Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?

You mean things like forcing people to buy health insurance...or baking cakes?
Or taking away people's freedom of speech, infringing on private gun ownership , jailing people for a video, taking over private businesses, enforcing only the laws you agree with?

No one was jailed because of a video, they were jailed because they violated their parole.

And I just went to Home Depot, the mall, and many other places and low and behold they aren't taken over by the government. Imagine that.
Yeah......and I'm Rosie Fucking O'Donnell.

You also forgot GM and Chrysler.

How ya doing Rosie!

So bailing out two companies is the equivalent of the government taking over business to ya huh? Wow. I guess you thought when Bush bailed out the banks he was "taking over business" as well huh?

Interesting that bailing out a company to you is "taking over" lol.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.

Figure it out.
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?
I have seen no shortage from both parties...
On foreign policy, Trump is a nationalist at sea. Sometimes he wants to let Russia fight ISIS, and at others he wants to “bomb the sh**” out of it. He is fixated on stealing Iraq’s oil and casually suggested a few weeks ago a war crime — killing terrorists’ families — as a tactic in the war on terror. For someone who wants to project strength, he has an astonishing weakness for flattery, falling for Vladimir Putin after a few coquettish bats of the eyelashes from the Russian thug.
Putin is not a big threat to the U.S. Russia now is only a regional power. We need Putin's help in our struggle with the real threat: the CCP.
You mean things like forcing people to buy health insurance...or baking cakes?
Or taking away people's freedom of speech, infringing on private gun ownership , jailing people for a video, taking over private businesses, enforcing only the laws you agree with?

No one was jailed because of a video, they were jailed because they violated their parole.

And I just went to Home Depot, the mall, and many other places and low and behold they aren't taken over by the government. Imagine that.
Yeah......and I'm Rosie Fucking O'Donnell.

You also forgot GM and Chrysler.

How ya doing Rosie!

So bailing out two companies is the equivalent of the government taking over business to ya huh? Wow. I guess you thought when Bush bailed out the banks he was "taking over business" as well huh?

Interesting that bailing out a company to you is "taking over" lol.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.

Figure it out.

So you think what....they should have all gotten raises instead? Again bailing out companies is NOT taking over businesses.
Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

a report circulated highlighting his 1990 interview with Playboy in which he praised the brutality of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. This is not the first time I had seen Trump praise dictators.
Actually Trump condemned the crackdown. He called it "vicious" and "horrible".

You are lying.
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?
It's funny to watch all these tea party types who couldn't stop droning on about the imagined authoritarianism of Obama. Now that a real authoritarian is here they are all too fucking stupid and oblivious to notice.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't really know what Authoritarianism is. This country could use a bit of ut, but no the Republicans are NOT Authoritarians.
Of course it is Trump who has let loose the wave of fear rippling out from the campaign. And it is Trump who has singled out African-Americans peacefully attending his speeches for mistreatment, and Trump who has glorified sucker-punching attacks on nonviolent protesters.
Can you provide evidence for your assertions? Or are you just spreading more lies?

The neocons hate Trump because 1)He is not so keen on nation-building in the Mideast. 2)They can't control him. So they'll lie every day until the election. Don't be duped.
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Both parties have been authoritarian for decades. I mean, seriously...
Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?
Yeah ..... "Screw this, Let's bring back King George III"

"I don’t think we should be governing ourselves. What we need is a king, and every now and then if the king’s not doing a good job, we kill him." -- George Carlin
Or taking away people's freedom of speech, infringing on private gun ownership , jailing people for a video, taking over private businesses, enforcing only the laws you agree with?

No one was jailed because of a video, they were jailed because they violated their parole.

And I just went to Home Depot, the mall, and many other places and low and behold they aren't taken over by the government. Imagine that.
Yeah......and I'm Rosie Fucking O'Donnell.

You also forgot GM and Chrysler.

How ya doing Rosie!

So bailing out two companies is the equivalent of the government taking over business to ya huh? Wow. I guess you thought when Bush bailed out the banks he was "taking over business" as well huh?

Interesting that bailing out a company to you is "taking over" lol.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.

Figure it out.

So you think what....they should have all gotten raises instead? Again bailing out companies is NOT taking over businesses.

Give it another decade, more or less, and they'll have to do it again.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't really know what Authoritarianism is. This country could use a bit of ut, but no the Republicans are NOT Authoritarians.

Working to not allow gays to marry, Trump saying he will pay legal fees for his supporters to assault protesters, saying he will bring charges to journalists that in his mind lie, saying he will ban all Muslims from entry into the U.S., encouraging violence against protesters, yeah they are authoritarian since Trump will soon be the GOP nominee.
No one was jailed because of a video, they were jailed because they violated their parole.

And I just went to Home Depot, the mall, and many other places and low and behold they aren't taken over by the government. Imagine that.
Yeah......and I'm Rosie Fucking O'Donnell.

You also forgot GM and Chrysler.

How ya doing Rosie!

So bailing out two companies is the equivalent of the government taking over business to ya huh? Wow. I guess you thought when Bush bailed out the banks he was "taking over business" as well huh?

Interesting that bailing out a company to you is "taking over" lol.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.

Figure it out.

So you think what....they should have all gotten raises instead? Again bailing out companies is NOT taking over businesses.

Is GM around still? YES, they bailed them out. Again, you give two examples and then act like the government is taking over all business in the U.S. Grow up and quit exaggerating.

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