Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
Presidential candidates have been meeting with "Russian Agents" for decades, they all do it.

There ambassadorial staff is always filled with spies.

No collusion or any other crime was found on the part or Trump or anyone in his family in the Mueller investigation.

And turning over campaign information. I doubt that.

Mueller clearly stated that Trump was not exonerated. Justice Department guidelines state a sitting President cannot be indicted.
That is a hypothesis that will lead us to debating existential import and a-priori truths. If the states have the power to legalize abortion, and the people are in control of the state politicians, does that mean that a legal abortion is in the power of the people of Mississippi?

The thing that matters most for we the people to emphatically reject this entire idea. Because if we complacently acquiesce to it now, we will have no choice but accept abuses of it later.

You really are a idiot. Misinformation is a existential threat to this country. The government has every right to put out the facts. That abuses nothing.
And turning over campaign information. I doubt that.

Mueller clearly stated that Trump was not exonerated. Justice Department guidelines state a sitting President cannot be indicted.
Polling data is not classified intel, it can be shared with anyone foreign or a US national.

Nobody is "exonerated" except at trial.

Mueller found zero evidence of collision and could not find any other crime to charge in 2 years of investigating.
And by attempting to do that, the government will be casting judgments on what is the truth, and what is not. In acting against a piece of disinformation, the government will be endorsing certain political beliefs, in much the same way that the mere presence of a statue can effectively serve as a government endorsement of a certain religion.

And when the government starts endorsing telling the public what politics they are allowed to believe, tyranny happens.

Do you have any clue what you are talking about? Putting out facts is endorsing nothing.
You really are a idiot. Misinformation is a existential threat to this country. The government has every right to put out the facts. That abuses nothing.
Can you cite the line in The Constitution that grans such power and authority to the Federal Gov't?
Man that's rich. You speak nothing but bumper sticker talking points and never produce actual facts to support your claims.

Your declaring facts are not facts does not make it so. You have yet to produce one fact. You Nazis are using misinformation to complain about misinformation.
The US is supposed have a "free press". The press are supposed to be publishers of truth.

I missed the part in the US Constitution where the Federal Government was given the Power to control "The Truth".

So I'm questioning the constitutionality of the new "Disinformation Governance Board". Is it constitutional?
No, the press is not supposed to publish the truth. It is supposed to report non-biased. Anyway, the truth seldom reveals itself until long after all the cards have been played. But yes, publishing disinformation is biased, purposely censored, and intentionally lies. Is that constitutionnal? I doubt it.
Polling data is not classified intel, it can be shared with anyone foreign or a US national.

Nobody is "exonerated" except at trial.

Mueller found zero evidence of collision and could not find any other crime to charge in 2 years of investigating.

Name a campaign that gave internal polling data to a enemy spy.

Mueller could not indict a sitting President. You ignore that fact.
No one is monitoring free speech. We are monitoring misinformation which is pretty much everything you say.

The word Republic flew over your flat head.

Maybe you are too stupid to understand that word.

There is no reason for a government to be monitoring free speech in the first place.
Your declaring facts are not facts does not make it so. You have yet to produce one fact. You Nazis are using misinformation to complain about misinformation.
There you go again. If you had a valid argument to make you wouldn't have to lie so frequently.

Wanting a secure border does not make us Nazis. Pointing out that we're being overrun at the border due to this administration's policies does not make us Nazis, pointing out that congressional democrats are adding to the problem doesn't make us Nazis, it simply makes us correct.

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