Is the Chinese military a Potemkin village?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Is the Chinese military a Potemkin village?

19 Jun 2024 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

I want to direct your attention to a Joe Cunningham essay in which he posits that the Chinese military is in trouble. He’s almost certainly right. The problem with communism is that it reduces societies to the lowest common denominator of any behavior and, as people scrabble for advancement in a controlled system, it invites corruption.
Writing at Red State, Cunningham points out purges and problems regarding China’s military:
The Chinese President is calling for “deep reflection” among his military forces as he renews his focus on corruption, which has plagued China in recent months. His call comes after what the Wall Street Journal describes as a “purge that has brought down more than a dozen senior generals and defense-industry executives.”
Recently, Xi was embarrassed to find that missiles were filled with water rather than fuel, with officials pocketing the money meant to make the missiles fly.
Here are my three reasons for believing Xi isn’t just posturing but is actually worried:
1. China’s former one-child policy, which resulted in a huge surplus of males, also resulted in a surplus of weak men coddled by their families. These children, who came to be known as “little emperors,” are risk-averse and non-competitive, and the young men are neurotic.​
2. Communism breeds corruption. As we see in America’s institutions—everything from the government to our own military to academia—merit is no longer a factor in advancement. Instead, ideological correctness is the primary consideration in leftist systems. However, a system dominated by the ideologically pure rather than the competent inevitably collapses under its own weight. The mission gives way to in-fighting and profiteering.​
3. Communism breeds substandard quality. When merit has no reward, people do substandard work. We see that in every product that comes out of China. The artisans, craftsmen, and small farmers who once labored to produce the best for their own pleasure and economic benefit have been wiped out in a country that’s one giant factory assembly line. You do enough to get by and not one iota more. Chinese equipment looks great, but it’s still built in Chinese factories.​
Xi does have a problem. He can fix it for a while through the coercion of fear. However, eventually, even fear is an insufficient glue to hold together an inherently unstable system.

As far as I can tell, the only thing that qualifies as “ethics” and “moral character” in their system and the Democrat Neo-Marxist Party is unquestioning obedience. When obedience and self-interest come into conflict, which does a human being choose?
Their system is better suited for machines, than people.
America and all it's citizens have wake up to the fact that if needed, within a 10 week the Chinese Army can train and arm a 6 MILLION man Army plus it’s current 2.5 million. There is ONE shipyard currently building 13 more warships… today everything is containerized, and you can pack an entire Brigade Combat Teams into one RORO ship. While we currently don’t have the manufacturing capability to build stinger or javelin missiles without importing parts and materials from China… not to mention bullets… the US no longer has ANY lead metal foundries to make lead for BULLETS or 90% of medical equipment comes from China. The US no longer has ANY company making Aspirin.
Meanwhile, The Chinese with the help of this Country and people like Fauci have been building and expanding their Bioweapons Stockpile. These Bioweapons WILL be used against us, weapons which we paid China to develop.
I think our Navy has been eclipsed as to size. We dont seem to be able to design effective platforms. Aircraft carriers maybe going to way of the dodo

Is the Chinese military a Potemkin village?

19 Jun 2024 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

I want to direct your attention to a Joe Cunningham essay in which he posits that the Chinese military is in trouble. He’s almost certainly right. The problem with communism is that it reduces societies to the lowest common denominator of any behavior and, as people scrabble for advancement in a controlled system, it invites corruption.
Writing at Red State, Cunningham points out purges and problems regarding China’s military:
The Chinese President is calling for “deep reflection” among his military forces as he renews his focus on corruption, which has plagued China in recent months. His call comes after what the Wall Street Journal describes as a “purge that has brought down more than a dozen senior generals and defense-industry executives.”
Recently, Xi was embarrassed to find that missiles were filled with water rather than fuel, with officials pocketing the money meant to make the missiles fly.
Here are my three reasons for believing Xi isn’t just posturing but is actually worried:
1. China’s former one-child policy, which resulted in a huge surplus of males, also resulted in a surplus of weak men coddled by their families. These children, who came to be known as “little emperors,” are risk-averse and non-competitive, and the young men are neurotic.​
2. Communism breeds corruption. As we see in America’s institutions—everything from the government to our own military to academia—merit is no longer a factor in advancement. Instead, ideological correctness is the primary consideration in leftist systems. However, a system dominated by the ideologically pure rather than the competent inevitably collapses under its own weight. The mission gives way to in-fighting and profiteering.​
3. Communism breeds substandard quality. When merit has no reward, people do substandard work. We see that in every product that comes out of China. The artisans, craftsmen, and small farmers who once labored to produce the best for their own pleasure and economic benefit have been wiped out in a country that’s one giant factory assembly line. You do enough to get by and not one iota more. Chinese equipment looks great, but it’s still built in Chinese factories.​
Xi does have a problem. He can fix it for a while through the coercion of fear. However, eventually, even fear is an insufficient glue to hold together an inherently unstable system.

As far as I can tell, the only thing that qualifies as “ethics” and “moral character” in their system and the Democrat Neo-Marxist Party is unquestioning obedience. When obedience and self-interest come into conflict, which does a human being choose?
Their system is better suited for machines, than people.
America and all it's citizens have wake up to the fact that if needed, within a 10 week the Chinese Army can train and arm a 6 MILLION man Army plus it’s current 2.5 million. There is ONE shipyard currently building 13 more warships… today everything is containerized, and you can pack an entire Brigade Combat Teams into one RORO ship. While we currently don’t have the manufacturing capability to build stinger or javelin missiles without importing parts and materials from China… not to mention bullets… the US no longer has ANY lead metal foundries to make lead for BULLETS or 90% of medical equipment comes from China. The US no longer has ANY company making Aspirin.
Meanwhile, The Chinese with the help of this Country and people like Fauci have been building and expanding their Bioweapons Stockpile. These Bioweapons WILL be used against us, weapons which we paid China to develop.
one boy families, can not produce civilization of conquerors ... just look at Muscovy ...

not to mention bullets… the US no longer has ANY lead metal foundries to make lead for BULLETS or 90% of medical equipment comes from China. The US no longer has ANY company making Aspirin.
We are in this situation because of globalists

May they rot in Hell

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