Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

The US is entirely at fault.
First of all, the US established the dictatorship of Batista that required the Cubans to rebel and install Castro originally.
Second is that the US threatens economic sanctions on any country trading with Cuba, which is illegal and destroys their economy.
Even the US economic sanctions against Cuba violate US law.

Nor is Cuba Marxist, and Cuba has never harmed or stated an intention to harm the US.
Castro was very popular because he saved Cuba from Batista, who was a murdering gangster.
The US was totally wrong to illegally place economic sanctions on Cuba.
You posted your opinion. I posted a PBS analysis. Keep whining.
A PBS analysis means nothing in the context of this issue.
I'm not "whining". I have nothing to whine about.

Again, sixty years of US policy towards Cuba went before whatever you think Trump did.

That's like saying the very last time you were slapped by your mother, not all the times before,
turned you into the pathetic clown you are. Now fuck off and stay fucked off!
You posted your opinion. I posted a PBS analysis. Keep whining.
A PBS analysis means nothing in the context of this issue.
I'm not "whining". I have nothing to whine about.

Again, sixty years of US policy towards Cuba went before whatever you think Trump did.

That's like saying the very last time you were slapped by your mother, not all the times before,
turned you into the pathetic clown you now are. Now fuck off and stay fucked off!
Obama rolled back sanctions and made things easier for the communist regime in Cuba. So you lose again.
Yeah, Obama made things easier for his commie pals and friends.
Trump went back to the way it's been for decades.

I guess the new Cuban leader isn't doing so well. So what?
Trump isn't president any longer, genius.
So what? So President Trump's policies were influencing what's happening in Cuba right now. You're going round in circles now.

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

The US is entirely at fault.
First of all, the US established the dictatorship of Batista that required the Cubans to rebel and install Castro originally.
Second is that the US threatens economic sanctions on any country trading with Cuba, which is illegal and destroys their economy.
Even the US economic sanctions against Cuba violate US law.

Nor is Cuba Marxist, and Cuba has never harmed or stated an intention to harm the US.
You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier.
Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years?

Yeah, that was awesome!

No, it was an illegal criminal act, based on the Geneva Conventions of 1906 that the US signed.
Economic warfare has been a war crime ever since 1906.
You can interdict weapons only, not civilian good.
Yes. Economic sanctions are an act of war. Sadly too many dumb Americans like Parrot don’t get that.
He lived very well

Sure did. He owned the country.

So what did we gain by harming the people all these years?

Castro had less to steal.
Less money to spread his "revolution".
Castro’s been dead a while dude

One of them is still kicking, dude.

Raul is not Fidel and oh… he stepped down a while back

Raul is not Fidel

You're shitting me!

and oh… he stepped down a while back


Looks like he was still kind of important as recently as April.......
Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years?

Yeah, that was awesome!

No, it was an illegal criminal act, based on the Geneva Conventions of 1906 that the US signed.
Economic warfare has been a war crime ever since 1906.
You can interdict weapons only, not civilian good.

it was an illegal criminal act, based on the Geneva Conventions of 1906 that the US signed.

Post the text that you feel applies.

You can interdict weapons only, not civilian good.

Wanna bet?

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?

We used to buy Cuba whole sugar crop.. Then the Sugar Beet lobby got the upper hand. Naturally the Soviets stepped in an bought the whole crop until the end of the USSR. Esso Cuba used to have an oil refinery there.
Yep. we used to...then the leftist took the country over by force and created a leftist oppressive tyranny.

We used to do a lot of business there before that happened

We drove Cuba into the arms of the Soviets. We did the same thing with Nasser and the Suez Canal.
Yeah it’s a fucking shocker the US didn’t team up with a communist nation and the Russians did.
Hey demoquacks, evidently communism isn't very popular

Y'all should probably forget that nonsense
A golden opportunity to get Cubs out of a communist dictatorship is going to be pissed away by president bidumb.
Economic sanctions are an act of war.

If only you could learn.

If the Pentagon suddenly bombed North Korea, killing thousands of North Korean citizens, that would clearly be considered an act of war. Yet, when the U.S. government intentionally targets North Korea with economic sanctions that kill thousands of North Koreans through starvation or illness, that’s considered to be simply a peaceful diplomatic measure. That’s odd because from a practical standpoint, people are dead either way — from bombs or sanctions.

Americans have become so accustomed to the concept of sanctions that the policy has become hum-drum and commonplace. Since the violence associated with sanctions is indirect and difficult to see, people don’t put them in the same category as bombs. But the reality is that sanctions, by virtue of their targeting foreign citizens for death, are every bit an act of war as dropping bombs on them.
Sanctions Are an Act of War – The Future of Freedom Foundation
“No tenemos miedo. No tenemos miedo del Estados Unidos.” We are not afraid of the United States.⁠
So what? So President Trump's policies were influencing what's happening in Cuba right now. You're going round in circles now.
What is happening in Cuba right now? People that want the government there dissolved and their country
back? You want to blame Trump for the 60 years of authoritarian dictatorships in Cuba?

Are you nuts? Fuck off! This is over for you. Run along child.
Biden has lifted the embargo. The unrest in Cuba goes on. The problem is 62 years of authoritarian governments there.
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