Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
That is not allowed. The government can counter misinformation by putting out facts but that is all. If you fascists want to try that then there needs to be a revolution.
Calm down. A Republican President would be able to use Disinformation Governance Board only to the extent to which courts would allow biden to use it.

Nevertheless, if Democrats expand resources establishing Disinformation Governance Board and a Republican President would use it, that is a good scenario.
But to what extent? And aside from a right to combat misinformation, what competence does a government have to do so, without setting the stage for tyranny?

The government has every right to combat misinformation by putting out facts. No one is going to be hauled away for anything. It is the Republican Party who has stifled free speech. Several laws passed by Republican states have been struck down by federal judges for violating free speech rights. Then you have Florida going after Disney in violation of their free speech rights. Republicans are threatening to get even with various entities for cooperating with the Jan 6 committee. Yet you have said nothing about this.
There should be no Republican President until the grip of you fascists are broken. Ronald Reagan would never be a Republican today. No one is going to censor anyone. That is just right wing propaganda from you Nazis.

More misinformation. The FBI never went after Republicans. The IRS also targeted liberal groups. Try telling the truth for a change.
You aren't qualified to speak for Reagan much less to tell us what party he'd be a member of today.

We need another Reagan and there are some great prospects on the horizon like DeSantis.
The government has every right to combat misinformation by putting out facts. No one is going to be hauled away for anything. It is the Republican Party who has stifled free speech. Several laws passed by Republican states have been struck down by federal judges for violating free speech rights. Then you have Florida going after Disney in violation of their free speech rights. Republicans are threatening to get even with various entities for cooperating with the Jan 6 committee. Yet you have said nothing about this.
The Gov't has a piss poor record of putting out facts.
You dont believe that it was hinter biden’s laptop?

Why would Hunter Biden take a laptop to a obscure dealer?

Why would he leave it there?

Why did he just happen to read e-mails?

Why would he take it to Giuliani?

Why would this happen less than a month before the election?

Again are you aware of the fact that it is a crime to hack a person's e-mails?
Are they stopping people saying anything? No, so?
Is Trump banned from Twitter?
Are conservatives banned from media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc? Yes, but that is because Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, and other hi-tech oligarchs own their companies and can do what they want.
Same as Elon Musk buying Twitter to promote "free speech".

When the government controls free speech, there is no free speech, it's all government controlled propaganda.

Remember, there is no "foreign disinformation", there is only truth that democrats call "foreign disinformation".
You aren't qualified to speak for Reagan much less to tell us what party he'd be a member of today.

We need another Reagan and there are some great prospects on the horizon like DeSantis.

Ronald Reagan was a good man and I spoke to him when I was covering a speech he made.

Ron DeSantis has more in common with Adolf Hitler not Ronald Reagan.
You are spouting misinformation. This is not a ministry of truth as you claim. The government should be combating misinformation.
Prove your statement via laws or the U.S. Constitution.

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
Ronald Reagan was a good man and I spoke to him when I was covering a speech he made.

Ron DeSantis has more in common with Adolf Hitler not Ronald Reagan.
You're completely full of shit.

All DeSantis and Hitler have in common is that both are male, white, and human.
Is Trump banned from Twitter?
Are conservatives banned from media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc? Yes, but that is because Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, and other hi-tech oligarchs own their companies and can do what they want.
Same as Elon Musk buying Twitter to promote "free speech".

When the government controls free speech, there is no free speech, it's all government controlled propaganda.

Remember, there is no "foreign disinformation", there is only truth that democrats call "foreign disinformation".
There are few things more dangerous than gov't having the ability to arbitrarily delcare what is or isn't True.
1. Trump was the biggest lying weasel in history. Russian collusion was a fact. The media didn't need to make anything up. They just reported the truth about Trump.

2. Hunter Biden's supposed laptop was part of a misinformation campaign. They had to have a explanation how Giuliani got some e-mails. You are aware of the fact that it is against the law to hack a individual's e-mails. The Russians passed misinformation to interfere in our election to help Trump in 2016 and 2020.

3. Trump lies. The FISA court can allow law enforcement to wiretap Americans as well. It is not illegal for the FBI to spy on Americans. The FBI got the wiretap on Carter Page after he left the Trump campaign. Your misinformation shows what a liar you are.
1. LIAR. The Mueller Investigation came up empty. Hillary colluded with Russians for the Steele Dossier.
2. LIAR. Even the NYT now says its real.
3. LIAR. The FBI falsified evidence and lied to the FISA court.
There should be no Republican President until the grip of you fascists are broken. Ronald Reagan would never be a Republican today. No one is going to censor anyone. That is just right wing propaganda from you Nazis.

More misinformation. The FBI never went after Republicans. The IRS also targeted liberal groups. Try telling the truth for a change.
Liar. Prove what you post.
1. Trump was the biggest lying weasel in history. Russian collusion was a fact. The media didn't need to make anything up. They just reported the truth about Trump.

2. Hunter Biden's supposed laptop was part of a misinformation campaign. They had to have a explanation how Giuliani got some e-mails. You are aware of the fact that it is against the law to hack a individual's e-mails. The Russians passed misinformation to interfere in our election to help Trump in 2016 and 2020.

3. Trump lies. The FISA court can allow law enforcement to wiretap Americans as well. It is not illegal for the FBI to spy on Americans. The FBI got the wiretap on Carter Page after he left the Trump campaign. Your misinformation shows what a liar you are.
If the facts were on your side you wouldn't need to make up such ridiculous lies.
Thanks. I thought it was unconstitutional, but all I see are Republicans whining about it, and the new "singing censor" running it. I have yet to see anyone challenge it as unconstitutional.

First Amendment​

First Amendment Annotated

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Is establishing a Ministry of Truth creating laws that prohibits the freedom of speech. Perhaps if there are no legal consequences for saying something the government says is “disinformation” it might be OK.

If the Ministry of Truth had been in power a couple of years ago could a person be fined for saying Hunter’s laptop was real?

The New York Times confirmed a story this week about Hunter Biden’s laptop that over 50 former U.S. intelligence officials previously dismissed as Russian disinformation.

The Times confirmed the authenticity of President Biden's son's missing laptop that turned up in a Delaware repair shop and contained dozens of damning emails from his time at the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

That didn’t stop over 50 former U.S. intelligence officials — including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — from weighing in on the story in October 2020.

“Perhaps most important, each of us believes deeply that American citizens should determine the outcome of elections, not foreign governments," the officials wrote in a widely covered letter. "All of us agree with the founding fathers’ concern about the damage that foreign interference in our politics can do to our democracy."

CNS News) -- A new survey conducted by The Polling Companyfor the Media Research Center(MRC) found that major media censorship of certain vital stories left voters in the dark, particularly Biden voters, and prevented President Donald Trump from winning a second term.

“This lack of information proved crucial,” said the MRCin a report on the poll. “One of every six Biden voters we surveyed (17%) said they would have abandoned the Democratic candidate had they known the facts about one or more of these news stories.”
Is Trump banned from Twitter?
Are conservatives banned from media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc? Yes, but that is because Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, and other hi-tech oligarchs own their companies and can do what they want.
Same as Elon Musk buying Twitter to promote "free speech".

When the government controls free speech, there is no free speech, it's all government controlled propaganda.

Remember, there is no "foreign disinformation", there is only truth that democrats call "foreign disinformation".

Yes, Twitter is not run by the government.

Is this really the way you think about things? You see the Moon, it's yellow and round, it must be a car headlight, car headlights are bad because moths and insects get killed on car headlights. We must nuke the moon because moths are dying.

First Amendment​

First Amendment Annotated

Is establishing a Ministry of Truth creating laws that prohibits the freedom of speech. Perhaps if there are no legal consequences for saying something the government says is “disinformation” it might be OK.

If the Ministry of Truth had been in power a couple of years ago could a person be fined for saying Hunter’s laptop was real?

The New York Times confirmed a story this week about Hunter Biden’s laptop that over 50 former U.S. intelligence officials previously dismissed as Russian disinformation.

The Times confirmed the authenticity of President Biden's son's missing laptop that turned up in a Delaware repair shop and contained dozens of damning emails from his time at the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

That didn’t stop over 50 former U.S. intelligence officials — including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — from weighing in on the story in October 2020.

“Perhaps most important, each of us believes deeply that American citizens should determine the outcome of elections, not foreign governments," the officials wrote in a widely covered letter. "All of us agree with the founding fathers’ concern about the damage that foreign interference in our politics can do to our democracy."

CNS News) -- A new survey conducted by The Polling Companyfor the Media Research Center(MRC) found that major media censorship of certain vital stories left voters in the dark, particularly Biden voters, and prevented President Donald Trump from winning a second term.

“This lack of information proved crucial,” said the MRCin a report on the poll. “One of every six Biden voters we surveyed (17%) said they would have abandoned the Democratic candidate had they known the facts about one or more of these news stories.”
There's no constitutional conflict unless and until they make any effort to suppress what they consider to be Mis/Disinformation.

The press burying a story like Hunter's laptop is not a violation either. There would be a violation if the gov't used some threat of force or actual force making them suppress it.
There's no constitutional conflict unless and until they make any effort to suppress what they consider to be Mis/Disinformation.

The press burying a story like Hunter's laptop is not a violation either. There would be a violation if the gov't used some threat of force or actual force making them suppress it.
That sounds reasonable to me.

The problem is the liberal media may follow any comment from the Ministry of Truth that a story is disinformation and cover it up like a cat covers up its poop.

So the only scandals that will not be labeled disinformation are those involving conservatives.

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