Is Social Security Broken?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Currently I have been told that it requires a year to process any claim to receive benefits.

A year? How are people supposed to live when retired or disabled? Especially when they raised the age to an ungodly high age? Of course people are going to be disabled before they can retire. But now let's see if they can survive long enough in poverty to actually collect any benefits at all?

This is a sick joke!
Currently I have been told that it requires a year to process any claim to receive benefits.

A year? How are people supposed to live when retired or disabled? Especially when they raised the age to an ungodly high age? Of course people are going to be disabled before they can retire. But now let's see if they can survive long enough in poverty to actually collect any benefits at all?

This is a sick joke!
I haven't heard of anything other than disability taking that long. Couple ladies at work who are still working but started on medicare said they signed up for it 3 months before turning 65 and got it without any problems so IDK. Maybe it depends on where you live as to how long it takes to get an appointment.
I haven't heard of anything other than disability taking that long. Couple ladies at work who are still working but started on medicare said they signed up for it 3 months before turning 65 and got it without any problems so IDK. Maybe it depends on where you live as to how long it takes to get an appointment.
SSDI of course was going to increase because the age of retirement was raised. Old people tend to get disabled from working because their bodies won't perform anymore....because they worked their whole lives. Back injuries, arthritis, other work related leg and feet problems from long term working.

But it now takes a whole Year to get approved for simple open/shut cases.

In the meantime they have to live without an income for a year. That's going to cause people to be homeless. That's sick and nuts! If it was privately held money it wouldn't be this difficult....because people would get sued for fraud.

People who have paid in since they were teenagers and then become disabled in their 50's are massively screwed over after working for over 40 years.

Explain how this is not a broken system!
Currently I have been told that it requires a year to process any claim to receive benefits.

A year? How are people supposed to live when retired or disabled? Especially when they raised the age to an ungodly high age? Of course people are going to be disabled before they can retire. But now let's see if they can survive long enough in poverty to actually collect any benefits at all?

This is a sick joke!

Disability determination takes a while, depending on what's the matter with the claimant. Social Security just doesn't take people's word for it if they say they can't work due to depression or back pain or hemorrhoids. They have to be reviewed and there is an appeal process that takes time.

For the people it shouldn't be a big deal. Social Security will send you a check for the back months if found eligible, you can just use your savings to live on in between time.
Disability determination takes a while, depending on what's the matter with the claimant. Social Security just doesn't take people's word for it if they say they can't work due to depression or back pain or hemorrhoids. They have to be reviewed and there is an appeal process that takes time.

For the people it shouldn't be a big deal. Social Security will send you a check for the back months if found eligible, you can just use your savings to live on in between time.
Oh it doesn't matter what the disability takes a year.

And "live off savings"?

Even that's a joke. When you draw on savings it's very very expensive. 40% of your savings is instantly taxed and penalized for drawing it.

Then by the time you get your first denial, get a lawyer to get a hearing and a trial....your savings are gone!

For money that is yours to begin with!
Oh it doesn't matter what the disability takes a year.

I don't think that's true at all. Certain conditions make the sufferers "presumptively eligible" for SS disability checks and those folks get to take a shortcut.

In any event, no one gets an SSD check until they've been unable to work for 6 months. This is a "long term" disability program.
This is a sick joke!
Yes it is. It’s sick that the SCOTUS has allowed this immoral and unconstitutional program to continue to exist in the first place. It has no Constitutional mandate and is immoral on every level possible.

Thankfully I was able to get my wife off SSDI when we married and I will never take a penny from this program or Medicare.
I don't think that's true at all. Certain conditions make the sufferers "presumptively eligible" for SS disability checks and those folks get to take a shortcut.

In any event, no one gets an SSD check until they've been unable to work for 6 months. This is a "long term" disability program.
The SSDI people themselves are saying it takes 360 days to process any claim. Then there's the stories of denials that are horrific.

And because of the high age of retirement 90% of the population is going to be disabled by the time they claim any benefits. So of course most people are going to claim disability long before they are old enough to claim retirement.

Sure, it might require 40 calendar quarters to qualify....(10 years of working) but everyone who has worked for 40 years are getting the exact same treatment as those who worked for only 10 and getting the same sized check. The physically demanding jobs are going to disable's only logical that there needs to be an easier path.

And these people don't need to have their savings eaten up by the time they get their disability check.
SSDI of course was going to increase because the age of retirement was raised. Old people tend to get disabled from working because their bodies won't perform anymore....because they worked their whole lives. Back injuries, arthritis, other work related leg and feet problems from long term working.

But it now takes a whole Year to get approved for simple open/shut cases.

In the meantime they have to live without an income for a year. That's going to cause people to be homeless. That's sick and nuts! If it was privately held money it wouldn't be this difficult....because people would get sued for fraud.

People who have paid in since they were teenagers and then become disabled in their 50's are massively screwed over after working for over 40 years.

Explain how this is not a broken system!
I am not a defender of our current disability system. seen too many people physically struggling who should get it not and people who shouldn't get it fly through the process because of their "mental issues" i.e. they didn't want to work and pretended to be mental. Add to that the number of parents who get their delinquent kids diagnosed with some disorder they hand out like candy so they could draw on their own kids. Whole system is screwed up when granny can't get it at 60 and can barely stand up while grandson gets it for having "Oppositional defiant disorder" or some bullshit that rationalizes them being an undisciplined brat.
Currently I have been told that it requires a year to process any claim to receive benefits.

A year? How are people supposed to live when retired or disabled? Especially when they raised the age to an ungodly high age? Of course people are going to be disabled before they can retire. But now let's see if they can survive long enough in poverty to actually collect any benefits at all?

This is a sick joke!
You are misinformed.
I am not a defender of our current disability system. seen too many people physically struggling who should get it not and people who shouldn't get it fly through the process because of their "mental issues" i.e. they didn't want to work and pretended to be mental. Add to that the number of parents who get their delinquent kids diagnosed with some disorder they hand out like candy so they could draw on their own kids. Whole system is screwed up when granny can't get it at 60 and can barely stand up while grandson gets it for having "Oppositional defiant disorder" or some bullshit that rationalizes them being an undisciplined brat.
And it's that "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" that is clogging up the system....

A whole year before you MIGHT see a benefit check. If your claim doesn't get denied first and you have to retain a lawyer who will get a sizeable portion of your back benefits....

This is a scam of epic proportions.

If I had put the money I or You paid into SS into a simple DJI mutual fund or any index fund we would be swimming in 5x the money and the Government would prosecute anyone who behaved as they are trying to keep us from getting it.

As it currently sits they take 40% of your savings and make you wait a year before they deny your claim.

What a way to say "YOU DONT MATTER ANYMORE "
Yes it is. It’s sick that the SCOTUS has allowed this immoral and unconstitutional program to continue to exist in the first place. It has no Constitutional mandate and is immoral on every level possible.

Thankfully I was able to get my wife off SSDI when we married and I will never take a penny from this program or Medicare.

All the more for the rest of us.
All the scam artists working social security plus supporting illegal alien sex change operations are really expensive.
Welcome to the Neo Marxist USA, komrades!

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