Is the Occupation of the West Bank Morally Justified?

Is the Occupation of the West Bank Morally Justified?

  • yes

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • no

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't.

I love God. So I speak truth that is uncomfortable to you to hear. If you loved God you would speak the truth too.

You have literally just born false witness against your neighbor. Me.
You're not my neighbor but you are an idiot.
Arabs keep starting wars, keep losing.
What's your point?

Not their call.

But your statement proves there is an occupation.

My favorite part of the 6 Day War was when every single Arab nation, including Jordan, got wiped out, everyone of their leaders, including Jordan, was swearing by Allah that they would attack Israel again as soon as possible.
Yes, Jordan should definitely get "their" West Bank again after promising to attack again.
Your stupidity is asstounding.
Not sure what that had to do with the post you were replying to but I do hope it made you feel better, brother.
Not sure what that had to do with the post you were replying to but I do hope it made you feel better, brother.
You are very Christian so you would give a weapon to the guy who has just sworn to try and kill you again.
Jews don't play that game.
The lands Israel took by force in 1967, Karl.

there was a state of war in the Levant that had not ended for many centuries. It became inflamed in
1967 by Russian/Baathist interests led by Gamal Abdul
Nasser whose interest was a UNITED BAATHIST empire in the Levant. Russian interests also included SPHERE OF INFLUENCE over the nascent Baathist empire.
Israel was slated for annhilation by the BAATHIST
CULT------but fought back and survived. dingy wept
there was a state of war in the Levant that had not ended for many centuries. It became inflamed in
1967 by Russian/Baathist interests led by Gamal Abdul
Nasser whose interest was a UNITED BAATHIST empire in the Levant. Russian interests also included SPHERE OF INFLUENCE over the nascent Baathist empire.
Israel was slated for annhilation by the BAATHIST
CULT------but fought back and survived. dingy wept
Ding isn't playing dumb, he is dumb.
You are very Christian so you would give a weapon to the guy who has just sworn to try and kill you again.
Jews don't play that game.
If you want to make the moral argument that Israel is occupying Palestine to protect themselves, but that seems like a weak argument. Israel is pretty damn powerful relative to the Palestinians.
Ding isn't playing dumb, he is dumb.
I understand that you are upset because there is no moral argument to be made for the continuing occupation so you need to lash out at me, but that's only harming your soul.
If you want to make the moral argument that Israel is occupying Palestine to protect themselves, but that seems like a weak argument. Israel is pretty damn powerful relative to the Palestinians.
Israel was not threatened by the Palestinians after Israel defeated the 5 Arab armies; Israel was threatened by every one of those nations.
there was a state of war in the Levant that had not ended for many centuries. It became inflamed in
1967 by Russian/Baathist interests led by Gamal Abdul
Nasser whose interest was a UNITED BAATHIST empire in the Levant. Russian interests also included SPHERE OF INFLUENCE over the nascent Baathist empire.
Israel was slated for annhilation by the BAATHIST
CULT------but fought back and survived. dingy wept
So your argument is that it was a continuing war and Israel must still occupy those lands, why?
I understand that you are upset because there is no moral argument to be made for the continuing occupation so you need to lash out at me, but that's only harming your soul.
Being threatened by your mortal enemy right after winning a war is reason enough to remove their strategic ground.
Israel was not threatened by the Palestinians after Israel defeated the 5 Arab armies; Israel was threatened by every one of those nations.
So there is no concern about their safety if they give back the lands they took in 1967.
Being threatened by your mortal enemy right after winning a war is reason enough to remove their strategic ground.
Sure. But not decades later. That's the point. The initial occupation was justified. Today's occupation is not.
Sure. But not decades later. That's the point. The initial occupation was justified. Today's occupation is not.
Do you follow the Middle East?
Are you retarded?
Do you realize how Arab countries are murdering their own citizens?
Being that Arabs start wars with each other all the time I would hesitate to yield ground.
There is no risk from the Palestinians and the buffer they provide offers no strategic value.

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