Is The Trump Administration Right To Withhold Extremely Sensitive Intel Information From Biden Considering the Biden Family Foreign Financial Scandals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Joe Biden confessed on videotape to extorting the former Ukraine PM into firing the Ukraine's top Prosecutor who was actively investigating the infamous criminal Ukrainian energy company owner, known for working with Putin, and Joe's son - Hunter - who worked for him - paid millions despite no experience or knowledge of the energy industry.

Hunter Biden was being paid by the corrupt Ukraine energy company's owner and the Chinese both to be on both the Ukrainian energy company's Board of Directors and another of a company owned by the Chinese Communist Military. Joe Biden and his team denied ever meeting with the Ukraine company's officials despite Whistle Blower and photographic evidence showing Biden DID meet with company board members. During the House's Impeachment hearings against President Biden State Department Representatives testified under oath that they advised NOT to meet with the representatives, who showed up in Washington using Hunter's name as leverage to get a meeting with Biden. The State Department members testified that they warned Biden that the meeting would be a Conflict of Interest, that the Impression such a meeting would give would be extremely negative, and that Biden ignored the warnings and met with them anyway.

Both evidence and 1st-hand account Whistle-blower testimony exposed the fact that the Bidens took millions from the Russians and took $1.5 BILLION from the Chinese. The FBI, despite its proven Obstruction of Justice by withholding criminal evidence in an attempt to protect both the Democrats and the FBI, admitted that it has been conducting an investigation into Hunter Biden's financial crimes since 2019. Representatives from both the DHS and Treasury Department have also testified before Congress under oath that they have evidence in the form of official financial documents and records proving Hunter Biden was paid millions to launder money for a Russian Oligarch's widow, the wife of a former Moscow Mayor and the 3rd richest woman in the world at the time. Hunter Biden's business partner has been interviewed by the FBI, during which time he provided documents and other evidence proving Joe Biden was involved with the China deal.

"Records produced by Mr. Bobulinski show that in 2017, Hunter Biden and James Biden were involved in negotiations about a joint venture with a Chinese energy and finance company called CEFC China Energy.

The Bobulinski records include emails, contracts, business plan documents and photographs of encrypted messages among the American partners. The Times could not independently authenticate all of the records, but the records referred to in this article are consistent with interviews and previous reporting by The Times. The Biden campaign did not dispute that Hunter and James Biden participated in negotiating the deal with the Chinese company.

The records make clear that Hunter Biden saw the family name as a valuable asset, angrily citing his “family’s brand” as a reason he is valuable to the proposed venture.

The documents also show that the countries that Hunter Biden, James Biden and their associates planned to target for deals overlapped with nations where Joe Biden had previously been involved as vice president. One 42-page plan includes a section specifically highlighting former Vice President Biden’s role in facilitating increased commerce with Colombia, which is one of the targets of the joint venture, along with Luxembourg, Oman and Romania.

Hunter Biden’s role in the deal, according to one of the documents, was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman,” referring to Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC."

Released de-classified FBI documents confirm prior to the 2016 election the FBI was made aware by the NIA of a plot by Hillary Clinton to use Russian Intelligence Service (RIS)-authored propaganda. obtained from a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy, to damage Donald Trump's chances to win the 2016 election. It has also been proven that the FBI made no effort to investigate this threat of collaborated foreign interference to America's democratic election. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe admitted under oath in testimony before Congress to all of this, as he attempted to shirk all responsibility as 2nd in comand of the FBI and instead blame his employees for not initiating and conducting the investigation.

Evidence and testimony under oath proved, however, that the FBI acquired this known Russian-authored propaganda, made no effort to substantiate any of it, and instead used it intentionally as the basis to commit FISA Court crimes to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team.

Despite 'investigating' the Biden scandal since 2019, despite knowing about the DHS' and Treasury Departments investigation and criminal evidence they possessed on the Biden's Russian money laundering and other financial crimes, the FBI did not TRULY investigate the proven Hillary 2016 election plot and never seriously took any action on the criminal evidence against the Bidens. The evidence of the FBI's own proven illegal FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, and illegal investigations of Trump and his team proves the FBI, which had become criminally partisan, protected Hillary, the Obama administration, and the Bidens while taking part in an attempt to prevent President Trump from being President...and later taking part in the failed attempted political coup against President Trump.
-- Recently released evidence, for example - the DHS' and Treasury Department' criminal evidence against Hunter Biden, was provided to the FBI during the House Impeachment proceedings. This evidence proved that President Trump had legal, legitimate justification to execute an agreement between the US and Ukraine to request aid in investigating crimes, proving the President was innocent of the 'inappropriate behavior' the Democrats claimed the President had engaged in. The FBI knowingly withheld this information and allowed the Impeachment efforts to go forward.

Considering all of this - all the overwhelming, reported, recorded, documented, existing evidence substantiating all of this...

It is understandable, even arguably justifiable, in the sake of National Security to withhold access to critical national security information from Biden and his team until it both the DHS/Treasury Department's investigation and the FBI's investigation of the Biden Money Laundering and other financial crimes are completed.

In their attempt to Impeach President Trump based on crimes, the Democrats MANUFACTURED 'whistle blowers' - who never witnessed anything and did NOT have 1st-hand-account information, and D-Adam Schiff was actually caught authoring and attempting to present false evidence to his own Impeachment committee. The Democrats would have 'given their left arm' for actual evidence and whistle blowers of crimes as there exists against the Bidens... There is actual witnesses who set up meetings and were in attendance in meetings in which Joe Biden and Hunter Biden discussed the financial activities, to include - as the NY Times reports in this article - the negotiations of several deals to include the 'China' deal that consisted of $1.5 BILLION going to the Bidens. Several members of the Biden family have been proven to have hugely financially benefitted from using the Biden name and Joe's position as VP, too include Hunter and Joe's brother....yet Joe Biden, a millionaire politician, wants Americans to believe that while his family just so happened to be making millions from nations Joe Biden personally visited and was responsible for negotiating with he personally had no knowledge it was going on (he claimed he had no idea what Biden was doing and never met with anyone Hunter worked with) and was not involved....which has been proven to be FALSE.

Joe Biden confessed on videotape to extorting the former Ukraine PM into firing the Ukraine's top Prosecutor who was actively investigating the infamous criminal Ukrainian energy company owner, known for working with Putin, and Joe's son - Hunter - who worked for him - paid millions despite no experience or knowledge of the energy industry.

Hunter Biden was being paid by the corrupt Ukraine energy company's owner and the Chinese both to be on both the Ukrainian energy company's Board of Directors and another of a company owned by the Chinese Communist Military. Joe Biden and his team denied ever meeting with the Ukraine company's officials despite Whistle Blower and photographic evidence showing Biden DID meet with company board members. During the House's Impeachment hearings against President Biden State Department Representatives testified under oath that they advised NOT to meet with the representatives, who showed up in Washington using Hunter's name as leverage to get a meeting with Biden. The State Department members testified that they warned Biden that the meeting would be a Conflict of Interest, that the Impression such a meeting would give would be extremely negative, and that Biden ignored the warnings and met with them anyway.

Both evidence and 1st-hand account Whistle-blower testimony exposed the fact that the Bidens took millions from the Russians and took $1.5 BILLION from the Chinese. The FBI, despite its proven Obstruction of Justice by withholding criminal evidence in an attempt to protect both the Democrats and the FBI, admitted that it has been conducting an investigation into Hunter Biden's financial crimes since 2019. Representatives from both the DHS and Treasury Department have also testified before Congress under oath that they have evidence in the form of official financial documents and records proving Hunter Biden was paid millions to launder money for a Russian Oligarch's widow, the wife of a former Moscow Mayor and the 3rd richest woman in the world at the time. Hunter Biden's business partner has been interviewed by the FBI, during which time he provided documents and other evidence proving Joe Biden was involved with the China deal.

"Records produced by Mr. Bobulinski show that in 2017, Hunter Biden and James Biden were involved in negotiations about a joint venture with a Chinese energy and finance company called CEFC China Energy.

The Bobulinski records include emails, contracts, business plan documents and photographs of encrypted messages among the American partners. The Times could not independently authenticate all of the records, but the records referred to in this article are consistent with interviews and previous reporting by The Times. The Biden campaign did not dispute that Hunter and James Biden participated in negotiating the deal with the Chinese company.

The records make clear that Hunter Biden saw the family name as a valuable asset, angrily citing his “family’s brand” as a reason he is valuable to the proposed venture.

The documents also show that the countries that Hunter Biden, James Biden and their associates planned to target for deals overlapped with nations where Joe Biden had previously been involved as vice president. One 42-page plan includes a section specifically highlighting former Vice President Biden’s role in facilitating increased commerce with Colombia, which is one of the targets of the joint venture, along with Luxembourg, Oman and Romania.

Hunter Biden’s role in the deal, according to one of the documents, was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman,” referring to Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC."

Released de-classified FBI documents confirm prior to the 2016 election the FBI was made aware by the NIA of a plot by Hillary Clinton to use Russian Intelligence Service (RIS)-authored propaganda. obtained from a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy, to damage Donald Trump's chances to win the 2016 election. It has also been proven that the FBI made no effort to investigate this threat of collaborated foreign interference to America's democratic election. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe admitted under oath in testimony before Congress to all of this, as he attempted to shirk all responsibility as 2nd in comand of the FBI and instead blame his employees for not initiating and conducting the investigation.

Evidence and testimony under oath proved, however, that the FBI acquired this known Russian-authored propaganda, made no effort to substantiate any of it, and instead used it intentionally as the basis to commit FISA Court crimes to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team.

Despite 'investigating' the Biden scandal since 2019, despite knowing about the DHS' and Treasury Departments investigation and criminal evidence they possessed on the Biden's Russian money laundering and other financial crimes, the FBI did not TRULY investigate the proven Hillary 2016 election plot and never seriously took any action on the criminal evidence against the Bidens. The evidence of the FBI's own proven illegal FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, and illegal investigations of Trump and his team proves the FBI, which had become criminally partisan, protected Hillary, the Obama administration, and the Bidens while taking part in an attempt to prevent President Trump from being President...and later taking part in the failed attempted political coup against President Trump.
-- Recently released evidence, for example - the DHS' and Treasury Department' criminal evidence against Hunter Biden, was provided to the FBI during the House Impeachment proceedings. This evidence proved that President Trump had legal, legitimate justification to execute an agreement between the US and Ukraine to request aid in investigating crimes, proving the President was innocent of the 'inappropriate behavior' the Democrats claimed the President had engaged in. The FBI knowingly withheld this information and allowed the Impeachment efforts to go forward.

Considering all of this - all the overwhelming, reported, recorded, documented, existing evidence substantiating all of this...

It is understandable, even arguably justifiable, in the sake of National Security to withhold access to critical national security information from Biden and his team until it both the DHS/Treasury Department's investigation and the FBI's investigation of the Biden Money Laundering and other financial crimes are completed.

In their attempt to Impeach President Trump based on crimes, the Democrats MANUFACTURED 'whistle blowers' - who never witnessed anything and did NOT have 1st-hand-account information, and D-Adam Schiff was actually caught authoring and attempting to present false evidence to his own Impeachment committee. The Democrats would have 'given their left arm' for actual evidence and whistle blowers of crimes as there exists against the Bidens... There is actual witnesses who set up meetings and were in attendance in meetings in which Joe Biden and Hunter Biden discussed the financial activities, to include - as the NY Times reports in this article - the negotiations of several deals to include the 'China' deal that consisted of $1.5 BILLION going to the Bidens. Several members of the Biden family have been proven to have hugely financially benefitted from using the Biden name and Joe's position as VP, too include Hunter and Joe's brother....yet Joe Biden, a millionaire politician, wants Americans to believe that while his family just so happened to be making millions from nations Joe Biden personally visited and was responsible for negotiating with he personally had no knowledge it was going on (he claimed he had no idea what Biden was doing and never met with anyone Hunter worked with) and was not involved....which has been proven to be FALSE.

I think either way you look at it Biden is toast. :D
It would be funny if Joe Biden turned out to be the 1st elected President declared to be a national security threat and denied access to our most classified information.... :p
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

If court cases change that win down the road matters naught.... the law would rather have the apparent winner and team be up to speed, in case their win, prevails.
It would be funny if Joe Biden turned out to be the 1st elected President declared to be a national security threat and denied access to our most classified information.... :p

I sure don't want him to have the launch codes. He would probably just sell them off to China. And then forget he did it.

Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

If court cases change that win down the road matters naught.... the law would rather have the apparent winner and team be up to speed, in case their win, prevails.

Are you seriously that ignorant? Turn off the CNN.
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

If court cases change that win down the road matters naught.... the law would rather have the apparent winner and team be up to speed, in case their win, prevails.

Not sure about breaking a law...I stand to be corrected on that.

What he is doing is making himself look bad and damaging the nation. In 4, 8, 12 (or some other multiple of four) years, a Democratic Party President will turn over power to likely a Republican Party President. They will do it with class and dignity. It will make the blob look even worse in the eyes of history. And the sad thing is that there is no need for him to do this except for one thing and one thing only...

He wants to hamstring the Biden administration so much that it will make his so-so performance as President look better. That is the only reason for this childish act
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

If court cases change that win down the road matters naught.... the law would rather have the apparent winner and team be up to speed, in case their win, prevails.

Not sure about breaking a law...I stand to be corrected on that.

What he is doing is making himself look bad and damaging the nation. In 4, 8, 12 (or some other multiple of four) years, a Democratic Party President will turn over power to likely a Republican Party President. They will do it with class and dignity. It will make the blob look even worse in the eyes of history. And the sad thing is that there is no need for him to do this except for one thing and one thing only...

He wants to hamstring the Biden administration so much that it will make his so-so performance as President look better. That is the only reason for this childish act

Let's add that to the list. Now it is Trumps fault that the Dems rigged the election. :D Gosh! You people are relentless. When are yous ever going to suck it up and take the blame for yourselves? What a freakin joke you Cabal loving people are.
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

Once again, thank you for that highly emotional...and completely WRONG...opinion.

There is no such position as 'apparent winner' or 'President Elect', especially when the election has not been certified, the Electoral College voted, and Biden OFFICIALLY declared the next President of the United States.

Yes, it would be professional / nice for President Trump to officially begin the transition, but there isno law that states President Trump has to do so yet. I believe it was the NY Times who reported that quietly members of the Trump administration has already begun to work with Biden's team to start the transition, that Trump's team does not want to make it widely known because it would appear as if he is undermining his on-going election contest process.

If I had a damn dime for every time you and other unstable, TDS-suffering, LYING snowflakes declared 'Trump is breaking the law', I would be living in a mansion as big as Maxine Water's $6 MILLION dollar mansion (outside of her district, of course).

For 4 years Democrats engaged in non-stop coup attempts in which they declared Trump broke the law, 'we got him this time', even manufactured false evidence against him - and were busted, and were forced to settle for perpetrating the 1st-ever US, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses. So your claim now that 'Trump Is Breaking The Law' is just as much BULLSHIT as their bogus Impeachment claim was!
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

Once again, thank you for that highly emotional...and completely WRONG...opinion.

There is no such position as 'apparent winner' or 'President Elect', especially when the election has not been certified, the Electoral College voted, and Biden OFFICIALLY declared the next President of the United States.

Yes, it would be professional / nice for President Trump to officially begin the transition, but there isno law that states President Trump has to do so yet. I believe it was the NY Times who reported that quietly members of the Trump administration has already begun to work with Biden's team to start the transition, that Trump's team does not want to make it widely known because it would appear as if he is undermining his on-going election contest process.

If I had a damn dime for every time you and other unstable, TDS-suffering, LYING snowflakes declared 'Trump is breaking the law', I would be living in a mansion as big as Maxine Water's $6 MILLION dollar mansion (outside of her district, of course).

For 4 years Democrats engaged in non-stop coup attempts in which they declared Trump broke the law, 'we got him this time', even manufactured false evidence against him - and were busted, and were forced to settle for perpetrating the 1st-ever US, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses. So your claim now that 'Trump Is Breaking The Law' is just as much BULLSHIT as their bogus Impeachment claim was!


Remember this? They would have been all for it, if it was Biden.
Joe Biden confessed on videotape to extorting the former Ukraine PM into firing the Ukraine's top Prosecutor who was actively investigating the infamous criminal Ukrainian energy company owner, known for working with Putin, and Joe's son - Hunter - who worked for him - paid millions despite no experience or knowledge of the energy industry.

Hunter Biden was being paid by the corrupt Ukraine energy company's owner and the Chinese both to be on both the Ukrainian energy company's Board of Directors and another of a company owned by the Chinese Communist Military. Joe Biden and his team denied ever meeting with the Ukraine company's officials despite Whistle Blower and photographic evidence showing Biden DID meet with company board members. During the House's Impeachment hearings against President Biden State Department Representatives testified under oath that they advised NOT to meet with the representatives, who showed up in Washington using Hunter's name as leverage to get a meeting with Biden. The State Department members testified that they warned Biden that the meeting would be a Conflict of Interest, that the Impression such a meeting would give would be extremely negative, and that Biden ignored the warnings and met with them anyway.

Both evidence and 1st-hand account Whistle-blower testimony exposed the fact that the Bidens took millions from the Russians and took $1.5 BILLION from the Chinese. The FBI, despite its proven Obstruction of Justice by withholding criminal evidence in an attempt to protect both the Democrats and the FBI, admitted that it has been conducting an investigation into Hunter Biden's financial crimes since 2019. Representatives from both the DHS and Treasury Department have also testified before Congress under oath that they have evidence in the form of official financial documents and records proving Hunter Biden was paid millions to launder money for a Russian Oligarch's widow, the wife of a former Moscow Mayor and the 3rd richest woman in the world at the time. Hunter Biden's business partner has been interviewed by the FBI, during which time he provided documents and other evidence proving Joe Biden was involved with the China deal.

"Records produced by Mr. Bobulinski show that in 2017, Hunter Biden and James Biden were involved in negotiations about a joint venture with a Chinese energy and finance company called CEFC China Energy.

The Bobulinski records include emails, contracts, business plan documents and photographs of encrypted messages among the American partners. The Times could not independently authenticate all of the records, but the records referred to in this article are consistent with interviews and previous reporting by The Times. The Biden campaign did not dispute that Hunter and James Biden participated in negotiating the deal with the Chinese company.

The records make clear that Hunter Biden saw the family name as a valuable asset, angrily citing his “family’s brand” as a reason he is valuable to the proposed venture.

The documents also show that the countries that Hunter Biden, James Biden and their associates planned to target for deals overlapped with nations where Joe Biden had previously been involved as vice president. One 42-page plan includes a section specifically highlighting former Vice President Biden’s role in facilitating increased commerce with Colombia, which is one of the targets of the joint venture, along with Luxembourg, Oman and Romania.

Hunter Biden’s role in the deal, according to one of the documents, was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman,” referring to Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC."

Released de-classified FBI documents confirm prior to the 2016 election the FBI was made aware by the NIA of a plot by Hillary Clinton to use Russian Intelligence Service (RIS)-authored propaganda. obtained from a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy, to damage Donald Trump's chances to win the 2016 election. It has also been proven that the FBI made no effort to investigate this threat of collaborated foreign interference to America's democratic election. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe admitted under oath in testimony before Congress to all of this, as he attempted to shirk all responsibility as 2nd in comand of the FBI and instead blame his employees for not initiating and conducting the investigation.

Evidence and testimony under oath proved, however, that the FBI acquired this known Russian-authored propaganda, made no effort to substantiate any of it, and instead used it intentionally as the basis to commit FISA Court crimes to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team.

Despite 'investigating' the Biden scandal since 2019, despite knowing about the DHS' and Treasury Departments investigation and criminal evidence they possessed on the Biden's Russian money laundering and other financial crimes, the FBI did not TRULY investigate the proven Hillary 2016 election plot and never seriously took any action on the criminal evidence against the Bidens. The evidence of the FBI's own proven illegal FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, and illegal investigations of Trump and his team proves the FBI, which had become criminally partisan, protected Hillary, the Obama administration, and the Bidens while taking part in an attempt to prevent President Trump from being President...and later taking part in the failed attempted political coup against President Trump.
-- Recently released evidence, for example - the DHS' and Treasury Department' criminal evidence against Hunter Biden, was provided to the FBI during the House Impeachment proceedings. This evidence proved that President Trump had legal, legitimate justification to execute an agreement between the US and Ukraine to request aid in investigating crimes, proving the President was innocent of the 'inappropriate behavior' the Democrats claimed the President had engaged in. The FBI knowingly withheld this information and allowed the Impeachment efforts to go forward.

Considering all of this - all the overwhelming, reported, recorded, documented, existing evidence substantiating all of this...

It is understandable, even arguably justifiable, in the sake of National Security to withhold access to critical national security information from Biden and his team until it both the DHS/Treasury Department's investigation and the FBI's investigation of the Biden Money Laundering and other financial crimes are completed.

In their attempt to Impeach President Trump based on crimes, the Democrats MANUFACTURED 'whistle blowers' - who never witnessed anything and did NOT have 1st-hand-account information, and D-Adam Schiff was actually caught authoring and attempting to present false evidence to his own Impeachment committee. The Democrats would have 'given their left arm' for actual evidence and whistle blowers of crimes as there exists against the Bidens... There is actual witnesses who set up meetings and were in attendance in meetings in which Joe Biden and Hunter Biden discussed the financial activities, to include - as the NY Times reports in this article - the negotiations of several deals to include the 'China' deal that consisted of $1.5 BILLION going to the Bidens. Several members of the Biden family have been proven to have hugely financially benefitted from using the Biden name and Joe's position as VP, too include Hunter and Joe's brother....yet Joe Biden, a millionaire politician, wants Americans to believe that while his family just so happened to be making millions from nations Joe Biden personally visited and was responsible for negotiating with he personally had no knowledge it was going on (he claimed he had no idea what Biden was doing and never met with anyone Hunter worked with) and was not involved....which has been proven to be FALSE.

At least Clinton made profit from what he sold to China. Biden makes chump change and is always around when China needs to dish out a good bitch slappin. You shouldn't allow anyone who would sell that information to the highest bidder to see nothing. I'm surprised Harris isn't over there marching with them now while wheeling Crusty Joe.
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

Once again, thank you for that highly emotional...and completely WRONG...opinion.

There is no such position as 'apparent winner' or 'President Elect', especially when the election has not been certified, the Electoral College voted, and Biden OFFICIALLY declared the next President of the United States.

Yes, it would be professional / nice for President Trump to officially begin the transition, but there isno law that states President Trump has to do so yet. I believe it was the NY Times who reported that quietly members of the Trump administration has already begun to work with Biden's team to start the transition, that Trump's team does not want to make it widely known because it would appear as if he is undermining his on-going election contest process.

If I had a damn dime for every time you and other unstable, TDS-suffering, LYING snowflakes declared 'Trump is breaking the law', I would be living in a mansion as big as Maxine Water's $6 MILLION dollar mansion (outside of her district, of course).

For 4 years Democrats engaged in non-stop coup attempts in which they declared Trump broke the law, 'we got him this time', even manufactured false evidence against him - and were busted, and were forced to settle for perpetrating the 1st-ever US, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses. So your claim now that 'Trump Is Breaking The Law' is just as much BULLSHIT as their bogus Impeachment claim was!

View attachment 418773

Remember this? They would have been all for it, if it was Biden.
Yeah, Democrats attacking Trump for pulling an 'Al Gore' hope you forget Hillary calling for the Democrats to do what Trump is doing and more if they had to.
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

Once again, thank you for that highly emotional...and completely WRONG...opinion.

There is no such position as 'apparent winner' or 'President Elect', especially when the election has not been certified, the Electoral College voted, and Biden OFFICIALLY declared the next President of the United States.

Yes, it would be professional / nice for President Trump to officially begin the transition, but there isno law that states President Trump has to do so yet. I believe it was the NY Times who reported that quietly members of the Trump administration has already begun to work with Biden's team to start the transition, that Trump's team does not want to make it widely known because it would appear as if he is undermining his on-going election contest process.

If I had a damn dime for every time you and other unstable, TDS-suffering, LYING snowflakes declared 'Trump is breaking the law', I would be living in a mansion as big as Maxine Water's $6 MILLION dollar mansion (outside of her district, of course).

For 4 years Democrats engaged in non-stop coup attempts in which they declared Trump broke the law, 'we got him this time', even manufactured false evidence against him - and were busted, and were forced to settle for perpetrating the 1st-ever US, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses. So your claim now that 'Trump Is Breaking The Law' is just as much BULLSHIT as their bogus Impeachment claim was!

View attachment 418773

Remember this? They would have been all for it, if it was Biden.
Yeah, Democrats attacking Trump for pulling an 'Al Gore' hope you forget Hillary calling for the Democrats to do what Trump is doing and more if they had to.

What they do best is gas lighting and blame others for what they have been doing themselves. It is sickening.
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

Once again, thank you for that highly emotional...and completely WRONG...opinion.

There is no such position as 'apparent winner' or 'President Elect', especially when the election has not been certified, the Electoral College voted, and Biden OFFICIALLY declared the next President of the United States.

Yes, it would be professional / nice for President Trump to officially begin the transition, but there isno law that states President Trump has to do so yet. I believe it was the NY Times who reported that quietly members of the Trump administration has already begun to work with Biden's team to start the transition, that Trump's team does not want to make it widely known because it would appear as if he is undermining his on-going election contest process.

If I had a damn dime for every time you and other unstable, TDS-suffering, LYING snowflakes declared 'Trump is breaking the law', I would be living in a mansion as big as Maxine Water's $6 MILLION dollar mansion (outside of her district, of course).

For 4 years Democrats engaged in non-stop coup attempts in which they declared Trump broke the law, 'we got him this time', even manufactured false evidence against him - and were busted, and were forced to settle for perpetrating the 1st-ever US, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses. So your claim now that 'Trump Is Breaking The Law' is just as much BULLSHIT as their bogus Impeachment claim was!

View attachment 418773

Remember this? They would have been all for it, if it was Biden.
Yeah, Democrats attacking Trump for pulling an 'Al Gore' hope you forget Hillary calling for the Democrats to do what Trump is doing and more if they had to.
No Dopey, Gore vs Bush was one state, where a difference in the vote count was 537 votes. And whomever won that one state, would reach the 270 electoral votes to win the entire election.

Hillary Clinton said Joe should NOT CONCEDE EARLY via pressure from Trump on election day, because the absentee votes, the way democrats were encouraged to vote by, due to safety concerns with the virus, are counted last in most states, and could take some states a week or two, to count them all.
Joe Biden confessed on videotape to extorting the former Ukraine PM into firing the Ukraine's top Prosecutor who was actively investigating the infamous criminal Ukrainian energy company owner, known for working with Putin, and Joe's son - Hunter - who worked for him - paid millions despite no experience or knowledge of the energy industry.

Hunter Biden was being paid by the corrupt Ukraine energy company's owner and the Chinese both to be on both the Ukrainian energy company's Board of Directors and another of a company owned by the Chinese Communist Military. Joe Biden and his team denied ever meeting with the Ukraine company's officials despite Whistle Blower and photographic evidence showing Biden DID meet with company board members. During the House's Impeachment hearings against President Biden State Department Representatives testified under oath that they advised NOT to meet with the representatives, who showed up in Washington using Hunter's name as leverage to get a meeting with Biden. The State Department members testified that they warned Biden that the meeting would be a Conflict of Interest, that the Impression such a meeting would give would be extremely negative, and that Biden ignored the warnings and met with them anyway.

Both evidence and 1st-hand account Whistle-blower testimony exposed the fact that the Bidens took millions from the Russians and took $1.5 BILLION from the Chinese. The FBI, despite its proven Obstruction of Justice by withholding criminal evidence in an attempt to protect both the Democrats and the FBI, admitted that it has been conducting an investigation into Hunter Biden's financial crimes since 2019. Representatives from both the DHS and Treasury Department have also testified before Congress under oath that they have evidence in the form of official financial documents and records proving Hunter Biden was paid millions to launder money for a Russian Oligarch's widow, the wife of a former Moscow Mayor and the 3rd richest woman in the world at the time. Hunter Biden's business partner has been interviewed by the FBI, during which time he provided documents and other evidence proving Joe Biden was involved with the China deal.

"Records produced by Mr. Bobulinski show that in 2017, Hunter Biden and James Biden were involved in negotiations about a joint venture with a Chinese energy and finance company called CEFC China Energy.

The Bobulinski records include emails, contracts, business plan documents and photographs of encrypted messages among the American partners. The Times could not independently authenticate all of the records, but the records referred to in this article are consistent with interviews and previous reporting by The Times. The Biden campaign did not dispute that Hunter and James Biden participated in negotiating the deal with the Chinese company.

The records make clear that Hunter Biden saw the family name as a valuable asset, angrily citing his “family’s brand” as a reason he is valuable to the proposed venture.

The documents also show that the countries that Hunter Biden, James Biden and their associates planned to target for deals overlapped with nations where Joe Biden had previously been involved as vice president. One 42-page plan includes a section specifically highlighting former Vice President Biden’s role in facilitating increased commerce with Colombia, which is one of the targets of the joint venture, along with Luxembourg, Oman and Romania.

Hunter Biden’s role in the deal, according to one of the documents, was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman,” referring to Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC."

Released de-classified FBI documents confirm prior to the 2016 election the FBI was made aware by the NIA of a plot by Hillary Clinton to use Russian Intelligence Service (RIS)-authored propaganda. obtained from a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy, to damage Donald Trump's chances to win the 2016 election. It has also been proven that the FBI made no effort to investigate this threat of collaborated foreign interference to America's democratic election. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe admitted under oath in testimony before Congress to all of this, as he attempted to shirk all responsibility as 2nd in comand of the FBI and instead blame his employees for not initiating and conducting the investigation.

Evidence and testimony under oath proved, however, that the FBI acquired this known Russian-authored propaganda, made no effort to substantiate any of it, and instead used it intentionally as the basis to commit FISA Court crimes to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team.

Despite 'investigating' the Biden scandal since 2019, despite knowing about the DHS' and Treasury Departments investigation and criminal evidence they possessed on the Biden's Russian money laundering and other financial crimes, the FBI did not TRULY investigate the proven Hillary 2016 election plot and never seriously took any action on the criminal evidence against the Bidens. The evidence of the FBI's own proven illegal FISA Court crimes, illegal spying, and illegal investigations of Trump and his team proves the FBI, which had become criminally partisan, protected Hillary, the Obama administration, and the Bidens while taking part in an attempt to prevent President Trump from being President...and later taking part in the failed attempted political coup against President Trump.
-- Recently released evidence, for example - the DHS' and Treasury Department' criminal evidence against Hunter Biden, was provided to the FBI during the House Impeachment proceedings. This evidence proved that President Trump had legal, legitimate justification to execute an agreement between the US and Ukraine to request aid in investigating crimes, proving the President was innocent of the 'inappropriate behavior' the Democrats claimed the President had engaged in. The FBI knowingly withheld this information and allowed the Impeachment efforts to go forward.

Considering all of this - all the overwhelming, reported, recorded, documented, existing evidence substantiating all of this...

It is understandable, even arguably justifiable, in the sake of National Security to withhold access to critical national security information from Biden and his team until it both the DHS/Treasury Department's investigation and the FBI's investigation of the Biden Money Laundering and other financial crimes are completed.

In their attempt to Impeach President Trump based on crimes, the Democrats MANUFACTURED 'whistle blowers' - who never witnessed anything and did NOT have 1st-hand-account information, and D-Adam Schiff was actually caught authoring and attempting to present false evidence to his own Impeachment committee. The Democrats would have 'given their left arm' for actual evidence and whistle blowers of crimes as there exists against the Bidens... There is actual witnesses who set up meetings and were in attendance in meetings in which Joe Biden and Hunter Biden discussed the financial activities, to include - as the NY Times reports in this article - the negotiations of several deals to include the 'China' deal that consisted of $1.5 BILLION going to the Bidens. Several members of the Biden family have been proven to have hugely financially benefitted from using the Biden name and Joe's position as VP, too include Hunter and Joe's brother....yet Joe Biden, a millionaire politician, wants Americans to believe that while his family just so happened to be making millions from nations Joe Biden personally visited and was responsible for negotiating with he personally had no knowledge it was going on (he claimed he had no idea what Biden was doing and never met with anyone Hunter worked with) and was not involved....which has been proven to be FALSE.

Short answer: yes.
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

Once again, thank you for that highly emotional...and completely WRONG...opinion.

There is no such position as 'apparent winner' or 'President Elect', especially when the election has not been certified, the Electoral College voted, and Biden OFFICIALLY declared the next President of the United States.

Yes, it would be professional / nice for President Trump to officially begin the transition, but there isno law that states President Trump has to do so yet. I believe it was the NY Times who reported that quietly members of the Trump administration has already begun to work with Biden's team to start the transition, that Trump's team does not want to make it widely known because it would appear as if he is undermining his on-going election contest process.

If I had a damn dime for every time you and other unstable, TDS-suffering, LYING snowflakes declared 'Trump is breaking the law', I would be living in a mansion as big as Maxine Water's $6 MILLION dollar mansion (outside of her district, of course).

For 4 years Democrats engaged in non-stop coup attempts in which they declared Trump broke the law, 'we got him this time', even manufactured false evidence against him - and were busted, and were forced to settle for perpetrating the 1st-ever US, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses. So your claim now that 'Trump Is Breaking The Law' is just as much BULLSHIT as their bogus Impeachment claim was!

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Remember this? They would have been all for it, if it was Biden.
Yeah, Democrats attacking Trump for pulling an 'Al Gore' hope you forget Hillary calling for the Democrats to do what Trump is doing and more if they had to.
No Dopey, Gore vs Bush was one state, where a difference in the vote count was 537 votes. And whomever won that one state, would reach the 270 electoral votes to win the entire election.

Hillary Clinton said Joe should NOT CONCEDE EARLY via pressure from Trump on election day, because the absentee votes, the way democrats were encouraged to vote by, due to safety concerns with the virus, are counted last in most states, and could take some states a week or two, to count them all.
Clinton knew the Dims were going to swindle the election. That's why she told Biden not to concede.
It is exactly what The Barack Hussein and Joe Biden admin. did.


And Boasted about it.
Once again, TRUMPs team is BREAKING THE LAW.

Biden is the apparent winner, which is all the law requires f o r him to ascertain the ability to get the money and clearance for the peaceful transition/transfer o f power..... it should have been authorized on Nov 8th, one day after it was announce he passed the 270 electors and won.

If court cases change that win down the road matters naught.... the law would rather have the apparent winner and team be up to speed, in case their win, prevails.

Are you seriously that ignorant? Turn off the CNN.
I'm not ignorant at all.... it is you that is ignorant.

Every apparent winner has been ascertained the day after the Msm calls the election, since this ascertain process was created. Trump was ascertained the day after election day, when the election was called for him, by the main stream media, 3 weeks, before the State's certified their votes in 2016.

What Trump is having this woman who does the ascertaining do, IS AGAINST THE LAW.
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