Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
The government does not grant rights; it protects our rights; it does not determine which rights will be protected, or to what extent they will be protected.

The premise of the Founders was that liberty pre-exists governments, and said governments are legitimate only when ‘instituted’ to ‘secure’ natural rights.

Progressives have a very different view: rights, for example, to private property and free speech, are ‘spaces of privacy’ [see Timothy Sandefur] that government chooses to ‘carve out and protect’….or not.

“Conservatives believe that liberty, understood as a general absence of interference, and individual rights, which cannot be exhaustively listed, are natural and that government restrictions on them must be as few as possible and rigorously justified. Invoking the right of a majority to have its way is an insufficient justification.” George Will, “The Conservative Sensibility,” p. 204

Government is only legitimate to the extent that it guarantees, ‘secures,’ the natural God-given rights we are born with.
I started to point out a mistake you made a couple of days ago, but chose not to be an ASS. An urge you can't seem to resist. FOAD ASS.
You have to admit, there are enough stupid shits on this message board that don't know any better and would be extremely confused by your mistake. Feel free to point out any typos I make. I am not one to need a 55-gallon barrel of butthurt cream!
I'm still not finding a lot of clarity on exactly what this thing is or what it can do. That doesn't matter to the wingers, though. They're just assuming the worst and running with it.

For the zillionth time, they're being handed a gift. I can certainly understand and agree with concern that this thing could easily go too far, depending on what it actually is. But the way this news came out, with all kinds of vagueness, plays right into the hands of those who want to scare and enrage each other.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.
The vagueness was intentional on the part of the DHS Secretary. He wanted this to get spun up to distract from his failure to handle to border crisis, which the Biden administration created. He has until January to get his shit together or he will be sitting at an impeachment trial in the Senate. There are enough Dems pissed off about the border, that he will likely be looking for a new job. Biden and Harris cannot stop it short of firing him. You cannot veto an impeachment.
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If you like your plan... so we can deplatform Barack

Russia we can deplatform the entire LMSM


princess bride.jpg
Through all of this talking, I am convinced now more than ever that the question of constitutionality is the WRONG question.

The American people need to rise in opposition to this development REGARDLESS of constitutionality. Being constitutional does not mean something is moral or wise governance. And flapping about constitutionality is an INSTANT SURRENDER, helplessly hoping for courts to act as messiahs.

This disinformation board needs to be opposed on it's substance, not on the technicalities of whether advanced level juris-jockeying can carefully construct a sufficiently favorable alignment of case law precedents. If the people are not willing or able to oppose this through the normal civic processes, then we have already abandoned whatever we might have hoped to regain if this were ever to be ruled unconstitutional.
You're right, I have no clue. Which also means you have no clue.
So, to say this no clue of yours is unconstitutional is ridiculous.
The government has zero authority to "abridge free speech", PERIOD.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Yeah, it doesn't even say it's stopping people from saying things. It's purpose doesn't seem to be this at all. But they've got to have something to tell everyone how bad Biden is. Because that's what they want.
Messaging at an insane time like this is critical. It shouldn't HAVE to be, but here we are.

A complete and clear announcement with details would have been much smarter.

Now it's just another handy excuse for Def Con 1 for MAGA Media and the Trumpsters.
Will Republicans fight it or let it stay so they can abuse it when idiot Democrats lose power?
why don't you worry about what us, being done and fix that vs demonize the other side for crap they've not even done

Through all of this talking, I am convinced now more than ever that the question of constitutionality is the WRONG question.

The American people need to rise in opposition to this development REGARDLESS of constitutionality. Being constitutional does not mean something is moral or wise governance. And flapping about constitutionality is an INSTANT SURRENDER, helplessly hoping for courts to act as messiahs.

This disinformation board needs to be opposed on it's substance, not on the technicalities of whether advanced level juris-jockeying can carefully construct a sufficiently favorable alignment of case law precedents. If the people are not willing or able to oppose this through the normal civic processes, then we have already abandoned whatever we might have hoped to regain if this were ever to be ruled unconstitutional.
good viewpoint.
Can you imagine if Trump created this new "truth board" to fight actual "fake news" and put Steve Miller or Rudy Giuliani in charge of "truth"? I could just imagine the hostile press reaction.
You don't have to. He tried:

Speaking at a rally in Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday, shortly after accepting an endorsement from New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Trump pledged if elected president to “open up our libel laws so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories … we can sue them and make lots of money”.

Through all of this talking, I am convinced now more than ever that the question of constitutionality is the WRONG question.

The American people need to rise in opposition to this development REGARDLESS of constitutionality. Being constitutional does not mean something is moral or wise governance. And flapping about constitutionality is an INSTANT SURRENDER, helplessly hoping for courts to act as messiahs.

This disinformation board needs to be opposed on it's substance, not on the technicalities of whether advanced level juris-jockeying can carefully construct a sufficiently favorable alignment of case law precedents. If the people are not willing or able to oppose this through the normal civic processes, then we have already abandoned whatever we might have hoped to regain if this were ever to be ruled unconstitutional.
Just out of curiosity...what do you think this Disinformation Governance Board will be doing?
The government has zero authority to "abridge free speech", PERIOD.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

But the Left has a different authority in mind....


Remember when Obama put that Mao ornament on our Christmas tree?
So here's a bit more on it.

"We could have done a better job of communicating what this does and doesn't do".

No shit.

You don't have to. He tried:
Speaking at a rally in Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday, shortly after accepting an endorsement from New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Trump pledged if elected president to “open up our libel laws so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories … we can sue them and make lots of money”.
We want section 230 repealed so that we can sue media.
Currently section 230 protects media companies from lawsuits.

There is a BIG difference between having courts decide "truth" matters, or having a political "Truth Czar" decide what "truth" is.
We want section 230 repealed so that we can sue media.
Currently section 230 protects media companies from lawsuits.

There is a BIG difference between having courts decide "truth" matters, or having a political "Truth Czar" decide what "truth" is.

Republicans let us down again.
We want section 230 repealed so that we can sue media.
Currently section 230 protects media companies from lawsuits.

There is a BIG difference between having courts decide "truth" matters, or having a political "Truth Czar" decide what "truth" is.
Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced a bill to remove Sec 230 from the law. Give her your support
why don't you worry about what us, being done and fix that vs demonize the other side for crap they've not even done

Why don’t you go fuck yourself?

You must be one of those people from Georgia that candycorn is yammering about being illiterate as can be that voted for Laser Beam Barbie…

Anyhoo, fact is the GOP that you suckle the balls of Will protest this until they get the neat little toy and then they will explain how we need this and you will defend and applaud it like a mindless drone you are…

Gawd, you mindless primates are so predictable and watch you will deny first and then change your opinion when Trump tell ya how good it tis!

Oh and it is Douche and Mr. Douche Nozzle, so address me properly or do not respond at all!
We want section 230 repealed so that we can sue media.
Currently section 230 protects media companies from lawsuits.

There is a BIG difference between having courts decide "truth" matters, or having a political "Truth Czar" decide what "truth" is.
Correct. The blob was trying to restrict the freedom of the press in the US and the Board that President Biden is setting up is to combat foreign disinformation.
Why don’t you go fuck yourself?

You must be one of those people from Georgia that candycorn is yammering about being illiterate as can be that voted for Laser Beam Barbie…

Anyhoo, fact is the GOP that you suckle the balls of Will protest this until they get the neat little toy and then they will explain how we need this and you will defend and applaud it like a mindless drone you are…

Gawd, you mindless primates are so predictable and watch you will deny first and then change your opinion when Trump tell ya how good it tis!

Oh and it is Douche and Mr. Douche Nozzle, so address me properly or do not respond at all!
Love me some mental-midget wrestling. Ya'll have fun.

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