CDZ Is Slavery America's Original Sin?

Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
Under our form of Capitalism? Black codes were worse.
blacks commit ''sin''/etc --plain and frk simple
With Original Sinners, who doesn't?
you sure do babble shit a lot
...slaves were a commodity
The Sin was that we have a declaration of independence and our federal Constitution; all it required was the moral of true witness bearing.
sin is a man made word = bullshit/fake

Every word is "man made." Denying sin does not absolve you from it.
gravity is real
the sun is real
sin is not =made up by the religious people = BELIEF only

"Sun" is a man made word.
"Gravity" is a man made word.
you are saying there is no SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right wing bigotry is the continuing sin. Blacks were citizens of our Republic after 1808; the sin was Right Wingers preferring Sin to promoting the general welfare.
your brain is a sin
..blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--that's a sin
Under our form of Capitalism? Black codes were worse.
blacks commit ''sin''/etc --plain and frk simple
With Original Sinners, who doesn't?
you sure do babble shit a lot
...slaves were a commodity
The Sin was that we have a declaration of independence and our federal Constitution; all it required was the moral of true witness bearing.
sin is a man made word = bullshit/fake

Every word is "man made." Denying sin does not absolve you from it.
gravity is real
the sun is real
sin is not =made up by the religious people = BELIEF only

"Sun" is a man made word.
"Gravity" is a man made word.
you are saying there is no SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't recall saying that.
..just like interning Japanese Americans in WW2 = hindsight is 20/20 -YOU people would think differently if you lived then

Many people at that time recognized the gross injustice of fdr's concentration camps, so that excuse doesn't fly.
they weren't concentration camps ----
it was necessary for security
many people AGREED with it --so it does fly

They most certainly WERE concentration camps, by definition and by fdr's own admission.
There was no security risk, as fdr's own intelligence agents told him.
Many Americans saw the horrific injustice for what it was, so "back in them there days" does not fly as an excuse.
no they were not

As a matter of FACT, they were concentration camps. If you don't like English, find another language. In English, they were concentration camps.

How far off topic do you intend to take this poor thread?
stop the bullshit---we don't believe that bullshit --just like police brutality and racism--we are not stupid......maybe you believe the MSM crap--we don't
..just like interning Japanese Americans in WW2 = hindsight is 20/20 -YOU people would think differently if you lived then

Many people at that time recognized the gross injustice of fdr's concentration camps, so that excuse doesn't fly.
they weren't concentration camps ----
it was necessary for security
many people AGREED with it --so it does fly

They most certainly WERE concentration camps, by definition and by fdr's own admission.
There was no security risk, as fdr's own intelligence agents told him.
Many Americans saw the horrific injustice for what it was, so "back in them there days" does not fly as an excuse.
no they were not

As a matter of FACT, they were concentration camps. If you don't like English, find another language. In English, they were concentration camps.

How far off topic do you intend to take this poor thread?
stop the bullshit---we don't believe that bullshit --.....

To what "bullshit" are you referring?
Exploitation, not genocide, and Europeans were exploiting each other for centuries before they landed in the Americas.
Considering the technological gap if the Europeans truly tried to wipe out the natives there wouldn't be a single Hispanic person with native blood left around.

Killing the people is one way to commit genocide ... but not the only way ... Conquistadors burned everything they found in Meso-America, enslaving the people and forcing them to convert to Catholicism ... genocide is also destroying the culture, the history, the identity of a people ...

I'm fine if you what to call this exploitation, but do you think this is America's original sin? ...

And the Meso-Americans who were destroying the culture, history and identity of the other Meso-Americans...the ones they didn't sacrifice and eat? What about them? The genocide and destruction of culture, history and identity was all ongoing before the Europeans arrived....
Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

Slavery wasn't 'popular' in the northern colonies because it was too expensive for a seasonal northern economy, is all; they couldn't keep them employed year round and support them. In the South, they could raise their own food, etc., when not engaged in cotton farming. Not that 'free' blacks in the northern states suddenly had it better than black slaves; they didn't, and neither did the majority of white immigrants that came in waves later. Slavery was only 'popular' with the 2,500 or so wealthy southern families who exported cotton to England, which certainly didn't mind buying goods produced by slave labor.

As for the 'natives', they had slavery all over the hemisphere, and they liked to torture slaves and war captives for purely entertainment purposes. No need to shed any tears for those feral animals. By and large Americans treated other peoples far better than other peoples treated anybody else, so no need for some idiotic guilt complex invented by commies and con artists.

I find it hilarious tha the same people who worship the sociopath Lincoln always avoid linking him and his Civil War generals with all those 'genocides' of Da Hapless Innocent Indians N Stuff' when he was the originator of massacres in the western expansion, beginning with General Pope's in Minnesota. It's as if Lincoln's 'legacy' suddenly disappears from history. In any case, the Sioux and a couple of the other Plains tribes built empires no less bloody and reliant on genocide of other tribes than anything the Mongols and Arabs ever did.
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

That's because they weren't 'genocided'; if they were , there wouldn't be any around today, some 10 million of them not counting 10's of millions of Americans with native ancestors themselves, some 30-40 million, not including mestizos in the U.S.
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

That's because they weren't 'genocided'; if they were , there wouldn't be any around today, some 10 million of them not counting 10's of millions of Americans with native ancestors themselves, some 30-40 million, not including mestizos in the U.S.

wrong----they were genocided just like Armenian christians were GENOCIDED
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...
And no one mentions the previous tribes that were completely exterminated by the Indians that those Europeans discovered here.

Indeed. They could also be hired by fur traders to murder other entire tribes for a few kegs of booze.

Most of the small tribes, like the Osage, would have been wiped out if it weren't for the U.S. Cavalry protecting them from the Sioux and Comanche, for instance. The Huron were reduced from some 45,000 to a mere 300 after the Iroquois got done trying to exterminate them.
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

That's because they weren't 'genocided'; if they were , there wouldn't be any around today, some 10 million of them not counting 10's of millions of Americans with native ancestors themselves, some 30-40 million, not including mestizos in the U.S.

wrong----they were genocided just like Armenian christians were GENOCIDED

Total rubbish. Jews supported genocides against Da Evul Xians anyway, so why are you worried about them?
...Not that 'free' blacks in the northern states suddenly had it better than black slaves; they didn't, ....


They did in that they were not slaves.

Actually they were worse off; they ended up sharecropping or as servants, only without year round work.

Anyone not a slave is better of than anyone who is a slave. Would YOU rather be a slave than to be poor and struggling?
Quite ridiculous to suggest that it was! But it can serve as an introduction to the facts of the situation as it exists in America today.

The US Constitution failed to address the slavery issue with enough firmness and determination to put an end to the issue, due to compromises necessary to forming the union.

That lack of determination has caused the problem to fester until it has become the monstrous problem it is today. Other countries dealt with the slavery issue with enough firmness to at least reduce the problem to manageable levels. The US did not and now the problem is too big to handle.

Original sin? No one country is guilty of that any more than another.

Slavery as an issue was settled by the Civil War. The issues we face now are from the failed transition at the end of slavery as well as the failed re-integration of the rebel States back into the country. The death of Lincoln removed the one force that could have tempered the Radical Republicans while at the same time been harsh enough on the southerners to force them to change their plan to subjugate the freed slaves via proxy enslavement. JWB's bullet did far more damage to the US in the decades that followed then all the other bullets shot in the Civil War combined.

Ironically Lincoln's assassination wasn't a good thing for the South, since Lincoln had far more lenient plans than the Radicals had; he was all for getting the Southern economy back up to speed; the entire point of the war was to tax the South to pay for corporate welfare programs in the North, after all, and a ruined Southern economy was not at all what he had in mind. The Radical wanted to set up military dictatorships and abuse Southerners out of spite. They only succeeded in leaving blacks worse off and hated.
...Not that 'free' blacks in the northern states suddenly had it better than black slaves; they didn't, ....


They did in that they were not slaves.

Actually they were worse off; they ended up sharecropping or as servants, only without year round work.

Anyone not a slave is better of than anyone who is a slave. Would YOU rather be a slave than to be poor and struggling?

More rubbish, from an sicko who likes playing with people's feces. Slaves were clothed and fed and housed year round; common laborers were left to starve or freeze to death or die in epidemics, which was why there was a constant stream of them being imported, while the slave trade was curtailed and new imports banned within 10-11 years of the country's founding.
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I think it doesn't matter if it was America's "original sin" or that America did wrong in the past ... and I don't believe you can be blamed for things that happened before your birth, so I don't believe in original sin.

What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.
I think it doesn't matter if it was America's "original sin" or that America did wrong in the past ... and I don't believe you can be blamed for things that happened before your birth, so I don't believe in original sin.

What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

That is the whole point of the concept of Original Sin. That you are guilty the moment you are born, because of the actions of others before you were born.

And that is certainly how slavery and really, just about EVERYTHING, is used against this country, and especially it's White Citizens.

To justify the Left's anti-Americanism, and the anti-White racism and discrimination and oppression of whites.
...What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

We haven't ended slavery? What is your notion of "entirely overcome"?
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