Is the Demonrat Plan Working?

Meh: 0ptimus Poll: Most Republicans think Trump lies or exaggerates | Øptimus Consulting

A majority of Republicans (68.7%) surveyed in Trump Country (Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania) think the president exaggerates or intentionally lies — but they don’t care.

It’s a sign of Trump’s durability with his base, and an intriguing finding of a research project (3,491 likely midterm voters, interviewed by interactive robocall) by the Firehouse Strategies guys — GOP consultants Terry Sullivan, Alex Conant and Will Holley — and the big-data firm 0ptimus.
From the linked OP's article:


The chart's somewhat interesting, for the net decline in favorability for Trump is 2.6 percentage points. If Trump maintains that rate of decline, great. If he doesn't, it'd be hard to say just how effective be any efforts to demoralize his base for he didn't take office with even a 50% approval rating and he's hovered in the thirty to forty percent range for quite some time.

Some people regard Trump as politically astute. I disagree. Approval ratings in the thirty and forty percent range is pathetic for a POTUS while the country is at war, albeit formally undeclared. One'd think any POTUS could get enough political capital out of a war to keep his ratings above 50%, but clearly Trump has not. And why not? Because ever more people are realizing they cannot rely on a damn thing that man says.
I think it is. I think they are wearing down the average voter.

Motivate their base, discourage ours.

Trump's "dangerously low" support among his base

his support is not low it's been fake information put out by the Democrats and the reason they are doing that is to make people give up and when that happens they begin to move over to the bigger groups , when msm creates fake information and people aren't aware of how this information is rigged it then generates that scenario.

There are more Patriots than ppl think other wise Trump would have not won. Try hard not to believe the BS POLLS from MSM who claim they use " PEW" because they are also often taken in most Democratic areas.

This is the result of those who fell victim to Obama and Clintons bs


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