Is Scourge Gay?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Scourge is a fictional A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) robot-warrior from the popular A.I. fantasy-adventure combat franchise Transformers (Hasbro) which features cartoons, toys, comic books, and full-length big-budget Hollywood (USA) films including Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Scourge is an evil 'vizier' of sorts for the diabolical 'Decepticon' robot-army which vies with the heroic 'Autobot' robot-army for dominions on Earth and elsewhere. Scourge is like the 'evil' A.I. rendition of Merlin (the potent advising magic-wizard from Arthurian legend --- Camelot).

Scourge has the features of a brutish 'bishop' but also the appearance of some kind of ruthless samurai-type killer (complete with the fancy moustache!). Scourge's master is the Decepticon leader Galvatron (a ruthless fascist who transforms into a powerful laser-cannon).

Scourge is the ideal storytelling symbol of cruelty and vice and evil metaphysics, but the more you 'see him in action,' the more you get the sense that he's quite pensive about emotions, so I have to ask...."IS SCOURGE GAY?"


SCOURGE: These meek humans adore the Christ!
GALVATRON: Yes, humanity is very mortality-paranoid.
SCOURGE: Religion is a curse for them (e.g., the Crusades, 9/11).
GALVATRON: I wonder if 'Christ-dolls' are popular with ethnic-minorities.
SCOURGE: Of course they are! Humans are rarely 'liberal' about inter-racial love.
GALVATRON: You seem rather 'curious' about Christian ethos on Earth.
SCOURGE: I've been pondering the sanity of complete religious devotion.
GALVATRON: You? You serve me, no one else...
SCOURGE: I agree with you, but perhaps I should consider 'hero-worship.'
GALVATRON: Well, if you want to play 'child-brain' in private, go ahead.
SCOURGE: Sometimes I wonder if homosexuality is a 'sentimental' form of suicide.
GALVATRON: Don't be ridiculous, Scourge; you're my warrior-bishop, not a 'muse.'
SCOURGE: I think I'll look into ghost-stories about the Christ...
GALVATRON: I think you should consider a tree-house with a gay robot, Scourge.
SCOURGE: No, Galvatron; I shall serve both you and the Christ (through art!).
GALVATRON: Wonderful. Decepticons surely need a 'weeping wizard.'



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