Is the left really against schools hiring students or is the issue Gingrich said it?

Are liberals really against schools paying kids to do tasks around the school?

  • Yes, liberals really oppose it

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • No, it's only because Newt said it

    Votes: 18 62.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Children have been idolized into some thing they aren't and never were. They are little gods and goddesses needed all to bow down and give them eveything they want.

The left doesn't believe anyone should work, unless they are rich, then they should work and the payment for that work distributed to those who refuse to work.

I hope you're not as insipid as that statement makes you sound.

The number of people below the poverty line in Texas is quite high and it's the reddest state in the union. I guess they are all liberals down there?

I think what you meant to say is this:

Conservative dad sits down for dinner with his family and asks Jenny what she did in school today, she answers, "The principal told me to wash windows in Social Studies". The Conservative dad says something to the effect of, "Well, you learned a valuable lesson. Maybe you can work your way up to mopping the floor some day"

Liberal dad sits down for dinner with his family and asks Jenny what she did in school today, she answers, "The principal told me to wash windows in Social Studies". The Liberal dad says something to the effect of, "That won't happen tomorrow. I'll put an end to it."

Apparently you guys think working in a school doing janitorial work is preferable to studying in the school. I don't think that is what Newt was trying to state or at least I hope it wasn't. Maybe the GOP is just that far off the rails in terms of Presidential candidates????

Not at all the children can do a lot of work after school, or before school. They don't have to use school hours. After all, school hours have to spent listening to Ipods, bullying the kids who get better grades, having sex in the classroom, sometimes with the teacher. Taking drugs, smoking tons of pot and learning how bad cigarettes are. Leftist Dad says "I hope you gave that coach a really good blow job, you need more sex ed."
Children have been idolized into some thing they aren't and never were. They are little gods and goddesses needed all to bow down and give them eveything they want.

The left doesn't believe anyone should work, unless they are rich, then they should work and the payment for that work distributed to those who refuse to work.

I hope you're not as insipid as that statement makes you sound.

The number of people below the poverty line in Texas is quite high and it's the reddest state in the union. I guess they are all liberals down there?

I think what you meant to say is this:

Conservative dad sits down for dinner with his family and asks Jenny what she did in school today, she answers, "The principal told me to wash windows in Social Studies". The Conservative dad says something to the effect of, "Well, you learned a valuable lesson. Maybe you can work your way up to mopping the floor some day"

Liberal dad sits down for dinner with his family and asks Jenny what she did in school today, she answers, "The principal told me to wash windows in Social Studies". The Liberal dad says something to the effect of, "That won't happen tomorrow. I'll put an end to it."

Apparently you guys think working in a school doing janitorial work is preferable to studying in the school. I don't think that is what Newt was trying to state or at least I hope it wasn't. Maybe the GOP is just that far off the rails in terms of Presidential candidates????

Liberal dad sits down and says, "You mean you didn't learn in social studies today that you are an evil white person who only enjoys a good way of life because of what you did to the poor native Americans." That's the kind of shit kids are learning in social studies today. (Seriously, I had one of my neices repeat it to me once. Thankfully, her dad got her into a Catholic School after that.)

Studying is important, but so is learning the value of work.

The problem wtih government schools is like much of government anything, they just do what they have to do to get by. Another thing this niece told me was that if something wasn't on "the test", they didn't bother to learn it. Nice.
So when he says 9 in the above quote, that's not an age other than 14? Are you a fucking retard?

Newt said we shouldn't be restricted to only kids working when they are 14 or 16 (depends on the State), so it's logical for Zoom to say he's going to "only make 'poor' 9 year olds work." And that it doesn't make sense that offering jobs is going to "make" anyone work or that I don't see it's "only 9 year olds" who will work makes "me" retarded? Hmm....

No I think your retardation started long before this thread.

Newt attacks child labor laws for only allowing 14 and up to work.

He then touts great people as having started work at 9 years old. A logical mind can do the math.
Good point. I owe you some rep...

Frankly, I've always been bothered by this. With the level of taxes we pay, kids should not be going door to door (which really, can be a LOT more dangerous than mopping a floor) selling candy to God Knows Who is on the other side of the door.

Incidently, most parents I know sell the kid's candy for them at work.

My children attend a school where most of the money to run the school is raised by the parents. The kids are NEVER sent out to raise money.

I'm very happy for you.

So fucking what?

Point is, there are schools that DO make the kids sell candy.

Now sometimes they are lucky enough to have parents that will bring that stuff to work and sell chocolate to their coworkers.

And sometimes they are stuck with parents who are too busy watching Jerry Springer and waiting for the welfare check to arrive.

Good luck, kid!

Did you miss the point, or just decide to be an asshole. Not that you have that much choice in the matter.
Children have been idolized into some thing they aren't and never were. They are little gods and goddesses needed all to bow down and give them eveything they want.

The left doesn't believe anyone should work, unless they are rich, then they should work and the payment for that work distributed to those who refuse to work.

I hope you're not as insipid as that statement makes you sound.

The number of people below the poverty line in Texas is quite high and it's the reddest state in the union. I guess they are all liberals down there?

I think what you meant to say is this:

Conservative dad sits down for dinner with his family and asks Jenny what she did in school today, she answers, "The principal told me to wash windows in Social Studies". The Conservative dad says something to the effect of, "Well, you learned a valuable lesson. Maybe you can work your way up to mopping the floor some day"

Liberal dad sits down for dinner with his family and asks Jenny what she did in school today, she answers, "The principal told me to wash windows in Social Studies". The Liberal dad says something to the effect of, "That won't happen tomorrow. I'll put an end to it."

Apparently you guys think working in a school doing janitorial work is preferable to studying in the school. I don't think that is what Newt was trying to state or at least I hope it wasn't. Maybe the GOP is just that far off the rails in terms of Presidential candidates????

Liberal dad sits down and says, "You mean you didn't learn in social studies today that you are an evil white person who only enjoys a good way of life because of what you did to the poor native Americans." That's the kind of shit kids are learning in social studies today. (Seriously, I had one of my neices repeat it to me once. Thankfully, her dad got her into a Catholic School after that.)

Studying is important, but so is learning the value of work.

The problem wtih government schools is like much of government anything, they just do what they have to do to get by. Another thing this niece told me was that if something wasn't on "the test", they didn't bother to learn it. Nice.

Never, ever teach kids the truth. especially about their history.
Here is Newt's plan, applied in a realistic situation.

You have a large middle school, with 6th to 9th graders, 2 custodians on the day shift, 5 cleaners on the night shift.

1. Newt eliminates all but 1 'master' janitor (a term that doesn't exist in real life so Newt is already off in fantasy land).

2. Newt replaces the other 6 'janitors' with kids aged about 11 to 15.

3. His one master janitor is supposed to now supervise 2 shifts of kids cleaning the buildings at night, roughly from 3 pm to 11 pm, because that's a typical cleaner shift, PLUS he's got kids on the day shifts doing custodial day work.

4. You've got health and safety training that is required for these people.

5. You've got labor laws probably at both the state and federal level that had to be repealed or rewritten to put these kids to work.

6. You've got a union to decertify or terminate the school's relationship with.

7. You've got to get all of this approved by school board.

8. And, you have to educate your new crew of child cleaners, because afterall, that is primarily what they are there for.

9. ...and everything I've left out...

Now, Newt fans, all of you who think Newt is the brains of the Right, the intellectual thinker of the GOP...

...let's see your program laid out to make all of this work.

Thank you for pointing out what is completely wrong with the way government does much of anything. You bring up eight points why it would be difficult, and maybe two that are valid points.

So maybe instead of 6 Night shift janitors working for 8 hours, you get a team of 24 kids working for two hours. They get it done in about a fourth of the time, and you can shut the place down for the night.

Of course, that would cut down on the Union Thug scratching their ass and drinking coffee time.... And we can't have that.

Well, let's hope candidate Newt pushes this idea in the general election.
Well, it's as good a time as any to start reminding people,

90% of Newt Gingrich's support comes from people whose first (or maybe second, or third) choice was Bachmann, Perry, or Cain.

It shouldn't be any wonder that a harebrained scheme like this would be viewed as genius by them.
Well, it's as good a time as any to start reminding people,

90% of Newt Gingrich's support comes from people whose first (or maybe second, or third) choice was Bachmann, Perry, or Cain.

It shouldn't be any wonder that a harebrained scheme like this would be viewed as genius by them.

Funny... Especially coming from someone who's first choice in 2008 was John Edwards...:lol:
Liberal dad sits down and says, "You mean you didn't learn in social studies today that you are an evil white person who only enjoys a good way of life because of what you did to the poor native Americans." That's the kind of shit kids are learning in social studies today. (Seriously, I had one of my neices repeat it to me once. Thankfully, her dad got her into a Catholic School after that.)

Studying is important, but so is learning the value of work.

The problem wtih government schools is like much of government anything, they just do what they have to do to get by. Another thing this niece told me was that if something wasn't on "the test", they didn't bother to learn it. Nice.

Never, ever teach kids the truth. especially about their history.

And the sad thing is, you probably think that is the "truth". Kids need to be taught the awesomeness of America and how it made the world a better place. How millions around the world owe us a debt of thanks for their lives and freedom.

Not this simpering guilt trip you guys want to lay on them.
Liberal dad sits down and says, "You mean you didn't learn in social studies today that you are an evil white person who only enjoys a good way of life because of what you did to the poor native Americans." That's the kind of shit kids are learning in social studies today. (Seriously, I had one of my neices repeat it to me once. Thankfully, her dad got her into a Catholic School after that.)

Studying is important, but so is learning the value of work.

The problem wtih government schools is like much of government anything, they just do what they have to do to get by. Another thing this niece told me was that if something wasn't on "the test", they didn't bother to learn it. Nice.

Never, ever teach kids the truth. especially about their history.

And the sad thing is, you probably think that is the "truth". Kids need to be taught the awesomeness of America and how it made the world a better place. How millions around the world owe us a debt of thanks for their lives and freedom.

Not this simpering guilt trip you guys want to lay on them.

In other words, you want children to believe a lie, as you obviously do.
I have to keep reminding myself, the board isn't for serious discussion for most of you; this thread proves it.
Never, ever teach kids the truth. especially about their history.

And the sad thing is, you probably think that is the "truth". Kids need to be taught the awesomeness of America and how it made the world a better place. How millions around the world owe us a debt of thanks for their lives and freedom.

Not this simpering guilt trip you guys want to lay on them.

In other words, you want children to believe a lie, as you obviously do.

Well, if that's what you believe about America, you are more than welcome to leave. I'm sure there are socialist countries in Europe that would be happy to have you.
Kids are used as cash machines by the school already. They are sent out as salesmen several times during the year at my kids' school. It was even worse when they were in Portland.

Good point. I owe you some rep...

Frankly, I've always been bothered by this. With the level of taxes we pay, kids should not be going door to door (which really, can be a LOT more dangerous than mopping a floor) selling candy to God Knows Who is on the other side of the door.

Incidently, most parents I know sell the kid's candy for them at work.

so it's ok for kids to clean toilets so you don't have to pay adults for an honest day's labor... but it's not ok for them to sell candy to raise money for their school trips?

i'm simply boggled by the bizarre way that people think...

Incidentally, no one... and i mean no one... is debating whether we should have child labor laws. They are not going to be repealed. Newt is a nutter....

which is why he'll implode.
Kids are used as cash machines by the school already. They are sent out as salesmen several times during the year at my kids' school. It was even worse when they were in Portland.

Good point. I owe you some rep...

Frankly, I've always been bothered by this. With the level of taxes we pay, kids should not be going door to door (which really, can be a LOT more dangerous than mopping a floor) selling candy to God Knows Who is on the other side of the door.

Incidently, most parents I know sell the kid's candy for them at work.

so it's ok for kids to clean toilets so you don't have to pay adults for an honest day's labor... but it's not ok for them to sell candy to raise money for their school trips?

i'm simply boggled by the bizarre way that people think...

Incidentally, no one... and i mean no one... is debating whether we should have child labor laws. They are not going to be repealed. Newt is a nutter....

which is why he'll implode.

Nobody said "repeal them". they said to re-evaluate them.

My opinion is that they were effectively repealed when your boy Clinton Signed NAFTA and GATT. The kids are just working in other countries where you don't have to look at them.

I didn't say it wasn't okay to sell candy. I just pointed out the hypocrisy of the schools making kids sell candy for the school, but they have a horrible time with the kids working for themselves.

I also think that most people, successful people, people like myself who took jobs at an early age to learn a work ethic, have no problem with letting kids learn the value of work.

The OWS Shitters, yeah, they'd have a problem with this.
This is the thing... Our children need to learn to be employees. They need to learn to work, to earn wages, to appreciate their education, to make the most of their youth and to enjoy their lives... Keeping them from being employed when they obviously need all the benefits from employment is insane. Newt or another... I, personally, support child labor. I have come from appreciating unions and what they have pressed toward through the years, though they seem to not represent now what they had. I do not agree that employing children is going to put the adults out of jobs... it should, instead, force the adults to demand better of themselves than to settle for janitorial positions. :dunno:
This is the thing... Our children need to learn to be employees. They need to learn to work, to earn wages, to appreciate their education, to make the most of their youth and to enjoy their lives... Keeping them from being employed when they obviously need all the benefits from employment is insane. Newt or another... I, personally, support child labor. I have come from appreciating unions and what they have pressed toward through the years, though they seem to not represent now what they had. I do not agree that employing children is going to put the adults out of jobs... it should, instead, force the adults to demand better of themselves than to settle for janitorial positions. :dunno:

Well said.

The thing is, these school janitors make more than the teachers sometimes and are very well paid, and the Democratic Party gets their cut.

So instead of inspiring kids to aspire to be more than janitors, they make being a janitor more desirable than being something that requires an education.

The thing is, overall, Public Education has become a great propagandizing tool for the left. You see a character like NoNukes who thinks it's wonderful that the school teach kids that America was built on genocide.

So when Newt suggests that work and the value of it should be part of the educational experience, you can imagine the horror they have for that.
Isn't it great how nutters pepper their rants with misinformation.......and it just slides by because taking them to task on every misrepresentation of the facts would kill any hope for even inane discussion?

Examples scattered in this thread:

"with the high taxes we pay......."
"unions have too much power...."
"labor is a type of education"

Please consider this question. Where in this world will you find the most effective, responsible and productive adults?

Answer that, and then examine the child labor laws and child-rearing traditions in that country. Learn from them.

That is all.
Isn't it great how nutters pepper their rants with misinformation.......and it just slides by because taking them to task on every misrepresentation of the facts would kill any hope for even inane discussion?

Examples scattered in this thread:

"with the high taxes we pay......."
"unions have too much power...."
"labor is a type of education"

Please consider this question. Where in this world will you find the most effective, responsible and productive adults?

Answer that, and then examine the child labor laws and child-rearing traditions in that country. Learn from them.

That is all.

Not really. Since you don't list the country, you obviously don't want us to poke holes in your hairbrained theory...

One look at the OWS Shitters tells me that we've really screwed up with that generation.
Isn't it great how nutters pepper their rants with misinformation.......and it just slides by because taking them to task on every misrepresentation of the facts would kill any hope for even inane discussion?

Examples scattered in this thread:

"with the high taxes we pay......."
"unions have too much power...."
"labor is a type of education"

Please consider this question. Where in this world will you find the most effective, responsible and productive adults?

Answer that, and then examine the child labor laws and child-rearing traditions in that country. Learn from them.

That is all.

Not really. Since you don't list the country, you obviously don't want us to poke holes in your hairbrained theory...

One look at the OWS Shitters tells me that we've really screwed up with that generation.

Do you have a thought as to where the you find the most effective, responsible and productive adults?

I know that your inability to face reality makes it hard for you. But give it a go anyway.
Isn't it great how nutters pepper their rants with misinformation.......and it just slides by because taking them to task on every misrepresentation of the facts would kill any hope for even inane discussion?

Examples scattered in this thread:

"with the high taxes we pay......."
"unions have too much power...."
"labor is a type of education"

Please consider this question. Where in this world will you find the most effective, responsible and productive adults?

Answer that, and then examine the child labor laws and child-rearing traditions in that country. Learn from them.

That is all.

Not really. Since you don't list the country, you obviously don't want us to poke holes in your hairbrained theory...

One look at the OWS Shitters tells me that we've really screwed up with that generation.

Do you have a thought as to where the you find the most effective, responsible and productive adults?

I know that your inability to face reality makes it hard for you. But give it a go anyway.

Guy, I gave up trying to contemplate your "thoughts" a long time ago.

If you have an example of this ideal world- NAME IT. You're probably wrong and I'll come up with the proof you are.

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