CDZ Is Slavery America's Original Sin?

Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
And do you have any idea why that is?
You will if you could coax your racist brain to think about it for a while!
No, the racist answer of blacks being inferior in some ways is not the answer.

you said wacist, like a retarded child. Because are a retarded child.
you sure do babble shit a lot
...slaves were a commodity
Yes slaves of all color were considered commodities and still are in many areas of the world. In America we fought a Civil War over that great immoral injustice.
Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
And do you have any idea why that is?
You will if you could coax your racist brain to think about it for a while!
No, the racist answer of blacks being inferior in some ways is not the answer.
YOu are the racist--not me ......
blacks are inferior at not committing crime and graduating--FACTS--not racism
.....all these self righteous bastards on racism/slavery/police--they'd do the SAME thing--so STFU
Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
Under our form of Capitalism? Black codes were worse.
blacks commit ''sin''/etc --plain and frk simple
With Original Sinners, who doesn't?
you sure do babble shit a lot
...slaves were a commodity
The Sin was that we have a declaration of independence and our federal Constitution; all it required was the moral of true witness bearing.
An ancient evil, the tolerance of slavery in "a nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal" was a contradiction that could not forever stand. No amount of brilliant statecraft and clever compromises could put off the inevitable reckoning.
slavery isn't a sin--it's the way of the world

Sin is as old as man, but it's still sin. Logic continues to escape you.
..just like interning Japanese Americans in WW2 = hindsight is 20/20 -YOU people would think differently if you lived then

Many people at that time recognized the gross injustice of fdr's concentration camps, so that excuse doesn't fly.
"likely our slave owners". What on Earth is your hangup on slavery anyway? Is that your way to justify your own personal failures in life or just something to whine about? Slavery is dead, gone, done in most of the countries on the planet Sadly such cannot be stated for some African & Mideastern countries. One cannot progress into the future dragging the past with them.

America is tied firmly to the past because it failed to deal with it's racism issues completely. The Union of the states required compromise and that's doomed America to blatant racism that will be ongoing without a solution, short of a violent uprising of the non-white population.

Now that the Trump regime is over, Americans would do well to consider that Trump and tyrants who aid and abet him were born out of the racism problem. It can all the traced back to that sort of crazy fascist oriented leadership.
Sin is as old as man, but it's still sin.
How do YOU define sin? Is it religiously based, or is it whatever you don't like?

P.S. Please dispense with the platitudes.
A few simple Commandments from God not the Expense of Government on Earth! Merely whining about Taxes is immoral.
There 'is' no god Daniel. The modern world has moved on because the outrageous nonsense of the bible is impossible for even moderately intelligent people to swallow anymore.
Sin is as old as man, but it's still sin.
How do YOU define sin? Is it religiously based, or is it whatever you don't like?

P.S. Please dispense with the platitudes.
A few simple Commandments from God not the Expense of Government on Earth! Merely whining about Taxes is immoral.
There 'is' no god Daniel. The modern world has moved on because the outrageous nonsense of the bible is impossible for even moderately intelligent people to swallow anymore.
Under God is in our pledge.
The Spanish were the worst, but all Europeans came over and exploited, again, due to the technological disparity I am not shocked
Worse in comparison with the Anglo-Saxons, as an example? And how this 'worseness' can be measured?

The Latin American countries have a significantly larger proportion of the Natives and mestizos in their population, than the US does. That draws some conclusions, doesn't it?
Is Slavery America's Original Sin?
No, slavery is America's birth defect.*

That's very well stated and much easier to understand than the notion of original sin, which is intangible for lack of any explanation.
"Sin" itself is intangible due to a crooked and warped value system imposed on us by religious superstitions.
The Spanish were the worst, but all Europeans came over and exploited, again, due to the technological disparity I am not shocked
Worse in comparison with the Anglo-Saxons, as an example? And how this 'worseness' can be measured?

The Latin American countries have a significantly larger proportion of the Natives and mestizos in their population, than the US does. That draws some conclusions, doesn't it?

That has mostly to do with the Spanish cultures lack of issues with interbreeding with the natives, something the more puritanical English settlers did far less.

When it came to exploiting however, the Spanish were far more ruthless, again probably due to their history of fighting off Islamic invaders for centuries before their colonization movement.
The Spanish were the worst, but all Europeans came over and exploited, again, due to the technological disparity I am not shocked
Worse in comparison with the Anglo-Saxons, as an example? And how this 'worseness' can be measured?

The Latin American countries have a significantly larger proportion of the Natives and mestizos in their population, than the US does. That draws some conclusions, doesn't it?

That has mostly to do with the Spanish cultures lack of issues with interbreeding with the natives, something the more puritanical English settlers did far less.

When it came to exploiting however, the Spanish were far more ruthless, again probably due to their history of fighting off Islamic invaders for centuries before their colonization movement.
Can you give some examples of such ruthlessness? In comparison with the Anglos.

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