Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
Third is that they violate the 4th and 5th amendment because the take away the ability to make money, without any compensation.

You still have the ability to make money.

If your business is dependent upon selling Cuban sugar or taking tourists to Cuba casinos, then these illegal economic sanctions put you out of business without any reason or compensation.
The federal government can not decide who they like or dislike and then force everyone to go along with it.
For example, it is legal for someone in the US to like communism and want to support it in Cuba.
It is illegal to prevent someone in the US from supporting their political beliefs about Cuba.
Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!

The US has extended economic sanctions to countries that have traded with Cuba in the past.

The United States has threatened to stop financial aid to other countries if they trade non-food items with Cuba. The US's attempts to do so have been vocally condemned by the United Nations General Assembly as an extraterritorial measure that contravenes "the sovereign equality of States, non-intervention in their internal affairs and freedom of trade and navigation as paramount to the conduct of international affairs".[5]

Despite the existence of the embargo, Cuba can, and does, conduct international trade with many countries, including many US allies; however, US based companies, and companies that do business with the US, which trade in Cuba do so at the risk of US sanctions.[6] Cuba has been a member of the World Trade Organization since 1995.[7] The European Union is Cuba's largest trading partner, and the United States is the fifth-largest exporter to Cuba (6.6% of Cuba's imports come from the US).[8] Cuba must, however, pay cash for all imports, as credit is not allowed.[9]

Beyond criticisms of human rights in Cuba, the United States holds $6 billion worth of financial claims against the Cuban government.[10] The pro-embargo position is that the U.S. embargo is, in part, an appropriate response to these unaddressed claims.[11] The Latin America Working Group argues that pro-embargo Cuban-American exiles, whose votes are crucial in the U.S. state of Florida, have swayed many politicians to adopt views similar to their own.[12] Some business leaders, including James E. Perrella, Dwayne O. Andreas, and Peter Blyth, have opposed the Cuban-American views, arguing that trading freely would be good for Cuba and the United States.[13]

Since 1992, the UN General Assembly has passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law. In 2014, out of the 193-nation assembly, 188 countries voted for the nonbinding resolution, the United States and Israel voted against and the Pacific Island nations Palau, Marshall Islands and Micronesia abstained.[2][14] Human-rights groups including Amnesty International,[2] Human Rights Watch,[15] and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights[16] have also been critical of the embargo. Critics of the embargo often refer to it as a "blockade" and say that the respective laws are too harsh, citing the fact that violations can result in up to 10 years in prison.
to President Biden: where are you when the people of Cuba need you the most?


As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?


As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you

The Bay of Pigs where the CIA did what they do best, screw people over.

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

We used to buy Cuba whole sugar crop.. Then the Sugar Beet lobby got the upper hand. Naturally the Soviets stepped in an bought the whole crop until the end of the USSR. Esso Cuba used to have an oil refinery there.
Yep. we used to...then the leftist took the country over by force and created a leftist oppressive tyranny.

We used to do a lot of business there before that happened

We drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. We did the same thing with Nasser and the Suez Canal.
Yeah it’s a fucking shocker the US didn’t team up with a communist nation and the Russians did.
hahah right? I read post like the one you are responding to and I wonder what in the world we are teaching kids these days...i

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

We used to buy Cuba whole sugar crop.. Then the Sugar Beet lobby got the upper hand. Naturally the Soviets stepped in an bought the whole crop until the end of the USSR. Esso Cuba used to have an oil refinery there.
Yep. we used to...then the leftist took the country over by force and created a leftist oppressive tyranny.

We used to do a lot of business there before that happened

We drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. We did the same thing with Nasser and the Suez Canal.
hahaha no no....sorry....Castro was a leftist, backed by the USSR before he took over the country and nationalized it with leftist policies.

Companies like ESSO left because the leftist Govt nationalized the oil industry...geez

Look at the timeline.


In fact, a factor that contributed to a large extent to Castro’s rise to power can arguably be Batista’s government.

Batista’s government was the main cause of instability in Cuba from 1952 up to 1st of January 1959. Batista seized power and created a dictatorship. Moreover, adding to this dictatorship, his government was also corrupted.

This factor led to Castro’s rise to power as the Cubans did not want to live under such government which used violence as a mean to control the population.

It is essential to know that during this time, the United-States of America had influence over Cuba and backed Batista’s government. Those factors influenced Castro’s rise to power as Batista’s response against opposition did not prove to be efficient enough to stop Castro rise to power as guerrilla warfare, a war tactic used by Castro which was a forceful technique and a determining factor in his rise to power.

As stated by Leo Huberman and Paul.M.Sweezy , this success also relied on the participation of the Cuban population: "the peasants in increasing numbers joined the rebel army or organized the various civilian links and services which are so crucial to the success of a guerrilla movement."

The successful guerrilla war is a direct cause in Fidel Castro’s rise to power as it was effective and linked to ideology as the guerrilla movement rested upon the Cuban peasantry and its cooperation.


As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

We used to buy Cuba whole sugar crop.. Then the Sugar Beet lobby got the upper hand. Naturally the Soviets stepped in an bought the whole crop until the end of the USSR. Esso Cuba used to have an oil refinery there.
Yep. we used to...then the leftist took the country over by force and created a leftist oppressive tyranny.

We used to do a lot of business there before that happened

We drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. We did the same thing with Nasser and the Suez Canal.
hahaha no no....sorry....Castro was a leftist, backed by the USSR before he took over the country and nationalized it with leftist policies.

Companies like ESSO left because the leftist Govt nationalized the oil industry...geez

Look at the timeline.


In fact, a factor that contributed to a large extent to Castro’s rise to power can arguably be Batista’s government.

Batista’s government was the main cause of instability in Cuba from 1952 up to 1st of January 1959. Batista seized power and created a dictatorship. Moreover, adding to this dictatorship, his government was also corrupted.

This factor led to Castro’s rise to power as the Cubans did not want to live under such government which used violence as a mean to control the population.

It is essential to know that during this time, the United-States of America had influence over Cuba and backed Batista’s government. Those factors influenced Castro’s rise to power as Batista’s response against opposition did not prove to be efficient enough to stop Castro rise to power as guerrilla warfare, a war tactic used by Castro which was a forceful technique and a determining factor in his rise to power.

As stated by Leo Huberman and Paul.M.Sweezy , this success also relied on the participation of the Cuban population: "the peasants in increasing numbers joined the rebel army or organized the various civilian links and services which are so crucial to the success of a guerrilla movement."

The successful guerrilla war is a direct cause in Fidel Castro’s rise to power as it was effective and linked to ideology as the guerrilla movement rested upon the Cuban peasantry and its cooperation.

yeah i know that time line…why on earth would the USA help a Marxist paramilitary over throw a Govt? especially in the late 50s?

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

We used to buy Cuba whole sugar crop.. Then the Sugar Beet lobby got the upper hand. Naturally the Soviets stepped in an bought the whole crop until the end of the USSR. Esso Cuba used to have an oil refinery there.
Yep. we used to...then the leftist took the country over by force and created a leftist oppressive tyranny.

We used to do a lot of business there before that happened

We drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. We did the same thing with Nasser and the Suez Canal.
hahaha no no....sorry....Castro was a leftist, backed by the USSR before he took over the country and nationalized it with leftist policies.

Companies like ESSO left because the leftist Govt nationalized the oil industry...geez

Look at the timeline.


In fact, a factor that contributed to a large extent to Castro’s rise to power can arguably be Batista’s government.

Batista’s government was the main cause of instability in Cuba from 1952 up to 1st of January 1959. Batista seized power and created a dictatorship. Moreover, adding to this dictatorship, his government was also corrupted.

This factor led to Castro’s rise to power as the Cubans did not want to live under such government which used violence as a mean to control the population.

It is essential to know that during this time, the United-States of America had influence over Cuba and backed Batista’s government. Those factors influenced Castro’s rise to power as Batista’s response against opposition did not prove to be efficient enough to stop Castro rise to power as guerrilla warfare, a war tactic used by Castro which was a forceful technique and a determining factor in his rise to power.

As stated by Leo Huberman and Paul.M.Sweezy , this success also relied on the participation of the Cuban population: "the peasants in increasing numbers joined the rebel army or organized the various civilian links and services which are so crucial to the success of a guerrilla movement."

The successful guerrilla war is a direct cause in Fidel Castro’s rise to power as it was effective and linked to ideology as the guerrilla movement rested upon the Cuban peasantry and its cooperation.

yeah i know that time line…why on earth would the USA help a Marxist paramilitary over throw a Govt? especially in the late 50s?

How do you think Batista came to power?

Fulgencio Batista - Wikipedia
1933 coupFirst presidency (1940–1944)Post-presidencyMilitary coup and second presidency (1952–1959)

Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was a Cuban military officer and politician who served as the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and as its U.S.-backed military dictator from 1952 to 1959 before being overthrown during the Cuban Revolution. Batista initially rose to power as part of the 1933 Revolt of the Sergeants, which overthrew the provisional government of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Quesada. He then appointed himself chief of the armed forces, with the rank of colonel and effectively controlled the f…

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

In short, no, the U.S is not responsible for their problems. There is no global law that a nation must trade with another especially when they allow nukes of their biggest rival at the time to rest on their land.

Cuba could have been China, they could have opened up their country to foreign investment and have a more capitalist approach. They decided to remain socialist and the common citizens as always happens in such systems, suffers. If not from the start, eventually as centralized government steals, corrupts and uses the police state. This happens to varying degrees in all socialist nations, some are more extreme than others.

Of course, in the case of China, we now know the CCP was just playing the West to pillage, steal and influence so that they could become the world leader. This shouldn't have been fully unexpected to anyone who understands their history and communism in general, the difference is that one nation has 1.4B and is now a global threat, if Cuba pulled the same charade it wouldn't be much of a global problem for the U.S.

Cubans would be happier and the ability to convert them to full capitalist would be far more reasonable expected. Just influencing them in the local sphere of the U.S is far easier than in China, not to mention many foreign citizens and those who speak the language, understand the culture. Now, who knows where this leads.

You may think we’re foolish , for the foreign aid we do

You may wonder how come we reject you, when you float to our shores like you do

Well, maybe, you know libtards bug us, ain't no secret 'bout that

Well, come on and trade with me, baby, I'll show you where it's at

Well, honey, it ain't marijuana , we all got plenty of that

I love you for your Pinko Cadillac, crushed pinko seats

Riding in the back, oozing trade defeat

Waving to the comrades, feeling somewhat slight

Spending all my peso's on a Saturday night

Honey, I just wonder what you do there in the back of your Pinko Cadillac ....Pinko Cadillac

w/apologies to Mr Springstein

Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!

Fidel Castro came to power because of failed capitalism and corruption.
All? No. Do we still have justifications for sanctions? Absolutely not. Cuba is an excellent example to show why sanctions do not work and only harm the people.

Did sanctions on Cuba for 60 years change anything? No.

Would the people be better off today if we had opened relations with Cuba? I will say, yes.
JFK and his peculiar A.G. brother (and the CIA) ruined relations with Cuba with their exploding cigar diplomacy and criminal attempts to support an invasion army but t. Ihe media loved Camelot and JFK could do no wrong.
The Russians Backed Down Only Because the CIA Agreed to Get Rid of the Kennedy Brothers

Because of indecision, JFK let Cuban patriots get slaughtered on the beaches of the Bay of Pigs. Shamed for that, he went to the other extreme and became a loose cannon who almost provoked nuclear war. Being praised for that successful but reckless policy, he would have gotten us as deeply into Vietnam as LBJ did.
The CIA did not get rid of them. Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, and massive alcohol consumption got rid of them.

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

We used to buy Cuba whole sugar crop.. Then the Sugar Beet lobby got the upper hand. Naturally the Soviets stepped in an bought the whole crop until the end of the USSR. Esso Cuba used to have an oil refinery there.
Yep. we used to...then the leftist took the country over by force and created a leftist oppressive tyranny.

We used to do a lot of business there before that happened

We drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. We did the same thing with Nasser and the Suez Canal.
hahaha no no....sorry....Castro was a leftist, backed by the USSR before he took over the country and nationalized it with leftist policies.

Companies like ESSO left because the leftist Govt nationalized the oil industry...geez

Look at the timeline.


In fact, a factor that contributed to a large extent to Castro’s rise to power can arguably be Batista’s government.

Batista’s government was the main cause of instability in Cuba from 1952 up to 1st of January 1959. Batista seized power and created a dictatorship. Moreover, adding to this dictatorship, his government was also corrupted.

This factor led to Castro’s rise to power as the Cubans did not want to live under such government which used violence as a mean to control the population.

It is essential to know that during this time, the United-States of America had influence over Cuba and backed Batista’s government. Those factors influenced Castro’s rise to power as Batista’s response against opposition did not prove to be efficient enough to stop Castro rise to power as guerrilla warfare, a war tactic used by Castro which was a forceful technique and a determining factor in his rise to power.

As stated by Leo Huberman and Paul.M.Sweezy , this success also relied on the participation of the Cuban population: "the peasants in increasing numbers joined the rebel army or organized the various civilian links and services which are so crucial to the success of a guerrilla movement."

The successful guerrilla war is a direct cause in Fidel Castro’s rise to power as it was effective and linked to ideology as the guerrilla movement rested upon the Cuban peasantry and its cooperation.

yeah i know that time line…why on earth would the USA help a Marxist paramilitary over throw a Govt? especially in the late 50s?

How do you think Batista came to power?

Fulgencio Batista - Wikipedia
1933 coupFirst presidency (1940–1944)Post-presidencyMilitary coup and second presidency (1952–1959)

Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was a Cuban military officer and politician who served as the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and as its U.S.-backed military dictator from 1952 to 1959 before being overthrown during the Cuban Revolution. Batista initially rose to power as part of the 1933 Revolt of the Sergeants, which overthrew the provisional government of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Quesada. He then appointed himself chief of the armed forces, with the rank of colonel and effectively controlled the f…
he wasn't a Soviet backed Commie...and was elected. There is no doubt he was corrupt, and we certainly offered to help reform the Govt to root that corruption out....but...that's not the question...

I want you to stop deflecting, and answer my question....why do you think the US would have helped a Soviet backed Commie like Castro? why would we have? We were in the middle of the Cold War with USSR.

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

We used to buy Cuba whole sugar crop.. Then the Sugar Beet lobby got the upper hand. Naturally the Soviets stepped in an bought the whole crop until the end of the USSR. Esso Cuba used to have an oil refinery there.
Yep. we used to...then the leftist took the country over by force and created a leftist oppressive tyranny.

We used to do a lot of business there before that happened

We drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. We did the same thing with Nasser and the Suez Canal.
hahaha no no....sorry....Castro was a leftist, backed by the USSR before he took over the country and nationalized it with leftist policies.

Companies like ESSO left because the leftist Govt nationalized the oil industry...geez

Look at the timeline.


In fact, a factor that contributed to a large extent to Castro’s rise to power can arguably be Batista’s government.

Batista’s government was the main cause of instability in Cuba from 1952 up to 1st of January 1959. Batista seized power and created a dictatorship. Moreover, adding to this dictatorship, his government was also corrupted.

This factor led to Castro’s rise to power as the Cubans did not want to live under such government which used violence as a mean to control the population.

It is essential to know that during this time, the United-States of America had influence over Cuba and backed Batista’s government. Those factors influenced Castro’s rise to power as Batista’s response against opposition did not prove to be efficient enough to stop Castro rise to power as guerrilla warfare, a war tactic used by Castro which was a forceful technique and a determining factor in his rise to power.

As stated by Leo Huberman and Paul.M.Sweezy , this success also relied on the participation of the Cuban population: "the peasants in increasing numbers joined the rebel army or organized the various civilian links and services which are so crucial to the success of a guerrilla movement."

The successful guerrilla war is a direct cause in Fidel Castro’s rise to power as it was effective and linked to ideology as the guerrilla movement rested upon the Cuban peasantry and its cooperation.

yeah i know that time line…why on earth would the USA help a Marxist paramilitary over throw a Govt? especially in the late 50s?

How do you think Batista came to power?

Fulgencio Batista - Wikipedia
1933 coupFirst presidency (1940–1944)Post-presidencyMilitary coup and second presidency (1952–1959)

Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was a Cuban military officer and politician who served as the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and as its U.S.-backed military dictator from 1952 to 1959 before being overthrown during the Cuban Revolution. Batista initially rose to power as part of the 1933 Revolt of the Sergeants, which overthrew the provisional government of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Quesada. He then appointed himself chief of the armed forces, with the rank of colonel and effectively controlled the f…
he wasn't a Soviet backed Commie...and was elected. There is no doubt he was corrupt, and we certainly offered to help reform the Govt to root that corruption out....but...that's not the question...

I want you to stop deflecting, and answer my question....why do you think the US would have helped a Soviet backed Commie like Castro? why would we have? We were in the middle of the Cold War with USSR.

The cold war went on way too long. And, here we are still fussing about little Cuba.

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