Is the coronavirus a hoax?

Is the coronavirus nothing more than a haox

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It seems Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox News tells its viewers so. And it seems that was being echoed in at least one post on the USMB.

If Sean Hannity Thinks Coronavirus Panic Is a 'Hoax,' How Many Millions of His Listeners Do Too?
It is a hoax...

and it shows just how lame corporations and the so-called elite are......

South-By-Southwest cancelled....NBA cancelled...NCAA Tournament cancelled...All sorts of major business conventions, cancelled ...Stock Markets panicking....

All for what?? Nothing.....

We are losing millions and millions over an overblown response to a something that is just a common cold with a Chinese accent
There are some people on this board right now, that I would love to meet in a dark alley. You mother fuckers, and you know who you are, are beyond belief.
God I hate the left !

Wow, and yet your side claims all liberals, all Democrats, all Progressives and anyone who does not support your view of reality and the world is to be hated. It seems this form of hate supports a government which will murder all those who do not bleat like sheep in support of the current president.

Seig heil with all of your peers, your time in the sun will end on Jan 20th, 2021.
All for what?? Nothing.....

Obama's Swine Flu:

575,400 Dead
I distinctly remember Obama saying the H1N1 virus was just a hoax cooked up by Republicans to make him look fact, he said they weaponized the virus for political purposes -- just to harm Americans...

Just kidding...only you dic suckers say that usual
It seems Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox News tells its viewers so. And it seems that was being echoed in at least one post on the USMB.

If Sean Hannity Thinks Coronavirus Panic Is a 'Hoax,' How Many Millions of His Listeners Do Too?

If you want to consider that our risk rate of getting it is 300X lower than in Italy (not twice as low but 300X), and your risk of dying from it are 700X lower than in Italy, and that 950X as many people (not twice, but 950X more) die every year from the regular flu as from Covid so far, then yes, it is something of an overblown panic.
So...basically...nothing to see here, folks.
Obama's Swine Flu Pandemic



1000 actually dead before he took one step to deal with it....

No panic...

Trumps in office.......the democrats in the media create panic...will burn down the country to take power back...

And why not? The democrats created the banking collapse.

Then blamed it on GW Bush who actually warned them about it.

Then Obama said he inherited it from Bush so he could take over every industry in America and pedal a trillion dollars to his crony friends.

Now the Democrats, having failed the impeachment, would collapse the US economy just to make Trump look bad on a puffed up threat nearly 1,000X less of a threat than the ordinary flu.

Then say they inherited it from Trump and saved us from it when it fizzles out on its own.
All for what?? Nothing.....

Obama's Swine Flu:

575,400 Dead

Obama created the swine flu?

Yes. It was the only pandemic Michelle was ever proud of.

How did he create it? Did they have a secret lab set up in the White House? Do you have photographic evidence of this?

They created it right next to the station where white guys created Sickle Cell Anemia to rid the world of the Blacks. It's all a CIA plot.
It seems Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox News tells its viewers so. And it seems that was being echoed in at least one post on the USMB.

If Sean Hannity Thinks Coronavirus Panic Is a 'Hoax,' How Many Millions of His Listeners Do Too?
It is a hoax...

and it shows just how lame corporations and the so-called elite are......

South-By-Southwest cancelled....NBA cancelled...NCAA Tournament cancelled...All sorts of major business conventions, cancelled ...Stock Markets panicking....

All for what?? Nothing.....

We are losing millions and millions over an overblown response to a something that is just a common cold with a Chinese accent
And will just disappear in April when it gets warm.......
Obama's Swine Flu Pandemic




Their every word is a total lie.

Their every claim and action a total hypocrisy and fabrication.
We don't need no Putin / Russian threat. We already have the Democrats.
They can't win an election without a manufactured crisis and neverending lies
Remember when your circle-jerk teammate said Obama created the Swine flu and you didn't say shit...

But clutched your pearls like an old bitch when SOMEONE ELSE asked you about it??
Obama's Swine Flu Pandemic



1000 actually dead before he took one step to deal with it....

No panic...

Trumps in office.......the democrats in the media create panic...will burn down the country to take power back...

And why not? The democrats created the banking collapse.

Then blamed it on GW Bush who actually warned them about it.

Then Obama said he inherited it from Bush so he could take over every industry in America and pedal a trillion dollars to his crony friends.

Now the Democrats, having failed the impeachment, would collapse the US economy just to make Trump look bad on a puffed up threat nearly 1,000X less of a threat than the ordinary fly.

Then say they inherited from Trump and saved us from it when it fizzles out on its own.

This Medical Professional......? States that the data coming out of Germany....not China.....shows that corona has apparently the same death rate now as seasonal flu.........

The Doctor comes on at the 16:15 minute mark...

Spread the word, stop the panic......


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