about the real situation does not go anywhere. They started blocking the VPN.
Big companies do not listen to the orders of the ministries. Big businessmen began to declare that they are not afraid of the regime. Tinkoff recently made such a speech openly. Some services in the Russian Federation stopped working with the national plastic card operator Mir. This will hit the Federal bank.

Over the past six months, there has been a huge outflow of personnel from the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Maybe there will still be a game against the ruble and they will easily collapse it. The ruble depreciated by 2 times. This is now very easy to do, because there is no trust in the ruble, and there is no trust in banks either. In banks, the lending rate is much lower than inflation, this is a pure scam. In such a situation, it is profitable for speculators to take rubles and immediately sell them for dollars, play for short. Speculators can strengthen the trend and cause a sharp collapse.
And this will be the end.

How wonderful that you believe the propaganda put out by Communist China.

At least you'll acknowledge that China uses slave labor. So how much does it cost them to manufacture...whatever? Room and board?

They claim that their rocket systems are for research, not the military. They do not include their Coast Guard, used for the defense of their waters, as a military expense. There are numerous other examples.
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Do you think if the United States were at war with Ukraine, it would take them more than a year to stand still?
The Ukrainian army was crap. They had neither weapons nor experience, they were robbed.
Hussein's army was large and experienced. Operation Iraqi Freedom lasted 2 months until complete defeat and surrender. 2 months.
America with small contributions by Nato countries have thrown everything they have against Russian forces, short of nuclear, and have failed.

This is the reason why the question asked by this thread needs to be answered.

What does winning a war mean?

It means the country that survives can go forward unimpeded by other countries efforts to monopolize the world's resources.

For America, losing the current war means going forward without control over the world's precious resources.

Depending on China's plans for the future, it means sharing of the world's resources. Currently China and Russia are holding the lion's share.

And Russia has sworn to fight to the end to remain intact as a country. That means including nuclear war!

It all raises the question on whether America can accept 'not winning' this time.
The RF Army is listed approximately 4-5th after the USA, China, and France. The army of RF is completely unprofessional.
The US Army is completely professional. The US Army has been funded for half a century in the same way as all the armies of the world combined. The US Army is based all over the world. The US Army is capable of fighting all the armies of the world at the same time.
The army of RF is the leader in terms of the number of tanks. But most of these tanks are mothballed, and their quality is much worse than modern American tanks.
Has Russia invaded a NATO country yet? ... The West allowed Russia to take over Syria, both sides have much to gain eliminating terrorism in the world ... but frankly, it looks like Russia is no match for Turkey and/or Israel, and that's without USA direct intervention ...

We don't want WWIII ... so we're tip-toeing around The Ukraine ... the first Russia tank crossing into Lithuania and all hell breaks lose ... all of Europe loses ...
Russia is fighting NATO now by proxy....
By the way, China is behaving strangely. It doesn't help at all.

It would be beneficial for the Chinese to colonize the European part of the Russian Federation, they have an overabundance of labor and nothing to feed them. But they are not brought to the European part, and in Siberia there are no more of them than there were, as far as I know.
For Putin now, this would be a way out of the situation. It would at least solve the labor problem.

I think that he will do it soon, he has no other way. If he wants mobilization, he needs to close the holes in the labor fund, otherwise the economy will collapse.
You're not accepting that China understands that they have to form a defensive alliance with Russia and others to survive American aggression.

That's not strange behaviour by China, it's perfectly logical and it's being timed to China's liking.

This is of course the reason why America started a proxy war to take Russia down and tear it apart. The world is forming a defensive alliance (Brics) against US hegemony.
Russia is fighting NATO now by proxy....
That's mostly true on paper, but the Nato forces are directly involved to a deniable point.

Nato's fighters can fight in the Ukraine against Russia but under no country's flag.
As you know, China is the leading military power. They now have us by the short curlies.
That's not true.

But it can be said that all nuclear superpowers have each other by the short hairs, in the sense that no nuclear superpower will ever accept defeat.

Russia's and China's objective isn't to defeat America, it's to peacefully coexist along with America.

America's objective doesn't include peaceful coexistence with others.
That's not true.

But it can be said that all nuclear superpowers have each other by the short hairs, in the sense that no nuclear superpower will ever accept defeat.

Russia's and China's objective isn't to defeat America, it's to peacefully coexist along with America.

America's objective doesn't include peaceful coexistence with others.
Liar and now we see your clear bias.
Liar and now we see your clear bias.
I hope I've made myself perfectly clear!

My bias is toward the world's superpowers all prospering and that includes America if it can give up its ambitions of world hegemony.
Is Russia the world's leading military power? It takes a bit more than just having a lot of outdated equipment available to throw out as cannon fodder.

Sorry, but they aren't as technically advanced militarily as they try to get others to believe. Want examples? If they are so great, then why is Ukraine still holding their own against them?
Someone mentioned how the U.S. is trying to whittle down Russia.
Russia is following suit by slowly whittling down Ukraine to avoid jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
That's not true.

But it can be said that all nuclear superpowers have each other by the short hairs, in the sense that no nuclear superpower will ever accept defeat.

Russia's and China's objective isn't to defeat America, it's to peacefully coexist along with America.

America's objective doesn't include peaceful coexistence with others.
To say that China does not want to defeat America is simply ignorant or incredibly gullible. They have no desire to co-exist.

I don't know if you play chess but when a player's position is so hopeless, that he cannot possibly win, they will resign. Instead of making a move, they simply lay their king down.

That is exactly what China wants to do to America. Show us where any of the actions of China, over past decades, indicate that they wish to "co-exist"?
Someone mentioned how the U.S. is trying to whittle down Russia.
Russia is following suit by slowly whittling down Ukraine to avoid jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
In fact the Ukraine has been defeated and will not emerge from this war as a country.
America's ambitions had nothing to do with accomplishing that.

Did you know that it's America's proxy war against Russia?

Nearly everybody else is there by now!
In fact the Ukraine has been defeated and will not emerge from this war as a country.
America's ambitions had nothing to do with accomplishing that.

Did you know that it's America's proxy war against Russia?

Nearly everybody else is there by now!
Is that why their offensive is still gaining ground on the Russians? Cause they are losing by advancing right?
To say that China does not want to defeat America is simply ignorant or incredibly gullible. They have no desire to co-exist.
All of the evidence says loudly and clearly that you are wrong. Rather than another 'is not, is not' argument, you could try to produce some good ol merican substance for a change?
All of the evidence says loudly and clearly that you are wrong. Rather than another 'is not, is not' argument, you could try to produce some good ol merican substance for a change?
Show me.

Show me too where anything I posted above and again here for your convenience, is not accurate.

China learned decades ago that to be a world power, they had to have cheap, plentiful energy. They began doing that by building more power plants of every form than anyone else in the world. They have more coal, nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind facilities under construction and planned than anyone else in the world. At the same time, they have Biden reducing our ability to produce the energy we need and skyrocketing costs.

China is building more nuclear and conventional submarines than anyone else. They have a massive underground submarine port built under a mountain with the entrance underwater for secrecy.

President Carter started the process and President Clinton finished it by turning the ports at both ends of the Panama Canal (greatly enlarged) over to Communist China. They also have a huge facility at the Long Beach port. China is building a major "training" facility in Cuba. They have the largest container ship company in the world which is under the direction of the China military.

Prior to the Clinton administration, China could hardly hit the Pacific Ocean with its
rockets. Clinton made it possible for China to buy our rocket motor and guidance systems. Now they have the ability to shoot satellites out of orbit.

China is buying millions of acres of farmland in very close proximity to many of our military bases. Heck, President Biden allowed a high-tech spy balloon to casually cross our entire continent from Alaska to the Carolinas to gather information.

Are you aware that China has a "police" station in New York and three in Canada?

Did you know that Communist China is cooperating with Ford in building a multi-billion dollar lithium battery plant in Michigan? That China will be a part of the management.

There is much more, all verifiable facts but I'm sure you'll chalk it all up to CONSPIRACY THEORIES.


Here is an example is the massive cheap energy program China has embarked on over decades.



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Show me.

Show me too where anything I posted above and again here for your convenience, is not accurate.

China learned decades ago that to be a world power, they had to have cheap, plentiful energy. They began doing that by building more power plants of every form than anyone else in the world. They have more coal, nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind facilities under construction and planned than anyone else in the world. At the same time, they have Biden reducing our ability to produce the energy we need and skyrocketing costs.

China is building more nuclear and conventional submarines than anyone else. They have a massive underground submarine port built under a mountain with the entrance underwater for secrecy.

President Carter started the process and President Clinton finished it by turning the ports at both ends of the Panama Canal (greatly enlarged) over to Communist China. They also have a huge facility at the Long Beach port. China is building a major "training" facility in Cuba. They have the largest container ship company in the world which is under the direction of the China military.

Prior to the Clinton administration, China could hardly hit the Pacific Ocean with its
rockets. Clinton made it possible for China to buy our rocket motor and guidance systems. Now they have the ability to shoot satellites out of orbit.

China is buying millions of acres of farmland in very close proximity to many of our military bases. Heck, President Biden allowed a high-tech spy balloon to casually cross our entire continent from Alaska to the Carolinas to gather information.

Are you aware that China has a "police" station in New York and three in Canada?

Did you know that Communist China is cooperating with Ford in building a multi-billion dollar lithium battery plant in Michigan? That China will be a part of the management.

There is much more, all verifiable facts but I'm sure you'll chalk it all up to CONSPIRACY THEORIES.
You've recited numerous examples of China's peaceful means they've asserted to gain their position as a competing superpower.

Tell me more about the police stations if you think that's applicable to the topic?

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