Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
Well, if it lives up to its charter, it will be trying to prevent foreign disinformation in our society.

And by attempting to do that, the government will be casting judgments on what is the truth, and what is not. In acting against a piece of disinformation, the government will be endorsing certain political beliefs, in much the same way that the mere presence of a statue can effectively serve as a government endorsement of a certain religion.

And when the government starts endorsing telling the public what politics they are allowed to believe, tyranny happens.
It is rather amusing that you think these people who want a "strong republican" are going to be Thomas Jefferson instead of Richard Nixon.

I don't. That's the point. This power will very quickly end up in the hands of someone who cannot be trusted with it.
Calm down. A Republican President would be able to use Disinformation Governance Board only to the extent to which courts would allow biden to use it.

Nevertheless, if Democrats expand resources establishing Disinformation Governance Board and a Republican President would use it, that is a good scenario.

No one is going to drag anyone anywhere. You are the ones who need to calm down. Your crazy assertions are exactly that. Crazy and designed to get right wing fascists stirred up.
And by attempting to do that, the government will be casting judgments on what is the truth, and what is not. In acting against a piece of disinformation, the government will be endorsing certain political beliefs, in much the same way that the mere presence of a statue can effectively serve as a government endorsement of a certain religion.

And when the government starts endorsing telling the public what politics they are allowed to believe, tyranny happens.

Please link to the material by which you draw that conclusion that the govenment will be "endorsing" and "telling the public what politics they are allowed to believe."
I don't. That's the point. This power will very quickly end up in the hands of someone who cannot be trusted with it.


if the power is in the executive to create such a board to explore how foreign entities try to influence our election....isn't it/wasn't it "already in the hands" of such people?
Prove your statement via laws or the U.S. Constitution.

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

You are the one who needs to prove it. Name one action that the board has taken to violate the Constitution.
You're completely full of shit.

All DeSantis and Hitler have in common is that both are male, white, and human.

You are full of shit. DeSantis has spearheaded several laws that have been thrown out by federal judges as a violation of free speech rights. He attacks voting rights. He uses transgenders as his version of the Jews. He is a racist. He is no different than Hitler.
You are full of shit. DeSantis has spearheaded several laws that have been thrown out by federal judges as a violation of free speech rights. He attacks voting rights. He uses transgenders as his version of the Jews. He is a racist. He is no different than Hitler.
If you had a valid argument to make you wouldn't have to lie so much.
I agree with Democrats on many issues.

As a man I can never agree with Democrats that view men as a class of oppressors, that are taking away Presumption of Innocence from men accused of Sexual Misconduct, and oppose Free Speech of those who advocate for male victims of Abuse and Discrimination. In my opinion, Democrats are the greater evil.
1. LIAR. The Mueller Investigation came up empty. Hillary colluded with Russians for the Steele Dossier.
2. LIAR. Even the NYT now says its real.
3. LIAR. The FBI falsified evidence and lied to the FISA court.

1. LIAR. Mueller documented a meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian agent. He turned over internal polling data and other campaign information over. The social media companies confirmed that the Russians bought pro-Trump ads.
2. LIAR. The NYT said that some of the e-mails were real. They were unable to confirm the story.
3. LIAR. Carter Page was no longer with the campaign when the FBI requested the warrant.
1. LIAR. Mueller documented a meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian agent. He turned over internal polling data and other campaign information over. The social media companies confirmed that the Russians bought pro-Trump ads.
2. LIAR. The NYT said that some of the e-mails were real. They were unable to confirm the story.
3. LIAR. Carter Page was no longer with the campaign when the FBI requested the warrant.
Presidential candidates have been meeting with "Russian Agents" for decades, they all do it.

There ambassadorial staff is always filled with spies.

No collusion or any other crime was found on the part or Trump or anyone in his family in the Mueller investigation.
This is a REPUBLIC which means that the government has no business in monitoring free speech they are supposed to defend it.

No one is monitoring free speech. We are monitoring misinformation which is pretty much everything you say.
No one is monitoring free speech. We are monitoring misinformation which is pretty much everything you say.
Speech is speech whether you like it or not, whether it's accurate or not, and unless it directly harms someone it is protected under the 1st Amendment.
Plus the Democrat sheeple will believe all the propaganda the Democratic Party feeds them.

That’s the advantage of having a poor educational system. Students lack the education to think for themselves.

A functioning representative democracy will work much better with well educated citizens.

You Trump cultists are the biggest sheeple of them all. You are incapable of thinking for yourself.

if the power is in the executive to create such a board to explore how foreign entities try to influence our election....isn't it/wasn't it "already in the hands" of such people?

That is a hypothesis that will lead us to debating existential import and a-priori truths. If the states have the power to legalize abortion, and the people are in control of the state politicians, does that mean that a legal abortion is in the power of the people of Mississippi?

The thing that matters most for we the people to emphatically reject this entire idea. Because if we complacently acquiesce to it now, we will have no choice but accept abuses of it later.
You Trump cultists are the biggest sheeple of them all. You are incapable of thinking for yourself.
Man that's rich. You speak nothing but bumper sticker talking points and never produce actual facts to support your claims.

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