Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?

Once a special prosecutor takes over the investigations it will be out of democrats and republicans hands.
Then it will be hilarious you traitors pointing your venom at them.
Oh yeah, like the GOP was able to force a Special Prosecutor and take the F&F, Holder, Hillary, Castro, etc scandals / crimes out of the Democrats' hands? :p
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.
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Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?

This is just the beginning and it's going to be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. This is why Trump has banned certain media outlets from attending daily press briefings. But it's not going to work.

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS, in the below video is stating that Trump campaign aids were on the phone with the Russians the VERY DAY that the DNC was being hacked. THOSE PHONE RECORDS NEVER GO AWAY.

If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON. With these massive protests all over the place, and what is going on in Republican town hall meetings right now, it's clear that Democrats will be taking over both houses in 2018.

Salt Lake City Utah

So Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office immediately to save their honor and the Republican party.
2. Burn the party down to the ground in 2018/2020 and beyond, by ignoring it, adding conspiracy and cover up to Treason.


how does anyone know when or if the DNC servers were hacked? the FBI never looked at them. WTF are you rambling about? pretendland again?

They know the exact date and time when it was hacked into dumbass. When they see 500K emails disappearing from their database list they know it's being hacked in to. Records will show the exact date and specific time that it happened. They have the records to prove the dates and exact time that phone calls where made by Trump campaign aids to high level Russian officials also.



There is absolutely no justifiable rational reason for Trump campaign aids to be talking to high level Russian officials during the CAMPAIGN SEASON.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

why not? weren't they in the middle of a transition? Why would that be out of the ordinary especially since obummer tried to screw the US with his sanctions on a non event?
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.
well shit how will it when your side owns the MSM? dude are you truly that fking stupid?
Once a special prosecutor takes over the investigations it will be out of democrats and republicans hands.
Then it will be hilarious you traitors pointing your venom at them.
Oh yeah, like the GOP was able to force a Special Prosecutor and take the F&F, Holder, Hillary, Castro, etc scandals / crimes out of the Democrats' hands? :p
Hilarious you're still talking about the fake scandals and won't focus on the current real one.
Someday when the truth is revealed, you'll be afraid to tell people you were a trump supporter.
Once a special prosecutor takes over the investigations it will be out of democrats and republicans hands.
Then it will be hilarious you traitors pointing your venom at them.
Oh yeah, like the GOP was able to force a Special Prosecutor and take the F&F, Holder, Hillary, Castro, etc scandals / crimes out of the Democrats' hands? :p
that wasn't mine.
To the OP:

Thanks! We liberals had all completely forgotten about this over the weekend! Thanks for reminding us!

Time for a special prosecutor!
Once a special prosecutor takes over the investigations it will be out of democrats and republicans hands.
Then it will be hilarious you traitors pointing your venom at them.
Oh yeah, like the GOP was able to force a Special Prosecutor and take the F&F, Holder, Hillary, Castro, etc scandals / crimes out of the Democrats' hands? :p
Hilarious you're still talking about the fake scandals and won't focus on the current real one.
Someday when the truth is revealed, you'll be afraid to tell people you were a trump supporter.
why were they fake, there was actual evidence. It was provided to congress.
To the OP:

Thanks! We liberals had all completely forgotten about this over the weekend! Thanks for reminding us!

Time for a special prosecutor!
Jeff Sessions will take care of it as part of his duties. thanks/
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.
well shit how will it when your side owns the MSM? dude are you truly that fking stupid?
In town halls all over this country the citizens are demanding to know what ties Trump has with Russia.
What did you think would happen when Donnie Littlefingers implored Putin to continue hacking into Hillary's emails?
There's never been a more treasonous statement by any candidate in history.
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.
well shit how will it when your side owns the MSM? dude are you truly that fking stupid?
In town halls all over this country the citizens are demanding to know what ties Trump has with Russia.
What did you think would happen when Donnie Littlefingers implored Putin to continue hacking into Hillary's emails?
There's never been a more treasonous statement by any candidate in history.
you mean the plants want to know? dude look at my signature.
Ok, by the onslaught of snowflakes still screaming about how the Russians prevented Hillary from being President :lmao:we can conclude snowflakes are still in denial and not about to let this die.
Once a special prosecutor takes over the investigations it will be out of democrats and republicans hands.
Then it will be hilarious you traitors pointing your venom at them.


The reality is you better hope Trump is never impeached because President Pence is your worst nightmare...

I for one never wanted Trump as President and believe Trump is a major mistake waiting to happen, but unlike the leftist like you I do not blame Wikileaks nor Russia for Clinton failure to win swing states...

The countless amount of scandals and the mere fact the woman come off as a cold hearted bitch cost her the election.

So please let stop with the traitor nonsense or don't and stay the partisan whore course!
From my link that the Trumpies are afraid to read:

Claim 1: Putin ordered operatives to influence the U.S. presidential election and sought to elect Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Evidence: Of the allegations tying Trump to Russia, this one has the most thorough confirmation from the government — notably a Jan. 6, 2017, report out of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report said Putin himself "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election." Agents also concluded that the Russian government prefered Trump over Clinton, and they intended to undermine Americans’ faith in the electoral system.

Private cybersecurity analysts have said for months that all signs point to Russia.
From my link that the Trumpies are afraid to read:

Claim 1: Putin ordered operatives to influence the U.S. presidential election and sought to elect Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Evidence: Of the allegations tying Trump to Russia, this one has the most thorough confirmation from the government — notably a Jan. 6, 2017, report out of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report said Putin himself "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election." Agents also concluded that the Russian government prefered Trump over Clinton, and they intended to undermine Americans’ faith in the electoral system.

Private cybersecurity analysts have said for months that all signs point to Russia.
ok, let's see the document they found! Why is that so hard to do? If it is so, it ought to be fairly simple.
To the OP:

Thanks! We liberals had all completely forgotten about this over the weekend! Thanks for reminding us!

Time for a special prosecutor!
Jeff Sessions will take care of it as part of his duties. thanks/
Sessions can't. It's against the law because he's affiliated withTrump.
watch, He's the AG. Period, shit I can't wait.
So you don't believe in the law. Noted.
That makes you simpatico with Sessions and Trump.
why not? weren't they in the middle of a transition? Why would that be out of the ordinary especially since obummer tried to screw the US with his sanctions on a non event?

You must have missed how this country performs a transfer of power by election instead of by force. Until power is transfered, you can't go around acting like you're in charge.

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