CDZ Is the murder of these women the better outcome?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to anti gun posters....Americans should not be allowed to own or carry, in their world view, it is better that these women were murdered rather than one or more of them having a gun on their person to shoot the man who would end up murdering them..... this true anti it better these women were murdered instead of being able to stop it with a concealed gun?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound
Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to anti gun posters....Americans should not be allowed to own or carry, in their world view, it is better that these women were murdered rather than one or more of them having a gun on their person to shoot the man who would end up murdering them..... this true anti it better these women were murdered instead of being able to stop it with a concealed gun?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound

Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to gun GUN NUTS....EVERYBODY should be allowed to own and carry, in their world view, The murderer is still a good guy with a gun and his right to carry a gun anywhere, anytime should not be limited. this true, gun it better to make sure this murderer is free to buy more guns to kill more women instead of doing a background check that might prevent him from buying more guns?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound
Too many damn guns

Too many assholes who use them criminally you mean. I agree with that. However, you are far more likely to die at the hands of a doctor than from a firearm. By many times in point of fact.
So people getting shot is a big plus for guns ?

Of course, you didn't answer the it better that these women meekly went to their deaths, or should they have been able to use a gun to stop this killer?
Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to anti gun posters....Americans should not be allowed to own or carry, in their world view, it is better that these women were murdered rather than one or more of them having a gun on their person to shoot the man who would end up murdering them..... this true anti it better these women were murdered instead of being able to stop it with a concealed gun?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound

Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to gun GUN NUTS....EVERYBODY should be allowed to own and carry, in their world view, The murderer is still a good guy with a gun and his right to carry a gun anywhere, anytime should not be limited. this true, gun it better to make sure this murderer is free to buy more guns to kill more women instead of doing a background check that might prevent him from buying more guns?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound

So you really believe the killer would go through a background check...? Are you really that ......

In order to buy a gun at the time of this shooting you had to go through a background check, and have a Firearm Owners Identification Card......and since he carried that gun before concealed carry was allowed, he broke that law too...

Since 90% of those who commit murder are already felons....this guy wasn't able to buy, own or carry that gun under existing laws then or now......

Of course, you didn't answer the it better that these women meekly went to their deaths, or should they have been able to use a gun to stop this killer?
Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to anti gun posters....Americans should not be allowed to own or carry, in their world view, it is better that these women were murdered rather than one or more of them having a gun on their person to shoot the man who would end up murdering them..... this true anti it better these women were murdered instead of being able to stop it with a concealed gun?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound

Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to gun GUN NUTS....EVERYBODY should be allowed to own and carry, in their world view, The murderer is still a good guy with a gun and his right to carry a gun anywhere, anytime should not be limited. this true, gun it better to make sure this murderer is free to buy more guns to kill more women instead of doing a background check that might prevent him from buying more guns?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound

And you lie.

No one on the pro gun side has ever said that violent criminals should be allowed to buy, own or carry a gun....that is what you make possible by supporting democrat politicians who keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail...over and over again.

90% of murderers have long histories of violence and crime and most of them are felons long before they commit murder....the way this guy murdered these women shows he is quite comfortable with you are wrong are wrong on everything to do with the gun should really try to think and do research before you post.
Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to anti gun posters....Americans should not be allowed to own or carry, in their world view, it is better that these women were murdered rather than one or more of them having a gun on their person to shoot the man who would end up murdering them..... this true anti it better these women were murdered instead of being able to stop it with a concealed gun?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound

Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to gun GUN NUTS....EVERYBODY should be allowed to own and carry, in their world view, The murderer is still a good guy with a gun and his right to carry a gun anywhere, anytime should not be limited. this true, gun it better to make sure this murderer is free to buy more guns to kill more women instead of doing a background check that might prevent him from buying more guns?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound
Remind us how less then 1 percent of 1 percent of 1 percent of firearms are used in murders but should be banned while many more illegal aliens commit crimes per capita but should stay.
Still waiting for anti gunners to make the case that this isn't the exact outcome they would prefer.....
Today is the anniversary of the Lane Bryant murder in Tinley Park, Illinois. The 5 women were forced into the back of the store, tied up, and then shot in the back of their heads....murdering them....

Now...according to anti gun posters....Americans should not be allowed to own or carry, in their world view, it is better that these women were murdered rather than one or more of them having a gun on their person to shoot the man who would end up murdering them..... this true anti it better these women were murdered instead of being able to stop it with a concealed gun?

Lane Bryant Murders Still Haunt Tinley Park

Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound

So.......they didn't have guns then and were murdered and you think nowadays they would have guns and would off the murderer first?

Oh, come on, women don't carry guns in shops like that. If we have to all have guns in our purses, it will be a VERY different world than is going on now. You're talking scifi, and even Heinlein (Beyond These Horizons) didn't postulate women universally armed. Guns were a man thing, as is most violence.

I don't think this scenario makes sense.

What makes sense is getting rid of these types with a quick death penalty early on. Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff --- anyone who does, they are put out of the gene pool fast, and then there is no recidivism and no prison or extended legal expenses and the society is cleaned up. Get rid of the murderers and robbers and that fixes the problem.

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