Is the FBI now officially the Fake Bullshit "Investigation" Agency?

Not by 60% you fucking idiot.

What fantasy are you lying about now moron?

Do you see a Trump tower in Russia?? The deal fell through.

The fact that the deal fell through means nothing. He was negotiating that deal with Russia at the same time that Russia was helping him get elected

The only people who liked the ACA were those the rest of us were paying for.

You're talking about 20 million people who would lose healthcare. How does that affect you? All insurance is affected by the ACA and will be NEGATIVELY affect if it's allowed to go away

Russia did NOT help him get elected, moron.
Trump would not have been elected without help from Russia. Only the brainwashed and dumb think otherwise.

Only the brainwashed and dumb think Russia helped President Trump get elected.
Ya, and all of our Intelligence agencies and now, the Republican-controlled Senate Committee.
heres how this works

the board Russians have been slobbering how bad they wanted evidence .. now they have undisputed evidence Russia shit on this countrys democracy that evidence is a lie.

welcome to USSRMB.
The credibility and trust factor in the Federal Bureau of Investigation is in the proverbial shitter right now.

As far back as 2014 - and you know it has to be longer, corruption, scandal, criminal acts, attacking whistleblowers, lack of integrity, honesty, objectivity, ethics, morals, and a complete lack of respect for the law at the top, in leadership and those being groomed within the organization to take over, as Comey did from Mueller, has been exposed.

The US IG report on the FBI was disturbing:
- Abandoning Standard Operating Procedures and Policies to conduct Double-Standard / biased investigations
- Perjury Traps
- Allowing some to be questioned NOT under oath
- Lying to witnesses, telling them they are having friendly chats instead of letting them know they are being interviewed
- Failure to advise them to seek counsel / have counsel if they want and instead telling them they don't need it
- NO video or audio recordings of interviews
- No transcripts made
- 302s written 7 months after an interview based on almost non-existent notes
- Witnesses being indicted while the FBI Director & Agents claim the witness never lied
- Witnesses proven to have lied protected from indictment
- Altering witness testimony AFTER the testimony was given
- Reportedly coaching witnesses to say
- Allowing multiple witnesses sit in on questioning 1 witness, allowing them to hear and 'sing the same story'
- Obstruction - refusing to comply with subpoenas
- Hiring / Using foreign President-hating foreign spies working with Russians providing known debunked propaganda
- Using that propaganda illegally to try to alter an election / take down a President
- Leaking Classified.....

...and on and on and on......
heres how this works

the board Russians have been slobbering how bad they wanted evidence .. now they have undisputed evidence Russia shit on this countrys democracy that evidence is a lie.

welcome to USSRMB.
You forgot to add the fact that Obama knew about the Russian activity since 2014 and did nothing about it...and Mueller, who was appointed to look into that Interference believes the fact that it started in 2014 and Obama knew about it does not need to be investigated.

You make some valid points but health care should be kicked back to the private sector where it belongs.
Claudette, tell that to the folks who sling hash and deliver pizzas and swab toilets. The folks who had no employer contributions so couldn't afford healthcare, or whose condition is so severe the cost is prohibitive.

I hear a lot of jabber about how cost rose for those of us who do not need the ACA, but my costs didn't rise more than normal. Maybe because I already have plan F and not the cheap grabber offered previously and adjusted to cover more by the ACA so the price rose.

Those are work force entry jobs that should be held by kids living at home and old people supplementing SS.
Now with the flood of cheap labor who are adults the system is now off balance.
Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Russia did help to get Trump elected. Hacking the DNC servers wouldn't have gotten him elected. mean all that Podesta stuff wasn't an issue?

Those hacks had no effect?

Honesty isn't any more your strong suit than providing links is...
Not by 60% you fucking idiot.

What fantasy are you lying about now moron?

Do you see a Trump tower in Russia?? The deal fell through.

The fact that the deal fell through means nothing. He was negotiating that deal with Russia at the same time that Russia was helping him get elected

The only people who liked the ACA were those the rest of us were paying for.

You're talking about 20 million people who would lose healthcare. How does that affect you? All insurance is affected by the ACA and will be NEGATIVELY affect if it's allowed to go away

Russia did NOT help him get elected, moron.
Trump would not have been elected without help from Russia. Only the brainwashed and dumb think otherwise.
LMAO. Trump would not have been elected if the Democrats had not run the vilest and worthless human on the planet.

You know who is to blame for Trump being elected? You and your ilk are.
Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Russia did help to get Trump elected. Hacking the DNC servers wouldn't have gotten him elected. mean all that Podesta stuff wasn't an issue?

Those hacks had no effect?

Honesty isn't any more your strong suit than providing links is...
This would be the equivalent of the GOP saying that articles posted by The Guardian from the UK cost Trump the majority vote.

I didn't realize you were against the free flow of information in this country.

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