Is the 2016 blizzard just a bad case of global warming?! Heh heh heh

I hesitate to reveal my age, but in the last 25 years here in the midwest, I have seen the warmer overal temps and lower overall precip, and THAT isn't my imagination. If these models hold , the climate changes will lead to a catastrophic collapse in the food supply chain and devastate the current staus quo. We really need to think that through.
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What I can't figure out is how a foot or two if snow shuts down a whole city. In the south 6 inches causes upheaval.. Why are people down there so soft? Why can't they deal with some snow? Global warming or not, a foot or two of snow should not shut down anything. Softies.

It's because states in the Mid-Atlantic and South don't budget for this type of snowfall. Most people in my neighborhood don't have a snowblower and many people don't have SUVs. No sense in budgeting for something you might need a few days a year and many times not at all.
[FONT=source_sans_prolight]Thickening Of Karakoram Glaciers In Himalayas Confirmed; Scientists Baffled By Satellite Images[/FONT]
At a time when most of the world's glaciers are thinning at a double rate, a few Himalayan glaciers have been growing thicker for over a decade now.
New satellite images and data have proved that some glaciers on the Karakoram mountain range, a part of the Himalayas, have gained ice mass, according to a report published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Geoscience.
Assessments of the state of health of Hindu-Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya glaciers and their contribution to regional hydrology and global sea-level rise suffer from a severe lack of observations. An anomalous gain of mass has been suggested for the Karakoram glaciers, but was not confirmed by recent estimates of mass balance, the scientists at France's National Centre for Scientific Research and the University of Grenoble noted in the report, titled
Slight mass gain of Karakoram glaciers in the early twenty-first century.
Based on the images acquired from LANDSAT TM, which provides higher resolution and highly accurate images of the Earth's surface, scientists found that a few glaciers in the region surged and advanced between 1998 and 2008.

In many places in the world, there are a few glaciers that have gained in mass. But the vast majority have experianced major mass loss.

[FONT=source_sans_prolight]Sizing Up the Earth's Glaciers : Feature Articles[/FONT]
Yeah? That's strange, yet here are many more glaciers that are thickening as well. You see, the left is engaged in this propaganda war, and winning, unfortunately:

  • India - Record snowfall revives 2,000 glaciers 17 Feb 11 - Already more snowfall this month than
    1998 record for the entire month. Think you'll see
    this in the mainstream media?

    See India - Record snowfall revives 2,000 glaciers

  • NORWAY Ålfotbreen Glacier
    Briksdalsbreen Glacier
    Nigardsbreen Glacier
    Hardangerjøkulen Glacier
    Hansebreen Glacier
    Jostefonn Glacier
    Engabreen glacier (The Engabreen glacier
    is the second largest glacier in Norway. It is a
    part (a glacial tongue) of the Svartisen glacier,
    which has steadily increased in mass since the
    1960s when heavier winter precipitation set in.)

  • Norway's glaciers growing at record pace. The face of the Briksdal glacier,
    an off-shoot of the largest glacier in Norway and mainland Europe, is growing by an
    average 7.2 inches (18 cm) per day. (From the Norwegian daily Bergens Tidende.)

    Click here to see mass balance of Norwegian glaciers:
    NVE - Forside

    Choose "English" (at top of the page), choose "Water,"
    then "Hydrology,"then "Glaciers and Snow" from the menu.
    You'll see a list of all significant glaciers in Norway.
    (Thanks to Leif-K. Hansen for this info.)
    Helm Glacier
    Place Glacier

    Glaciers growing on Canada’s tallest mountain
    17 Nov 08 – The ice-covered peak of Yukon's soaring Mount Logan
    may be due for an official re-measurement after readings that suggest
    this country's superlative summit has experienced a growth spurt.
    See Glaciers growing on Canada’s tallest mountain
    Mt. Blanc - See Mont Blanc Glacier almost doubles in size
    Antizana 15 Alpha Glacier
  • ItalyWinter snows did not all melt on Italy’s Presena Glacier this summer
    10 Nov 09 - 'Their massive base depth last season meant it didn’t all melt
    over the summer so they have nearly a metre and a half of snow on the glacier
    ski area already." (The second story of this kind in two years.)
    See Winter snows did not all melt on Italy’s Presena Glacier this summer

    Glaciers growing in Italy
    8 Feb 11 - Glaciers are growing on two different mountains in Italy - Mount Canin and Mount Montasio. Will you see this in the main-stream media?
    Glaciers growing in Italy
    Silvretta Glacier
    Maali Glacier (This glacier is surging. See below)
    • GREENLAND See Greenland Icecap Growing Thicker
      Greenland glacier advancing 7.2 miles per year!
      The BBC recently ran
      a documentary, The Big Chill, saying that we could be on the verge of an ice
      age. Britain could be heading towards an Alaskan-type climate within a decade,
      say scientists, because the Gulf Stream is being gradually cut off. The Gulf
      Stream keeps temperatures unusually high for such a northerly latitude.
      One of Greenland’s largest glaciers has already doubled its rate of advance,
      moving forward at the rate of 12 kilometers (7.2 miles) per year. To see a
      transcript of the documentary,
      go to BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon - Big Chill

      Greenland Ice Sheet Growing Thicker

      4 Nov 05 - After gathering data for more than ten years, a team of
      Norwegian-led scientists has found that the Greenland Ice Sheet is
      actually growing thicker at its interior. See Greenland Ice Sheet Growing Thicker

      Rebellious Greenland Glacier Keeps Growing

      26 July 10 - Berlingske Glacier has steadily grown for the past
      100 years. And yet, it's not counted in the glacier inventory. Why
      haven't we heard about this growing glacier?
      See Rebellious Greenland Glacier Keeps Growing

    • CHILE
      Pio XI, the largest glacier in South America, grows
      50 meters in height, length and density every day.
      See Pio XI - Largest glacier in Chile - Growing every day
      All 48 glaciers in the Southern Alps have grown during the past year.
      The growth is at the head of the glaciers, high in the mountains, where they
      gained more ice than they lost. Noticeable growth should be seen at the
      foot of the Fox and Franz Josef glaciers within two to three years.(27 May 2003)
      See New Zealand Glaciers Growing

      Fox, Franz Josef glaciers defy trend - New Zealand's
      two best-known glaciers are still on the march

      31 Jan 07 - See Franz Josef Glacier still on the march

      SeealsoPesky New Zealand Glaciers Growing

      See also: Contrarian New Zealand Glaciers Keep Growing

      Argentina's Perito Moreno Glacier, the largest glacier in Patagonia,
      is advancing at the rate of 7 feet per day. The 250 km² ice formation,
      30 km long, is one of 48 glaciers fed by the Southern Patagonian Ice
      Field. This ice field, located in the Andes system shared with Chile,
      is the world's third largest reserve of fresh water.
      Perito Moreno Glacier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      - Colorado (scroll down to see AP article)
      - Washington (Mount St. Helens, Mt. Rainier* and Mt. Shuksan
      - California (Mount Shasta - scroll down for info)
      - Montana (scroll down for info)
      - Glacier Peak, WA (scroll down for info
      - Alaska (Mt. McKinley and Hubbard).
    • SPAIN
      Glaciers growing in Spain (Pyrinees)

      10 Jan 11 - El glaciar del Infierno (glacier of Hell) has advanced.
      The mainstream media seems to have somehow missed this.

      See Glaciers growing in Spain (Pyrinees)

    • Antarctica growing colder - Ice expanding
      18 Apr 09 - "Ice is expanding in much of Antarctica," says this
      article. In addition, the South Pole has shown "significant cooling
      in recent decades".
      See Antarctica growing colder - Ice expanding

    • Antarctic ice grows to record levels 13 Sep 07 - While the Antarctic Peninsula area has warmed
      in recent years and ice near it diminished during the Southern
      Hemisphere summer, the interior of Antarctica has been colder
      and ice elsewhere has been more extensive and longer lasting,See Antarctic ice grows to record levels


    • Antarctica's Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf is growing
      7 Dec 05 – Scientists Joughin and Bamber re-evaluated the mass balances
      of the ice in Antarctica. "It is clear from the results of this study that the
      Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf is not rapidly, or even slowly, wasting away.
      Quite to the contrary, it is growing."
      See Antarctica's Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf growing

    • Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advancing 7 feet per day!
      10 May 09 – This from climatologist Cliff Harris of the Coeur d’Alene Press.
      It's possible that the glacier could close the fjord by later this summer if the
      current rate speeds up, says Harris.
      See Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advancing 7 feet per day!

    • Global Warming? New Data Shows Ice Is Back
      19 Feb 08 - A Feb. 18 report in the London Daily Express showed that there is nearly
      a third more ice in Antarctica than usual, challenging the global warming crusaders and
      buttressing arguments of skeptics who deny that the world is undergoing global warming.
      See Most snow cover since 1966

    • Mount St. Helens’ Crater Glacier Advancing Three Feet Per Day
      25 Jun 07 - See Crater Glacier

    • Against odds, glacier grows in cauldron of Mt. St. Helens15 May 08 – See Glacier grows in cauldron of Mt. St. Helens

    • Mount St. Helens glacier (Crater Glacier) growing 50 feet per year
      September 20, 2004 - See Mount St. Helens
    Largest glacier in Argentina advancing
    15 Jun 09 – "Argentina's Perito Moreno glacier is (supposedly) one of only a few ice fields worldwide that have withstood rising global temperatures.”
    See Largest glacier in Argentina advancing


    Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advancing 7 feet per day!

    10 May 09 – This from climatologist Cliff Harris of the Coeur d’Alene Press.
    It's possible that the glacier could close the fjord by later this summer if the
    current rate speeds up, says Harris.
    See Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advancing 7 feet per day!

    Glaciers growing on Glacier Peak, WA

    16 Oct 08 – Email from reader
    Before I moved to CO in 2005 it was obvious that the glaciers and snow
    had receded and rock was visible in areas all the way to the peak. The glaciers
    and snow are back now ... completely covered in white from top to bottom,
    and this is after the "warm" summer months here in the PNW.
    See Glaciers growing on Glacier Peak, WA

    Glaciers in Norway Growing AgainScandinavian nation reverses trend, mirrors
    results in Alaska, elsewhere, reports the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate.
    See Glaciers in Norway Growing Again


    Glaciers in western Himalayas thickening and expanding
    Arctic ice cover above it’s 30-year average
    23 Nov 08 - A study published by the American Meteorological Society
    found that glaciers are only shrinking in the eastern Himalayas. Further
    west, in the Hindu Kush and the Karakoram, glaciers are "thickening
    and expanding".
    See Glaciers in western Himalayas thickening and expanding
    Alaskan Glaciers Grow for First Time in 250 years

    16 Oct 08 - High snowfall and cold weather to blame leading
    to the increase in glacial mass.
    See Alaskan Glaciers Grow for First Time in 250 years
    .Growing Alaskan glaciers the start of a new Little Ice Age?
    14 Oct 08 – “Never before in the history of a research project dating back
    to 1946 had the Juneau Icefield witnessed the kind of snow buildup that
    came this year. It was similar on a lot of other glaciers too.
    See Growing Alaskan glaciers the start of a new Little Ice Age?
    .Himalayan Glaciers Not Shrinking
    Glacial Experts Question Theory of Global Warming

    15 Feb 07 - See Himalayan Glaciers Not Shrinking
Are you Mexican or Okie? Nicest job of cherry picking I have seen in a long time.

Yes, glaciers occasionally surge when we get one or two years of heavy precipitation. But if one reviews the photographic records provided by the USGS, you can clearly see the vast majority of glaciers have been undergoing rapid recession. And I certainly trust the USGS far more than some anonymous poster.
Aha I see, so discount the "surge" in certain glaciers, and use the glaciers that are "receeding" as propaganda center pieces. Therefore the science is not conclusive and controversial at best, including mans role.

Now, are humans polluting the planet and should it be stopped? Heck yeah.
What I can't figure out is how a foot or two if snow shuts down a whole city. In the south 6 inches causes upheaval.. Why are people down there so soft? Why can't they deal with some snow? Global warming or not, a foot or two of snow should not shut down anything. Softies.

It's because states in the Mid-Atlantic and South don't budget for this type of snowfall. Most people in my neighborhood don't have a snowblower and many people don't have SUVs. No sense in budgeting for something you might need a few days a year and many times not at all.
The Willamette Valley used to get heavy wet snowfalls, after the late 50's, these very seldom happened. In 1978, the new mayor of Eugene decided to sell off the snow removal equipment for some needed cash, since it had not been used for years. Of course, in 1979, they had a 3 foot snowfall. And the poor fellow was a one term mayor.
When over 95% of the glaciers are retreating, and only 5% advancing, it is entirely fair to state that there is a general retreat of glaciers in the world. Since there are many thousands of glaciers in the world, the list of those advancing makes an impressive list. Until one looks at the list of those retreating. Then that list looks pretty insignificant.
Funny the entire scientific community unanimoualy promoted that "we are heading towards an ice age" in the 70's. So who are we to believe now, when the facts are flying in the face of the current claims? The big secret is the universities and most of the scientific community are also leftist hacks not much different than the media, who conduct researches with a predetermined result. It's kind of like having a liberal professor, will your essays and lab reports have a liberal or conservative theme to it?

Scientific community consensus and irrevocable proof of global cooling in the 70's and 80's, so WHAT HAPPENED?!



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We've had record snowfalls in many Eastern states over the last 48 hours.

Well, here's some direct quotes by experts in the past, I wonder how their predictions panned out. Let's not let the facts get in our way now, leftist whackjobs may proceed to put heads back in the sand, on the count of 3...

"Winters with strong frost and lots of snow like we had 20 years ago will cease to exist at our latitudes.”
Mojib Latif, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, 1 April 2000

Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
David Viner, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, 20 March 2000

We had global warming down here in Florida over the weekend as well.

Its was 32 degrees.
Yeah, well, "THE EXPERTS" are saying, so who are we to argue?

Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.
A. Just because things are warmer, doesn't necessarily mean there will be less snow. Warm up by 5 degrees and it will still snow, as long as the temp is under 32 F.

B. Watch the news and you'll see what an exciting event snow is. If it happened all the time, do you think TV would devote so much time to it?
Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.
A. Just because things are warmer, doesn't necessarily mean there will be less snow. Warm up by 5 degrees and it will still snow, as long as the temp is under 32 F.

B. Watch the news and you'll see what an exciting event snow is. If it happened all the time, do you think TV would devote so much time to it?

Yeah but two years in a row of record snowfalls? Come on.

So what you're saying is that if it snows, it's because of global warming. Ya ok.
Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.
A. Just because things are warmer, doesn't necessarily mean there will be less snow. Warm up by 5 degrees and it will still snow, as long as the temp is under 32 F.
B. Watch the news and you'll see what an exciting event snow is. If it happened all the time, do you think TV would devote so much time to it?
Yeah but two years in a row of record snowfalls? Come on.
Warmer air holds more moisture, so there could actually be an increase in snow before the predicted time when we stop getting snow.
Who to believe?




A real thinking person would ask themselves, "What made them change their minds so fast?" Maybe this:

Ice age delayed by humans... by 100,000 years -
Aha, so the reason they claimed a coming ice age before, was because of overpupolation, industrialization, and various gasses created by humans in the atmosphere, and today, those same exact reasons are causing global warming?!


Or is it that "global warming" now falls better into the fascist left's agenda of controlling humans?

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It's the same bullshit they promoted in the 70's except reps,ce global cooling with global warming. LOL:


Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.
A. Just because things are warmer, doesn't necessarily mean there will be less snow. Warm up by 5 degrees and it will still snow, as long as the temp is under 32 F.
B. Watch the news and you'll see what an exciting event snow is. If it happened all the time, do you think TV would devote so much time to it?
Yeah but two years in a row of record snowfalls? Come on.
Warmer air holds more moisture, so there could actually be an increase in snow before the predicted time when we stop getting snow.

Aha, so when scientists predicted we will have less snow they were bullshitting. That's what I like about global warming,nits never wrong, warm or cold, snow or sun.

So I guess "the scientific community" in the 70's was fulla shit.

Aha, so when scientists predicted we will have less snow they were bullshitting. That's what I like about global warming,nits never wrong, warm or cold, snow or sun.
So I guess "the scientific community" in the 70's was fulla shit.
Depends how cold it is. Didn't I make that clear earlier? I guess you missed this post!

A real thinking person would ask themselves, "What made them change their minds so fast?" Maybe this:

Ice age delayed by humans... by 100,000 years -

Perhaps you should study up on the theory and then get back to us.
Aha, so when scientists predicted we will have less snow they were bullshitting. That's what I like about global warming,nits never wrong, warm or cold, snow or sun.
So I guess "the scientific community" in the 70's was fulla shit.
Depends how cold it is. Didn't I make that clear earlier? I guess you missed this post!

A real thinking person would ask themselves, "What made them change their minds so fast?" Maybe this:

Ice age delayed by humans... by 100,000 years -

Perhaps you should study up on the theory and then get back to us.

OMG this is like talking to a robot.

The same reasons...human activity, industrialization, use of fossil fuels, over population, etc. that scientists were blaming in the 70's for the the coming global cooling / ice age are identical to what they are citing as causes for global warming! Like I said if you replace the two words, the articles, fear mongering, and demonization are the same. Even the so called "scientific community" and "experts" are repeating the same bullshit. Did you see any of the articles I posted? Crazy!

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