Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
Your opinion is noted. But the audience of the question was Candycorn. Every American needs to see this board under the control of whoever they think would be the worst possible person to have control of it. Only then can they wrap their heads around how bad of an idea this is.

There is not a single example in human history of a government doing something like this, and having it be a useful tool to preserve the people's freedom. This will open dangerous doors and eventually unlock crushing powers that WILL end up in the hands of unscrupulous actors.

The primary objectives of Russia and China are to fold American freedom in on itself such that we end up being forced to resort to the same kind of authoritarianism that they employ. And that is what Americans need to see in this board. It is the first willful surrender, the first invitation to the methods that enable tyranny.

It is rather amusing that you think these people who want a "strong republican" are going to be Thomas Jefferson instead of Richard Nixon. Board or no board, these are the folks who already think Breitbart and Gateway pundit are reliable, unbiased sources. The comical aspect of this is that you're buying into the paranoia that surrounds every right wing kook on this board.
It clearly is constitutional. The problem is that you use misinformation to describe what it is. The government can and should have a panel to monitor misinformation. The Russians have used misinformation to attack this country and have used Trump and supporters like you to distribute it.

This is a REPUBLIC which means that the government has no business in monitoring free speech they are supposed to defend it.
Better question, what do you think it will be doing under someone like Donald Trump?
Well, if it lives up to its charter, it will be trying to prevent foreign disinformation in our society. Of course we all know that Trump was the largest consumer and distributor of disinformation the nation has ever seen. So the board would have zero real effect in that scenario--he's already trading in mis/dis-info.
Only if the "strong republican president" (have you ever met so many "manly men" with daddy issues in your life????) violates the charter of the board which is to look at foreign disinformation.
Hunter’s laptop was supposed to be foreign disinformation. The story was conveniently covered up just before the election.

I am beginning to wonder if the Babylon Bee is running this nation.
That sounds reasonable to me.

The problem is the liberal media may follow any comment from the Ministry of Truth that a story is disinformation and cover it up like a cat covers up its poop.

So the only scandals that will not be labeled disinformation are those involving conservatives.
I think that's a given rather than a maybe.

It's not like anyone is going to look at Myorkis' Disinformation Board as anything other than the partisan hack compendium that it is.
Only if the "strong republican president" (have you ever met so many "manly men" with daddy issues in your life????) violates the charter of the board which is to look at foreign disinformation.
That isn't what Myorkis said in his testimony.
Hunter’s laptop was supposed to be foreign disinformation. The story was conveniently covered up just before the election.

I am beginning to wonder if the Babylon Bee is running this nation.
Unfortunately they are at least as reliable as a lot of our supposed national news outlets.
Hunter’s laptop was supposed to be foreign disinformation. The story was conveniently covered up just before the election.
I am beginning to wonder if the Babylon Bee is running this nation.
Exactly right. The disinformation board will legitimize all the democrat's lies:
the border is secure,
there is no open border,
Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation,
Putin caused US inflation,
there is no War on Energy
high gas prices are big oil price gouging, etc.
The leftist MSM will drink the KoolAde and publish the Board's lies
Is Trump banned from Twitter?
Are conservatives banned from media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc? Yes, but that is because Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, and other hi-tech oligarchs own their companies and can do what they want.
Same as Elon Musk buying Twitter to promote "free speech".

When the government controls free speech, there is no free speech, it's all government controlled propaganda.

Remember, there is no "foreign disinformation", there is only truth that democrats call "foreign disinformation".

You have no clue what the truth is. Twitter and other social media companies are not bound by free speech rights. Only the government. Government is not controlling free speech. More misinformation.
Exactly right. The disinformation board will legitimize all the democrat's lies:
the border is secure,
there is no open border,
Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation,
Putin caused US inflation,
there is no War on Energy
high gas prices are big oil price gouging, etc.
The leftist MSM will drink the KoolAde and publish the Board's lies
Plus the Democrat sheeple will believe all the propaganda the Democratic Party feeds them.

That’s the advantage of having a poor educational system. Students lack the education to think for themselves.

A functioning representative democracy will work much better with well educated citizens.
You have no clue what the truth is. Twitter and other social media companies are not bound by free speech rights. Only the government. Government is not controlling free speech. More misinformation.
You have no clue what the "Truth Czar" will do to the truth.
The truth will be called "foreign disinformation" and lies will be called the truth.
The US is supposed have a "free press". The press are supposed to be publishers of truth.

I missed the part in the US Constitution where the Federal Government was given the Power to control "The Truth".

So I'm questioning the constitutionality of the new "Disinformation Governance Board". Is it constitutional?
I don't yet know what that Board does.

I don't yet know what that Board's mandate is.

I don't yet know what the funding authority is for that Board.

I don't yet know what legal authority is being used to create and sustain that Board.

Too many unknowns for me to make a call yet regarding constitutionality.

But the idea sounds damned-ominous.
I don't yet know what that Board does.
I don't yet know what that Board's mandate is.
I don't yet know what the funding authority is for that Board.
I don't yet know what legal authority is being used to create and sustain that Board.
Too many unknowns for me to make a call yet regarding constitutionality.
But the idea sounds damned-ominous. take on it...
I don't yet know what that Board does. It combats "disinformation" (aka "truth")
I don't yet know what that Board's mandate is. To get democrats elected.
I don't yet know what the funding authority is for that Board. Whatever it needs
I don't yet know what legal authority is being used to create and sustain that Board. Joe's pen.
Too many unknowns for me to make a call yet regarding constitutionality. Its unconstitutional, by definition for the government to throttle "free speech", the government doesn't have that power.
Why would Hunter Biden take a laptop to a obscure dealer?

Why would he leave it there?

Why did he just happen to read e-mails?

Why would he take it to Giuliani?

Why would this happen less than a month before the election?

Again are you aware of the fact that it is a crime to hack a person's e-mails?
He was not hacked, dumbass! If you don't pickup the laptop you forfeit it.
Exactly right. The disinformation board will legitimize all the democrat's lies:
the border is secure,
there is no open border,
Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation,
Putin caused US inflation,
there is no War on Energy
high gas prices are big oil price gouging, etc.
The leftist MSM will drink the KoolAde and publish the Board's lies

JUST FYI, it's "Kool-aid". take on it...
I don't yet know what that Board does. It combats "disinformation" (aka "truth")
I don't yet know what that Board's mandate is. To get democrats elected.
I don't yet know what the funding authority is for that Board. Whatever it needs
I don't yet know what legal authority is being used to create and sustain that Board. Joe's pen.
Too many unknowns for me to make a call yet regarding constitutionality. Its unconstitutional, by definition for the government to throttle "free speech", the government doesn't have that power.
But does the government have the right to even tell us the truth? I'd say yes, they should, wouldn't you? So, how should that be done?

May be the way they are going about it is wrong, but the government should certainly speak up somehow, against foreign propaganda and lies being filtered in to our media by foreign operatives.....

We don't have a press core anymore, that both sides of the aisle can trust....we on the left certainly views FOX and OAN and Newsmax and the NY Post, Washington Times, Gateway Pundit, Briebart, WSJ, Town Hall, Judicial Watch, Just the News, etc. as untrustworthy partisan hacks,

and y'all feel the same as we do, only about the main stream media....

What I am trying to get at is that because the press is not functioning as it should, and thought of by we the people on both sides of the aisle, as an investigative watchdog on our government instead of " the enemy of the people", a functioning press would reach all citizens with the truth, and through our faith and trust in them getting to the bottom of it, whatever it, may be, it would be believed....

And this new agency would never have even been remotely considered....

And an agency like this is not going to solve anything because our nation is at the state that you only believe the govt if your own party is in power, and the same for me.....

We are in a real pickle!

Our govt should have a means to dispell foreign propaganda.... Giving all the tools for bad foreign actors to infiltrate the US, without a means to dispell such foreign propaganda is NOT good either....

No one should be shut down for it.... Not the ill given foreign actors, but neither should our govt be silenced which prevents us, from hearing their side.... Ideally a trusted press would be investigating and reporting on what our government knows, or our government is saying, on the topic....

Due to all of this, we are in a prime position for evil driven foreign actors to take advantage of our mistrust, in one another and our government, of which they may actually have seeded, while behind the curtain..... is my real concern.
He was not hacked, dumbass! If you don't pickup the laptop you forfeit it.
So, you give up your right to privacy of the contents too??

As an example, what if the contents included a new song that you just wrote.... Can the person who you left your laptop with, take that song and get it published as his own, if you had not published it yet, and gotten copyright?

It just seems plain wrong that a computer repair shop could take the contents in your computer and publish them, just because the computer shop, now owns your physical computer because you never came back for it.

Seems to me, the computer shop owns the computer and can keep it or sell it, but he should wipe it clean, before it changes ownership.

Any ETHICAL computer shop owner would do that.... Imho.
Exactly right. The disinformation board will legitimize all the democrat's lies:
the border is secure,
there is no open border,
Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation,
Putin caused US inflation,
there is no War on Energy
high gas prices are big oil price gouging, etc.
The leftist MSM will drink the KoolAde and publish the Board's lies

You are the one who is lying.

Hunter Biden's supposed laptop was a way to provide a excuse for Giuliani to have the e-mails.

Biden has leased more federal land in his first year than Trump did,

59% of oil executives who were polled by the Dallas Fed said that shareholders were responsible for their refusal to increase drilling. Only 7% say the government is responsible. That is fact. In addition, there were approximately 800 oil wells in operation pre-pandemic. Today only around 650 are in operation. That is fact.

Inflation is due to the fact that we are being gouged by big business. CEOs are bragging that they can raise prices. That is fact. Profits are at a record high. That proves that a good chunk of the inflation is due to price gouging by businesses. Those are facts.

You are the ones who are drinking the Kool-Aid. You are the ones pushing lies.

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