Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?

It's not a lie . Russia got into the dnc (and probably rnc) emails. They floated out damaging emails in order to hurt hillarys election.

Don't you righties member posting about those emails over and over ?

Podesta's emails are the ones Wikileaks published, and the Russians had nothing to do with it.
Liar. 18 intelligence agencies also call you a liar.Bripat probably thinks Nixon was innocent too. Lol
Let me continue from my link the Trumpies were too cowardly to read.

Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.

Evidence: These allegations are based on a 35-page dossier of opposition research on Trump, prepared by a former British intelligence officer hired by Trump’s Republican and Democratic rivals during the election. The dossier contained numerous explosive but unverified claims.

The man who prepared the original 35-page dossier, Christopher Steele, is respected for his intelligence work, particularly in Russia. However, because the claims remain uncorroborated, they should be viewed with skepticism.

The dossier circulated among Washington lawmakers, intelligence agents and journalists for months before becoming public knowledge, when unnamed U.S. officials told CNN in January 2017 that intelligence officers presented Trump with a summary of the document.
too funny, too funny nothing to say cause this post is just too
Real? Lmao
It's not a lie . Russia got into the dnc (and probably rnc) emails. They floated out damaging emails in order to hurt hillarys election.

Don't you righties member posting about those emails over and over ?

Podesta's emails are the ones Wikileaks published, and the Russians had nothing to do with it.
Liar. 18 intelligence agencies also call you a liar.Bripat probably thinks Nixon was innocent too. Lol
well perhaps one of the 18 could show the american people the truth. where is it at? why hasn't congress seen it? I'm still waiting.
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.
If Hillary was president and 18 intelligence agencies said a foreign dictator helped her get elected I'm sure the Trumpettes would still take the same stance.
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.
we expect evidence that's why. Our Congress is expecting it and haven't seen it. It's quite obvious there is none. Your next point is?
If Hillary was president and 18 intelligence agencies said a foreign dictator helped her get elected I'm sure the Trumpettes would still take the same stance.
no doubt, it's who we are as a country. But I would expect to have facts first. And so far there is zip, nadda, and nothing.
Eroding more every day.
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.
As long as you call 'hacking e-mails' 'meddling in the election'.

Only 1 entity attempted to hack into the individual states' election systems / machines - that was Barak Hussein Obama and his Dept of Homeland Security, at a time when he was attempting to seize control of the States' election processes in the name of labeling them 'critical infrastructure'.

Barry knew that rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud, and feeding Hillary debate questions might be enough to secure her the DNC Nomination but would NOT be enough for her to win the Presidency! He needed to control the states' voting processes.

Obama was right - all of that before the election was NOT enough. Hillary lost. She proved herself TOO STUPID to be President because she did not understand it was not a Popularity Competition, that the system through which our Presidents are elected was / is the Electoral Process, which she LOST!

And snowflakes are amazingly championing someone so stupid and corrupt. Wanna know who cost the Democratic Party the Presidency? Look in the damn mirror. No one was willing to step forward and cry out, 'It's my turn' HELL - whe is a corrupt, horrible President, the worst one to ever run for the Presidency'....which you ALL know to be TRUE.

Obama was right - Elections do have consequences. Stop blaming others for YOUR failure! You let her run, she lost! Next time don't SETTLE for a PIECE OF SHITE because your party and 'Fake News / All-In Media tries to feed it to you!

Your candidate, snowflakes, was a career corrupt, lying, sexual deviant-enabling, American-abandoning SCANDAL SKANK that was under simultaneous / multiple FBI investigations just days before the election for crimes that included ESPIONAGE, FRAUD, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, etc....

WTF was wrong with you?! What were YOU thinking? And now you want to blame and demonize someone ELSE because THAT lost? REALLY?!
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Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.
we expect evidence that's why. Our Congress is expecting it and haven't seen it. It's quite obvious there is none. Your next point is?
It's very early in the process. You don't know how slow Washington moves?
Oh you'll get your evidence the whole country/ world wants to see unless the spineless GOP congress sabatoges the investigations.
One laughable republican actually told a constituent at a town hallmeeting that he doesn't favor investigations because it would cost the tax payers too much money. Isn't that hilarious? This coming from the same guy that favored 14 investigations into Hillary/ Benghazi and came up with nothing.
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.
we expect evidence that's why. Our Congress is expecting it and haven't seen it. It's quite obvious there is none. Your next point is?
It's very early in the process. You don't know how slow Washington moves?
Oh you'll get your evidence the whole country/ world wants to see unless the spineless GOP congress sabatoges the investigations.
One laughable republican actually told a constituent at a town hallmeeting that he doesn't favor investigations because it would cost the tax payers too much money. Isn't that hilarious? This coming from the same guy that favored 14 investigations into Hillary/ Benghazi and came up with nothing.
so what is it exactly your basing your confirmation off of if it needs to be investigated? I'm sorry, but you seem confused. Step out of pretendland to real land.

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