Is the disastrous GOP Foxconn deal what sunk the Amazon deal?

Wisconsin’s $4.1 billion Foxconn factory boondoggle

The size of the subsidy was stunning. It was far and away the largest in Wisconsin history and the largest government handout to a foreign company ever given in America. Like most states, Wisconsin had given subsidies to companies in the past, but never higher than $35,000 per job. Foxconn’s subsidy was $230,000 per job.

Wow! They are saying that Wisconsin won’t see a profit until 2043. Personally, I don’t believe they ever will. This is just another way republicans giveaway billions to billionaires and corporations.

You're an idiot and don't understand how tax breaks work. I'll use the Amazon debacle as an example, the the Foxconn deal would have worked the same way:

Amazon was going to provide the NYC economy with $30 billion of revenue over ten years. The deal they worked out allowed Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks, so the company would have been putting $27 billion dollars into the NYC economy.

The idiot leftists (not unlike yourself) saw that $3 billion dollars as money on hand, that NYC had in their coffers, that would be immediately given to the company. The protests from the leftard was so virulent that Amazon pulled out of the deal.

So now they're out that $27 billion dollars they would have had. What morons.
Wisconsin’s $4.1 billion Foxconn factory boondoggle

The size of the subsidy was stunning. It was far and away the largest in Wisconsin history and the largest government handout to a foreign company ever given in America. Like most states, Wisconsin had given subsidies to companies in the past, but never higher than $35,000 per job. Foxconn’s subsidy was $230,000 per job.

Wow! They are saying that Wisconsin won’t see a profit until 2043. Personally, I don’t believe they ever will. This is just another way republicans giveaway billions to billionaires and corporations.

You're an idiot and don't understand how tax breaks work. I'll use the Amazon debacle as an example, the the Foxconn deal would have worked the same way:

Amazon was going to provide the NYC economy with $30 billion of revenue over ten years. The deal they worked out allowed Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks, so the company would have been putting $27 billion dollars into the NYC economy.

The idiot leftists (not unlike yourself) saw that $3 billion dollars as money on hand, that NYC had in their coffers, that would be immediately given to the company. The protests from the leftard was so virulent that Amazon pulled out of the deal.

So now they're out that $27 billion dollars they would have had. What morons.
So this thread is actually about comparing a failed Republican deal with what they imagined another deal would be.

You have to first admit that the Republican foxconn deal was a massive failure before you can start evaluating whether or not the Amazon deal would have worked.

If you can’t learn from previous mistakes, then you’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes again and again.
Foxconn got a really good deal from Wisconsin. And it's getting better

Associated sweeteners have now grown to more than $4 billion -- adding in the cost of local government incentives and various infrastructure projects, like roads and highways, sewer and power lines.

Foxconn is also being allowed to skip state environmental rules and oversight it would otherwise have had to follow.


This is a major disaster for the state of Wisconsin and all because they trusted Republican lies. We know from Reagan, Bush and now Trump and the Republicans lie all the time. When will America learn you can’t trust these people. They mean no good for the country.
Wisconsin’s $4.1 billion Foxconn factory boondoggle

The size of the subsidy was stunning. It was far and away the largest in Wisconsin history and the largest government handout to a foreign company ever given in America. Like most states, Wisconsin had given subsidies to companies in the past, but never higher than $35,000 per job. Foxconn’s subsidy was $230,000 per job.

Wow! They are saying that Wisconsin won’t see a profit until 2043. Personally, I don’t believe they ever will. This is just another way republicans giveaway billions to billionaires and corporations.

You're an idiot and don't understand how tax breaks work. I'll use the Amazon debacle as an example, the the Foxconn deal would have worked the same way:

Amazon was going to provide the NYC economy with $30 billion of revenue over ten years. The deal they worked out allowed Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks, so the company would have been putting $27 billion dollars into the NYC economy.

The idiot leftists (not unlike yourself) saw that $3 billion dollars as money on hand, that NYC had in their coffers, that would be immediately given to the company. The protests from the leftard was so virulent that Amazon pulled out of the deal.

So now they're out that $27 billion dollars they would have had. What morons.
So this thread is actually about comparing a failed Republican deal with what they imagined another deal would be.

You have to first admit that the Republican foxconn deal was a massive failure before you can start evaluating whether or not the Amazon deal would have worked.

If you can’t learn from previous mistakes, then you’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes again and again.

The Foxconn deal was only a failure because they suspect the Democrat Governor was going to make it harder for them to conduct business and make a profit.

Judging by all those NY Democrats who who are railing against AOC and Bloomberg for causing them to lose $27 billion dollars of revenue, one would think that even you would understand this.

But you don't do you?
You know what would make America great again? Dean getting a job and not having enough time to swamp USMB with bullshit nonstop.
You know what would make America great again? Dean getting a job and not having enough time to swamp USMB with bullshit nonstop.
Sadly, the people in Wisconsin don’t think it’s bullsh!t.

They think they got taken again, by Republicans. And they did.
Wisconsin’s $4.1 billion Foxconn factory boondoggle

The size of the subsidy was stunning. It was far and away the largest in Wisconsin history and the largest government handout to a foreign company ever given in America. Like most states, Wisconsin had given subsidies to companies in the past, but never higher than $35,000 per job. Foxconn’s subsidy was $230,000 per job.

Wow! They are saying that Wisconsin won’t see a profit until 2043. Personally, I don’t believe they ever will. This is just another way republicans giveaway billions to billionaires and corporations.

You're an idiot and don't understand how tax breaks work. I'll use the Amazon debacle as an example, the the Foxconn deal would have worked the same way:

Amazon was going to provide the NYC economy with $30 billion of revenue over ten years. The deal they worked out allowed Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks, so the company would have been putting $27 billion dollars into the NYC economy.

The idiot leftists (not unlike yourself) saw that $3 billion dollars as money on hand, that NYC had in their coffers, that would be immediately given to the company. The protests from the leftard was so virulent that Amazon pulled out of the deal.

So now they're out that $27 billion dollars they would have had. What morons.
So this thread is actually about comparing a failed Republican deal with what they imagined another deal would be.

You have to first admit that the Republican foxconn deal was a massive failure before you can start evaluating whether or not the Amazon deal would have worked.

If you can’t learn from previous mistakes, then you’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes again and again.

The Foxconn deal was only a failure because they suspect the Democrat Governor was going to make it harder for them to conduct business and make a profit.

Judging by all those NY Democrats who who are railing against AOC and Bloomberg for causing them to lose $27 billion dollars of revenue, one would think that even you would understand this.

But you don't do you?
2043. That’s when they estimate the foxconn deal will show a profit. What makes you think Amazon would be any different?
Is the disastrous GOP Foxconn deal what sunk the Amazon deal?

This 1 number sums up why that Foxconn deal is over-the-top bad for Wisconsin

Every day the failed Amazon deal gets bigger and worse according to Republicans. First it was 20,000 jobs and then 25,000 jobs and who knows how many it’s going to be next time, 20 million jobs?
It’s like a scam artist. You give me $1 billion and I’ll give you back $2 billion next Tuesday.
Now it could’ve been a good deal. Who knows? But after the disaster of the Foxconn deal in Wisconsin, people are naturally going to be a little bit gun shy.

Trump called Foxconn's Wisconsin factory an 'incredible investment,' but evidence is mounting it's a terrible deal

Wisconsin's deal with Foxconn was as bad as they come

No. What sunk the Amazon deal is Prog Politics in which the privileged elites preen and virtue signal at the expense of the poor and middle class folks who would have liked to work for Amazon.
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Is the disastrous GOP Foxconn deal what sunk the Amazon deal?

This 1 number sums up why that Foxconn deal is over-the-top bad for Wisconsin

Every day the failed Amazon deal gets bigger and worse according to Republicans. First it was 20,000 jobs and then 25,000 jobs and who knows how many it’s going to be next time, 20 million jobs?
It’s like a scam artist. You give me $1 billion and I’ll give you back $2 billion next Tuesday.
Now it could’ve been a good deal. Who knows? But after the disaster of the Foxconn deal in Wisconsin, people are naturally going to be a little bit gun shy.

Trump called Foxconn's Wisconsin factory an 'incredible investment,' but evidence is mounting it's a terrible deal

Wisconsin's deal with Foxconn was as bad as they come

So what you're saying, Troll King, is that centralized government planning doesn't work?

Gee, who here has told you that before?
Problem is Republicans think all business is great. That business is on the side of the American people. That business is a kind of charity that hands out jobs to the undeserving.
Well as we know from Donald Trump, many business deals are actually scams that hurt a lot of people.

Problem is Republicans think all business is great.

Problem is Democrats think all government is great.
Adults look at ech deal seperately and decide on fancts on the ground. My city has given away tax abatement after tax abatement that did not pay off for the city long term. A few did how ever pay off. It does not matter what letter was in front of the reps name a bad deal is a bad deal. In our case it was Dems and republicans alike making mistakes on these deals. The world is not as simple as republican good democrat bad or vise versa. It boils down to the fact that when giving tax abatement it is based on extrapolation which is never as accurate as interpolation. Almost no abatement payed off from 2005 to 2015 for my city. Of course the economy blew during this time.
Is the disastrous GOP Foxconn deal what sunk the Amazon deal?

This 1 number sums up why that Foxconn deal is over-the-top bad for Wisconsin

Every day the failed Amazon deal gets bigger and worse according to Republicans. First it was 20,000 jobs and then 25,000 jobs and who knows how many it’s going to be next time, 20 million jobs?
It’s like a scam artist. You give me $1 billion and I’ll give you back $2 billion next Tuesday.
Now it could’ve been a good deal. Who knows? But after the disaster of the Foxconn deal in Wisconsin, people are naturally going to be a little bit gun shy.

Trump called Foxconn's Wisconsin factory an 'incredible investment,' but evidence is mounting it's a terrible deal

Wisconsin's deal with Foxconn was as bad as they come

So what you're saying, Troll King, is that centralized government planning doesn't work?

Gee, who here has told you that before?
That makes no sense. WTF are you talking about?
Problem is Republicans think all business is great.

Problem is Democrats think all government is great.
Not when it’s run by Republicans. When you have Republicans in charge all you get is debt and war and disaster and tax cuts for needy billionaires.

The state of Illinois and the city of Chicago just called.
They wanted to know if your IQ has always been in the low 40s, or is it a recent occurrence?
They can’t kill the truth so they try to assassinate the character.

Pointing out your idiocy has nothing to do with your low character.
You prove my point.

I'm happy to point out your idiocy....anytime.
You know what would make America great again? Dean getting a job and not having enough time to swamp USMB with bullshit nonstop.
Sadly, the people in Wisconsin don’t think it’s bullsh!t.

They think they got taken again, by Republicans. And they did.
Why do we bother pointing out your idiocy when we can let your words do it for you. Moron.
FoxConn had nothing to do with Amazon pulling out of New York. OP is a politically biased moron.
What is wrong with these people? They sure do like name-calling.
Problem is Republicans think all business is great. That business is on the side of the American people. That business is a kind of charity that hands out jobs to the undeserving.
Well as we know from Donald Trump, many business deals are actually scams that hurt a lot of people.

Problem is Republicans think all business is great.

Problem is Democrats think all government is great.
Adults look at ech deal seperately and decide on fancts on the ground. My city has given away tax abatement after tax abatement that did not pay off for the city long term. A few did how ever pay off. It does not matter what letter was in front of the reps name a bad deal is a bad deal. In our case it was Dems and republicans alike making mistakes on these deals. The world is not as simple as republican good democrat bad or vise versa. It boils down to the fact that when giving tax abatement it is based on extrapolation which is never as accurate as interpolation. Almost no abatement payed off from 2005 to 2015 for my city. Of course the economy blew during this time.
The economy was bad in 2015? 2009 I could see, but 2015? Unemployment was already down to like 6% in 2015
Wisconsin got screwed by Republicans and that’s why Scott Walker lost the governorship.
And the biggest screw was Republicans making a deal with Foxconn that screwed the people of Wisconsin.
When corporations say they want billions of dollars, you don’t just stop there, you negotiate. I know Republicans don’t really understand what that means but the rest of the people do. Negotiation is a good thing. Something Donald Trump is really bad at. Republicans are no better.
Is the disastrous GOP Foxconn deal what sunk the Amazon deal?

This 1 number sums up why that Foxconn deal is over-the-top bad for Wisconsin

Every day the failed Amazon deal gets bigger and worse according to Republicans. First it was 20,000 jobs and then 25,000 jobs and who knows how many it’s going to be next time, 20 million jobs?
It’s like a scam artist. You give me $1 billion and I’ll give you back $2 billion next Tuesday.
Now it could’ve been a good deal. Who knows? But after the disaster of the Foxconn deal in Wisconsin, people are naturally going to be a little bit gun shy.

Trump called Foxconn's Wisconsin factory an 'incredible investment,' but evidence is mounting it's a terrible deal

Wisconsin's deal with Foxconn was as bad as they come

Right, everyone knows Amazon is a fake company. They don't hire anybody. You got a good point there, consider covering it up with a hat.

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