Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
The government has zero authority to "abridge free speech", PERIOD.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Are they stopping people saying anything? No, so?
DHS still contends that white supremacy is the biggest threat. Fact.

Ministry of Truth falls under DHS.

IT'S the beginning of a Dimm Neo-Marxist grab for white VOTES, white GUNS, white PROPERTY!!

It needs to be aborted pronto!!
They no longer care about the "white vote", they believe if they can garner the majority of minority and women's votes they will be able to attain and maintain perpetual power.
I'm pretty sure you can't find the line in our constitution empowering the executive branch to determine what is or isn't mis/disinformation.

It pretty well spits in the face of the First Amendment.

No action has been taken yet because the bureau has yet to be created.

It's just one more way for the gov't to officially lie to us.

The government has every right to combat misinformation. It does not spit in the face of the First Amendment. The government has the right to free speech as well.
Another moronic post with nothing to debate. Prove me wrong about anything I posted. Waiting....

You are spouting misinformation. This is not a ministry of truth as you claim. The government should be combating misinformation.
Here ya go

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The government has every right to combat misinformation. The government has free speech rights as well.
The premise of the Founders was that liberty pre-exists governments, and said governments are legitimate only when ‘instituted’ to ‘secure’ natural rights.

Progressives have a very different view: rights, for example, to private property and free speech, are ‘spaces of privacy’ [see Timothy Sandefur] that government chooses to ‘carve out and protect’….or not.

“Conservatives believe that liberty, understood as a general absence of interference, and individual rights, which cannot be exhaustively listed, are natural and that government restrictions on them must be as few as possible and rigorously justified. Invoking the right of a majority to have its way is an insufficient justification.” George Will, “The Conservative Sensibility,” p. 204

Government is only legitimate to the extent that it guarantees, ‘secures,’ the natural God-given rights we are born with.

You do not believe in free speech rights. You believe in free speech rights for yourself but not for anyone who disagrees with you. Right wing fascists do not believe in liberty. They punish any group that speaks out against them.
The government has every right to combat misinformation. It does not spit in the face of the First Amendment. The government has the right to free speech as well.
Hopefully, the next Republican President will use Disinformation Government Board to punish Progressives for their lies.
1. Trump wanted the press to tell the truth instead of constant "fake news", like Russian Collusion and the MSM's constant 93% negative coverage (as per Harvard's Study).

2. The "Truth Czar" is to combat "foreign disinformation??? BULLSHIT. (no one sees foreign disinformation, only what democrats call foreign disinformation, like Hunter's laptop)

3. Biden lies. Remember the FISA court was only to spy on foreigners, until the FBI falsified evidence and lied their asses off to illegally spy on Americans. So we're NOT letting that crap start again, Democrats are all LIARS. No fucking "Truth Czar".

1. Trump was the biggest lying weasel in history. Russian collusion was a fact. The media didn't need to make anything up. They just reported the truth about Trump.

2. Hunter Biden's supposed laptop was part of a misinformation campaign. They had to have a explanation how Giuliani got some e-mails. You are aware of the fact that it is against the law to hack a individual's e-mails. The Russians passed misinformation to interfere in our election to help Trump in 2016 and 2020.

3. Trump lies. The FISA court can allow law enforcement to wiretap Americans as well. It is not illegal for the FBI to spy on Americans. The FBI got the wiretap on Carter Page after he left the Trump campaign. Your misinformation shows what a liar you are.
I do not know how it will work out.

Best Case Scenario -- Disinformation Governance Board survives multiple legal hurdles in 2023 and 2024 to be used by a Strong Republican President.

Worst Case Scenario -- Disinformation Governance Board survives multiple legal hurdles in 2023 and 2024 to be used by a Democrat President.

There are many Intermediate Case Scenarios.

There is nothing illegal about it. The government has the right to counter misinformation with facts.
It's a fascist misuse of government power so far but what's the end game? Does the Biden regime intend to haul innocent Americans in for interrogation when they are suspected of "disinformation"?

Just more misinformation from you. Garbage like you shows why the government needs to counter misinformation with facts. No one is going to be hauled anywhere and you know it.
The government has every right to combat misinformation. It does not spit in the face of the First Amendment. The government has the right to free speech as well.
The woman biden chooses to run the program labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story as disinformation
Hopefully it will be fully inherited by a Republican President in 2024 or 2028. Even though I make no predictions, a strong Republican candidate like Ron DeSantis may become President.

Then Disinformation Governance Board can be used to prohibit Progressive propaganda and hence push Progressives to the margin.

That is not allowed. The government can counter misinformation by putting out facts but that is all. If you fascists want to try that then there needs to be a revolution.
The woman biden chooses to run the program labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story as disinformation

There are more holes in the story than there are in swiss cheese. The Russians really need to come up with a better story.
There would be no Republican president ever again if the dems get their Truth Minister.
Republicans could never get their message out.
Democrats would censor Republicans
Democrats would blame Republicans for everything bad, and hide all their crimes.
The Minister of Truth is just a very bad idea.

For example, the democrats used the FBI and IRS to punish Republicans under Obama.
Did the GOP use the FBI and IRS to punish democrats? ans: no, we don't do that shit.

There should be no Republican President until the grip of you fascists are broken. Ronald Reagan would never be a Republican today. No one is going to censor anyone. That is just right wing propaganda from you Nazis.

More misinformation. The FBI never went after Republicans. The IRS also targeted liberal groups. Try telling the truth for a change.

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