Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?

These kinds of troll posts are especially funny. As if most posters here don't know the OP is a Communist/Progressive Obamabot who doesn't care about America or the Constitution. He or she really does believe the Board forgot who they are. Funny stuff. :)
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?
You mean they are now the party of Law and Order. Yes they will be under Trump.
There are understandable reasons for his eminence, and he has shown impressive gut-level skill as a campaigner. But he is not deserving of conservative support in the caucuses and primaries. Trump is a philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP in favor of a free-floating populism with strong-man overtones.

The GOP base is clearly disgusted and looking for new leadership. Enter Donald Trump, not just with policy prescriptions that challenge the cynical GOP leadership but with an attitude of disdain for that leadership — precisely in line with the sentiment of the base. Many conservatives are relishing this, but ah, the rub. Trump might be the greatest charlatan of them all.

Conservatives Should Ask, ‘Does Trump Walk with Us?’, by L. Brent Bozell III, National Review
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?
You mean they are now the party of Law and Order. Yes they will be under Trump.

Yep just like the Nazis thought they were the party of law and order. No surprise authoritarian assholes like Trump and his Trumptard brigade approve of dictatorships.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.

Figure it out.

So you think what....they should have all gotten raises instead? Again bailing out companies is NOT taking over businesses.

Is GM around still? YES, they bailed them out. Again, you give two examples and then act like the government is taking over all business in the U.S. Grow up and quit exaggerating.
GM was filing bankruptcy because of the bad deals they made with unions. They saw no other way out. So Obama promised to pay down their debts in return for union support in the election. Surprising you weren't aware of this. Unions run the auto industry. It's why Ford is moving to Mexico.

No, it's just another conspiracy nutjob claim. I could say the same about Bush bailing out the banks so that they would promise GOP support for the election. Doesn't make it true and neither is your claim. I do believe there is a conspiracy section of this forum to post your BS.

All of that and you STILL can't refute what I said, no surprise here.
We have evidence of it. Union dues go exclusively to Democrat candidates. Unions give the biggest contributions on record to Democrat coffers. It's all verified. You have no proof the banks support only the GOP. As a matter of fact, Hillary and Obama both received massive financial support from Leman Brothers and Goldman Sachs, among others. Half of the TARP funds went to these institutions under Obama. So spare me the liberals talking-points, Bernie Sanders.
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

In truth, both parties have their authoritarian elements. BTW, nobody is electing Trump. Trump is seeking the nomination. As you've probably noticed, the larger part of the GOP opposes him, and the party leadership is actively trying to block him.
So you think what....they should have all gotten raises instead? Again bailing out companies is NOT taking over businesses.

Is GM around still? YES, they bailed them out. Again, you give two examples and then act like the government is taking over all business in the U.S. Grow up and quit exaggerating.
GM was filing bankruptcy because of the bad deals they made with unions. They saw no other way out. So Obama promised to pay down their debts in return for union support in the election. Surprising you weren't aware of this. Unions run the auto industry. It's why Ford is moving to Mexico.

No, it's just another conspiracy nutjob claim. I could say the same about Bush bailing out the banks so that they would promise GOP support for the election. Doesn't make it true and neither is your claim. I do believe there is a conspiracy section of this forum to post your BS.

All of that and you STILL can't refute what I said, no surprise here.
We have evidence of it. Union dues go exclusively to Democrat candidates. Unions give the biggest contributions on record to Democrat coffers. It's all verified. You have no proof the banks support only the GOP. As a matter of fact, Hillary and Obama both received massive financial support from Leman Brothers and Goldman Sachs, among others. Half of the TARP funds went to these institutions under Obama. So spare me the liberals talking-points, Bernie Sanders.

And corporations donate to GOP candidates MANY times. Unions DO donate as well. I see you don't go all conspiracy nutjob over corporations donating MILLLIONS of dollars to GOP candidates.

Again, you are doing nothing but making false claims AND using connections to try and support your false claims. All of which equals nothing. Have fun with your conspiracy that the government is taking over businesses with your example of TWO lol.
Actually Trump condemned the crackdown. He called it "vicious" and "horrible".

You are lying.

When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it, then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength....And then they kept down the riot. It was a horrible thing
I think beheading might be acceptable.

Yeah, because executing people who say things you don't like is very much in line with American values, and not at all authoritarian.


If you want to talk about American values I think building a wall and deporting 11 million just might come up at odds with them. Do you realize that all of us with the exception of American Indians came here the same way?
Imagine if somebody rushed the podium when Hillary or Bernie was speaking. The established media would be shrieking about the horrors of intolerant right wing extremist rhetoric.
Actually Trump condemned the crackdown. He called it "vicious" and "horrible".

You are lying.

When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it, then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength....And then they kept down the riot. It was a horrible thing
Do you think the CCP was strong? Trump is just making a statement of fact. He is clearly not endorsing the CCP's actions.

Is GM around still? YES, they bailed them out. Again, you give two examples and then act like the government is taking over all business in the U.S. Grow up and quit exaggerating.
GM was filing bankruptcy because of the bad deals they made with unions. They saw no other way out. So Obama promised to pay down their debts in return for union support in the election. Surprising you weren't aware of this. Unions run the auto industry. It's why Ford is moving to Mexico.

No, it's just another conspiracy nutjob claim. I could say the same about Bush bailing out the banks so that they would promise GOP support for the election. Doesn't make it true and neither is your claim. I do believe there is a conspiracy section of this forum to post your BS.

All of that and you STILL can't refute what I said, no surprise here.
We have evidence of it. Union dues go exclusively to Democrat candidates. Unions give the biggest contributions on record to Democrat coffers. It's all verified. You have no proof the banks support only the GOP. As a matter of fact, Hillary and Obama both received massive financial support from Leman Brothers and Goldman Sachs, among others. Half of the TARP funds went to these institutions under Obama. So spare me the liberals talking-points, Bernie Sanders.

And corporations donate to GOP candidates MANY times. Unions DO donate as well. I see you don't go all conspiracy nutjob over corporations donating MILLLIONS of dollars to GOP candidates.

Again, you are doing nothing but making false claims AND using connections to try and support your false claims. All of which equals nothing. Have fun with your conspiracy that the government is taking over businesses with your example of TWO lol.
There is more than two examples.
There are numerous ways that government can destroy companies. One of them that Democrats love using is through unions. Walmart came under attack from the left because they refuse to unionize. Mc'Donalds was under constant attack last year and the year before. Demands for a so-called working wage of at least $15/hr. Mc'Donalds, as a result, is trying to go automatic. Remove the employee. Obamacare isn't providing better and cheaper insurance. Instead it is being used to punish businesses. Yet guys like the CEO of General Electric got tax-free status because he played ball with Obama. They built the medical records database system for Obamacare. They closed down lightbulb plants in America and opened new ones in China.

So fuck you you ignorant bastard. You and your bullshit arguments in support of corruption and Crony Capitalism.
Sounds familiar.

I'm sure it does. I understand thst recent generations have been taught to believe that Hitler, Mussilini and the other Axis powers had no redeeming values to their society. That view is incorrect. Obviously the genocide of millions is unconscionable in every way, but other parts of those societies we could learn much from.
Sounds familiar.

I'm sure it does. I understand thst recent generations have been taught to believe that Hitler, Mussilini and the other Axis powers had no redeeming values to their society. That view is incorrect. Obviously the genocide of millions is unconscionable in every way, but other parts of those societies we could learn much from.
Uh huh.....all good except that little genocide thing.
And now Hussein wants in your cell phone too. It's not enough he's spying on you every day. He needs more control. The reality is, both Parties are run by Globalist Elite Authoritarians. The Police State is here folks.

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