CDZ Is Slavery America's Original Sin?

We forgave the British, the Japanese and the Germans for their wars.
But, the Left can never forgive America, even though they enjoy all of the benefits of being Americans.
Democrats use RACE as a political tool,
Democrats are THE racist.
Having a black president brought the truth out of the closets of the south and into the daylight. Now nearly half of Americans consider Obama to be the worst president ever. You too?
And strange isn't it that the rest of the world considers Obama to be one of the best ever. Very strange Leo!

Trump? Seriously? He did nothing but cook the books to make it look better, but didn't elevate your country's quallity of life above 15th.
He was the worst president ever---$10 trillion gone, giving Iran billions, funding and arming terrorists including ISIS which Obama purposely aided so they could kill and rape in Syria---Obama the liar, the thief, the druggy, the closet muslim and gay, has a lot of blood on his hands....including americans.

Well at least you've made it clear that you consider Obama to be the worst president ever! So you don't need to tell me which one is the best president ever.

What president would be considered to be the best president ever if all Americans were asked the question. Being a Canadian, I would accept that as being pretty close to the facts. And then you might just as well ask them which would be the worst too?
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Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
Having a black president brought the truth out of the closets of the south and into the daylight. Now nearly half of Americans consider Obama to be the worst president ever. You too?
And strange isn't it that the rest of the world considers Obama to be one of the best ever. Very strange Leo!

Not really. America is very hostile to socialism and socialists, much more than most of the rest of the world.

That you admit that you cannot defend Obama without crying wacism, is you admitting that you cannot defend Obama.
Will never understand why black American citizens, are treated differently than any other American. Don't care who started it, any date you choice or any other population you blame this on. We should have been educated & civilized enough by now too know too treat each other.
because they commit crime at higher rates and then blame the police!!!!
An ancient evil, the tolerance of slavery in "a nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal" was a contradiction that could not forever stand. No amount of brilliant statecraft and clever compromises could put off the inevitable reckoning.
Your history isn't the problem Marty. You didn't understand the lesson so I'll elaborate a bit more so you'll be sure to get it.

America's white people wrecked the black population but England didn't and they have cars that are in great condition after the roughly equal amount of time they (the cars) have been owned.

You get this Marty. No America should be missing the point.
Wait.....Didn't we just have a black President? Aren't there very powerful black representatives, black scholars, etc.? Didn't we shed white blood in a Civil War over this very issue? I think you're either ignorant of real history or you're just a racist separating folks by the color of their skin.
I want some of that shit Donnies on.
Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
Under our form of Capitalism? Black codes were worse.
blacks commit ''sin''/etc --plain and frk simple
With Original Sinners, who doesn't?
An ancient evil, the tolerance of slavery in "a nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal" was a contradiction that could not forever stand. No amount of brilliant statecraft and clever compromises could put off the inevitable reckoning.
Like the likely upcoming showdown between the left & right? Is that the kind of reckoning u r in reference to? Make no mistake, that is inevitable in would seem.
An ancient evil, the tolerance of slavery in "a nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal" was a contradiction that could not forever stand. No amount of brilliant statecraft and clever compromises could put off the inevitable reckoning.
slavery isn't a sin--it's the way of the world
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Ask Africa and many Arab states if slavery is a sin.
Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
Under our form of Capitalism? Black codes were worse.
blacks commit ''sin''/etc --plain and frk simple
With Original Sinners, who doesn't?
you sure do babble shit a lot
...slaves were a commodity
..just like interning Japanese Americans in WW2 = hindsight is 20/20 -YOU people would think differently if you lived then
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

Exploitation, not genocide, and Europeans were exploiting each other for centuries before they landed in the Americas.

Considering the technological gap if the Europeans truly tried to wipe out the natives there wouldn't be a single Hispanic person with native blood left around.

there are ALWAYS survivors-----but I agree that the
use of the word "genocide" for the tragedy inflicted
on native americans by the "white" europeans" is, slightly, an OVERSTATEMENT. Your use of the word
"Europeans" -----is kinda defective too

The Spanish were the worst, but all Europeans came over and exploited, again, due to the technological disparity I am not shocked.

be shocked. Contrary to the critical race theory
morons----Spain is in Europe----and the people of Spain who invaded
the Americas were <gasp> WHITE -----and damned determined about it. (and they were damned bad and racist against ANYTHING not white and catholic)
Spain was in a state of reaction against the
MOORS-----who were also, generally "white---with
a little too much mix for Spanish taste and WORSE---not catholic.
Slavery actually started out based on RELIGION not color of skin.
Yes Spainiards were the worse by far as their Catholic Religiona and teachings seemed to be very tolerant and encouraged such behavior.

I always felt but never did the research, that CATHOLICS were likely our slave owners and pushers and that alot of the very religious and anti-catholic abolitionists were actually against slavery because well the CAtholics were for it.

Slavery originated from one tribe beating the crap out of another and turning the losers into a labor pool.
An ancient evil, the tolerance of slavery in "a nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal" was a contradiction that could not forever stand. No amount of brilliant statecraft and clever compromises could put off the inevitable reckoning.
Like the likely upcoming showdown between the left & right? Is that the kind of reckoning u r in reference to? Make no mistake, that is inevitable in would seem.

Relax, kid.
Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
And do you have any idea why that is?
You will if you could coax your racist brain to think about it for a while!
No, the racist answer of blacks being inferior in some ways is not the answer.

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