Is Ted Cruz now running the Senate?

Why not?

He was running the House and he isn't even in it

Ah...what a little courage can do.

It's fun watching you guys throwing darts at him (and why not....we've been darting Reid for a decade).

Reid is already going after Obama...the left is about to eat itself in anger.

hope they try Mac , it'll be interesting but I don't see Cruz going quietly !!
You're not bitter today are you Lahota ?

Nope, because it was expected. The next two years will be a royal clusterfuck. Enjoy the ride...until 2016...

I am very disappointed that Nina Turner lost in Ohio - but I am tickled shitless that Scott "Carpetbagger" Brown lost in New Hampshire.
yeah well , scott brown is a rino or dem light so we share happiness over his defeat Lakhota !! Big deal , scott brown lost --- GOOD !!
For a long time I've hoped somebody would invent a pill that you would take as you boarded an airliner. A pill that wold put you to sleep for the duration of the flight, automatically waking you on arrival. Unless, of course, the plane crashed and you died but would never know it.

Now Democrats are hoping for such a pill.

But not praying 'cause Democrats are not allowed to do dat.
Ted "Adolf" Cruz will lead the Nazi Tea Party anarchists for the next two years. The founding fathers must be crying in their graves.
Ted "Adolf" Cruz will lead the Nazi Tea Party anarchists for the next two years. The founding fathers must be crying in their graves.
Actually the founding fathers are cheering him on. Tia the idiot Obutthurt they hate.

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