CDZ Is Slavery America's Original Sin?

I think it doesn't matter if it was America's "original sin" or that America did wrong in the past ... and I don't believe you can be blamed for things that happened before your birth, so I don't believe in original sin.

What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

That is the whole point of the concept of Original Sin. That you are guilty the moment you are born, because of the actions of others before you were born.

And that is certainly how slavery and really, just about EVERYTHING, is used against this country, and especially it's White Citizens.

To justify the Left's anti-Americanism, and the anti-White racism and discrimination and oppression of whites.

Well, I do agree that many on the anti-racist left go too far, but I can't say I think whites are being oppressed in America.

As I'm from Germany, I'm familiar with the problem of past wrongs, and how they affect you even if you were born decades later. My take on it is that I have no reason whatsoever to feel guilty, but that it's my responsibility to make sure it can't happen again, and if possible, to make up for damage that still burdens my people.

It's really not so hard to understand. A start would be acknowledging that past wrongs were indeed wrong.

I don't think American whites have to agree with blacks on all things some of them say, however, it shouldn't be too hard to find common ground on unconditionally condemning slavery and past discrimination.
...What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

We haven't ended slavery? I think maybe you missed a big part of history.

For a country that has left slavery behind, you still talk an awful lot about it.

Didn't you just say we should? Do you think ignoring it would be more productive?
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

Exploitation, not genocide, and Europeans were exploiting each other for centuries before they landed in the Americas.

Considering the technological gap if the Europeans truly tried to wipe out the natives there wouldn't be a single Hispanic person with native blood left around.

there are ALWAYS survivors-----but I agree that the
use of the word "genocide" for the tragedy inflicted
on native americans by the "white" europeans" is, slightly, an OVERSTATEMENT. Your use of the word
"Europeans" -----is kinda defective too

The Spanish were the worst, but all Europeans came over and exploited, again, due to the technological disparity I am not shocked.

be shocked. Contrary to the critical race theory
morons----Spain is in Europe----and the people of Spain who invaded
the Americas were <gasp> WHITE -----and damned determined about it. (and they were damned bad and racist against ANYTHING not white and catholic)
Spain was in a state of reaction against the
MOORS-----who were also, generally "white---with
a little too much mix for Spanish taste and WORSE---not catholic.
Slavery actually started out based on RELIGION not color of skin.
Yes Spainiards were the worse by far as their Catholic Religiona and teachings seemed to be very tolerant and encouraged such behavior.

I always felt but never did the research, that CATHOLICS were likely our slave owners and pushers and that alot of the very religious and anti-catholic abolitionists were actually against slavery because well the CAtholics were for it.

Slavery originated from one tribe beating the crap out of another and turning the losers into a labor pool.
Slavery probably predates modern man--------as any of our more apey ancestors likely tribed up and attacked fellow tribes creating a need to decide what to do with the survivors and captives even if not quit human.
...What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

We haven't ended slavery? I think maybe you missed a big part of history.

For a country that has left slavery behind, you still talk an awful lot about it.

Didn't you just say we should? Do you think ignoring it would be more productive?

No. The point is that there is still quite some bad blood in race relations in America. Looks to me like the problem hasn't been solved yet.
...What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

We haven't ended slavery? I think maybe you missed a big part of history.

For a country that has left slavery behind, you still talk an awful lot about it.

Didn't you just say we should? Do you think ignoring it would be more productive?

No. The point is that there is still quite some bad blood in race relations in America. Looks to me like the problem hasn't been solved yet.

Are we talking about slavery or racism?
...What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

We haven't ended slavery? I think maybe you missed a big part of history.

For a country that has left slavery behind, you still talk an awful lot about it.

Didn't you just say we should? Do you think ignoring it would be more productive?

No. The point is that there is still quite some bad blood in race relations in America. Looks to me like the problem hasn't been solved yet.

Are we talking about slavery or racism?

Both, as both are related. As demonstrated by the OP ... why should someone ask or claim that "slavery was America's original sin" in 2020, if everything was fine regarding race relations?
...What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

We haven't ended slavery? I think maybe you missed a big part of history.

For a country that has left slavery behind, you still talk an awful lot about it.

Didn't you just say we should? Do you think ignoring it would be more productive?

No. The point is that there is still quite some bad blood in race relations in America. Looks to me like the problem hasn't been solved yet.

Are we talking about slavery or racism?

Both, as both are related. ...

Everything is related. Pick one.
I think it doesn't matter if it was America's "original sin" or that America did wrong in the past ... and I don't believe you can be blamed for things that happened before your birth, so I don't believe in original sin.

What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

That is the whole point of the concept of Original Sin. That you are guilty the moment you are born, because of the actions of others before you were born.

And that is certainly how slavery and really, just about EVERYTHING, is used against this country, and especially it's White Citizens.

To justify the Left's anti-Americanism, and the anti-White racism and discrimination and oppression of whites.

IMHO--the use of term "original sin" as applied to black african slavery in the Americas and specifically the USA, is a VULGAR and SARDONIC ploy invented by moronic critical race theoreticians in an attempt to besmear the sensitivities of white christian americans. I would equate it, in its INTENT with such activities as publically flushing the koran down the toilet. Of course, I do not advocate beheading anyone for that
sort of filth and BLASPHEMY
...Not that 'free' blacks in the northern states suddenly had it better than black slaves; they didn't, ....


They did in that they were not slaves.
You think indians didn't enslave other people? Both of my parents are part Indian--trust me---lots of slavery coming from most all if not all of the Indians. Think given that so many tribes were made of smaller family groups---that attacking and kidnapping others was necessary to avoid atleast some of the inbreeding.
...Slaves were clothed and fed and housed year round; common laborers were left to starve or freeze to death or die in epidemics,....

You are actually saying that you would rather be a SLAVE than be poor and struggling - and FREE? WTF?????????
You assume that all the slaves had it miserably--------------and to ignorant to understand basic that they weren't.

IN many cases, black slaves were treated better far better than poor whites and poor endentured servants as well.

HINT---gravesites have been compared showing far far more abuse on poor whites including indentured servants than on black slaves from the same time period.
...Not that 'free' blacks in the northern states suddenly had it better than black slaves; they didn't, ....


They did in that they were not slaves.
You think indians didn't enslave other people? ...

Why are you addressing this to me?
"They did in that they were not slaves."

The Indians killed, maimed, ate, raped, and enslaved their enemies...

When did I say anything about the Native Americans? Are you having another conversation with someone else?
I think it doesn't matter if it was America's "original sin" or that America did wrong in the past ... and I don't believe you can be blamed for things that happened before your birth, so I don't believe in original sin.

What's much more of a problem is that America still hasn't entirely overcome this past wrong, but still has such a hard time coming to terms with its consequences.

That is the whole point of the concept of Original Sin. That you are guilty the moment you are born, because of the actions of others before you were born.

And that is certainly how slavery and really, just about EVERYTHING, is used against this country, and especially it's White Citizens.

To justify the Left's anti-Americanism, and the anti-White racism and discrimination and oppression of whites.

IMHO--the use of term "original sin" as applied to black african slavery in the Americas and specifically the USA, is a VULGAR and SARDONIC ploy invented by moronic critical race theoreticians in an attempt to besmear the sensitivities of white christian americans. I would equate it, in its INTENT with such activities as publically flushing the koran down the toilet. Of course, I do not advocate beheading anyone for that
sort of filth and BLASPHEMY

Do you support the idea that White Americans as a GROUP bear collective responsibility for the actions of other white people from long ago?
Quite ridiculous to suggest that it was! But it can serve as an introduction to the facts of the situation as it exists in America today.

The US Constitution failed to address the slavery issue with enough firmness and determination to put an end to the issue, due to compromises necessary to forming the union.

That lack of determination has caused the problem to fester until it has become the monstrous problem it is today. Other countries dealt with the slavery issue with enough firmness to at least reduce the problem to manageable levels. The US did not and now the problem is too big to handle.

Original sin? No one country is guilty of that any more than another.

Slavery as an issue was settled by the Civil War. The issues we face now are from the failed transition at the end of slavery as well as the failed re-integration of the rebel States back into the country. The death of Lincoln removed the one force that could have tempered the Radical Republicans while at the same time been harsh enough on the southerners to force them to change their plan to subjugate the freed slaves via proxy enslavement. JWB's bullet did far more damage to the US in the decades that followed then all the other bullets shot in the Civil War combined.

Ironically Lincoln's assassination wasn't a good thing for the South, since Lincoln had far more lenient plans than the Radicals had; he was all for getting the Southern economy back up to speed; the entire point of the war was to tax the South to pay for corporate welfare programs in the North, after all, and a ruined Southern economy was not at all what he had in mind. The Radical wanted to set up military dictatorships and abuse Southerners out of spite. They only succeeded in leaving blacks worse off and hated.

I don't think Corporate welfare was a thing in the 1800's, at least the mid 1800's. The simple cause of the war is that some people wanted out of a contract, and the other people in the contract didn't want them to leave.
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

Exploitation, not genocide, and Europeans were exploiting each other for centuries before they landed in the Americas.

Considering the technological gap if the Europeans truly tried to wipe out the natives there wouldn't be a single Hispanic person with native blood left around.

there are ALWAYS survivors-----but I agree that the
use of the word "genocide" for the tragedy inflicted
on native americans by the "white" europeans" is, slightly, an OVERSTATEMENT. Your use of the word
"Europeans" -----is kinda defective too

The Spanish were the worst, but all Europeans came over and exploited, again, due to the technological disparity I am not shocked.

be shocked. Contrary to the critical race theory
morons----Spain is in Europe----and the people of Spain who invaded
the Americas were <gasp> WHITE -----and damned determined about it. (and they were damned bad and racist against ANYTHING not white and catholic)
Spain was in a state of reaction against the
MOORS-----who were also, generally "white---with
a little too much mix for Spanish taste and WORSE---not catholic.
Slavery actually started out based on RELIGION not color of skin.
Yes Spainiards were the worse by far as their Catholic Religiona and teachings seemed to be very tolerant and encouraged such behavior.

I always felt but never did the research, that CATHOLICS were likely our slave owners and pushers and that alot of the very religious and anti-catholic abolitionists were actually against slavery because well the CAtholics were for it.

Slavery originated from one tribe beating the crap out of another and turning the losers into a labor pool.
Slavery probably predates modern man--------as any of our more apey ancestors likely tribed up and attacked fellow tribes creating a need to decide what to do with the survivors and captives even if not quit human.

In the case of apes it was probably "kill the males, impregnate the females, kill the offspring of said killed males"
...Not that 'free' blacks in the northern states suddenly had it better than black slaves; they didn't, ....


They did in that they were not slaves.
You think indians didn't enslave other people? ...

Why are you addressing this to me?
"They did in that they were not slaves."

The Indians killed, maimed, ate, raped, and enslaved their enemies...

When did I say anything about the Native Americans? Are you having another conversation with someone else?
Sorry, I thought you were talking about Indians

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