Is the process of Impeachment tantamount to a "coup d'etat"???

The reason people think it's a coup is because, the Democrats left no doubt their goal was to remove trump. Even before an investigation had started, the dems had him pegged as guilty and were talking removal. Heck, I think even before his inauguration there were some already talking about methods of removing him.

You see, impeachment is necessary for high crimes, but when you broadcast how badly you want him gone, and all of the rhetoric and hate that has been pointed his direction, its starts to look more like a coup.

So kind of like the one over that birther hoax some crazy new york billionaire made up?

Or transgender bathrooms being an impeachable offense?

The best was the Texas Republican pushing for his impeachment... His reasoning... not even a claim of anything illegal. Just to prevent him from "pushing his agenda" was the case.

High crimes? Or did Republicans start the desire for a coup against the US government? Or is it only if the process doesn't follow the constitutional guidelines?

Ok, you are over the place with this.

Trump didn't start birther movement, Hillary did. Yeah, trump ran with it for awhile,

The transgender bathroom bit was from Dennis Kucinich, who is a Democrat.

And yes, an impeachment should follow constitutional guidelines.

Some in Oklahoma statehouse urge Obama impeachment over bathroom rule - Reuters

Oops. Sorry Republicans on record there. So sorry but that lie didn't hold up. Kucinich said about Libya.

Hillary didn't. In fact she fired the person on her campaign who tried to run with it and never called for impeachment over it (kinda impossible to as he wasn't president).

Also Trump not Hillary was the one who suggested impeachment over it (and some republican congressmen like Farenthold). Trump however ran with it with dozens of tweets calling for impeachment, or as we consider now, an attempted coup against a sitting president of the United States.

Next time get your facts straight kiddo. Then it won't be so confusing to you.
Ok, so the Obama administration tells public schools they have to let transgender students use the bathroom of their choice.

While I dont think that rises to the level of impeachment, but it was a stupid move. Most parents are not going to think kindly of schools letting boys into the girls bathroom.

Agree. But if it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment does that make talk of potential legal impeachment over something not meeting the burden of proof for impeachment automatically an attempted coup by those who promote it?

That's kind of my point here. If calling for an impeachment proceeding against Trump over unfounded accusations is an attempted coup, that has happened multiple times to Obama, including... By Trump.

If you want one, you have to have both. So you get a paradox. Trump attempted a coup against Obama, therefore impeachment talk about Trump is now valid because we have defined that as an attempted coup vs a sitting president, which is a crime that would now meet the standard to impeach trump...

Unless you are one of those who say it's ok for my party to do X but not yours (which happens a lot on both sides)
My stance is, as I've said before, the reason it appears to be a coup is because if the left's early telegraphing of their desire and intentions of removing him from office. The left was making these statements pretty much before he was inaugurated. It just appears, at least on the surface, that the left's intentions have nothing to do with what's right and what is justice, they simply want him gone because they dont like him.

This much is obvious due to the amount of hate and vitriol thrown his way on a daily basis.
My stance is, as I've said before, the reason it appears to be a coup is because if the left's early telegraphing of their desire and intentions of removing him from office.

Would your half brain ALSO interpret this as a "coup"???

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President ...
upload_2019-4-27_20-52-18.jpeg▶ 0:08

Dec 7, 2010 - Uploaded by PoliticalHay
Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sums it up. ... Occupy Democrats 6,272,436 views ...
Apparently, Trump has convinced his CULT that were he to be impeached, that would basically be a coup (as he has often stated) of his administration.

This buffoon-in-chief is asking his base to ignore Article I of our Constitution and existing laws, and yield to him the powers of a wanna-be despot for whom laws are irrelevant.
I see you are using crutches in an attempt at weaning yourself off the 2016 election obsession with newer smaller obsessions.
I see you are using crutches in an attempt at weaning yourself off the 2016 election obsession with newer smaller obsessions.

Go to bed after you change your diapers...........You're making even LESS sense than usual...LOL
My stance is, as I've said before, the reason it appears to be a coup is because if the left's early telegraphing of their desire and intentions of removing him from office.

Would your half brain ALSO interpret this as a "coup"???

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President ...
View attachment 258231[emoji666] 0:08
Dec 7, 2010 - Uploaded by PoliticalHay
Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sums it up. ... Occupy Democrats 6,272,436 views ...
When were those videos made? Before Obama was elected? No, looks like Obama was in office a few years.

Again, I never said what they are doing to trump was a coup. I only said that the left had voiced their desire to remove him even before he was inaugurated. On the surface, it appears to look like a coup, because they didnt even wait for any investigation or evidence to come out on trump. From the very beginning, they said "hes a criminal and he is guilty of......".

What it shows is their intense desire to remove him, no matter what. The left doesnt care if he is guilty of anything, they just want him gone. If they thought otherwise, they would have waited until the investigations were done before they started talking impeachment and removal.

That is a coordinated effort to remove someone simply because they dont like him. If were being honest, however, I even think the word "coup" is not accurate. A coup, by definition, is a sudden, violent overthrow of government. That isnt what we are seeing. Maybe I'm talking semantics here.

However, coup, as is being used here on usmb, then, yes, in the surface, it appears to be a coup because you are trying to oust a president, simply because you cant stand him.

Yes, im sure there was plenty of talk about ousting Obama as well, and if it was unfounded, then it was equally wrong. The difference between trump and Obama, however, is a difference in ideology. If the right started talking about impeachment before Obama even started his presidency, and without any accusation and investigation of wrongdoing, then that is equally wrong.
So kind of like the one over that birther hoax some crazy new york billionaire made up?

Or transgender bathrooms being an impeachable offense?

The best was the Texas Republican pushing for his impeachment... His reasoning... not even a claim of anything illegal. Just to prevent him from "pushing his agenda" was the case.

High crimes? Or did Republicans start the desire for a coup against the US government? Or is it only if the process doesn't follow the constitutional guidelines?

Ok, you are over the place with this.

Trump didn't start birther movement, Hillary did. Yeah, trump ran with it for awhile,

The transgender bathroom bit was from Dennis Kucinich, who is a Democrat.

And yes, an impeachment should follow constitutional guidelines.

Some in Oklahoma statehouse urge Obama impeachment over bathroom rule - Reuters

Oops. Sorry Republicans on record there. So sorry but that lie didn't hold up. Kucinich said about Libya.

Hillary didn't. In fact she fired the person on her campaign who tried to run with it and never called for impeachment over it (kinda impossible to as he wasn't president).

Also Trump not Hillary was the one who suggested impeachment over it (and some republican congressmen like Farenthold). Trump however ran with it with dozens of tweets calling for impeachment, or as we consider now, an attempted coup against a sitting president of the United States.

Next time get your facts straight kiddo. Then it won't be so confusing to you.
Ok, so the Obama administration tells public schools they have to let transgender students use the bathroom of their choice.

While I dont think that rises to the level of impeachment, but it was a stupid move. Most parents are not going to think kindly of schools letting boys into the girls bathroom.

Agree. But if it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment does that make talk of potential legal impeachment over something not meeting the burden of proof for impeachment automatically an attempted coup by those who promote it?

That's kind of my point here. If calling for an impeachment proceeding against Trump over unfounded accusations is an attempted coup, that has happened multiple times to Obama, including... By Trump.

If you want one, you have to have both. So you get a paradox. Trump attempted a coup against Obama, therefore impeachment talk about Trump is now valid because we have defined that as an attempted coup vs a sitting president, which is a crime that would now meet the standard to impeach trump...

Unless you are one of those who say it's ok for my party to do X but not yours (which happens a lot on both sides)
My stance is, as I've said before, the reason it appears to be a coup is because if the left's early telegraphing of their desire and intentions of removing him from office. The left was making these statements pretty much before he was inaugurated. It just appears, at least on the surface, that the left's intentions have nothing to do with what's right and what is justice, they simply want him gone because they dont like him.

This much is obvious due to the amount of hate and vitriol thrown his way on a daily basis.
We wanted him gone because of the hate and lies and vitriol he threw around Gone because of his election with Russian help The man is a pig and republicans made him our leader?? A saddest of jokes
Apparently, Trump has convinced his CULT that were he to be impeached, that would basically be a coup (as he has often stated) of his administration.

This buffoon-in-chief is asking his base to ignore Article I of our Constitution and existing laws, and yield to him the powers of a wanna-be despot for whom laws are irrelevant.

they may be able to impeach but they will not be able to convict....aka bill clinton was impeached.....did not hurt fact it helped him.
'Is the process of Impeachment tantamount to a "coup d'etat"???'

Of course not.

Only an ignoramus like Trump and his idiotic supporters would believe such nonsense.

Just as idiotic is the Trump/rightwing lie that the Mueller investigation as a ‘coup attempt.’
You don't sound upset...ignoramus? idiotic [2x]? in just 2 sentences? reads like a left wing college commencement speech

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