Is The U.S. War With North Korea Still Scheduled?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The war profiteers in this country have one of the strongest voices in Washington D.C. And politicians, especially Republican politicians, are more than willing to cooperate with them.

In the early days of his presidency, the Big Orange Head was talking tough about going to war with North Korea. Big Orange is no different than any other conservative who knows he (or she) will not be doing the fighting or dying. But, Big Orange’s tough talk on North Korea seems to have quieted. Has the Big Orange Head forgotten his obligations to the other fat cats? Are Mueller’s inquiries becoming too much distraction for the crooks in this administration?

The investigations by the Special Council has no effect on the congressional Republicans. They don’t need presidential approval to declare war, so is the ball now in their court to provide the impetus (military conflict) for the war profiteers they serve?

The profits Big Business and the 0.1% receive from our government should not be held hostage due to the shortsighted corruption of an amateur politician, who was elected by fools, to an office where his total incompetence negatively impacts corporate revenues.

No devoted conservative can disagree with this.

As society has seen, conservatism places the importance of corporate profits above all other things, even human life. So let’s get this war going before the next quarterly reports come out. Major stockholders and the war mongering right wing are getting worried, and the fate of the free world hangs in the balance. (The Free World part is Cold War jargon to keep the clueless conservatives riled up.)



Yes, it starts on November 17, 2017, at 02:15.
Fack, my Outlook calendar is different. I think I had the wrong time zone.

It's Pyongyang time.

It'll be on during Prime Time here in America.
Pyongyang time doesn´t have a "2017". It is Juche 105 in North Korea.

Phrump has removed his carriers, anyway. Why don´t you know that? I thought free press and so on.

‘Trump’s armada’ leaves waters off Korean peninsula

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