Zone1 Is The Pentacostal Arm of "Christianity" The Work Of Satan?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
I truly do not mean to offend any one with this query. But after reading multitudes of various denominations, doctrines of faith; and hearing the qualifiers from the priesthood of these faiths... I worry that the Pentacostals are truly the work of Satan/Lucifer.
Let me explain where this concern comes from. Primarily, it is the speaking in tongues. While I truly do believe in spiritual gifts; I believe that the Lord lends them in moments that suit his agenda. Not willy nilly. In the Bible the gift of tongues was purposeful, not random. Legitimate languages, not incoherent gibberish. The apostles, and the so chosen gifted, were able to speak in tongues foreign to themselves, yet familiar to those to which they were speaking. Actual "known" languages.
So... What is the point? And why Pentacostals? Hear me out. There is only one unforgiveable sin. Blasphemeing the Holy Spirit. Even Christ will not forgive this transgression. So as scripture states, spiritual gifts are bestowed by the Holy Spirit, faking them, making mockery of them, and using this deception as a ploy to lead others away from God, is far more insidious than theft, rape, or even murder. For those who participate in such will never be forgiven.
So... Are the Pentacostals willing fools, the Devils Playthings, and irreedemably damned. I fear that for many this may be true. For making a mockery of the Holy Spirits true powers, just to showboat, or even to gain acceptance of those around you surely amounts to blasphemy.

Doesn't it..?
There is no doubt that fundamentalism, Pentecostalism, and evangelicalism can be used for demonic ends.
Demonic ends are one thing. But all this denomination/CULT has to do to secure one for Satan, is get them to mace a mockery, or... Blaspheme the Holy Spirit; and even Christ will never forgive them. Some cults cause people to sin. Sins can be forgiven. But not this one. And this enclaves requirements, require making a mockery of this spiritual gift. There's no coming back from it. No matter how you live your life afterwards.
Then Vastator has his opinion, nothing more and just the same with me. I am not into organized religion at all. I try communion with the Creator.
All they are doing is speaking to God according to scripture. It's similar to singing while worshiping.

I attended when I was young and never really understood it then.
All they are doing is speaking to God according to scripture. It's similar to singing while worshiping.

I attended when I was young and never really understood it then.
Are they? How scripturallly can you verify this? The speaking in tongues gift, biblically was given for men, speaking to, and INTERPRETING unfamiliar languages amongst men, for the purpose of spreading gods message.
Speaking in tongues in Acts 2:4, we read of the initial outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost: “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” This experience astonished the Jews visiting Jerusalem for the annual Jewish festival, the Feast of Pentecost. Each of them heard the believers “speak in his own language” (Acts 2:6). The believers were speaking in tongues—in languages they had not previously spoken. Some of the visitors understood their words; they heard “them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:11).
Are they? How scripturallly can you verify this? The speaking in tongues gift, biblically was given for men, speaking to, and ITERPRETING unfamiliar languages amongst men, for the purpose of spreading gods message.
It's not demonic. Believers follow the apostle Paul, who spoke in tongue while worshiping, singing and praying to God. In the Pentecostal church they seem to exaggerate it more, is all. Brings them closer to the Spirit by communication.
It's not demonic. Believers follow the apostle Paul, who spoke in tongue while worshiping, singing and praying to God. In the Pentecostal church they seem to exaggerate it more, is all. Brings them closer to the Spirit by communication.
False! Believers follow Christ. Feel free to quote scripture...
Jesus cast out demons and he was accused of doing it with the power of satan.

Then Jesus charged them with blaspheming the holy spirit

You obviously have never attended a Pentecostal Church.
Oh!!! You are so very wrong... I most certainly have. And never have I experienced a more malevolent, evil experience in my life. I was actually afraid to get up and leave. It was like being dropped into an asylum; and hearing the cells click open. My experience there is in part why I opened this thread. While they loudly proclaimed that the Holy Spirit was present in their revelry... I actually definitely felt a spiritual presence. And there was nothing Holy about it. Quite the Contrary...
I truly do not mean to offend any one with this query. But after reading multitudes of various denominations, doctrines of faith; and hearing the qualifiers from the priesthood of these faiths... I worry that the Pentacostals are truly the work of Satan/Lucifer.
Let me explain where this concern comes from. Primarily, it is the speaking in tongues. While I truly do believe in spiritual gifts; I believe that the Lord lends them in moments that suit his agenda. Not willy nilly. In the Bible the gift of tongues was purposeful, not random. Legitimate languages, not incoherent gibberish. The apostles, and the so chosen gifted, were able to speak in tongues foreign to themselves, yet familiar to those to which they were speaking. Actual "known" languages.
So... What is the point? And why Pentacostals? Hear me out. There is only one unforgiveable sin. Blasphemeing the Holy Spirit. Even Christ will not forgive this transgression. So as scripture states, spiritual gifts are bestowed by the Holy Spirit, faking them, making mockery of them, and using this deception as a ploy to lead others away from God, is far more insidious than theft, rape, or even murder. For those who participate in such will never be forgiven.
So... Are the Pentacostals willing fools, the Devils Playthings, and irreedemably damned. I fear that for many this may be true. For making a mockery of the Holy Spirits true powers, just to showboat, or even to gain acceptance of those around you surely amounts to blasphemy.

Doesn't it..?
I can undestand your concern and have had similar ones but I think most Pentecostal are sincere. That doesn't make them right. I never thought of that point you make about the Apostles speaking in known languages.. probably true.

I don't know what else to say because I am not an expert on that religion.

But LOL.. I do notice it is quite different from the solemn and reverent Catholic Mass, esp the Traditional Masses by theSSPX and the Sedevacantists.

I share your reservation about.. I don't know how to say it.. just giving in to some spirit that may not be the HS ...
Oh!!! You are so very wrong... I most certainly have. And never have I experienced a more malevolent, evil experience in my life. I was actually afraid to get up and leave. It was like being dropped into an asylum; and hearing the cells click open. My experience there is in part why I opened this thread. While they loudly proclaimed that the Holy Spirit was present in their revelry... I actually definitely felt a spiritual presence. And there was nothing Holy about it. Quote the Contrary...
Not everyone is as scared as you.

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