is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?

As I have written about extensively, the destruction of the Black nuclear family by Democrat welfare policies and overly punitive drug laws created the Fatherless epidemic and the related drug/gang epidemic in Black inner cities. For God sakes there were 100 shootings and 18 Black people killed just over July 4th weekend in Chicago! That sounds like Yemen or Ethiopia, not America.
do Ethiopians shoot each other lots? I did not know----yemenis do
Depends on the father.
that is mute when there bad fathers do exist but if the father isnt in the home there is no chance of him being good father to his children is no father in the home ...please dont reflect .


If you are a linguistic expert the fact that "mute " and "moot" sound the same to the poster would indicate where in the English speaking world they are coming from.
It's part of the problem, certainly.

The biggest problem, however, is that a large segment of the population makes excuses for bad behavior. The very notion of taking responsibility for one's own behavior is anathema to much of black culture in our country, and far too many guilt-ridden white people feed in to the pathology by lowering the bar for them.

It's actually a form of racism as far as I'm concerned, as the double standards being enabled are basically saying that blacks are just animals who cannot do any better. This is, of course, wrong, but since it is a politically correct racism, it prevails among all those who merely parrot but do not think.
Then why is there more whites in prison than blacks if all you can recognize is blacks committing crimes, every segment of the nation is represented in prison or in the court system.

Let us then discuss why white collar crime is so well represented by whites and Asians...Did these executives not have a daddy? Did they live in the inner cities growing up?
start a thread on white collar crime ...this thread is about violent crime .
Yes, there are far more whites in prison than blacks which makes whites a higher percentage of incarcerated humans.

But not per capita. Per capita, blacks exceed whites by at least double or more.
And that negates whites committing crimes, how?
the thread is not about who commits the most crimes but indicators that point to the reasons ... once again instead of trying to derail this thread stick to the subject matter weakling .
It's part of the problem, certainly.

The biggest problem, however, is that a large segment of the population makes excuses for bad behavior. The very notion of taking responsibility for one's own behavior is anathema to much of black culture in our country, and far too many guilt-ridden white people feed in to the pathology by lowering the bar for them.

It's actually a form of racism as far as I'm concerned, as the double standards being enabled are basically saying that blacks are just animals who cannot do any better. This is, of course, wrong, but since it is a politically correct racism, it prevails among all those who merely parrot but do not think.
Then why is there more whites in prison than blacks if all you can recognize is blacks committing crimes, every segment of the nation is represented in prison or in the court system.

Let us then discuss why white collar crime is so well represented by whites and Asians...Did these executives not have a daddy? Did they live in the inner cities growing up?

Percentages confound you.
Yes, there are far more whites in prison than blacks which makes whites a higher percentage of incarcerated humans.
and id bet the majority of them grew up without a father also .
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

That's a bunch of bullshit. My grandfathers came to this country without pots to urinate in. But they didn't turn to a life of crime.
If the shoe fits wear it. Crime is not ethnically based like you are inferring because you hate black people.

I'm not inferring anything and I don't hate any race.

Just observing that crime isn't poverty based. But it might be caused by the lack of fathers in the household and that has nothing to do with race.
Adolf and Joseph had parents and look at how they ended up.
Adolf did not have a father----and Joseph was a catholic in good standing.
child rearing techniques are CULTURAL ---not racial
I never considered them to be racial that is the premise of the OP and the right when they look to humiliate and dehumanize blacks, Latinos and whites because of a criminal history.

Remind me again who wrote the 1994 crime bill that put unprecedented numbers of black men in prison...
Name the bill

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, commonly referred to as the 1994 Crime Bill,[1] the Clinton Crime Bill,[2] or the Biden Crime Law,[3] is an Act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement; it became law in 1994. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the United States and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers.[4] Sponsored by U.S. Representative Jack Brooks of Texas,[5] the bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.[6] Then-Senator Joe Biden of Delaware drafted the Senate version of the legislation in cooperation with the National Association of Police Organizations, also incorporating the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) with Senator Orrin Hatch.[7][8]
Do you not approve of this crime bill? I'll bet you if you look into this you'll see Republicans wrote the bill and Clinton just signed it. Like NAFTA.

I also remember Republicans tried so hard to get Bill to invade Iraq. They wanted to pin that one on him too.

Were you unable to read the part that said Joe Biden wrote the Senate version of the bill, or do you believe Joe Biden is a Republican? Trying to gauge the depth of your stupidity...
DEPTH-----with a plumbline-----a marked line----with a heavy weight attached----
see how far it is to THE BOTTOM-----keep going-----get some more line---try not to
bend over too much ----YOU'LL FALL INNNNNNnnnn~~~~~~~
I think he likes this Crime Bill.

"I think" ????
Don't you?
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

That's a bunch of bullshit. My grandfathers came to this country without pots to urinate in. But they didn't turn to a life of crime.
If the shoe fits wear it. Crime is not ethnically based like you are inferring because you hate black people.

I'm not inferring anything and I don't hate any race.

Just observing that crime isn't poverty based. But it might be caused by the lack of fathers in the household and that has nothing to do with race.
Adolf and Joseph had parents and look at how they ended up.
Adolf did not have a father----and Joseph was a catholic in good standing.
child rearing techniques are CULTURAL ---not racial
I never considered them to be racial that is the premise of the OP and the right when they look to humiliate and dehumanize blacks, Latinos and whites because of a criminal history.

Remind me again who wrote the 1994 crime bill that put unprecedented numbers of black men in prison...
Name the bill

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, commonly referred to as the 1994 Crime Bill,[1] the Clinton Crime Bill,[2] or the Biden Crime Law,[3] is an Act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement; it became law in 1994. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the United States and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers.[4] Sponsored by U.S. Representative Jack Brooks of Texas,[5] the bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.[6] Then-Senator Joe Biden of Delaware drafted the Senate version of the legislation in cooperation with the National Association of Police Organizations, also incorporating the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) with Senator Orrin Hatch.[7][8]
Do you not approve of this crime bill? I'll bet you if you look into this you'll see Republicans wrote the bill and Clinton just signed it. Like NAFTA.

I also remember Republicans tried so hard to get Bill to invade Iraq. They wanted to pin that one on him too.

Were you unable to read the part that said Joe Biden wrote the Senate version of the bill, or do you believe Joe Biden is a Republican? Trying to gauge the depth of your stupidity...
DEPTH-----with a plumbline-----a marked line----with a heavy weight attached----
see how far it is to THE BOTTOM-----keep going-----get some more line---try not to
bend over too much ----YOU'LL FALL INNNNNNnnnn~~~~~~~
I think he likes this Crime Bill.

"I think" ????
Don't you?
I don't THINK that I know what other people THINK
LBJ almost makes the top ten list of presidents even though the media used to joke about how crooked he was. LBJ's "Great Society" tore apart Black families by putting poverty pimps in charge. The abortion rate among Black women rose to an astonishing level and the number of unwed mothers in the Black community is staggering. Lefties don't give a damn though. It's all about promoting LBJ's fake legacy and keeping Blacks on the DNC plantation.
You want to go back to the good old days where you could give a white woman welfare but then deny a black woman who's just as poor.

And you want to go back to when after we got them equal access to welfare, you would raid these women's homes and if you found a black man in the home, you took her welfare away. Raids you didn't make on white women.

Abortion is a good thing. Do you want poor women having more children?
i'd rather see an innocent unborn child get a chance at life and success ... killing them gives them no chance at all ...if money is the measure of ones right to life do you believe the poor people should be terminated also ?
When these discussions come up, I can't help to turn to the words of the late Professor Williams. He wrote this years ago:

Black Self-Sabotage

By Walter Williams


If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let's look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check.

The poverty rate among blacks is 36 percent. Most black poverty is found in female-headed households. The poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994 and is about 8 percent today. The black illegitimacy rate is 75 percent, and in some cities, it's 90 percent. But if that's a legacy of slavery, it must have skipped several generations, because in the 1940s, unwed births hovered around 14 percent.

More interesting stuff in this article if anybody cares for the truth.

Using a backhoe, I wanted to find out more about the number of female-headed households and poverty in the US, along with black-only families with mom only homes in poverty.

The first graph depicts poverty rate of all single mom homes. The second graph depicts black only single mom homes in poverty.

First graph showing all single mom families living in poverty that shows percentage improvements:
2019: 22.2%
2018: 24.9%
2017: 26.2%
2016: 26.6%.....

1991: 35.6% of all homes in US run by ALL single moms were living in poverty. Man, I thought the 90's were "pretty good"...but obviously many would not be under the same impression just looking at that relatively high stretch of stats.

The good news is that the first graph shows a recent decline in poverty as far as percentages of all female-headed households. The yearly comparison also indicates that there was more ineptness going on in the 90's (ineptness being divided among more than one factor) where the percentages of female-households in poverty were jacked up for several consecutive years.

The second graph, contains the following percentage changes for only Black moms running a household, and includes the following statistical changes:
2019: 27.3%
2018: 29.4%
2017: 30.8%
2016: 31.6%........
1991: 51.2% Black families with mom only living in poverty.

I'm wondering how it could be explained that Trump's domestic policies didn't help fight poverty? Or, are we to believe that Obama's economic policies didn't kick in until after he left? Surely, there is a Candy Cane here in the mix who will fight against the truth at all costs! lol
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households

Upon your prompt Yidnar-I found this information from Pew Research, 2019:
"Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%). The study, which analyzed how people’s living arrangements differ by religion, also found that U.S. children from Christian and religiously unaffiliated families are about equally likely to live in this type of arrangement."

I had no idea that single family homes in US outweighed other countries by such a large percentage (23% in US, 7% around the world average). I was under the impression that there were about that many within the US but that more as well outside the US...shows what I know). Thanks for increasing my awareness! I'll look for sources connecting felons to single parent homes, and there is a connection that's been discussed for many years.

I did like another poster's response about a dad in the home being a good thing that it "depends on the dad". Absolutely true. Some homes are better off without a dad when the dad is the sort who should have never had kids. There are different reasons for being a bad father, some way worse than others sadly. A good home can still be obtained by a single mom with a boost from her own drive and initiative to succeed as a single parent, and help from family/friends/or neighbors to provide safe and nurturing care for the kids.
maybe the reason the US has a higher crime rate than some of those countries is because of our higher % of children being raised with no father in the home .
whitehall LBJ's picture should show up whenever anyone Googles "Systemic Racism". That M-fer wrote the book on how to use Racism as a tool for gaining control over a people.
LBJ almost makes the top ten list of presidents even though the media used to joke about how crooked he was. LBJ's "Great Society" tore apart Black families by putting poverty pimps in charge. The abortion rate among Black women rose to an astonishing level and the number of unwed mothers in the Black community is staggering. Lefties don't give a damn though. It's all about promoting LBJ's fake legacy and keeping Blacks on the DNC plantation.
You want to go back to the good old days where you could give a white woman welfare but then deny a black woman who's just as poor.

And you want to go back to when after we got them equal access to welfare, you would raid these women's homes and if you found a black man in the home, you took her welfare away. Raids you didn't make on white women.

Abortion is a good thing. Do you want poor women having more children?
i'd rather see an innocent unborn child get a chance at life and success ... killing them gives them no chance at all ...if money is the measure of ones right to life do you believe the poor people should be terminated also ?
No but do you think it's right that poor women have higher birth rates than middle class and rich women?

I think the planet has enough people. It's ok if some don't get a chance.

In a perfect world I'd like to see an unborn become born and live a great life too.
yidnar I read an article about juvenile elephants being relocated to an animal safari park without their parents several years back...the elephants grew up to be the equivalent of thuggish ghetto teenagers/twenty year old human gang members. They actually formed violent roving gangs that destroyed the park for sport and attacked other animals for fun nightly. The rhinos got the worse of the attacks--the young elephants would attack them knocking them over and often killing them. Nothing seemed to get the elephants to end their aggressiveness UNTIL---the park brought in adult male elephants that literally would knock some sense into the trouble makers when they stepped out of line and taught them to act atleast with some respect.

I read a lot of odd information. One of the other things that I have read about is that black males learn differently than other groups. I know its considered racist but educational study after education study has found that black males do better academically when they are placed in classes with just other males. Its the one demographic that would do better in an all male school---prehaps kids (especially males) do need the father/male image to physically enforce social rules and that this is especially so among the various african groups.
LBJ almost makes the top ten list of presidents even though the media used to joke about how crooked he was. LBJ's "Great Society" tore apart Black families by putting poverty pimps in charge. The abortion rate among Black women rose to an astonishing level and the number of unwed mothers in the Black community is staggering. Lefties don't give a damn though. It's all about promoting LBJ's fake legacy and keeping Blacks on the DNC plantation.
You want to go back to the good old days where you could give a white woman welfare but then deny a black woman who's just as poor.

And you want to go back to when after we got them equal access to welfare, you would raid these women's homes and if you found a black man in the home, you took her welfare away. Raids you didn't make on white women.

Abortion is a good thing. Do you want poor women having more children?
i'd rather see an innocent unborn child get a chance at life and success ... killing them gives them no chance at all ...if money is the measure of ones right to life do you believe the poor people should be terminated also ?
No but do you think it's right that poor women have higher birth rates than middle class and rich women?

I think the planet has enough people. It's ok if some don't get a chance.

In a perfect world I'd like to see an unborn become born and live a great life too.
and your very existence adds to said over populated world .. i find it disgusting and arrogant and snobbish when people think they have a right to life but others dont .
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households

Upon your prompt Yidnar-I found this information from Pew Research, 2019:
"Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%). The study, which analyzed how people’s living arrangements differ by religion, also found that U.S. children from Christian and religiously unaffiliated families are about equally likely to live in this type of arrangement."

I had no idea that single family homes in US outweighed other countries by such a large percentage (23% in US, 7% around the world average). I was under the impression that there were about that many within the US but that more as well outside the US...shows what I know). Thanks for increasing my awareness! I'll look for sources connecting felons to single parent homes, and there is a connection that's been discussed for many years.

I did like another poster's response about a dad in the home being a good thing that it "depends on the dad". Absolutely true. Some homes are better off without a dad when the dad is the sort who should have never had kids. There are different reasons for being a bad father, some way worse than others sadly. A good home can still be obtained by a single mom with a boost from her own drive and initiative to succeed as a single parent, and help from family/friends/or neighbors to provide safe and nurturing care for the kids.
maybe the reason the US has a higher crime rate than some of those countries is because of our higher % of children being raised with no father in the home .

How about I convince you to add a modifier to your statement, just for the sake of clarifying...being raised with no GOOD father in the home instead of no father in the home. I'll back you with that added adjective to recognize that some "fathers" are any thing but a good father. You are right to say that it helps kids to have two parents, just to have two different personalities in the mix, watching two ways to figure things out, hearing how two adults use different strategies to resolve conflict. Even when both parents have a positive way of dealing with a crisis, it's always good for kids to observe how two sensible people react to the same thing in a different way.

A personal example: my daughter "sees" how I do things and how her father does things. Not the same style having different mindsets as far as reaction time, level of motivation to get things done, and how we air out disagreements by using differing genetic tools and unique, life experiences. I am the type who likes to "air it all out asap" when a disagreement takes place. Afterwards, I focus immediately on other things. My husband likes to hold on to things longer, thinking out the steps before acting. Our daughter has benefited from seeing that neither one of us is always right, we compromise when we are able, and allow each other to be right. That last one sounds easy, but for many couples it's finding a workable balance and to always remember little ears are listening. It's helped make me a better person tbh in that respect. Of course I prefer to be right 100% all of the time over the important stuff, yet so does my husband! lol Keeps it interesting!
yidnar I read an article about juvenile elephants being relocated to an animal safari park without their parents several years back...the elephants grew up to be the equivalent of thuggish ghetto teenagers/twenty year old human gang members. They actually formed violent roving gangs that destroyed the park for sport and attacked other animals for fun nightly. The rhinos got the worse of the attacks--the young elephants would attack them knocking them over and often killing them. Nothing seemed to get the elephants to end their aggressiveness UNTIL---the park brought in adult male elephants that literally would knock some sense into the trouble makers when they stepped out of line and taught them to act atleast with some respect.

I read a lot of odd information. One of the other things that I have read about is that black males learn differently than other groups. I know its considered racist but educational study after education study has found that black males do better academically when they are placed in classes with just other males. Its the one demographic that would do better in an all male school---prehaps kids (especially males) do need the father/male image to physically enforce social rules and that this is especially so among the various african groups.
yeah ! i saw the actual news report on that ....
When these discussions come up, I can't help to turn to the words of the late Professor Williams. He wrote this years ago:

Black Self-Sabotage

By Walter Williams


If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let's look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check.

The poverty rate among blacks is 36 percent. Most black poverty is found in female-headed households. The poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994 and is about 8 percent today. The black illegitimacy rate is 75 percent, and in some cities, it's 90 percent. But if that's a legacy of slavery, it must have skipped several generations, because in the 1940s, unwed births hovered around 14 percent.

More interesting stuff in this article if anybody cares for the truth.

Using a backhoe, I wanted to find out more about the number of female-headed households and poverty in the US, along with black-only families with mom only homes in poverty.

The first graph depicts poverty rate of all single mom homes. The second graph depicts black only single mom homes in poverty.

First graph showing all single mom families living in poverty that shows percentage improvements:
2019: 22.2%
2018: 24.9%
2017: 26.2%
2016: 26.6%.....

1991: 35.6% of all homes in US run by ALL single moms were living in poverty. Man, I thought the 90's were "pretty good"...but obviously many would not be under the same impression just looking at that relatively high stretch of stats.

The good news is that the first graph shows a recent decline in poverty as far as percentages of all female-headed households. The yearly comparison also indicates that there was more ineptness going on in the 90's (ineptness being divided among more than one factor) where the percentages of female-households in poverty were jacked up for several consecutive years.

The second graph, contains the following percentage changes for only Black moms running a household, and includes the following statistical changes:
2019: 27.3%
2018: 29.4%
2017: 30.8%
2016: 31.6%........
1991: 51.2% Black families with mom only living in poverty.

I'm wondering how it could be explained that Trump's domestic policies didn't help fight poverty? Or, are we to believe that Obama's economic policies didn't kick in until after he left? Surely, there is a Candy Cane here in the mix who will fight against the truth at all costs! lol
unfortunately with google and other search engines you need a backhoe ,picks ,shovels, and a team of miners to get true info stats and facts ...thats why dems love to post link? they know you will have to dig to find info on a matter the disagree with you on . its a form of censorship and dems support it .
unfortunately with google and other search engines you need a backhoe ,picks ,shovels, and a team of miners to get true info stats and facts ...thats why dems love to post link? they know you will have to dig to find info on a matter the disagree with you on . its a form of censorship and dems support it .

The Democrats only think they're slick, but they're not. You see them frequently make a dozen claims against somebody on the right because they know they are lying, and it would be way too time consuming to address each one. It's another little trick of theirs I see them use all the time.
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households

Upon your prompt Yidnar-I found this information from Pew Research, 2019:
"Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%). The study, which analyzed how people’s living arrangements differ by religion, also found that U.S. children from Christian and religiously unaffiliated families are about equally likely to live in this type of arrangement."

I had no idea that single family homes in US outweighed other countries by such a large percentage (23% in US, 7% around the world average). I was under the impression that there were about that many within the US but that more as well outside the US...shows what I know). Thanks for increasing my awareness! I'll look for sources connecting felons to single parent homes, and there is a connection that's been discussed for many years.

I did like another poster's response about a dad in the home being a good thing that it "depends on the dad". Absolutely true. Some homes are better off without a dad when the dad is the sort who should have never had kids. There are different reasons for being a bad father, some way worse than others sadly. A good home can still be obtained by a single mom with a boost from her own drive and initiative to succeed as a single parent, and help from family/friends/or neighbors to provide safe and nurturing care for the kids.
maybe the reason the US has a higher crime rate than some of those countries is because of our higher % of children being raised with no father in the home .

How about I convince you to add a modifier to your statement, just for the sake of clarifying...being raised with no GOOD father in the home instead of no father in the home. I'll back you with that added adjective to recognize that some "fathers" are any thing but a good father. You are right to say that it helps kids to have two parents, just to have two different personalities in the mix, watching two ways to figure things out, hearing how two adults use different strategies to resolve conflict. Even when both parents have a positive way of dealing with a crisis, it's always good for kids to observe how two sensible people react to the same thing in a different way.

A personal example: my daughter "sees" how I do things and how her father does things. Not the same style having different mindsets as far as reaction time, level of motivation to get things done, and how we air out disagreements by using differing genetic tools and unique, life experiences. I am the type who likes to "air it all out asap" when a disagreement takes place. Afterwards, I focus immediately on other things. My husband likes to hold on to things longer, thinking out the steps before acting. Our daughter has benefited from seeing that neither one of us is always right, we compromise when we are able, and allow each other to be right. That last one sounds easy, but for many couples it's finding a workable balance and to always remember little ears are listening. It's helped make me a better person tbh in that respect. Of course I prefer to be right 100% all of the time over the important stuff, yet so does my husband! lol Keeps it interesting!
unfortunately the title of the thread and the original op has been posted for to long will not allow me to change it . but you are right .... i should have added good father .
LBJ almost makes the top ten list of presidents even though the media used to joke about how crooked he was. LBJ's "Great Society" tore apart Black families by putting poverty pimps in charge. The abortion rate among Black women rose to an astonishing level and the number of unwed mothers in the Black community is staggering. Lefties don't give a damn though. It's all about promoting LBJ's fake legacy and keeping Blacks on the DNC plantation.
You want to go back to the good old days where you could give a white woman welfare but then deny a black woman who's just as poor.

And you want to go back to when after we got them equal access to welfare, you would raid these women's homes and if you found a black man in the home, you took her welfare away. Raids you didn't make on white women.

Abortion is a good thing. Do you want poor women having more children?
i'd rather see an innocent unborn child get a chance at life and success ... killing them gives them no chance at all ...if money is the measure of ones right to life do you believe the poor people should be terminated also ?
No but do you think it's right that poor women have higher birth rates than middle class and rich women?

I think the planet has enough people. It's ok if some don't get a chance.

In a perfect world I'd like to see an unborn become born and live a great life too.
and your very existence adds to said over populated world .. i find it disgusting and arrogant and snobbish when people think they have a right to life but others dont .
They aren't people. They are seeds in some woman's womb and if she doesn't want to have it, she should be able to get an abortion. If $ is the reason then maybe your society needs to change. In the last few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class poorer. More and more people are choosing not to have kids. I commend them. We're overpopulated. And I'm not having any kids. And if I did I'd pay for them myself.

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