Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?

This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.

So it will be like the idiotic birthers movement!?!

I knew Obama voters were no better than Trumpsters, and enjoy the next eight years of Trump...
So it will be like the idiotic birthers movement!?!

I knew Obama voters were no better than Trumpsters, and enjoy the next eight years of Trump...

From birther to benghazi, the right marched to the right tune. It worked, we won.The fat lady is singing.
Easyt is obviously a Russian agent trying to stop the truth from coming out.
We must identify all Russian agents like easyt and expel them from the USA.
Through the freedom of information act, can this person be identified and turned over to the FBI?

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The FACTS are:
- The DNC ran the worst candidate in US history and had to rig the Primary, engage in voter fraud, and give their candidate debate questions in advance to make it happen.

- Their candidate should never have made it to election day - should have been forced from the race for being under simultaneous / multiple FBI investigations (1 still on-going) just days before the election, a situation Liberals would have never allowed a Republican to survive...

- The DNC and several Democrats got exposed with their own leaked personal e-mails as being racists, sexists, homophobic anti-Semites.

- Russia NEVER tried to hack the actual states' election systems / machines....BUT OBAMA AND HOMELAND SECURITY DID ... MULTIPLE TIMES.
Any true American wants the truth to come out about what Russia did and didn't do.
Those who are trying to block an investigations are implicit.
EasyT should be vetted by the appropriate US agency. Let's get his name and turn him in.

Well then turn my name in with easy and let get the ball rolling today...
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.

What voting machines were hacked!?!

As for Wikileaks releasing emails, well assholes don't write or say something that might haunt you later...
I can see it now...After Trump is forced to step down in the biggest scandal in America history when his all too cozy relationship with Putin is revealed...and he slowly climbs up the steps to his personal jet and waves goodbye to the American people... and there are spontaneous celebrations in every city all across the country and world...
The Trumpettes will still be crying " fake news."
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.

What voting machines were hacked!?!

As for Wikileaks releasing emails, well assholes don't write or say something that might haunt you later...
Who said the voting machines were hacked? Nice deflection.
Is Putin an honest man? Is it beneath him to alter the emails released from Wikileaks since they came from Russia?

Trump is an illegitimate president and he'll never live downbeing Putin's Puppet.
In the forthcoming history books right along side of Trump's name will be the words Russiansand Putin.
Bank on it.
This is not going end well for Trump.
Nor you.
I can see it now...After Trump is forced to step down in the biggest scandal in America history when his all too cozy relationship with Putin is revealed...and he slowly climbs up the steps to his personal jet and waves goodbye to the American people... and there are spontaneous celebrations in every city all across the country and world...
The Trumpettes will still be crying " fake news."

Yeah, and birthers thought President Obama was going to be impeached, and leftist like you thought Bush was going to be impeached, and yet it never happen...

To impeach the President you would need enough votes in the Senate to convict and you need Republican and Democratic Senators and even before that you will need the House to Impeach him while having a GOP House...

So tell me how wild and insane are your dreams!?!
I can see it now...After Trump is forced to step down in the biggest scandal in America history when his all too cozy relationship with Putin is revealed...and he slowly climbs up the steps to his personal jet and waves goodbye to the American people... and there are spontaneous celebrations in every city all across the country and world...
The Trumpettes will still be crying " fake news."
maybe you can do a movie on it. You're obsessed with it.
What voting machines were hacked!?!

As for Wikileaks releasing emails, well assholes don't write or say something that might haunt you later...

You don't have to hack the voting machines to hack an election. A relative told me, don't spend all your time guarding the front door, because criminals find other windows of opportunity.
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.

What voting machines were hacked!?!

As for Wikileaks releasing emails, well assholes don't write or say something that might haunt you later...
Who said the voting machines were hacked? Nice deflection.
Is Putin an honest man? Is it beneath him to alter the emails released from Wikileaks since they came from Russia?

Trump is an illegitimate president and he'll never live downbeing Putin's Puppet.
In the forthcoming history books right along side of Trump's name will be the words Russiansand Putin.
Bank on it.
This is not going end well for Trump.
Nor you.

When will those that were hacked release their emails to show what Wikileaks released were alter!?!

Funny how that has not happen because the emails were not altered...

Would Putin lie!?!

Yes, but again no voting machines were hacked, and no one has shown the emails to be altered, so Wikileaks is not the enemy here...

Now when will you admit you are jus upset Clinton lost in Swing States and believe the average voter must be retarded!?!
To impeach the President you would need enough votes in the Senate to convict and you need Republican and Democratic Senators and even before that you will need the House to Impeach him while having a GOP House...

So tell me how wild and insane are your dreams!?!

They impeached Johnson and Clinton.
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.

So it will be like the idiotic birthers movement!?!

I knew Obama voters were no better than Trumpsters, and enjoy the next eight years of Trump...
It will be done legally by a special prosecutor unless the republicans obstruct the process... because just like you... they don't want the truth revealed.
Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?

Depends on which election you’re talking about.

Those Russians are everywhere…..

DNC calls for congressional investigation of how Russia hacked the Oscar award for Best Picture
Putin has already stolen elections in Europe.
Our intelligence has confirmed Putin was involved in ours.
You can't joke away the seriousness of this scandal.
and the US was involved in Isreal's. So.... Did you know this?

What sneaky dirty underhanded tricks did we try?
you missed that one? well here you go, it was on record. All you had to do was look it up on line:

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

"According to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), the State Department gave $349,276 in U.S. taxpayer-funded grants to a political group in Israel to build a campaign operation, which subsequently was used to try to influence Israelis to vote against conservative Benjamin Netanyahu in the March 2015 election for prime minister."

"The Subcommittee’s report says, “On December 2, 2014, at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Knesset voted to schedule new national parliamentary elections for March 2015.

“Within weeks, an international organization known as the OneVoice Movement absorbed and funded an Israeli group named Victory15 or ‘V15’ and launched a multimillion-dollar grassroots campaign in Israel. The campaign’s goal was to elect ‘anybody but Bibi [Netanyahu]’ by mobilizing center-left voters….

The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."

Yeah that non story was floated in the bubble for awhile. What was sneaky dirty and underhanded about that again?
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.

What voting machines were hacked!?!

As for Wikileaks releasing emails, well assholes don't write or say something that might haunt you later...
Who said the voting machines were hacked? Nice deflection.
Is Putin an honest man? Is it beneath him to alter the emails released from Wikileaks since they came from Russia?

Trump is an illegitimate president and he'll never live downbeing Putin's Puppet.
In the forthcoming history books right along side of Trump's name will be the words Russiansand Putin.
Bank on it.
This is not going end well for Trump.
Nor you.

When will those that were hacked release their emails to show what Wikileaks released were alter!?!

Funny how that has not happen because the emails were not altered...

Would Putin lie!?!

Yes, but again no voting machines were hacked, and no one has shown the emails to be altered, so Wikileaks is not the enemy here...

Now when will you admit you are jus upset Clinton lost in Swing States and believe the average voter must be retarded!?!
How do you know the emails weren't altered. You don't. I guess since Trump sucks Putin cock you also have to.

And you really think that 3 against one was a fair election? Hillary had Assange,Putin and Comey working against her.

This election has already gone down in history as the most tainted one ever.
Much more bad news for Trump coming in the upcoming investigations.
This unhinged one gets furious when someone criticizes him.
This guy is going to crack when he has to live thru Nixon part two.

I'll be laughing and you'll be crying.
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.

So it will be like the idiotic birthers movement!?!

I knew Obama voters were no better than Trumpsters, and enjoy the next eight years of Trump...
It will be done legally by a special prosecutor unless the republicans obstruct the process... because just like you... they don't want the truth revealed.

Sure I don't...

If I thought for a moment Trump was guilty of some voter fraud or working with the damn enemy, well I would support impeaching him, but there is nothing there and just wild dreams from fringers wanting revenge because they felt birthers mistreated Obama the last eight years...

If Trump get impeached I will wake the next morning with Vikander wanting to sit on my face so I can guess her weight, so it ain't happening!
What voting machines were hacked!?!

As for Wikileaks releasing emails, well assholes don't write or say something that might haunt you later...

You don't have to hack the voting machines to hack an election. A relative told me, don't spend all your time guarding the front door, because criminals find other windows of opportunity.

In New York City apartment buildings have what they call police doors. That are well built steel doors, with multiple dead bolt locks, and even a bar that anchors to the floor to prevent somebody from battering it in.

Some folks installed them into cheap wooden door frames, or sheet rock walls, and the crooks cut a hole around the door, or in the wall next to the door instead. Hell, there have been bank robberies where the crooks cut hole in the roof to get into the vault from the top, and avoid the door and the alarms.
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.

What voting machines were hacked!?!

As for Wikileaks releasing emails, well assholes don't write or say something that might haunt you later...
Who said the voting machines were hacked? Nice deflection.
Is Putin an honest man? Is it beneath him to alter the emails released from Wikileaks since they came from Russia?

Trump is an illegitimate president and he'll never live downbeing Putin's Puppet.
In the forthcoming history books right along side of Trump's name will be the words Russiansand Putin.
Bank on it.
This is not going end well for Trump.
Nor you.

When will those that were hacked release their emails to show what Wikileaks released were alter!?!

Funny how that has not happen because the emails were not altered...

Would Putin lie!?!

Yes, but again no voting machines were hacked, and no one has shown the emails to be altered, so Wikileaks is not the enemy here...

Now when will you admit you are jus upset Clinton lost in Swing States and believe the average voter must be retarded!?!
How do you know the emails weren't altered. You don't. I guess since Trump sucks Putin cock you also have to.

And you really think that 3 against one was a fair election? Hillary had Assange,Putin and Comey working against her.

This election has already gone down in history as the most tainted one ever.
Much more bad news for Trump coming in the upcoming investigations.
This unhinged one gets furious when someone criticizes him.
This guy is going to crack when he has to live thru Nixon part two.

I'll be laughing and you'll be crying.

Where is your evidence the emails were altered!?!

That's right they were not altered except in your wet dreams...

So you are claiming I will be crying if Trump is impeached!?!

No, but you will be after Pence is sworn in as President..

Be careful for what you wish for or maybe you prefer Pence over Trump and you're a closet Kasich supporter or maybe Ted Cruz supporter pretending to be some daft progressive nutter!?!
Since THE DNC HAS REFUSED to let anyone see the evidence or to hand over their server for anyone to examine it, exactly how long can THE DNC expect people to believe an unsubstantiated accusation without allowing a single soul to actually see The Evidence they claim they have?

No one has seen this so called evidence and THE DNC is unwilling to publish it.
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