Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
To a obscure dealer and just happened to leave them there. The dealer, instead of wiping them and selling them, just happened to look at the e-mails. He just happened to know that he had to send them to Giuliani. This happened weeks before the election. An amazing coincidence. The story stinks of high heaven.
He didn't , "just happen to leave them there" he chose to.

There was no hack, they were legally in his custody.

Everyone involved has now admitted those actually were Hunter's laptops.

Perhaps if he wasn't a drunken, drug addled, worthless piece of shit he wouldn't have made such a piss poor decision and wouldn't have forgotten he left them.

You are of course lying. They claimed the laptop was a phony, Russian Disinformation and there was no hacking it.

It was turned into a repairman and abandoned and when he saw what was on it turned it over to the FBI who worked overtime to cover it up.

As of two weeks ago the head of the FBI's cybercrime unit could not tell congress where that laptop is today.

Neither FNC nor the WSJ has had an opportunity to go through the information on the laptop.

You are tripping all over yourself.

A obscure repairman and just happened to be left behind. The repairman not being a lawyer decided to look at the e-mails instead of wiping them and selling them. If it was turned over to the FBI then how did Giuliani get the e-mails? You seem to be saying that Giuliani broke the law. Giuliani only gave the e-mails out to Fox and the Wall Street Journal. Clearly they were supposed to find something damaging but found nothing. You are making up your own misinformation.
Mueller clearly stated he did not exonerate Trump. What he said was he could not charge Trump because of DOJ guidelines that prohibit the indictment of a sitting President.

You keep LYING over and over the DOJ are the very agency that carries out the decisions of the Special Prosecutor whether to indict and trial or decline posting charges which the final report is given to the Attorney General.

Department Policy can't overcome congressional LAW.

Here is the legal description:

Cornell Law

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.​

(a) Budget.

(1) A Special Counsel shall be provided all appropriate resources by the Department of Justice. Within the first 60 days of his or her appointment, the Special Counsel shall develop a proposed budget for the current fiscal year with the assistance of the Justice Management Division for the Attorney General's review and approval. Based on the proposal, the Attorney General shall establish a budget for the operations of the Special Counsel. The budget shall include a request for assignment of personnel, with a description of the qualifications needed.

(2) Thereafter, 90 days before the beginning of each fiscal year, the Special Counsel shall report to the Attorney General the status of the investigation, and provide a budget request for the following year. The Attorney General shall determine whether the investigation should continue and, if so, establish the budget for the next year.

(b) Notification of significant events. The Special Counsel shall notify the Attorney General of events in the course of his or her investigation in conformity with the Departmental guidelines with respect to Urgent Reports.

(c) Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.


red bolding mine


Yes, he CAN post prosecution charges against anyone no exceptions.

I must have posted this law at least 30 times in the forum.

Since he never posted any charges his statement that Trump isn't exonerated is stupid and YOU fell for that legalistic bullshit!

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He didn't , "just happen to leave them there" he chose to.

There was no hack, they were legally in his custody.

Everyone involved has now admitted those actually were Hunter's laptops.

Perhaps if he wasn't a drunken, drug addled, worthless piece of shit he wouldn't have made such a piss poor decision and wouldn't have forgotten he left them.

What an amazing coincidence. He just happened to take it to a obscure dealer and happened to leave them there. There is no evidence that these are Hunter Biden's laptops.
You keep LYING over and over the DOJ are the very agency that carries out the decisions of the Special Prosecutor whether to indict and trial or decline posting charges which the final report is given to the Attorney General.

Department Policy can't overcome congressional LAW.

Since he never posted any charges his statement that Trump isn't exonerated is stupid and YOU fell for that legalistic bullshit!


You are the one who is LYING over and over. This is what Mueller said.

“Under longstanding department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional,” said Mueller. “Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.”

Mueller also noted that “the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,”
You are the one who is LYING over and over. This is what Mueller said.

“Under longstanding department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional,” said Mueller. “Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.”

Mueller also noted that “the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,”

Mueller was WRONG you dolt!

Go read my edited post 284 showing he is LYING to you.

Since he never posted any charges his statement that Trump isn't exonerated is stupid and YOU fell for that legalistic bullshit!
The Steele report was right on 2 accounts. It correctly identified Russia's attempt to interfere in our election. It also correctly identified a Russian spy that was posing as a diplomat. The Russians were later forced to recall him.

I didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for a independent candidate. The first time that I didn't vote for a Republican Presidential candidate since I started voting.
Are you aware that both the Untied Statesa nd Russian interfer in elections all over the world and have done so for decades and decades.

We are hardly the good guys in white hats that we often pretend to be. I may feel we are the greatest nation in the world but we do have our faults.

The U.S. is the biggest election meddler of them all, new book claims
Kim Hjelmgaard

As Americans reflect on the threat of Russia – or China or Iran or other U.S. adversaries – wading into November's contest between President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, a new book delivers the score on election interference since the end of the World War II.

The United States has messed with more than twice as many elections as Russia/Soviet Union, according to "Meddling in the Ballot Box: The Causes and Effects of Partisan Electoral Interventions," out Sept. 7. The book by Dov H. Levin, a political scientist at the University of Hong Kong, claims to be the first in-depth analysis of electoral interventions "from the dawn of the modern era to the 2016 Russian intervention in the U.S. election."

Hillary messed with one of Putin’s elections.

Even Obama messed with other nation’s elections.

Sorry bout that,

1. The Supreme Court will surprise everyone and stand up and strike this BS down, back down into the bowels of hell where it was birthed.
2. It will be crammed back up their asses, while they are walking along the halls in the Capital.


Sorry bout that,

1. Seems they will do the same with Roe v Wade.

What an amazing coincidence. He just happened to take it to a obscure dealer and happened to leave them there. There is no evidence that these are Hunter Biden's laptops.
Every key stroke, photo, video and email are evidence they are Hunter's as is the testimony of the repairman who stated it was Hunter that dropped them off.

Do you not relaize that there are electric fingerprints accompanying every email including where they were sent from and where they were received?

Are you unaware that he connection history is searchable as well so you can actually determine every router or phone number it was connected to every time an email was sent or received or an internet connection established?

According to the NYT their own experts attested to it's authenticity.

You're a blind dog barking at the moon.
You are the one who is LYING over and over. This is what Mueller said.

“Under longstanding department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional,” said Mueller. “Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.”

Mueller also noted that “the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,”
Policy not law.
Are you aware that both the Untied Statesa nd Russian interfer in elections all over the world and have done so for decades and decades.

We are hardly the good guys in white hats that we often pretend to be. I may feel we are the greatest nation in the world but we do have our faults.

The U.S. is the biggest election meddler of them all, new book claims
Kim Hjelmgaard

As Americans reflect on the threat of Russia – or China or Iran or other U.S. adversaries – wading into November's contest between President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, a new book delivers the score on election interference since the end of the World War II.

The United States has messed with more than twice as many elections as Russia/Soviet Union, according to "Meddling in the Ballot Box: The Causes and Effects of Partisan Electoral Interventions," out Sept. 7. The book by Dov H. Levin, a political scientist at the University of Hong Kong, claims to be the first in-depth analysis of electoral interventions "from the dawn of the modern era to the 2016 Russian intervention in the U.S. election."

Hillary messed with one of Putin’s elections.

Even Obama messed with other nation’s elections.

Russia has been meddling in US policy and elections since WWII, this isn't news to anyone who's got a clue as to the history of our relations with Russia.
But does the government have the right to even tell us the truth? I'd say yes, they should, wouldn't you? So, how should that be done?
May be the way they are going about it is wrong, but the government should certainly speak up somehow, against foreign propaganda and lies being filtered in to our media by foreign operatives.....
We don't have a press core anymore, that both sides of the aisle can trust....we on the left certainly views FOX and OAN and Newsmax and the NY Post, Washington Times, Gateway Pundit, Briebart, WSJ, Town Hall, Judicial Watch, Just the News, etc. as untrustworthy partisan hacks,
and y'all feel the same as we do, only about the main stream media....
What I am trying to get at is that because the press is not functioning as it should, and thought of by we the people on both sides of the aisle, as an investigative watchdog on our government instead of " the enemy of the people", a functioning press would reach all citizens with the truth, and through our faith and trust in them getting to the bottom of it, whatever it, may be, it would be believed....
And this new agency would never have even been remotely considered....
And an agency like this is not going to solve anything because our nation is at the state that you only believe the govt if your own party is in power, and the same for me.....
We are in a real pickle!
Our govt should have a means to dispell foreign propaganda.... Giving all the tools for bad foreign actors to infiltrate the US, without a means to dispell such foreign propaganda is NOT good either....
No one should be shut down for it.... Not the ill given foreign actors, but neither should our govt be silenced which prevents us, from hearing their side.... Ideally a trusted press would be investigating and reporting on what our government knows, or our government is saying, on the topic....
Due to all of this, we are in a prime position for evil driven foreign actors to take advantage of our mistrust, in one another and our government, of which they may actually have seeded, while behind the curtain..... is my real concern.
1. Yes, I agree the government should always tell us the truth, and they don't. From Jen Psaki telling us the border was broken under Trump when it was working, to Myorkas telling us the border is secure, when it is OPEN. Not to mention Joe blaming Putin for gas prices and inflation instead of his "war on energy".
2. Can you give me examples of "foreign propaganda" that needed to be corrected? I can give you truth that the government called "foreign disinformation", that was Hunter's laptop that the FBI and the MSM covered up giving the 2020 election to Xiden.
3. Can you give examples of "fake news" from FXN? I can cite "Russian Collusion", "Hunter's Laptop", "Trump's tax investigation", and "two bullshit impeachments" as the "Fake news" of the left.
4. Agreed, if the "free press" did its job of being truth tellers instead of political shills we wouldn't need a "Minister of Truth" that no one would believe anyway.
5. You want to dispel "foreign propaganda", but I never hear foreign propaganda, that is a democrat lie, a fake pretext to create the "Minister of Propaganda". Remember, the democrats want to call the real truth, like Hunter's Laptop "foreign disinformation", and Putin did cause US inflation, and the borders are closed, and Putin caused high gas prices, etc. Give me examples of "foreign propaganda" that needed to be corrected by the US government.....I call bullshit on that justification.
6. Putin and Kim Jung Un are still on Twitter, and Trump and conservatives are not.
7. IMHO Elon's buying of Twitter and his promise to allow "free speech" kills the need for the "Ministry of Truth". Twitter is used by billions of people, no one would ever see the "Lie Csar's" bullshit. FXN wouldn't cover it. So we'd still have the "fake news" outlets (CNN, MSDNC, etc.) spewing the same lies.
You are the one who is lying.
Hunter Biden's supposed laptop was a way to provide a excuse for Giuliani to have the e-mails.
Biden has leased more federal land in his first year than Trump did,
59% of oil executives who were polled by the Dallas Fed said that shareholders were responsible for their refusal to increase drilling. Only 7% say the government is responsible. That is fact. In addition, there were approximately 800 oil wells in operation pre-pandemic. Today only around 650 are in operation. That is fact.
Inflation is due to the fact that we are being gouged by big business. CEOs are bragging that they can raise prices. That is fact. Profits are at a record high. That proves that a good chunk of the inflation is due to price gouging by businesses. Those are facts.
You are the ones who are drinking the Kool-Aid. You are the ones pushing lies.
Prove what you say with credible links, or stop wasting your time posting.
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1. LIAR. Mueller documented a meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian agent. He turned over internal polling data and other campaign information over. The social media companies confirmed that the Russians bought pro-Trump ads.
2. LIAR. The NYT said that some of the e-mails were real. They were unable to confirm the story.
3. LIAR. Carter Page was no longer with the campaign when the FBI requested the warrant.
1. Was the Trump meeting illegal? How about Hillary paying Russians for the Steele Dossier? Was that "collusion"? Research how many foreign countries buy US election ads, duh.
2. What emails? You're grasping at straws. The NYT?? Fake news HQ, duh.
3. Carter Page was a US citizen illegally spied on since the FBI lied to the FISA court.
1. Was the Trump meeting illegal? How about Hillary paying Russians for the Steele Dossier? Was that "collusion"? Research how many foreign countries buy US election ads, duh.
2. What emails? You're grasping at straws. The NYT?? Fake news HQ, duh.
3. Carter Page was a US citizen illegally spied on since the FBI lied to the FISA court.

He ignored the posted declinations by Mueller over the Russian collusion nonsense in section one of his published report that was sent to the AG which I have posted in detail several times to see that assholes like busybullshit ignore it completely.

Leftists run and live on LIES everyday.

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