Is the 2016 blizzard just a bad case of global warming?! Heh heh heh

FYI that fuse on Mohammad's head is contributing to global warming.


It puts soot into the atmosphere, and that blocks sunlight!

No soup for you today my friend.
I don't think you read my posted article properly then. The "scientists" took into account greenhouse gases and the amount that it warmed up the earth's surface, extrapolated it over decades, and concluded that the earth will still cool far more and faster than the effects of the greenhouse gases, therefore, we are definitely heading towards an ice age.So what happened? Where did they go wrong? Exactly where they went wrong today, concocted biased research designed to come up with a predetermined conclusion. The Sun is going to go through a period of inactivity which will last decades, which means global cooling, period. The Sun does not have a political affiliation. In a few years they're going to look at the global warming crowd the same way we look at the global cooling iceage crowd of the 70's, with chuckles.
All I see mentioned is CO2. What about water vapor, the most potent GHG? More CO2, more temp, more water vapor, more temp. The only chuckles I see are that you've been taken in by incomplete data and the lack of knowledge to identify the holes in the cited paper's logic.
Then why isn't there runaway temps, that was your post? Eighteen year pause instead, looks like your theory is busted!
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And the funny thing is the IPCC recognized the pause, mentions the pause and then all the warmer nutjobs go grab all the temp records and start to change the numbers and claim they are making the records more accurate. If that ain't the biggest pile of dog pooh I've ever heard, just remember from the Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. LOL.

And then my favorite, consensus, well how can it be consensus when the IPCC wrote about the hiatus in their own report in 2014? Please, someone explain that one to me.

The only consensus I see is that they all agreed it was time to fudge the data so that they could keep up the bullshit.
And the funny thing is the IPCC recognized the pause, mentions the pause and then all the warmer nutjobs go grab all the temp records and start to change the numbers and claim they are making the records more accurate. If that ain't the biggest pile of dog pooh I've ever heard, just remember from the Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. LOL.

And then my favorite, consensus, well how can it be consensus when the IPCC wrote about the hiatus in their own report in 2014? Please, someone explain that one to me.

The only consensus I see is that they all agreed it was time to fudge the data so that they could keep up the bullshit.

The "consensus" argument is a classic logical fallacy.
And the funny thing is the IPCC recognized the pause, mentions the pause and then all the warmer nutjobs go grab all the temp records and start to change the numbers and claim they are making the records more accurate. If that ain't the biggest pile of dog pooh I've ever heard, just remember from the Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. LOL.

And then my favorite, consensus, well how can it be consensus when the IPCC wrote about the hiatus in their own report in 2014? Please, someone explain that one to me.

The only consensus I see is that they all agreed it was time to fudge the data so that they could keep up the bullshit.
This is all about government intrusion and control. They realized that "global cooling" wasn't scaring the public enough, so now it's a much more effective "global warming" campaign using the same tactics and fear mongering. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending) today we also have the Internet and social media so its a double-edged sword as to how the false information is disseminated.
And the funny thing is the IPCC recognized the pause, mentions the pause and then all the warmer nutjobs go grab all the temp records and start to change the numbers and claim they are making the records more accurate. If that ain't the biggest pile of dog pooh I've ever heard, just remember from the Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. LOL.

And then my favorite, consensus, well how can it be consensus when the IPCC wrote about the hiatus in their own report in 2014? Please, someone explain that one to me.

The only consensus I see is that they all agreed it was time to fudge the data so that they could keep up the bullshit.
This is all about government intrusion and control. They realized that "global cooling" wasn't scaring the public enough, so now it's a much more effective "global warming" campaign using the same tactics and fear mongering. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending) today we also have the Internet and social media so its a double-edged sword as to how the false information is disseminated.
well wouldn't you want to get rid of the internet if the internet was spoiling your party? The libturds wish to silence those who don't agree and let's never forget that. They are never about truth but are about control as you state. One can't control when facts exist to disprove your objective.
And the funny thing is the IPCC recognized the pause, mentions the pause and then all the warmer nutjobs go grab all the temp records and start to change the numbers and claim they are making the records more accurate. If that ain't the biggest pile of dog pooh I've ever heard, just remember from the Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. LOL.

And then my favorite, consensus, well how can it be consensus when the IPCC wrote about the hiatus in their own report in 2014? Please, someone explain that one to me.

The only consensus I see is that they all agreed it was time to fudge the data so that they could keep up the bullshit.
This is all about government intrusion and control. They realized that "global cooling" wasn't scaring the public enough, so now it's a much more effective "global warming" campaign using the same tactics and fear mongering. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending) today we also have the Internet and social media so its a double-edged sword as to how the false information is disseminated.
well wouldn't you want to get rid of the internet if the internet was spoiling your party? The libturds wish to silence those who don't agree and let's never forget that. They are never about truth but are about control as you state. One can't control when facts exist to disprove your objective.

Well they're going going to have to ask permission from the internet's inventor, Pastor Al Gore, the head priest of the church of global warming, before the intent is eliminated.
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--- and we had record high temps in December, continuing a string of several abnormal years in a row.

What's your point?

No "we" didn't....this was the coldest December in my memory in central Arizona.
And the last three summers have been pretty mild and cool from where I'm sitting. None of the heat waves that we've seen in the past. But let's not let the facts get in our way......
--- and we had record high temps in December, continuing a string of several abnormal years in a row.

What's your point?

No "we" didn't....this was the coldest December in my memory in central Arizona.

We did.
See, the speaker employing we is in the first person. From where we stand your we is "you".

Anyway it looks like both places were abnormal, which is supposed to be what climate change means.

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