Is the coronavirus a hoax?

Is the coronavirus nothing more than a haox

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Obama's Swine Flu Pandemic




Their every word is a total lie.

Their every claim and action a total hypocrisy and fabrication.
We don't need no Putin / Russian threat. We already have the Democrats.
They can't win an election without a manufactured crisis and neverending lies
Care for a tissue? Why are trumpanzees such crybabies? Inquiring minds want to know.
As the great Patrice O'Neal said -- "Most Americans ain't shit...we just like to pretend we give a fuck"

Most of these cancellations are just for show....when that revenue loss really starts to kick in -- they will cite some "new data" as a reason to go back to business as usual....and the show will go on.....

And when I say most Americans aint shit -- that goes for every political persuasion..
It seems Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox News tells its viewers so. And it seems that was being echoed in at least one post on the USMB.

If Sean Hannity Thinks Coronavirus Panic Is a 'Hoax,' How Many Millions of His Listeners Do Too?

If you want to consider that our risk rate of getting it is 300X lower than in Italy (not twice as low but 300X), and your risk of dying from it are 700X lower than in Italy, and that 950X as many people (not twice, but 950X more) die every year from the regular flu as from Covid so far, then yes, it is something of an overblown panic.
So...basically...nothing to see here, folks.

Top ten leading causes of death in the USA:

Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 1.00.48 PM.png

Covid-19: Right now stands at 0.0013384% based on 2018 death rate figures USA.
The overreaction is an utter hoax although this virus does exist and is killing the planet at an astounding rate of 1/300th of one percent. At that rate we will all be dead from it in a million years or so.

There were many questions posed about what would be the next media inspired hoax . I congratulate anyone who answered epidemic

You won’t find a panel of 50 medical experts who will testify that we are in inordinate danger being around each other right now. Crowded arenas have Always been a place where you can pick up something. We already know that.! Nothing about that has changed other than the unwarranted hysteria
Obama's Swine Flu:

575,400 Dead

Citation? ... I found one that states 575,000 deaths ... but that was over a total of 1.4 billion infected ... "for a case fatality rate of 0.01-0.08%" -- Wiki (yeah I know, but still) ... Corona has been reported to have a fatality rate closer to 5% in undeveloped regions, and I have no idea how they're diagnosing this in these places, a handful of salt is in order for this statistic ...

Here's a clue for you ... you're saying twice as many folks died than were hospitalized ... doesn't that sound a bit fishy? ...
It seems Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox News tells its viewers so. And it seems that was being echoed in at least one post on the USMB.

If Sean Hannity Thinks Coronavirus Panic Is a 'Hoax,' How Many Millions of His Listeners Do Too?

If you want to consider that our risk rate of getting it is 300X lower than in Italy (not twice as low but 300X), and your risk of dying from it are 700X lower than in Italy, and that 950X as many people (not twice, but 950X more) die every year from the regular flu as from Covid so far, then yes, it is something of an overblown panic.
So...basically...nothing to see here, folks.

Top ten leading causes of death in the USA:

View attachment 311993

Covid-19: Right now stands at 0.0013384% based on 2018 death rate figures USA.
So....nothing to see here folks. Take no measures....GO to that trump rally.
Obama's Swine Flu:

575,400 Dead

Citation? ... I found one that states 575,000 deaths ... but that was over a total of 1.4 billion infected ... "for a case fatality rate of 0.01-0.08%" -- Wiki (yeah I know, but still) ... Corona has been reported to have a fatality rate closer to 5% in undeveloped regions, and I have no idea how they're diagnosing this in these places, a handful of salt is in order for this statistic ...

Here's a clue for you ... you're saying twice as many folks died than were hospitalized ... doesn't that sound a bit fishy? ...
Do NOT expect trumpanzees to critically look at the statistics they post....remember the $200 million a day Obama trip to India? Not one trumpanzee/rightwinger looked at that number and went "Wait...what?"
Big East just cancelled while game in progress
The fake panic is fully stoked
I am now under the bed with shades drawn
I hope cell phones are not declared a transmittal entity but if so then goodbye for now and I hope that half of you can survive this dreaded mess roughly equivalent to being hit by lightning
Do NOT expect trumpanzees to critically look at the statistics they post....remember the $200 million a day Obama trip to India? Not one trumpanzee/rightwinger looked at that number and went "Wait...what?"

No ... I don't remember that, do you have a link to the GAO report? ... seems trivial compared to the $100 billion per month being given to BankAmerica at the time ...

"Throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder" is a metaphor for being cautious about something that has been stated ... in my post, I recommended a full handful of salt ... that means to be suspicious of the information I posted ... even to clearly state what information came from Wikipedia (ewwww) ...

Do libtards not know what "critically look" means? ... just curious is all ... I'm a Marxist, I don't care what it is, I'm against it ...
Big East just cancelled while game in progress
The fake panic is fully stoked
I am now under the bed with shades drawn
I hope cell phones are not declared a transmittal entity but if so then goodbye for now and I hope that half of you can survive this dreaded mess roughly equivalent to being hit by lightning

You have a bed?

Don't you know mattresses hold viruses?

I've caulked all the windows, shut off the furnace, cancelled the mail, burned the mattress and am living on bottled air (breather mask), filtered water and sterilized wheat germ until Biden is elected and we can be sure it is safe to come out again.
Government shut down and everything involving people is off. Panic widespread over something that can’t come close to rivaling the flu, pnemonua or common cold but media in full control and those that are doing it “for our own good” are ruling the day over something that is as likely as getting hit by lightning . Economy wrecked when nothing else could do it so have nots are in all their glory.
Really really sad how gullible people are. This is a form of a test to see how compliant Americans will be over another, yet another, bit of fakery.
Dems are fomenting panic with glee to tank the economy. They did the same thing in 2006-2008. MARK MY WORDS it won't be long before the fake news narrative becomes vote Dem because Trump wrecked the economy, bank on it.

Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

Oh, and how serious is it.

Please use numbers and statistics and real data to make your point.

Right now....5,000 people have died from it.

In the same timeframe....1.5 million people have died from other things (150,000 a day on a world wide basis x 10 days).

So, please tell us how serious it is.

Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.'s not serious's way overblown by the MSM
I'm alive and well
Dems are fomenting panic with glee to tank the economy. They did the same thing in 2006-2008. MARK MY WORDS it won't be long before the fake news narrative becomes vote Dem because Trump wrecked the economy, bank on it.
JoeB LOVES the economy going bad-

Trump: Coronavirus is Democrats' 'new hoax' - YouTube

I still see posters denying that Trump said this. I did a USMB search before posting this thread. Trump did say this at his rally - and I wish posters would stop denying it. This pandemic crisis is extremely serious! Posters should not be posting fake news about it.

Oh, and how serious is it.

Please use numbers and statistics and real data to make your point.

Right now....5,000 people have died from it.

In the same timeframe....1.5 million people have died from other things (150,000 a day on a world wide basis x 10 days).

So, please tell us how serious it is.

Yeah but but but they can't blame those other things on Trump.

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