Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?

i think that girl who threatened to kill herself still believes that 20 Million Russians voted for Trump in the rust belt
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Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?
Educate yourself.
The possible ties between Trump and Russia, explained

The American people deserve to know the extent of Trump's personal and business ties to Putin.
The American people deserve to know if their president is a crook.
Funny you don't.
Perhaps when one of you douche bag conspiratorial snowflakes can produce a single solitary shred of actual tangible evidence that trump has done anything wrong, then perhaps an investigation might be warranted. Until that time any "investigation" would be nothing more than a fishing expedition and a witch hunt.
Releasing the hacked material was only one aspect of the influence Putin used to try and influence the US Election.

What's the other?

In truth, if there wasn't any other aspect - snowflakes would have released it already if there were any other. There is none.

In reality the Snowflake in Chief is the one who is denial. What i find interesting is the part about the Russian agents flooding internet messageboards with fake stories and false facts..........

What do you imagine a blank page proves?
The dumbass creator of this thread doesn't want to know the truth because it scares the shit out of him.
That's why he won't educate himself.

The possible ties between Trump and Russia, explained

There is not truth in anything you snowflakes post on this subjects. There isn't a shred of tangible evidence to support any of your paranoid conspiracy theories. This whole thing is more absurd than the theory that 9/11 was an inside job.
The thing I find most ironic is that the media is obsessed with "getting to bottom of" this whole notion that Russia hacked the election, or to put it a bit more honestly, the left wants to posit that The Only Reason Our Gal Lost To Donald Trump Is Because He Somehow Cheated, but...the same people have no problem with the Intel community leaking classified information to the press on a weekly basis. So if Russia -- whom we still have seen absolutely no evidence that they had anything to do with hacking the DNC -- obtains DNC officials e-mails showing the collusion between the party and the Clinton campaign and the media, it's a threat to our democracy. If the Intel community leaks information to the press which they use to attack Trump with, it's all fair game.

Again, I go back to my theory of vindictive apathy. EXPECT YOUR MORALIZING TO FALL ON DEAF EARS WHEN YOU'RE CLEARLY FULL OF SHIT.
View attachment 114471

Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?
Educate yourself.
The possible ties between Trump and Russia, explained

The American people deserve to know the extent of Trump's personal and business ties to Putin.
The American people deserve to know if their president is a crook.
Funny you don't.
I agree, show us the proof the DNC server was hacked. You got it? have you seen it?

The independent Cyber Security company. Clowdstrike was contracted to analyze the DNC server for signs of Russian hacking. Here are their results.
Bears in the Midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee »

The were not contracted by the FBI, fool. The DNC rebuffed the FBI request to examine their servers.

Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday.

"The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated," a senior law enforcement official told CNN. "This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier."

This statement is in response to reports that the FBI never asked the DNC for access to the hacked systems.

The DNC told Buzzfeed News that they did not receive a request from the FBI to access their computer servers. .
View attachment 114471

Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?
Educate yourself.
The possible ties between Trump and Russia, explained

The American people deserve to know the extent of Trump's personal and business ties to Putin.
The American people deserve to know if their president is a crook.
Funny you don't.
I agree, show us the proof the DNC server was hacked. You got it? have you seen it?

The independent Cyber Security company. Clowdstrike was contracted to analyze the DNC server for signs of Russian hacking. Here are their results.
Bears in the Midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee »

The were not contracted by the FBI, fool. The DNC rebuffed the FBI request to examine their servers.

Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday.

"The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated," a senior law enforcement official told CNN. "This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier."

This statement is in response to reports that the FBI never asked the DNC for access to the hacked systems.

The DNC told Buzzfeed News that they did not receive a request from the FBI to access their computer servers. .
After Comey pulled his stunt, do you blame them for not giving him more information to lie about, like he lied about Hillary's emails?
"Is the 'Russia Hacked the Election' Lie Starting to Die?"

When did you first know that the Russians were passing you disinformation and fake news?
Those that voted for Hillary Clinton are still peddling the Russian Hacking as why Clinton lost in Swing States while ignoring the reality Wikileaks did not cost Clinton a damn thing!

Maybe Clinton voters will soon focus on Jill Stein numbers in those swing states that Clinton should have won and ask how many of Sanders Primary Voters voted for Stein or stayed home because of how leadership in the DNC were making sure Clinton won the primary...

Instead of believing in the Russian hacks Clinton voters should be more angry at their leadership for being the dirty bastards they are!
Only CLINTON voters? Lol
Darrell Issa: We need an independent investigation into the Trump/ Putin ties and it's the law that Sessions should recuse himself from any of these investigations.

Again Wikileaks did not change the results of the vote.

The machines that you voted on were never hacked.

Instead of being mad at Wikileaks maybe those like you should get mad at the Democratic Leadership instead, and as for Issa comment, well how funny now you agree with him but during Obama tenure you thought he was another political whore!
You just don't get it. The slow drip of Wikileaks reports that we have no idea if they were even true, greatly influenced people's opinions. And then when Comey's nonexistent " investigation" came out days before the election, that sealed the deal for Trump. When Comey came out and said, " oops there really isnt an investigation, " it was too late.

I think even the hardest core Deplorables can agree that Putin influenced elections in Europe. Hell it's been confirmed.
So when the connection goes from Putin>>> to Assange>>>> to the press....the thought that Putin didn't manipulate or change the original data is very slim.

Man, that is the dumbest shit I've seen posted in this forum in the last 5 minutes.

Yes, we do know the emails were true. For one thing, no one ever denied that they were true. The reason they didn't is the fact that they can be verified to be genuine by codes imbedded in the email, but you just go on believing that Hillary isn't a great big douche bag like the emails showed.

Furthermore, there is no connection between Putin and Assange. The later has said may times that Russia was not the source of the emails.
View attachment 114471

Or are there snowflakes still pushing it as gospel?

This is just the beginning and it's going to be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. This is why Trump has banned certain media outlets from attending daily press briefings. But it's not going to work.

Shep Smith of FOX NEWS, in the below video is stating that Trump campaign aids were on the phone with the Russians the VERY DAY that the DNC was being hacked. THOSE PHONE RECORDS NEVER GO AWAY.

If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi (with Obama in office) it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON. With these massive protests all over the place, and what is going on in Republican town hall meetings right now, it's clear that Democrats will be taking over both houses in 2018.

Salt Lake City Utah

So Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office immediately to save their honor and the Republican party.
2. Burn the party down to the ground in 2018/2020 and beyond, by ignoring it, adding conspiracy and cover up to Treason.


how does anyone know when or if the DNC servers were hacked? the FBI never looked at them. WTF are you rambling about? pretendland again?

They know the exact date and time when it was hacked into dumbass. They have the records to prove the dates and exact time that phone calls where made by Trump campaign aids to Russian officials also.


Apparently you believe there is a connection between the two.


Also, so what if we know the time when the DNC was hacked? I still haven't seen any proof that the Russians did it.
Those that voted for Hillary Clinton are still peddling the Russian Hacking as why Clinton lost in Swing States while ignoring the reality Wikileaks did not cost Clinton a damn thing!

Maybe Clinton voters will soon focus on Jill Stein numbers in those swing states that Clinton should have won and ask how many of Sanders Primary Voters voted for Stein or stayed home because of how leadership in the DNC were making sure Clinton won the primary...

Instead of believing in the Russian hacks Clinton voters should be more angry at their leadership for being the dirty bastards they are!
Only CLINTON voters? Lol
Darrell Issa: We need an independent investigation into the Trump/ Putin ties and it's the law that Sessions should recuse himself from any of these investigations.

Again Wikileaks did not change the results of the vote.

The machines that you voted on were never hacked.

Instead of being mad at Wikileaks maybe those like you should get mad at the Democratic Leadership instead, and as for Issa comment, well how funny now you agree with him but during Obama tenure you thought he was another political whore!
You just don't get it. The slow drip of Wikileaks reports that we have no idea if they were even true, greatly influenced people's opinions. And then when Comey's nonexistent " investigation" came out days before the election, that sealed the deal for Trump. When Comey came out and said, " oops there really isnt an investigation, " it was too late.

I think even the hardest core Deplorables can agree that Putin influenced elections in Europe. Hell it's been confirmed.
So when the connection goes from Putin>>> to Assange>>>> to the press....the thought that Putin didn't manipulate or change the original data is very slim.

Man, that is the dumbest shit I've seen posted in this forum in the last 5 minutes.

Yes, we do know the emails were true. For one thing, no one ever denied that they were true. The reason they didn't is the fact that they can be verified to be genuine by codes imbedded in the email, but you just go on believing that Hillary isn't a great big douche bag like the emails showed.

Furthermore, there is no connection between Putin and Assange. The later has said may times that Russia was not the source of the emails.

Assange is not capable of hacking e-mail servers so he got them from somewhere. Assange does have ties to Russia. He is a liar and nothing more.
Ok, by the onslaught of snowflakes still screaming about how the Russians prevented Hillary from being President :lmao:we can conclude snowflakes are still in denial and not about to let this die.
Once a special prosecutor takes over the investigations it will be out of democrats and republicans hands.
Then it will be hilarious you traitors pointing your venom at them.
it takes a special kind of stupid to believe that Trump is going to appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute himself
Those that voted for Hillary Clinton are still peddling the Russian Hacking as why Clinton lost in Swing States while ignoring the reality Wikileaks did not cost Clinton a damn thing!

Maybe Clinton voters will soon focus on Jill Stein numbers in those swing states that Clinton should have won and ask how many of Sanders Primary Voters voted for Stein or stayed home because of how leadership in the DNC were making sure Clinton won the primary...

Instead of believing in the Russian hacks Clinton voters should be more angry at their leadership for being the dirty bastards they are!
Only CLINTON voters? Lol
Darrell Issa: We need an independent investigation into the Trump/ Putin ties and it's the law that Sessions should recuse himself from any of these investigations.

Again Wikileaks did not change the results of the vote.

The machines that you voted on were never hacked.

Instead of being mad at Wikileaks maybe those like you should get mad at the Democratic Leadership instead, and as for Issa comment, well how funny now you agree with him but during Obama tenure you thought he was another political whore!
You just don't get it. The slow drip of Wikileaks reports that we have no idea if they were even true, greatly influenced people's opinions. And then when Comey's nonexistent " investigation" came out days before the election, that sealed the deal for Trump. When Comey came out and said, " oops there really isnt an investigation, " it was too late.

I think even the hardest core Deplorables can agree that Putin influenced elections in Europe. Hell it's been confirmed.
So when the connection goes from Putin>>> to Assange>>>> to the press....the thought that Putin didn't manipulate or change the original data is very slim.

Man, that is the dumbest shit I've seen posted in this forum in the last 5 minutes.

Yes, we do know the emails were true. For one thing, no one ever denied that they were true. The reason they didn't is the fact that they can be verified to be genuine by codes imbedded in the email, but you just go on believing that Hillary isn't a great big douche bag like the emails showed.

Furthermore, there is no connection between Putin and Assange. The later has said may times that Russia was not the source of the emails.

Assange is not capable of hacking e-mail servers so he got them from somewhere. Assange does have ties to Russia. He is a liar and nothing more.
NO one said he didn't get them "from somewhere," moron. What "ties" to Russia does he have?
This Trump/ Putin connection is not going away anytime soon and will hound him the rest of his presidency.
Count on it.

No one is foolish enough to believe that moron snowflakes like you are ever going to stop bleating about it. You're still bleating about the 2000 Bush v. Gore decision, for Christ's sake.

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