Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters

What will the board do? Where will the war be waged? Information on the Biden administration’s war on disinformation proved scarce. When the Associated Press asked DHS for an interview for details, the department stiffed them, according to the AP’s April 28 story. The next afternoon, a reporter asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki for more about the board at a presser, and she was pretty vacant, too. “I really haven’t dug into this exactly. I mean, we, of course, support this effort, but let me see if I can get more specifics.”
No it is not. They have taken no actions against anyone. It is a part of our national security.
I'm pretty sure you can't find the line in our constitution empowering the executive branch to determine what is or isn't mis/disinformation.

It pretty well spits in the face of the First Amendment.

No action has been taken yet because the bureau has yet to be created.

It's just one more way for the gov't to officially lie to us.
There was a court case some years ago (sorry, but I don't remember the case or the details). Fox news wanted two reporters to change the story the reporters investigated, to fit the station's narrative. The judge ruled against the reporters, citing the freedom of speech and that news media had no legal requirement to "tell the truth." There was no higher expectation for reporters to get stories accurate than your average person in the street.
So, whether it's the left or right in politics, don't expect everything that is said, to be literally true.
It's kind of sad in a way. Perhaps there should be an Amendment to the Constitution that would require news media agencies to only print and report stories accurately and definitely truthfully.
Regardless of whether an agency is created by the left or the right, the politicians on that side would be creating something that is not only unconstitutional, but also Orwellian, in that it would simply declare any topics coming from political opponents, as being "disinformation" and even monitoring opposing politicians upcoming stories and squelching them ahead of their release and using the power of the ruling party to punish those that would attempt to complain against that power. Thus would end the U.S. Constitutions Bill of Rights.
Your last paragraph is true. Any government agency would eventually be used for political gain.
If they passed a Law that news media must publish the "truth" we get the same conundrum. Which verson of the truth would they publish? Everyone is biased to some degree, so the editors would always be at odds with the government over what the truth is. The best solution is always "free speech" and less government.
I'm still not finding a lot of clarity on exactly what this thing is or what it can do. That doesn't matter to the wingers, though. They're just assuming the worst and running with it.

For the zillionth time, they're being handed a gift. I can certainly understand and agree with concern that this thing could easily go too far, depending on what it actually is. But the way this news came out, with all kinds of vagueness, plays right into the hands of those who want to scare and enrage each other.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Yeah, it doesn't even say it's stopping people from saying things. It's purpose doesn't seem to be this at all. But they've got to have something to tell everyone how bad Biden is. Because that's what they want.
Show me an example of what you mean. You're free to type whatever you want.

I mean, does this body stop people saying stuff. That's censorship.

Just saying "well, this is the truth, and that isn't", is NOT censorship.

It's not difficult.
You are the dirst class moron. You have not stated one fact. Just misinformation.
Another moronic post with nothing to debate. Prove me wrong about anything I posted. Waiting....
You are the dirst class moron. You have not stated one fact. Just misinformation.
In your world is misinformation the same as disinformation?

If so then biden now has a mechanism for dealing with people like kyzr
I mean, does this body stop people saying stuff. That's censorship.
Just saying "well, this is the truth, and that isn't", is NOT censorship.
It's not difficult.
You have no clue what the truth Czar would do.
What if she bans Trump and all republicans from media?
What if she bans all stories about Hunter and Ashley Biden?
What if she publishes lies and propaganda?

The answer is always "free speech" and less government. There is no "disinformation" problem except Biden administration lies. The border is open. Trump had it working perfectly and Biden broke it. There is a fentanyl problem. There is lawlessness on the streets. Etc.
The US is supposed have a "free press". The press are supposed to be publishers of truth.

I missed the part in the US Constitution where the Federal Government was given the Power to control "The Truth".

So I'm questioning the constitutionality of the new "Disinformation Governance Board". Is it constitutional?
Here ya go

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
If this current administration can scare people enough or make them mad enough at someone/something then it doesn't matter if it's constitutional or not. Scare or anger just enough people and you can do anything you want because scared and or angry people will be very quick to side with the government without even considering what they want.

It doesn't even take much to get people to roll over for the government anymore. They said wear the mask, get the vaccine, don't leave your house, expect shortages, you will love Ukraine and you'll hate Russia, people who don't agree with us are spreading disinformation, tv shows about children in drag like drag kids is fine, desantis is a gay basher because he doesn't want kindergartners to be taught about trannies, and so on. And millions and millions of Americans went right along with it no questions asked.

The constitution doesn't matter when you're in control.
You have no clue what the truth Czar would do.
What if she bans Trump and all republicans from media?
What if she bans all stories about Hunter and Ashley Biden?
What if she publishes lies and propaganda?

The answer is always "free speech" and less government. There is no "disinformation" problem except Biden administration lies. The border is open. Trump had it working perfectly and Biden broke it. There is a fentanyl problem. There is lawlessness on the streets. Etc.

You're right, I have no clue. Which also means you have no clue.

So, to say this no clue of yours is unconstitutional is ridiculous.
Great work; you nailed another typo! How many hours do you spend searching for each typo you get to call out?

I guess it beats providing actual content or value.
I don't need to search. They are always there for the viewing..

How many ridiculous typos are you going to make?

Besides, I wasn't talking to you anyway!
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1) Show me where in the Constitution it says that Presidents are allowed to breathe. Or go to the bathroom. Or sleep.

Doesn't say it.

The Constitution is not required to tell the government everything it can and can't do on a micromanagement level.

2) This isn't censorship. Censorship is STOPPING other people saying things. They're not doing this. They're merely saying that something that has been said probably isn't the truth. This happens ALL THE TIME, especially in court.

What a good little Leftist you are!!!!!!!!!!

Constitution ....the first damned!!!!!!!

Sieg Heil, "meine schätze

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