Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?

To the OP:

Thanks! We liberals had all completely forgotten about this over the weekend! Thanks for reminding us!

Time for a special prosecutor!
Jeff Sessions will take care of it as part of his duties. thanks/
Sessions can't. It's against the law because he's affiliated withTrump.
watch, He's the AG. Period, shit I can't wait.
So you don't believe in the law. Noted.
That makes you simpatico with Sessions and Trump.
what law is that?
Hilarious you're still talking about the fake scandals and won't focus on the current real one.
'Fake Scandals'? Reid and Castro were caught dead to rights, but Obama would not let them be indicted because he declared, 'They are SORRY'.

"Secretary Castro acknowledged the mistake that he made,"
-- White House Won't Punish Julián Castro


'I'm Sorry' - I forgot that old legal defense, which is only allowed for LIBERALS!

Then there's Holder, the 1st US AG to EVER be Censured - by a BI-Partisan Congress - for crimes he was protected from by Obama.

Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress after historic vote

You pathetic liberal snowflake.....
why not? weren't they in the middle of a transition? Why would that be out of the ordinary especially since obummer tried to screw the US with his sanctions on a non event?

You must have missed how this country performs a transfer of power by election instead of by force. Until power is transfered, you can't go around acting like you're in charge.
Obama's out of office now and he's going around as if he is... :p
why not? weren't they in the middle of a transition? Why would that be out of the ordinary especially since obummer tried to screw the US with his sanctions on a non event?

You must have missed how this country performs a transfer of power by election instead of by force. Until power is transfered, you can't go around acting like you're in charge.
it's called transition of power. How do you supposed someone prepares to take on the responsibilities without fact checking.
From my link that the Trumpies are afraid to read:

Claim 1: Putin ordered operatives to influence the U.S. presidential election and sought to elect Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Evidence: Of the allegations tying Trump to Russia, this one has the most thorough confirmation from the government — notably a Jan. 6, 2017, report out of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report said Putin himself "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election." Agents also concluded that the Russian government prefered Trump over Clinton, and they intended to undermine Americans’ faith in the electoral system.

Private cybersecurity analysts have said for months that all signs point to Russia.
ok, let's see the document they found! Why is that so hard to do? If it is so, it ought to be fairly simple.
You really are that stupid to not know that our intelligence doesn't release information like that.
That you continue to believe a confirmed pathological liar over our nonpartisan intelligence agencies shows exactly who you are and what you're made of.
From my link that the Trumpies are afraid to read:

Claim 1: Putin ordered operatives to influence the U.S. presidential election and sought to elect Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Evidence: Of the allegations tying Trump to Russia, this one has the most thorough confirmation from the government — notably a Jan. 6, 2017, report out of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report said Putin himself "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election." Agents also concluded that the Russian government prefered Trump over Clinton, and they intended to undermine Americans’ faith in the electoral system.

Private cybersecurity analysts have said for months that all signs point to Russia.

Isn't that called campaigning?
Trump and Jeff Sessions are trying to make it go away, but I don't think it's over by a long shot.
I'm sure all you leftwing douche bag snowflakes will bleat about it until Trump's last day in office, but intelligent people have all learned that it's fake news.
Let me continue from my link the Trumpies were too cowardly to read.

Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.

Evidence: These allegations are based on a 35-page dossier of opposition research on Trump, prepared by a former British intelligence officer hired by Trump’s Republican and Democratic rivals during the election. The dossier contained numerous explosive but unverified claims.

The man who prepared the original 35-page dossier, Christopher Steele, is respected for his intelligence work, particularly in Russia. However, because the claims remain uncorroborated, they should be viewed with skepticism.

The dossier circulated among Washington lawmakers, intelligence agents and journalists for months before becoming public knowledge, when unnamed U.S. officials told CNN in January 2017 that intelligence officers presented Trump with a summary of the document.
Again, the only evidence out there is that the DNC's e-mails were hacked, exposing the Democrats as Primary-Rigging, Debate-cheating, racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

...and this, in their little pea brains, will be enough to make 2016 live forever in the Snowflake Hall of Conspiracies as equivalent to the great 'stolen election' of 2000. :p

From my link that the Trumpies are afraid to read:

Claim 1: Putin ordered operatives to influence the U.S. presidential election and sought to elect Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Evidence: Of the allegations tying Trump to Russia, this one has the most thorough confirmation from the government — notably a Jan. 6, 2017, report out of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report said Putin himself "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election." Agents also concluded that the Russian government prefered Trump over Clinton, and they intended to undermine Americans’ faith in the electoral system.

Private cybersecurity analysts have said for months that all signs point to Russia.
ok, let's see the document they found! Why is that so hard to do? If it is so, it ought to be fairly simple.
You really are that stupid to not know that our intelligence doesn't release information like that.
That you continue to believe a confirmed pathological liar over our nonpartisan intelligence agencies shows exactly who you are and what you're made of.
why not, what is so classified about it? explain for me. We know they did it right? why can't we see how they did it then? right? or is it just made up spoofy stuff and there really isn't anything to show? oh yeah bubba, that's it.
Let me continue from my link the Trumpies were too cowardly to read.

Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.

Evidence: These allegations are based on a 35-page dossier of opposition research on Trump, prepared by a former British intelligence officer hired by Trump’s Republican and Democratic rivals during the election. The dossier contained numerous explosive but unverified claims.

The man who prepared the original 35-page dossier, Christopher Steele, is respected for his intelligence work, particularly in Russia. However, because the claims remain uncorroborated, they should be viewed with skepticism.

The dossier circulated among Washington lawmakers, intelligence agents and journalists for months before becoming public knowledge, when unnamed U.S. officials told CNN in January 2017 that intelligence officers presented Trump with a summary of the document.
too funny, too funny nothing to say cause this post is just too
Easyt is obviously a Russian agent trying to stop the truth from coming out.
We must identify all Russian agents like easyt and expel them from the USA.
Through the freedom of information act, can this person be identified and turned over to the FBI?

View attachment 114493

The FACTS are:
- The DNC ran the worst candidate in US history and had to rig the Primary, engage in voter fraud, and give their candidate debate questions in advance to make it happen.

- Their candidate should never have made it to election day - should have been forced from the race for being under simultaneous / multiple FBI investigations (1 still on-going) just days before the election, a situation Liberals would have never allowed a Republican to survive...

- The DNC and several Democrats got exposed with their own leaked personal e-mails as being racists, sexists, homophobic anti-Semites.

- Russia NEVER tried to hack the actual states' election systems / machines....BUT OBAMA AND HOMELAND SECURITY DID ... MULTIPLE TIMES.
Any true American wants the truth to come out about what Russia did and didn't do.
Those who are trying to block an investigations are implicit.
EasyT should be vetted by the appropriate US agency. Let's get his name and turn him in.
Claim 3: Members of Trump’s inner circle were in contact with Russian intelligence officials throughout the campaign.

Evidence: The main source for the latest news on this topic is theNew York Times, which based its Feb. 14, 2017, report on four unnamed American officials. The officials told New York Times reporters that phone records show Trump associates communicated with senior Russian officials — including Trump’s one-time campaign chair Paul Manafort — but they have not found these calls to be evidence of collusion to disrupt the election.

This New York Times report is the latest and most concrete in a series of similar claims. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told a Russian media outlet in November that "there were contacts" with the Trump campaign.

Several Trump associates have done business in Russia. Manafort has long and deep ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, having worked for Viktor Yanukovych, the country’s pro-Putin former president. Trump’s former campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page advised Russian gas giant Gazprom, and ousted Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn attended a gala for state media network RT with Putin.
Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.
Because they knew one day Trump would run in an election against Hillary Clinton for President - the only way he could win - and WOULD win!

Let me continue from my link the Trumpies were too cowardly to read.

Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.

Evidence: These allegations are based on a 35-page dossier of opposition research on Trump, prepared by a former British intelligence officer hired by Trump’s Republican and Democratic rivals during the election. The dossier contained numerous explosive but unverified claims.

The man who prepared the original 35-page dossier, Christopher Steele, is respected for his intelligence work, particularly in Russia. However, because the claims remain uncorroborated, they should be viewed with skepticism.

The dossier circulated among Washington lawmakers, intelligence agents and journalists for months before becoming public knowledge, when unnamed U.S. officials told CNN in January 2017 that intelligence officers presented Trump with a summary of the document.
too funny, too funny nothing to say cause this post is just too
Real? Lmao
Easyt is obviously a Russian agent trying to stop the truth from coming out.
We must identify all Russian agents like easyt and expel them from the USA.
Through the freedom of information act, can this person be identified and turned over to the FBI?

View attachment 114493

The FACTS are:
- The DNC ran the worst candidate in US history and had to rig the Primary, engage in voter fraud, and give their candidate debate questions in advance to make it happen.

- Their candidate should never have made it to election day - should have been forced from the race for being under simultaneous / multiple FBI investigations (1 still on-going) just days before the election, a situation Liberals would have never allowed a Republican to survive...

- The DNC and several Democrats got exposed with their own leaked personal e-mails as being racists, sexists, homophobic anti-Semites.

- Russia NEVER tried to hack the actual states' election systems / machines....BUT OBAMA AND HOMELAND SECURITY DID ... MULTIPLE TIMES.
Any true American wants the truth to come out about what Russia did and didn't do.
Those who are trying to block an investigations are implicit.
EasyT should be vetted by the appropriate US agency. Let's get his name and turn him in.
any true american wants to see evidence. PERIOD!!!!! I'm good, post it up? Don't give me classified this and that either, we're waaaaaayyyyyyy past that.
It's not a lie . Russia got into the dnc (and probably rnc) emails. They floated out damaging emails in order to hurt hillarys election.

Don't you righties member posting about those emails over and over ?

Podesta's emails are the ones Wikileaks published, and the Russians had nothing to do with it.
Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.
Because they knew one day Trump would run in an election against Hillary Clinton for President - the only way he could win - and WOULD win!

View attachment 114498
Nope not blackmail him as president. Blackmail him in their business dealings with him.
Why do you think Putin WANTED trump as president? Because he's infatuated with his orange dye job?

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