Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
Now you are full of nonsense since DOJ POLICY can't override Congressional law that allows the Special Prosecutor the ability to post charges against anyone they investigate.

I posted the LAW about 20 times in the forum straight from the statutes.

You are the one who is full of nonsense. You decide that a fact is not a fact just because you say so. That is DOJ policy whether you like it or not.
You Trump cultists are the biggest sheeple of them all. You are incapable of thinking for yourself.
We were smart enough to realize that the Steele Dossier was fake. All the liberal media was telling us it was the truth and woulld lead to Trump being removed from office.

I would say we thought for ourselves and we were RIGHT.

I would also say you liberals were easily deceived becasue ou don’t think for yourself.

Trump hired prostitutes to pee on a Moscow hotel bed? Trump is a germaphobe. I knew right off that story was totally false. Plus even fools know that Russian Hotel rooms are bugged and have cameras.

Go look at yourself in your bathroom mirror and admit you were suckered by Hillary. You were.
You are the one who is full of nonsense. You decide that a fact is not a fact just because you say so. That is DOJ policy whether you like it or not.

Gee, kinda like how you fricken loons said Hunters PC was Russian disinformation?
It was a attempt to provide a excuse for Giuliani to have Hunter Biden's e-mails. They gave him the e-mails that they hacked. They then staged that phony operation to provide a excuse for him having the e-mails. It is also worth noting that Fox and the Wall Street Journal found no connection between Joe Biden and his son's business dealings.
You are of course lying. They claimed the laptop was a phony, Russian Disinformation and there was no hacking it.

It was turned into a repairman and abandoned and when he saw what was on it turned it over to the FBI who worked overtime to cover it up.

As of two weeks ago the head of the FBI's cybercrime unit could not tell congress where that laptop is today.

Neither FNC nor the WSJ has had an opportunity to go through the information on the laptop.
Name the line that prevents the government from putting out facts to counter misinformation.
The 9th and 10th Amendments.

Any power not reserved to, nor delegated to the Federal Gov't remains that of the States and Individual.
You are the one who is full of nonsense. You decide that a fact is not a fact just because you say so. That is DOJ policy whether you like it or not.
Put in your eyes and turn on your brain please and read this carefully,

Now you are full of nonsense since DOJ POLICY can't override Congressional law that allows the Special Prosecutor the ability to post charges against anyone they investigate.

I posted the LAW about 20 times in the forum straight from the statutes which gets ignored by leftist pustbags all the time.


Your excuses are stupid since Congress was the one who passed the Special Prosecutor law in the first place and the DOJ is entrusted to support it since the AG is the one who gets the finished report from the Special Prosecutor on whether to pursue indictment and trial.
Mueller said that DOJ policy prevented him from indicting a sitting President.
Policy is not law and even if that were the case he could have been indicted at 12:01 on inauguration day if there were in fact any chargeable offenses found.

Where are the indictments?
You are the one who is full of nonsense. You decide that a fact is not a fact just because you say so. That is DOJ policy whether you like it or not.
It is up to The People, not the gov't to decide what is or isn't, "Fact".
We were smart enough to realize that the Steele Dossier was fake. All the liberal media was telling us it was the truth and woulld lead to Trump being removed from office.

I would say we thought for ourselves and we were RIGHT.

I would also say you liberals were easily deceived becasue ou don’t think for yourself.

Trump hired prostitutes to pee on a Moscow hotel bed? Trump is a germaphobe. I knew right off that story was totally false. Plus even fools know that Russian Hotel rooms are bugged and have cameras.

Go look at yourself in your bathroom mirror and admit you were suckered by Hillary. You were.

The Steele report was right on 2 accounts. It correctly identified Russia's attempt to interfere in our election. It also correctly identified a Russian spy that was posing as a diplomat. The Russians were later forced to recall him.

I didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for a independent candidate. The first time that I didn't vote for a Republican Presidential candidate since I started voting.
The Steele report was right on 2 accounts. It correctly identified Russia's attempt to interfere in our election. It also correctly identified a Russian spy that was posing as a diplomat. The Russians were later forced to recall him.

I didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for a independent candidate. The first time that I didn't vote for a Republican Presidential candidate since I started voting.
What it couldn't prove was any crimes committed by Trump or anyone else in his family or that there was ever any, "Russian Collusion".
No it isn't, We are a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representatives. We don't even vote directly for President.

We are a hybrid republic/democracy. The old Roman republic was a pure republic. The representatives were appointed and the people had no say.
You are ignoring the declinations Mueller posted in Section One of his report which means he found no indictable evidence of election wrongdoing from Trump and his campaign group thus they ARE EXONERATED!

He couldn't indict because he himself said there was nothing to charge him with a fact YOU ignore all the time since Mueller said so in Section one of his report which I posted in detail weeks ago.

Mueller clearly stated he did not exonerate Trump. What he said was he could not charge Trump because of DOJ guidelines that prohibit the indictment of a sitting President.
We are a hybrid republic/democracy. The old Roman republic was a pure republic. The representatives were appointed and the people had no say.
Roman Senators were appointed, the Consuls were elected by an assembly of The People.

Under our original constitution, our senators were also appointed.

We're a constitutional republic with elected representatives. We don't even vote directly for POTUS, the Electoral College votes for POTUS. The Popular vote is there to make The People feel like thy have a say in the process it isn't even required by our constitution.

You should really stop talking about things you have no clue about.
Mueller clearly stated he did not exonerate Trump. What he said was he could not charge Trump because of DOJ guidelines that prohibit the indictment of a sitting President.
You are a broken record with only one line on this subject.

Only courts can exonerate a person, not investigators.
It was a attempt to provide a explanation as to why Giuliani had Hunter Biden's e-mails. Hacking e-mails is a crime.

Yep, you ass-hats always have explanations, unfortunately they always turn out to be BS.
Hunter took the laptops in for repair.

You're making shit up again.

To a obscure dealer and just happened to leave them there. The dealer, instead of wiping them and selling them, just happened to look at the e-mails. He just happened to know that he had to send them to Giuliani. This happened weeks before the election. An amazing coincidence. The story stinks of high heaven.

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