Is The Bible Reliable As History?


The bible is FAKE.
You have ZERO proof.
There is No superior being, that monitors our daily lives (or total LIFE) and determines if, after death, we enter heaven (or hell).
Proof? No.

Evidence, yes, a lot actually.

Stop being a troll.
I notice that many emotional atheists can't separate their distain for Christianity from their acknowledgment of evidence standards.

If the Bible was just book X, it would be seen as very reliable to any atheist based on how many people collaborated and how much can be verified. Writing was far different back then.. people didn't create these kind of records to "fool" or troll people.. and even if some people did, they'd not have been able to amass such a large, overwhelming net as the Bible did.

However, because the Bible is a Christian book, it angers many instantly, and is rejected with buzzword bumper stickers.
How much stock do you put in fairytales and myths? Very little right? The bible is a book written by man that claims to be the word of some Sky Daddy out next to Mars..It's just a 2500 year old fairytale.
Are you sure using subject matter that is multiple generations removed at this time period is seen as wrong by the historic community?

Or.. are you just making this up on the spot?

I know better.. but, I want to hear you say it.

what 1st century subject material do you refer to .... that's corroborated than historical events.

surprise, accurate historical events as settings used to legitimize - fantasy dialogues ...

the historical community have not all wool over their eyes - just the desert ones. lyrical miracle.
No other religious book has created a Scientific field of study, that is, Biblical Archaeology.

That is how accurate it is. The Bible records the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Hebrew people, which is a true sign of veracity.

However, groups like the Egyptians, for example, only wrote about things if it cast them in a good light. For example, if they lost a battle they would either not record the battle or they would write it in such a way that it made them sound as if they had won.

They also cancelled people like we see on the Left like one of their Pharaohs that fell out of favor. They tried to cancel him by removing any historical mention of him, but one got passed the goalie and we know know about him.

This is what the Left is trying to do today as they tear down statues and rewrite history books to their liking etc.
It's just archeology there is no religion needed to study the past.

And so what if there are some correct timelines in the bible? Lots of works of fiction are based in real places so i guess a few thousand years from now those works of fiction will be called historical references right?
No its not. For example there is no evidence of a mass enslavement of Jews in Egypt. Most scholars no longer belive that slaves built the pyramids.
No its not. For example there is no evidence of a mass enslavement of Jews in Egypt. Most scholars no longer belive that slaves built the pyramids.

All the evidence of the workers camps indicate they were Egyptians not Jews.

Exodus is an epic foundational myth of the first "ingathering". The theme is redemption.
From The Smithsonian Museum

The Smithsonian's Statement on the Bible

“On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. “

The New Testament Is Reliable as History

Is The New Testament Reliable as History?

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Here are 4 examples of research that show it is

Here's something very simple which will dispel anything in the bible as history.
Immaculate conception and virgin births etc , dead men walking, resurrections, turning a woman into a block of salt yet you have the ignorance to suggest that is history??
You're barking mad
Here's something very simple which will dispel anything in the bible as history.
Immaculate conception and virgin births etc , dead men walking, resurrections, turning a woman into a block of salt yet you have the ignorance to suggest that is history??
You're barking mad
What I and Stevie wonder can see is you are a dickhead.
surprise, accurate historical events as settings used to legitimize - fantasy dialogues ... transcribed decades after the events actually occurred.

christianity - the state religion of the roman empire.
The pentateuch was written 900 years after Moses.
There have always been records of the Philistines and the Phoenicians.

Noah's flood was a flood of the Euphrates River Basin in 2900 BC. It wasn't worldwide. There is zero evidence.
What evidence would science be looking for?
All the evidence of the workers camps indicate they were Egyptians not Jews.

Exodus is an epic foundational myth of the first "ingathering". The theme is redemption.
The bible doesn't say that the Israelites built the pyramids.
The earth is covered with flood sediments or erosion from floods.

Manna and quail. Goats will eat most anything.
Sinai was controlled by Egypt and Egyptian garrisons during the Exodus. And there were many Canaanite cities involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making who paid tribute to Pharaoh.

Sinai was controlled by Egypt and Egyptian garrisons during the Exodus. And there were many Canaanite cities involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making who paid tribute to Pharaoh.
They likely went around those places. Note where they crossed the "Red" (Reed) Sea.


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