Is the use of Deadly Force to protect property the solution to riots?

We have to have guns because of Democrats. Democrats are violent people. They talk about getting rid of guns. But there is only one way to do that, and that is get rid of Democrats first. The reason we need to carry guns is because of Democrats.

The only reason you carry guns is because you have tiny dicks.

If I need to go to my convenient store at night, I take my gun. I'm not worried about a Republican holding up the place, hitting me over the head and stealing my wallet. Republicans don't do those things. Or if I have to make an ATM withdrawal at night. I'm not worried about a conservative wedging in between my car and the machine to rob me. No, no no. Republicans don't do that. Only Democrats do.

Again, Ray, you are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.
Blacks commit more crime. Duh. It's nice to see you are still batting .000.

Wow... see, I knew that was going to be your response.

you think they deserve it.

They think they don't, and they are perfectly capable of making all our lives kind of miserable.

Time to put away the tape measure and try to find solutions, buddy.
Why are you here in this thread?
You don't want solutions, you don't even want an honest discussion. You assert complete bullshit and try to pretend it's fact while you claim this or that nonsense must be done..... wth?

Why are you even here?
I almost look forward to the revolution you assholes are pushing for. Sadly a lot of innocent folks will be harmed, but I hope, and if there is anything approaching karma, that you get the karmic bitchslap you so richly deserve.

Be careful what you wish for, buddy... someone might take your guns away when it's all over.


Introduce me, I want to meet these people...… and then we'll see what's what.
Why are you here in this thread?
You don't want solutions, you don't even want an honest discussion. You assert complete bullshit and try to pretend it's fact while you claim this or that nonsense must be done..... wth?

Why are you even here?

I'm all for solutions.. A solution is not engaging in more of the violence that people are upset about.

Here's my short list of solutions.

1) Holding cops accountable when they use excessive force.
2) Getting the Police Unions out of the disciplinary process.
3) Teach cops de-escalation techniques.
4) Require cops to be licensed in the state, so that one department's bad apple doesn't become another department's problem.
5) Investigate complaints thoroughly... every cop who gets caught in one of these incidents usually has a whole list of civilian complaints no one acted on.
6) Increase money to mental health services.. 50% of people shot by police have a disability.


Introduce me, I want to meet these people...… and then we'll see what's what.

Yes, we know you guys wank off at pulling a David Koresh, but when the ATF comes for your guns, you'll be like, "Yes, Officer!"
Why are you here in this thread?
You don't want solutions, you don't even want an honest discussion. You assert complete bullshit and try to pretend it's fact while you claim this or that nonsense must be done..... wth?

Why are you even here?

I'm all for solutions.. A solution is not engaging in more of the violence that people are upset about.

Here's my short list of solutions.

1) Holding cops accountable when they use excessive force.
2) Getting the Police Unions out of the disciplinary process.
3) Teach cops de-escalation techniques.
4) Require cops to be licensed in the state, so that one department's bad apple doesn't become another department's problem.
5) Investigate complaints thoroughly... every cop who gets caught in one of these incidents usually has a whole list of civilian complaints no one acted on.
6) Increase money to mental health services.. 50% of people shot by police have a disability.
How does rioting, looting, and arson with no fear of prosecution make any of that happen?

Can you walk me through that?


Introduce me, I want to meet these people...… and then we'll see what's what.

Yes, we know you guys wank off at pulling a David Koresh, but when the ATF comes for your guns, you'll be like, "Yes, Officer!"
I will, in fact..... I will be nice and give him a junk 9mm I bought for cash off a guy and then since I have his name, and the name of everyone involved as it will be a matter of public record, I will find out where they live, what office they work out of, and everything else about them.
And I will be shocked and saddened (but not really) to hear about them dying in a house fire, or that they got their throats cut at a urinal somewhere, or they just got gunned down in a parking lot.

And then I will turn my attention to the little pussies like you who were rooting for my end.

Because the thing about murder is that you can only be executed for it once...…. so the first murder is really expensive, but the rest are all free.
I bet a whole lot more people agree with him about that today, than they would have 2 or 3 months ago.

Yes, all the whimpering white people who are hiding in their basements... I guess.
You mean seething in barely contained rage that they are not allowed to simply put a stop to this shit?
Because they can, and are willing to, but they don't want to get prosecuted for it while losers like you cheer.
The only reason you carry guns is because you have tiny dicks.

Is that why? Well now, I don't want people to think that about me. You have me convinced. I'm not carrying my gun anymore. :laughing0301:

Again, Ray, you are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

I've managed to be a model citizen for 60 years on this planet: vote every election, pay my taxes on time, never been in trouble with the law; not even an outstanding parking ticket, never seriously hurt anybody, owned firearms for 35 years, carried firearms for 12, even an outstanding driving record.

I told you Joe, you people on the left are terrible at making predictions.
Totally agree. But it's the American left creating all these problems. You aren't going to see many Republican rioters.

We have to have guns because of Democrats. Democrats are violent people. They talk about getting rid of guns. But there is only one way to do that, and that is get rid of Democrats first. The reason we need to carry guns is because of Democrats.

If I need to go to my convenient store at night, I take my gun. I'm not worried about a Republican holding up the place, hitting me over the head and stealing my wallet. Republicans don't do those things. Or if I have to make an ATM withdrawal at night. I'm not worried about a conservative wedging in between my car and the machine to rob me. No, no no. Republicans don't do that. Only Democrats do.

As we have seen, and are still witnessing today, Democrats are neanderthals. They're like modern cave men. It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: "only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem."

As we see, we have a party of people who's minds are took weak to solve any problem, hence the violence from them.
You are absolutely correct.

The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was established as a defense against Democrats.

Granted .... they were not called Democrats then .... but, the Ideology was exactly the same!!!

At one time Democrats were honorable people. I think if JFK could come back to earth, all he would do is shake his head in shame. Yes, they had a different political ideology, but not bad people personally.

Look at them today. They are neo-Nazi control freaks who are trying to push the country to Socialism and eventually Communism. They hate the Constitution, hate capitalism, and generally hate anything American including our flag. They hate financial success, hate our police force and military, but refuse to move to one of their utopias like Cuba or North Korea.
At one time Democrats were honorable people. I think if JFK could come back to earth, all he would do is shake his head in shame. Yes, they had a different political ideology, but not bad people personally.

Look at them today. They are neo-Nazi control freaks who are trying to push the country to Socialism and eventually Communism. They hate the Constitution, hate capitalism, and generally hate anything American including our flag. They hate financial success, hate our police force and military, but refuse to move to one of their utopias like Cuba or North Korea.
I disagree.

The Democrat Party has ALWAYS embodied the very most EVIL of political ideologies.

I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
Then dont vote for Sniff and Suck, they are already plotting how to take your guns
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
Then dont vote for Sniff and Suck, they are already plotting how to take your guns

As long as the Supreme Court is on our side, that won't happen outside of liberal areas like Vermont.

However, there is a problem brewing that's not being talked about very much. I watched an hour long Mark Levin show on it, then did some research on the internet.

Creepy Joe plans to destroy nice middle and upper-middle-class suburbs. He wants to insert the lowest of lowlifes in them, which of course, their dirt, noise and crime will follow. This social engineering plan would put project buildings where your kids playground is. It will destroy your schools. It will lower your property value by half or more. It would increase your house and car insurance premiums. It will raise your taxes for additional rescue and safety forces plus equipment that will be needed. It would be a disaster.

I'm in one of those neighborhoods already, and I can tell you this is a huge threat to your way of life. They stay up all night because they don't work, or work part-time. They keep me and my tenants up all hours of the morning getting drunk and high outside laughing their asses off, or constantly going in and out of their driveway slamming their car doors and turning their car alarms on and off.

The police need to use the principle of shoot to kill way more often. In fact, law abiding people need to use shoot to kill everytime they find looters and arsonists. Keep shooting until the looters and arsonists are all gone.

Stop thinking this isn't a race war. Your side is predetermined.

Sorry, I don't believe this is a race war. I don't believe the majority of black people in America are in favor of the rioting, looting, and arson, and I can see how many of the thugs on the news are white.
I think it is a solution. A bunch of losers start bashing out the windows of your business, you kill a few dozen. Think the rest are going to stick around and get killed too? They're going to run like a tornado was coming.
The American Left is the biggest ENEMY this Great Nation faces today.

They must be stopped at ALL and BY ANY Means ..........

Totally agree. But it's the American left creating all these problems. You aren't going to see many Republican rioters.

We have to have guns because of Democrats. Democrats are violent people. They talk about getting rid of guns. But there is only one way to do that, and that is get rid of Democrats first. The reason we need to carry guns is because of Democrats.

If I need to go to my convenient store at night, I take my gun. I'm not worried about a Republican holding up the place, hitting me over the head and stealing my wallet. Republicans don't do those things. Or if I have to make an ATM withdrawal at night. I'm not worried about a conservative wedging in between my car and the machine to rob me. No, no no. Republicans don't do that. Only Democrats do.

As we have seen, and are still witnessing today, Democrats are neanderthals. They're like modern cave men. It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: "only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem."

As we see, we have a party of people who's minds are took weak to solve any problem, hence the violence from them.

In most cases, it seems their minds are too weak to even identify the problems.
Blacks commit more crime. Duh. It's nice to see you are still batting .000.

Wow... see, I knew that was going to be your response.

you think they deserve it.

They think they don't, and they are perfectly capable of making all our lives kind of miserable.

Time to put away the tape measure and try to find solutions, buddy.
Why are you here in this thread?
You don't want solutions, you don't even want an honest discussion. You assert complete bullshit and try to pretend it's fact while you claim this or that nonsense must be done..... wth?

Why are you even here?

I think you just answered your own question. He's here to do all the things you just outlined.
How does rioting, looting, and arson with no fear of prosecution make any of that happen?

Can you walk me through that?

Same way they ended the Vietnam War and caused the Civil Rights movement.

I've managed to be a model citizen for 60 years on this planet: vote every election, pay my taxes on time, never been in trouble with the law; not even an outstanding parking ticket, never seriously hurt anybody, owned firearms for 35 years, carried firearms for 12, even an outstanding driving record.

That's nice Buddy. I'm glad White Privilege is working out for you while you collect White People Welfare.

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