Is The Democrat Party in Deep Trouble?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
An interesting article in Vox claims the Democrat Party is in deep trouble. Is this true? First some facts.

1. The GOP has an historic majority in the House of Representatives

2. The Democrats under Obama went from a filibuster proof majority in the Senate to a net loss of Senate control.

3. The GOP controls 70% of State Legislatures

4. The GOP controls more than 60% of state Governorships

5. The GOP controls 55% of Attorneys General.

A key Quote from Vox:

"Not only have Republicans won most elections, but they have a perfectly reasonable plan for trying to recapture the White House. But Democrats have nothing at all in the works to redress their crippling weakness down the ballot. Democrats aren't even talking about how to improve on their weak points, because by and large they don't even admit that they exist. The GOP might be in chaos, but Democrats are in a torpor."

The article stresses the fact that the building blocks of politics are at the State level...where the Democrats are very weak.

So can the Dems recover....or is their bench left to tired old white people and unpopular re-treads like Hillary?

Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.
The only way the dems fantasy of one of their "OLD WHITE PEOPLE IN THEIR ASS CLOWN CAR" of candidates maintaining the white house would be an all out corrupt election, which we know we can expect.

But dems rarely if ever win the popular vote. They rely on the electoral college and cheating. I don't think it's going to help them this time around though. The vast majority are sick of the filthy, lying, un-American muslim kenyan freak in the black house, and liberals in general. They've pushed too much too fast on people, and people are looking for a push back... hence Trump's popularity. He's an outsider and promising to deport illegals and take the nation back back from the establishment. Baring some catastrophic occurrence of unforseen content, he's the next president.

Donald Trump -- the Establishment Now Thinks He Could Win | National Review Online
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Politics is really from the local level up. What the facts demonstrate is at the State and local level the Democrat Party is weak. Based on the data I do not think that point can be argued.
The great Vox elite squad is finally getting around to it?:rolleyes-41:

The Democrats are faced with two problems. The first is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Dean Howard implemented or, better yet, repeated the fifty state strategy.

The second issue is a little deeper. Why would people elect blue dogs?
Republicans are just good at jerrymandering .

Dems will be just fine as the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot wh these crazy ass far right candidates . People are tired of their shit . They will swing back to the dems .
Republicans are just good at jerrymandering .

Dems will be just fine as the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot wh these crazy ass far right candidates . People are tired of their shit . They will swing back to the dems .

What shit might that be?
Republicans are just good at jerrymandering .

Dems will be just fine as the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot wh these crazy ass far right candidates . People are tired of their shit . They will swing back to the dems .

The Senate isn't gerreymandered numnuts. Nor are Governorships. As usual, progtard posts = Fail. :(
Republicans are just good at jerrymandering .

Dems will be just fine as the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot wh these crazy ass far right candidates . People are tired of their shit . They will swing back to the dems .

The Senate isn't gerreymandered numnuts. Nor are Governorships. As usual, progtard posts = Fail. :(
The right will lose the senate in the next election.

As to the rest of it, the pendulum always swings back.
I feel Republicans will do just fine. Then, when the establishment fucks up our country more, they will start looking for the dems to do the same in different ways.
Quit voting establishment you fuckin idiots!
Republicans are just good at jerrymandering .

Dems will be just fine as the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot wh these crazy ass far right candidates . People are tired of their shit . They will swing back to the dems .

The Senate isn't gerreymandered numnuts. Nor are Governorships. As usual, progtard posts = Fail. :(
The right will lose the senate in the next election.

As to the rest of it, the pendulum always swings back.
The definition of insanity. Our country is full of it.
In one thread you claim that Liberals are running everything and is destroying it all.

Now, Republicans run shit but its all good. :spinner:
Republicans are just good at jerrymandering. Dems will be just fine as the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot wh these crazy ass far right candidates . People are tired of their shit . They will swing back to the dems .
What shit might that be?
Threatening to shut down the government or defund the military whenever they don't get their way.
I think both parties are in deep shit.

Two-thirds of voters stayed home during the last election. That's the only reason the GOP won so many seats. The GOP does well when voters stay home.

When two-thirds of the country is sick and tired of both parties, then America is ripe for a new major party.

If I were the Establishment Democrats and Republicans, I'd be looking over my shoulder. It's just a matter of time.
Matt Yglesias thinks Democrats should concentrate on rebuilding power in the states and that's a fine assessment, the only problem is that most red state Gubernatorial elections won't be in 2016. Democrats concentrating on the Senate and presidency is fine, the House is gerrymandered to produce the same result and the GOTP is going to be the same broken party that it is today. The Democrats have all the time in the world to capitalize on that.

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