Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?

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Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?

This is just the beginning and it's going to be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. This is why Trump has banned certain media outlets from attending daily press briefings. But it's not going to work.

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS, in the below video is stating that Trump campaign aids were on the phone with the Russians the VERY DAY that the DNC was being hacked. THOSE PHONE RECORDS NEVER GO AWAY.

If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON. With these massive protests all over the place, and what is going on in Republican town hall meetings right now, it's clear that Democrats will be taking over both houses in 2018.

Salt Lake City Utah

So Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office immediately to save their honor and the Republican party.
2. Burn the party down to the ground in 2018/2020 and beyond, by ignoring it, adding conspiracy and cover up to Treason.


how does anyone know when or if the DNC servers were hacked? the FBI never looked at them. WTF are you rambling about? pretendland again?

They know the exact date and time when it was hacked into dumbass. When they see 500K emails disappearing from their database list they know it's being hacked in to. Records will show the exact date and specific time that it happened. They have the records to prove the dates and exact time that phone calls where made by Trump campaign aids to high level Russian officials also.



There is absolutely no justifiable rational reason for Trump campaign aids to be talking to high level Russian officials during the CAMPAIGN SEASON.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

"multiple current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials tell CNN."

Anonymous sources.

It's fake news.
Educate yourself.
The possible ties between Trump and Russia, explained

The American people deserve to know the extent of Trump's personal and business ties to Putin.
The American people deserve to know if their president is a crook.
Funny you don't.
I agree, show us the proof the DNC server was hacked. You got it? have you seen it?

The independent Cyber Security company. Clowdstrike was contracted to analyze the DNC server for signs of Russian hacking. Here are their results.
Bears in the Midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee »
not sure what this proves? It wasn't at the request of the government now was it?

The independent corporation Clowdstrike which has a stellar non partisan record and excellent credentials, was credible enough that the FBI, after examining their report, accepted the findings of that report. The DNC paid them for the original investigation.
Don't confuse the Trumpies with facts. They're not used to them.

You have no facts, dumbass. None.
Once a special prosecutor takes over the investigations it will be out of democrats and republicans hands.
Then it will be hilarious you traitors pointing your venom at them.
Oh yeah, like the GOP was able to force a Special Prosecutor and take the F&F, Holder, Hillary, Castro, etc scandals / crimes out of the Democrats' hands? :p
Hilarious you're still talking about the fake scandals and won't focus on the current real one.
Someday when the truth is revealed, you'll be afraid to tell people you were a trump supporter.
It's a fake scandal created from whole cloth by the fake media.
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This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.
well shit how will it when your side owns the MSM? dude are you truly that fking stupid?
In town halls all over this country the citizens are demanding to know what ties Trump has with Russia.
What did you think would happen when Donnie Littlefingers implored Putin to continue hacking into Hillary's emails?
There's never been a more treasonous statement by any candidate in history.

No they aren't. Only fake paid protestors are making these bogus demands.
From my link that the Trumpies are afraid to read:

Claim 1: Putin ordered operatives to influence the U.S. presidential election and sought to elect Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Evidence: Of the allegations tying Trump to Russia, this one has the most thorough confirmation from the government — notably a Jan. 6, 2017, report out of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report said Putin himself "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election." Agents also concluded that the Russian government prefered Trump over Clinton, and they intended to undermine Americans’ faith in the electoral system.

Private cybersecurity analysts have said for months that all signs point to Russia.
ok, let's see the document they found! Why is that so hard to do? If it is so, it ought to be fairly simple.
You really are that stupid to not know that our intelligence doesn't release information like that.
That you continue to believe a confirmed pathological liar over our nonpartisan intelligence agencies shows exactly who you are and what you're made of.
Thanks for admitting you have no actual evidence to support your conspiracy theories.
Let me continue from my link the Trumpies were too cowardly to read.

Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.

Evidence: These allegations are based on a 35-page dossier of opposition research on Trump, prepared by a former British intelligence officer hired by Trump’s Republican and Democratic rivals during the election. The dossier contained numerous explosive but unverified claims.

The man who prepared the original 35-page dossier, Christopher Steele, is respected for his intelligence work, particularly in Russia. However, because the claims remain uncorroborated, they should be viewed with skepticism.

The dossier circulated among Washington lawmakers, intelligence agents and journalists for months before becoming public knowledge, when unnamed U.S. officials told CNN in January 2017 that intelligence officers presented Trump with a summary of the document.
So opposition research by sleazy Democrats and neverTrump Republicans proves that Putin was in league with Trump?

That's a syllogism that only the brain damaged could agree with.
Easyt is obviously a Russian agent trying to stop the truth from coming out.
We must identify all Russian agents like easyt and expel them from the USA.
Through the freedom of information act, can this person be identified and turned over to the FBI?

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The FACTS are:
- The DNC ran the worst candidate in US history and had to rig the Primary, engage in voter fraud, and give their candidate debate questions in advance to make it happen.

- Their candidate should never have made it to election day - should have been forced from the race for being under simultaneous / multiple FBI investigations (1 still on-going) just days before the election, a situation Liberals would have never allowed a Republican to survive...

- The DNC and several Democrats got exposed with their own leaked personal e-mails as being racists, sexists, homophobic anti-Semites.

- Russia NEVER tried to hack the actual states' election systems / machines....BUT OBAMA AND HOMELAND SECURITY DID ... MULTIPLE TIMES.
Any true American wants the truth to come out about what Russia did and didn't do.
Those who are trying to block an investigations are implicit.
EasyT should be vetted by the appropriate US agency. Let's get his name and turn him in.

We already know the truth, douche bag.
Claim 3: Members of Trump’s inner circle were in contact with Russian intelligence officials throughout the campaign.

Evidence: The main source for the latest news on this topic is theNew York Times, which based its Feb. 14, 2017, report on four unnamed American officials. The officials told New York Times reporters that phone records show Trump associates communicated with senior Russian officials — including Trump’s one-time campaign chair Paul Manafort — but they have not found these calls to be evidence of collusion to disrupt the election.

This New York Times report is the latest and most concrete in a series of similar claims. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told a Russian media outlet in November that "there were contacts" with the Trump campaign.

Several Trump associates have done business in Russia. Manafort has long and deep ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, having worked for Viktor Yanukovych, the country’s pro-Putin former president. Trump’s former campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page advised Russian gas giant Gazprom, and ousted Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn attended a gala for state media network RT with Putin.

More anonymous sources.

fake news, in other words.
Claim 2: Russia has tried for years to manipulate Trump using lucrative business deals, and Russian operatives have collected compromising information that could potentially be used to blackmail Trump.
Because they knew one day Trump would run in an election against Hillary Clinton for President - the only way he could win - and WOULD win!

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Nope not blackmail him as president. Blackmail him in their business dealings with him.
Why do you think Putin WANTED trump as president? Because he's infatuated with his orange dye job?

More sleazy innuendo with no tangible evidence to support it.
It's not a lie . Russia got into the dnc (and probably rnc) emails. They floated out damaging emails in order to hurt hillarys election.

Don't you righties member posting about those emails over and over ?

Podesta's emails are the ones Wikileaks published, and the Russians had nothing to do with it.
Liar. 18 intelligence agencies also call you a liar.Bripat probably thinks Nixon was innocent too. Lol
Prove it, asshole. Produce some video of anyone in these agencies stating what you claim.
Let's sum up. 18 intelligence agencies have investigated the Trump/
Russian connection and concluded that Putin definitely meddled in the election.

Trumpettes: no he didn't.

And they still wonder why they're called deplorables.
There isn't a shred of tangible evidence to support your paranoid conspiracy theory.
Only CLINTON voters? Lol
Darrell Issa: We need an independent investigation into the Trump/ Putin ties and it's the law that Sessions should recuse himself from any of these investigations.

Again Wikileaks did not change the results of the vote.

The machines that you voted on were never hacked.

Instead of being mad at Wikileaks maybe those like you should get mad at the Democratic Leadership instead, and as for Issa comment, well how funny now you agree with him but during Obama tenure you thought he was another political whore!
You just don't get it. The slow drip of Wikileaks reports that we have no idea if they were even true, greatly influenced people's opinions. And then when Comey's nonexistent " investigation" came out days before the election, that sealed the deal for Trump. When Comey came out and said, " oops there really isnt an investigation, " it was too late.

I think even the hardest core Deplorables can agree that Putin influenced elections in Europe. Hell it's been confirmed.
So when the connection goes from Putin>>> to Assange>>>> to the press....the thought that Putin didn't manipulate or change the original data is very slim.

Man, that is the dumbest shit I've seen posted in this forum in the last 5 minutes.

Yes, we do know the emails were true. For one thing, no one ever denied that they were true. The reason they didn't is the fact that they can be verified to be genuine by codes imbedded in the email, but you just go on believing that Hillary isn't a great big douche bag like the emails showed.

Furthermore, there is no connection between Putin and Assange. The later has said may times that Russia was not the source of the emails.

Assange is not capable of hacking e-mail servers so he got them from somewhere. Assange does have ties to Russia. He is a liar and nothing more.
NO one said he didn't get them "from somewhere," moron. What "ties" to Russia does he have?

MORON. Maybe Santa Claus gave Assange the e-mails. The fact is that Russian intelligence has the ability to hack servers and a motive to do so. Julian Assange did a show from the Ecuadorean Embassy for Russia Today. Russia Today gets it's money from the state which means Putin. Putin also defended Assange after his arrest for sexual misconduct. Also there were false e-mails in the legitimate ones. One said that Democrats would steal the election and supposedly used the stationary of Democrat senators. The FBI is investigating it.
View attachment 114471

Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?

This is just the beginning and it's going to be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. This is why Trump has banned certain media outlets from attending daily press briefings. But it's not going to work.

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS, in the below video is stating that Trump campaign aids were on the phone with the Russians the VERY DAY that the DNC was being hacked. THOSE PHONE RECORDS NEVER GO AWAY.

If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON. With these massive protests all over the place, and what is going on in Republican town hall meetings right now, it's clear that Democrats will be taking over both houses in 2018.

Salt Lake City Utah

So Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office immediately to save their honor and the Republican party.
2. Burn the party down to the ground in 2018/2020 and beyond, by ignoring it, adding conspiracy and cover up to Treason.


how does anyone know when or if the DNC servers were hacked? the FBI never looked at them. WTF are you rambling about? pretendland again?

They know the exact date and time when it was hacked into dumbass. They have the records to prove the dates and exact time that phone calls where made by Trump campaign aids to Russian officials also.


Apparently you believe there is a connection between the two.


Also, so what if we know the time when the DNC was hacked? I still haven't seen any proof that the Russians did it.

This is still under investigation and you will eventually get your proof. But phone records are always there, with dates and time and phone numbers. I doubt the media is making this up, especially when it's coming from YOUR channel FOX News.

CNN is confirming it too.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Which is why Trump has been banning media outlets, demanding to know who is leaking information to the media, etc. etc. etc. Trump's non stop denial throughout this that it was the Russians hacking into DNC databases just adds fuel to the fire.

This isn't going away anytime soon. If Republicans try and bury it, they might as well write their own obituaries. Because you can be assured that Democrats won't.
I'm wondering when liberals are going to call for a ban all foreign news information and sources from our news, as well as banning non-US citizens posting their opinions on the internet. After all the supposed Russian influence is based almost entirely on "Trump friendly" RT news reports and "Russian Trolls"
The Trump/ Russian connection is based on findings from our intelligence community. Have you been sleeping in a cave for the last 2 months?
It's based on "anonymous sources," which means it's based on nothing at all.
View attachment 114471

Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?

This is just the beginning and it's going to be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. This is why Trump has banned certain media outlets from attending daily press briefings. But it's not going to work.

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS, in the below video is stating that Trump campaign aids were on the phone with the Russians the VERY DAY that the DNC was being hacked. THOSE PHONE RECORDS NEVER GO AWAY.

If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON. With these massive protests all over the place, and what is going on in Republican town hall meetings right now, it's clear that Democrats will be taking over both houses in 2018.

Salt Lake City Utah

So Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office immediately to save their honor and the Republican party.
2. Burn the party down to the ground in 2018/2020 and beyond, by ignoring it, adding conspiracy and cover up to Treason.


how does anyone know when or if the DNC servers were hacked? the FBI never looked at them. WTF are you rambling about? pretendland again?

They know the exact date and time when it was hacked into dumbass. They have the records to prove the dates and exact time that phone calls where made by Trump campaign aids to Russian officials also.


Apparently you believe there is a connection between the two.


Also, so what if we know the time when the DNC was hacked? I still haven't seen any proof that the Russians did it.

This is still under investigation and you will eventually get your proof. But phone records are always there, with dates and time and phone numbers. I doubt the media is making this up, especially when it's coming from YOUR channel FOX News.

CNN is confirming it too.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Which is why Trump has been banning media outlets, demanding to know who is leaking information to the media, etc. etc. etc. Trump's non stop denial throughout this that it was the Russians hacking into DNC databases just adds fuel to the fire.

This isn't going away anytime soon. If Republicans try and bury it, they might as well write their own obituaries. Because you can be assured that Democrats won't.

Again, you're only evidence is "anonymous sources." They are about as credible as Hillary explaining how she dodged sniper fire.
I can see it now...After Trump is forced to step down in the biggest scandal in America history when his all too cozy relationship with Putin is revealed...and he slowly climbs up the steps to his personal jet and waves goodbye to the American people... and there are spontaneous celebrations in every city all across the country and world...
The Trumpettes will still be crying " fake news."
Please spare us your wet dreams. I'll bet you had to use a tissue after thinking about that for a few minutes.
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.

So it will be like the idiotic birthers movement!?!

I knew Obama voters were no better than Trumpsters, and enjoy the next eight years of Trump...
It will be done legally by a special prosecutor unless the republicans obstruct the process... because just like you... they don't want the truth revealed.
Does "obstruct" mean declining to appoint one? Your belief that Trump is going to appoint someone whose only job is to prosecute him is utterly hilarious.
This is just the beginning and it's going to be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. This is why Trump has banned certain media outlets from attending daily press briefings. But it's not going to work.

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS, in the below video is stating that Trump campaign aids were on the phone with the Russians the VERY DAY that the DNC was being hacked. THOSE PHONE RECORDS NEVER GO AWAY.

If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON. With these massive protests all over the place, and what is going on in Republican town hall meetings right now, it's clear that Democrats will be taking over both houses in 2018.

Salt Lake City Utah

So Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office immediately to save their honor and the Republican party.
2. Burn the party down to the ground in 2018/2020 and beyond, by ignoring it, adding conspiracy and cover up to Treason.


how does anyone know when or if the DNC servers were hacked? the FBI never looked at them. WTF are you rambling about? pretendland again?

They know the exact date and time when it was hacked into dumbass. They have the records to prove the dates and exact time that phone calls where made by Trump campaign aids to Russian officials also.


Apparently you believe there is a connection between the two.


Also, so what if we know the time when the DNC was hacked? I still haven't seen any proof that the Russians did it.

This is still under investigation and you will eventually get your proof. But phone records are always there, with dates and time and phone numbers. I doubt the media is making this up, especially when it's coming from YOUR channel FOX News.

CNN is confirming it too.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Which is why Trump has been banning media outlets, demanding to know who is leaking information to the media, etc. etc. etc. Trump's non stop denial throughout this that it was the Russians hacking into DNC databases just adds fuel to the fire.

This isn't going away anytime soon. If Republicans try and bury it, they might as well write their own obituaries. Because you can be assured that Democrats won't.

Again, you're only evidence is "anonymous sources." They are about as credible as Hillary explaining how she dodged sniper fire.

They are very credible sources. Shep Smith is not going to hang himself out on a line like he does in this video without something credible in front of him. There is ethics in journalism, believe it or not, and this isn't the Trump News Network, aka the Sean Hannity show.

1. Trump bans specific media outlets
2. Trump continually denied that it was the Russians--even at one point stating that "he knows" people that know more than the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies, and he'll get back to us next week, or 3 weeks ago and never did.
3. Trump fires Flynn only after the media and intelligence sources outed him.
4. Trump threatens intelligence officials for leaking information.
5. McCain and Lindsey Graham have been all over this.
6. The senate has an ongoing investigation into Flynn's ties with Russia.
7. The senate has another investigation ongoing into the Russian hacking.

Now you can keep denying this all you want too, but clearly they have the phone records to prove that Trump campaign aids were in contact with high level Russian officials during the CAMPAIGN SEASON.


Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Trump is going to end up being Republicans worst nightmare.
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