Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?

LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't really know what Authoritarianism is. This country could use a bit of ut, but no the Republicans are NOT Authoritarians.
I see, so this country could use some authoritarianism. Feel free to elaborate dummy. What could it use authoritarianism for?
Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

a report circulated highlighting his 1990 interview with Playboy in which he praised the brutality of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. This is not the first time I had seen Trump praise dictators.
Actually Trump condemned the crackdown. He called it "vicious" and "horrible".

You are lying.

it was i who provided the link to that report where he called them vicious and horrible.

the claim of the author is that he however admired the strength of their brutal tactics, and he does.

now nearly 30 years later, we see him calling his protesters vicious and horrible, and he longs for the good old days when they could be taken out on stretchers, which is more evidence of his admiration for the "strength" of brutal tactics.

he preaches that rational restraint makes us a weak country. he claims we need to "make America great again" while promoting brutality and bigotry. he is a brutal demagogue appealing to base fear and loathing with dangerous red meat rhetoric.
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Does this question really need to be asked? Of course it is. Both Parties are. It's all about the control. Both Parties are increasing spying on Citizens and creating a new law every day. Both Parties have created this Police State.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't really know what Authoritarianism is. This country could use a bit of ut, but no the Republicans are NOT Authoritarians.

Working to not allow gays to marry, Trump saying he will pay legal fees for his supporters to assault protesters, saying he will bring charges to journalists that in his mind lie, saying he will ban all Muslims from entry into the U.S., encouraging violence against protesters, yeah they are authoritarian since Trump will soon be the GOP nominee.
The argument over marriage was to prevent a slippery-slope issue from being created, one of the top no-nos in juris prudence. How do we prevent plural-marriages, beastiality, marriage among siblings now? You can't unless you infringe on the rights of individuals to marry whomever they wish.

He never said he would pay anyone's legal fees unilaterally. I don't even remember him saying it. It was at the suggestion of others.

I agree that the press has been corrupted. It would be a good thing if the press had to pay a price for slandering if malice could be proved in a court of law.

Encouraging followers to defend themselves is not encouraging violence. It's just common sense when you take into account the tactics of and Blacklivesmatter. Doing otherwise simply encourages more attacks.
Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

a report circulated highlighting his 1990 interview with Playboy in which he praised the brutality of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. This is not the first time I had seen Trump praise dictators.
Actually Trump condemned the crackdown. He called it "vicious" and "horrible".

You are lying.

Trump was asked about Gorbachev — who was nearing the end of his time in power. Trump said, “Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.”

His interviewer asked, “You mean firm hand as in China?”

Trump answered, “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world –”

Trump’s admiration of Putin is no surprise, in light of this. We conservatives like to mock Thomas L. Friedman for his occasional favorable words about the regime in Beijing — his longing for a bit of that here, to accomplish things without the snags of democracy.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't really know what Authoritarianism is. This country could use a bit of ut, but no the Republicans are NOT Authoritarians.

Working to not allow gays to marry, Trump saying he will pay legal fees for his supporters to assault protesters, saying he will bring charges to journalists that in his mind lie, saying he will ban all Muslims from entry into the U.S., encouraging violence against protesters, yeah they are authoritarian since Trump will soon be the GOP nominee.
The argument over marriage was to prevent a slippery-slope issue from being created, one of the top no-nos in juris prudence. How do we prevent plural-marriages, beastiality, marriage among siblings now? You can't unless you infringe on the rights of individuals to marry whomever they wish.

He never said he would pay anyone's legal fees unilaterally. I don't even remember him saying it. It was at the suggestion of others.

I agree that the press has been corrupted. It would be a good thing if the press had to pay a price for slandering if malice could be proved in a court of law.

Encouraging followers to defend themselves is not encouraging violence. It's just common sense when you take into account the tactics of and Blacklivesmatter. Doing otherwise simply encourages more attacks.

So someone talking and a Trump supporter hitting them is "defending"? Even courts don't agree with you.

As to the rest it is again just spin from your part and you just excusing the authoritarian nature of the GOP. Sorry, no one is buying it. Trump is nothing by the head of a new Brown Shirt brigade and luckily the majority of the country are now seeing just how authoritarian Trump and his supporters are. Good riddance to the lot of you and glad you will be disappointed after the election when the Dictator Trump is stopped and loses the election.
Yeah......and I'm Rosie Fucking O'Donnell.

You also forgot GM and Chrysler.

How ya doing Rosie!

So bailing out two companies is the equivalent of the government taking over business to ya huh? Wow. I guess you thought when Bush bailed out the banks he was "taking over business" as well huh?

Interesting that bailing out a company to you is "taking over" lol.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.

Figure it out.

So you think what....they should have all gotten raises instead? Again bailing out companies is NOT taking over businesses.

Is GM around still? YES, they bailed them out. Again, you give two examples and then act like the government is taking over all business in the U.S. Grow up and quit exaggerating.
GM was filing bankruptcy because of the bad deals they made with unions. They saw no other way out. So Obama promised to pay down their debts in return for union support in the election. Surprising you weren't aware of this. Unions run the auto industry. It's why Ford is moving to Mexico.
"Get your people in line, Bernie," Trump said...

Donald Trump blames Sanders supporters for Chicago unrest -

Trump ends wild day on campaign trail by calling for protesters' arrests

The little weirdo in Ohio did get arrested. And rightfully so. Who knows what the nutter was up to? He could have harmed Trump. And you should look into the laws on protesting at political rallies. You'll be very surprised. Trump's actually correct. There are laws regarding what the little weirdo in Ohio was doing.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't really know what Authoritarianism is. This country could use a bit of ut, but no the Republicans are NOT Authoritarians.

Working to not allow gays to marry, Trump saying he will pay legal fees for his supporters to assault protesters, saying he will bring charges to journalists that in his mind lie, saying he will ban all Muslims from entry into the U.S., encouraging violence against protesters, yeah they are authoritarian since Trump will soon be the GOP nominee.
The argument over marriage was to prevent a slippery-slope issue from being created, one of the top no-nos in juris prudence. How do we prevent plural-marriages, beastiality, marriage among siblings now? You can't unless you infringe on the rights of individuals to marry whomever they wish.

He never said he would pay anyone's legal fees unilaterally. I don't even remember him saying it. It was at the suggestion of others.

I agree that the press has been corrupted. It would be a good thing if the press had to pay a price for slandering if malice could be proved in a court of law.

Encouraging followers to defend themselves is not encouraging violence. It's just common sense when you take into account the tactics of and Blacklivesmatter. Doing otherwise simply encourages more attacks.

So someone talking and a Trump supporter hitting them is "defending"? Even courts don't agree with you.

As to the rest it is again just spin from your part and you just excusing the authoritarian nature of the GOP. Sorry, no one is buying it. Trump is nothing by the head of a new Brown Shirt brigade and luckily the majority of the country are now seeing just how authoritarian Trump and his supporters are. Good riddance to the lot of you and glad you will be disappointed after the election when the Dictator Trump is stopped and loses the election.
You're confusing separate incidents.

But how else can a liberal argue unless they lie about the facts.

And the Browns Shirts are the Bernie Sanders folks, the Bill Ayers folks, the George Soros folks, the Obama Blacklivesmatter folks. They are the thugs stifling freedom of speech, not Trump.
the claim of the author is that he however admired the strength of their brutal tactics, and he does.
So when you admire an act you call it "vicious" and "horrible"?! Don't talk such nonsense.

he preaches that rational restraint makes us a weak country. he claims we need to "make America great again" while promoting brutality and bigotry. he is a brutal demagogue appealing to base fear and loathing with dangerous red meat rhetoric.
Stop the histrionics. Trump and the other reformers within the Republican Party deserve credit.

One or more of the reformers oppose:

1. Illegal immigration that drives down wages
2. The twisted PC thought police who itch to deprive us of basic freedoms
3. Nation building in the Mideast (I think we've engaged in enough counter-productive meddling in the Mideast.)
4. Unfair trade agreements
5. Bloated government
6. Washington insiders and lobbyists
How ya doing Rosie!

So bailing out two companies is the equivalent of the government taking over business to ya huh? Wow. I guess you thought when Bush bailed out the banks he was "taking over business" as well huh?

Interesting that bailing out a company to you is "taking over" lol.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.

Figure it out.

So you think what....they should have all gotten raises instead? Again bailing out companies is NOT taking over businesses.

Is GM around still? YES, they bailed them out. Again, you give two examples and then act like the government is taking over all business in the U.S. Grow up and quit exaggerating.
GM was filing bankruptcy because of the bad deals they made with unions. They saw no other way out. So Obama promised to pay down their debts in return for union support in the election. Surprising you weren't aware of this. Unions run the auto industry. It's why Ford is moving to Mexico.

No, it's just another conspiracy nutjob claim. I could say the same about Bush bailing out the banks so that they would promise GOP support for the election. Doesn't make it true and neither is your claim. I do believe there is a conspiracy section of this forum to post your BS.

All of that and you STILL can't refute what I said, no surprise here.
"We don't want to use our military, honestly. We don't want to use our military. But we're being scoffed at right now and we never fight to win."

“We're going to win so much. You're going to get tired of winning. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I'm going to say, ‘No, we have to make America great again.’ You're gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. We're gonna keep winning.’

25 quotes capturing Donald Trump’s final pitch to South Carolina


"I'm going to ask that you arrest them," Trump said to the police. "I'll file whatever charges you want. If they want to do this ... we're going to go strongly for your arrests."

Trump said arresting protesters would "ruin the rest of their lives" by giving them a "big arrest mark."

"Once that starts happening, we're not going to have any more protesters, folks," Trump said.
Working to not allow gays to marry, Trump saying he will pay legal fees for his supporters to assault protesters, saying he will bring charges to journalists that in his mind lie, saying he will ban all Muslims from entry into the U.S., encouraging violence against protesters, yeah they are authoritarian since Trump will soon be the GOP nominee.

Sounds like basic common sense and morality to me.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't really know what Authoritarianism is. This country could use a bit of ut, but no the Republicans are NOT Authoritarians.

Working to not allow gays to marry, Trump saying he will pay legal fees for his supporters to assault protesters, saying he will bring charges to journalists that in his mind lie, saying he will ban all Muslims from entry into the U.S., encouraging violence against protesters, yeah they are authoritarian since Trump will soon be the GOP nominee.
The argument over marriage was to prevent a slippery-slope issue from being created, one of the top no-nos in juris prudence. How do we prevent plural-marriages, beastiality, marriage among siblings now? You can't unless you infringe on the rights of individuals to marry whomever they wish.

He never said he would pay anyone's legal fees unilaterally. I don't even remember him saying it. It was at the suggestion of others.

I agree that the press has been corrupted. It would be a good thing if the press had to pay a price for slandering if malice could be proved in a court of law.

Encouraging followers to defend themselves is not encouraging violence. It's just common sense when you take into account the tactics of and Blacklivesmatter. Doing otherwise simply encourages more attacks.

So someone talking and a Trump supporter hitting them is "defending"? Even courts don't agree with you.

As to the rest it is again just spin from your part and you just excusing the authoritarian nature of the GOP. Sorry, no one is buying it. Trump is nothing by the head of a new Brown Shirt brigade and luckily the majority of the country are now seeing just how authoritarian Trump and his supporters are. Good riddance to the lot of you and glad you will be disappointed after the election when the Dictator Trump is stopped and loses the election.
You're confusing separate incidents.

But how else can a liberal argue unless they lie about the facts.

And the Browns Shirts are the Bernie Sanders folks, the Bill Ayers folks, the George Soros folks, the Obama Blacklivesmatter folks. They are the thugs stifling freedom of speech, not Trump.

Protesting is not stifling free speech. Sorry you don't like the first amendment which includes speech YOU DON'T LIKE. The worse that protesters are doing is trespassing which I've already said I support Trump either asking them to leave or calling the cops and having them charged with trespassing.

Nope I know of no Dem candidate that has offered to pay legal fees for illegally assaulting a protester like the Brown Shirt Trump and his Trumptard Brigade. Also no Dem candidate has offered to pay fines and legal fees for their protesters trespassing. Face facts, Trump is encouraging illegal behavior like the 74 year old sucker punching a black man and another incident where Trump supporters pushed around a black woman. I guess you'll excuse that assault too.

The GOP is being shown for what it is supporting Trump, nothing but authoritarian dictators.
the claim of the author is that he however admired the strength of their brutal tactics, and he does.
So when you admire an act you call it "vicious" and "horrible"?! Don't talk such nonsense.

he preaches that rational restraint makes us a weak country. he claims we need to "make America great again" while promoting brutality and bigotry. he is a brutal demagogue appealing to base fear and loathing with dangerous red meat rhetoric.
Stop the histrionics. Trump and the other reformers within the Republican Party deserve credit.

One or more of the reformers oppose:

1. Illegal immigration that drives down wages
2. The twisted PC thought police who itch to deprive us of basic freedoms
3. Nation building in the Mideast (I think we've engaged in enough counter-productive meddling in the Mideast.)
4. Unfair trade agreements
5. Bloated government
6. Washington insiders and lobbyists

trump talked out of both sides of his mouth as usual, notice the indirect reference 'they', and the absolute admiration for the demonstration of strength he'd like to see more of...
Working to not allow gays to marry, Trump saying he will pay legal fees for his supporters to assault protesters, saying he will bring charges to journalists that in his mind lie, saying he will ban all Muslims from entry into the U.S., encouraging violence against protesters, yeah they are authoritarian since Trump will soon be the GOP nominee.

Sounds like basic common sense and morality to me.

Of course it does to you, most authoritarians agree with being a dictator for the items they approve of.

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