*Is* there a faction in US politics that isn't in some way anti-science?

I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...

I don't know any 'sex has nothing to do with reproduction' people. I know some 'sex doesn't have to be about reproduction' people. I'm one of them.
That's where we differ then.

My issue would have more to do with making sure polio never made a comeback or some such thing.

If people let their own kids risk disease it's not my business to force them to vaccinate.

However with thousands of people full of all sorts of diseases we've pretty much wiped out walking right into the country I'd say the concern for social safety starts to trump their concerns of unsafe vaccines or religious issues.

I tend to default to individual freedom, but if it comes at a cost of other people's lives I agree that the individual's freedom loses priority. It's not an issue one can flippantly take a side on.

SO you are going to blatantly ignore the myriad of liberal all over this site claiming that unborn children are not humans or not alive?
If you really have not heard of them it is through willful blindness.

There are some that believe dimocraps aren't human.

They believe that dimocraps are so fucking, incredibly stupid that they aren't self-aware enough to be called 'human'.

So if we start eliminating them by the million, then are we really murdering 'people' or just eliminating parasites....?

Which is EXACTLY what many feminists call a fetus..... A parasite

The fetus is a parasite.

Unborn child just a parasite Cutting edge science shows fetal cells heal mother for life News LifeSite

So if someone starts claiming that dimocrap scum are nothing more than parasites, don't ask me to fight against it.

See, I am told that not ALL life is sacred. That there IS a difference.

I'm starting to believe it
And your scientific evidence for your statement is........?


I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...

Sorry the far left and the AGW cult (which is pretty much one in the same) are against any type of real science.
Someone wise in the ways of science would know that the terms "a human", "human being" or "person" are social and legal constructs, not scientific constructs. Only the most scientifically ignorant would declare that there are scientific definitions for such terms. Just as only the most scientifically ignorant declare global warming is a fraud.

The two groups are usually the same people, being those who fall for one anti-science conspiracy theory tend to fall for multiple other anti-science conspiracy theories.
Sorry but human is not a social or legal term, PERSON is. Nice try at deflecting though. I wont continue the ad homonyms you want to resort to though.
All that denies science are really dumb.
Anyone who thinks that the manmade-global-warming crowd has anything to do with science, is really dumb.

I don't get some parts of that. Do you dispute rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere? Do you dispute CO2 being a greenhouse gas? Do you dispute more CO2 trapping in more heat?

If no....then where do you think all the extra heat goes?
I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...

I don't know any 'sex has nothing to do with reproduction' people. I know some 'sex doesn't have to be about reproduction' people. I'm one of them.
That's completely true. It doesn't have to be. I was talking about the people who can't even acknowledge that sex causes reproduction; that, stripping away all emotion and the tendency to think from a homocentric viewpoint, reproduction is the point of the process from a purely biological one. I had to spend about six hours writing up an essay explaining how it originated and functions once due to these people.
All that denies science are really dumb.
Anyone who thinks that the manmade-global-warming crowd has anything to do with science, is really dumb.

It's a cult. And a scam.

Let's face it, there isn't much going on in the world of Physics, Astronomy or any of the other theoretical Sciences anymore.

No Einsteins, Hawking is an idiot, String Theory crashed and burned and the elusive graviton is not to be found anywhere.

So about the only thing a PhD was good for was teaching kids how to make a vinegar volcano.

Then along came global warming......

BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars have been invested/granted/ to this scam in both the Private and at the University level. HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS Of phony fucking PhD's in this faux science have been handed out. Every 'scientist' worth his salt is trying to get in on it.

It's a place, a Field, where over-educated eggheads can make a living, I guess.

Beat's lighting your own farts on fire in front of a bunch of kids

Plus (and here's the biggie) if the scam works, the Nazis that run this world can decide who gets, and who doesn't get, their share of energy.

And energy is everything. EVERYTHING. Control that and you control the world
I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...

I don't know any 'sex has nothing to do with reproduction' people. I know some 'sex doesn't have to be about reproduction' people. I'm one of them.
That's completely true. It doesn't have to be. I was talking about the people who can't even acknowledge that sex causes reproduction; that, stripping away all emotion and the tendency to think from a homocentric viewpoint, reproduction is the point of the process from a purely biological one. I had to spend about six hours writing up an essay explaining how it originated and functions once due to these people.

Sex can absolutely be about reproduction. But as the infertile, those on birth control, those using condoms and old people fucking demonstrate.....take reproduction off the table and folks will still knock boots.

I look at it like eating. Eating fuels the body. But there's way more reasons than fueling the body to eat. So attributing a single purpose to eating would be a mistake. Likewise, denying that eating fuels the body would also be a mistake.

Of course it does.
Sorry but human is not a social or legal term, PERSON is. Nice try at deflecting though. I wont continue the ad homonyms you want to resort to though.

Because you say so? I guess if that's the best you have, it's the best you have.

How about you tell everyone this scientific defintion of "human" (noun)? Being that humanity knew the definition centuries before humanity knew anything about conception or genetics, make sure you don't fabricate a brand new PC definition that brings those things into it.

Back in the real world, the terms "human" (noun), "human being" and "person" are identical, and refer to something human (adjective), born and alive. It is and has always been a social and legal definition.
It's a cult. And a scam.

You're a bedwetting conspiracy cultist. You understand that, right? Don't worry. Even if you don't understand, the world does. That would account for the laughter.

You illustrated the #3 reason why the whole planet mocks the denier cult, because deniers are such pathetic crybabies.

The #2 reason is that deniers are pathological liars.

And the #1 reason is that denier science sucks so badly.

There's no conspiracy. You're just a cult rube.
Because you say so? I guess if that's the best you have, it's the best you have.

How about you tell everyone this scientific defintion of "human" (noun)? Being that humanity knew the definition centuries before humanity knew anything about conception or genetics, make sure you don't fabricate a brand new PC definition that brings those things into it.

Back in the real world, the terms "human" (noun), "human being" and "person" are identical, and refer to something human (adjective), born and alive. It is and has always been a social and legal definition.
You're really asking for a scientific definition of "human"? Um... Wow... Homo sapiens hominin Encyclopedia Britannica is a good one.
It's a cult. And a scam.

You're a bedwetting conspiracy cultist. You understand that, right? Don't worry. Even if you don't understand, the world does. That would account for the laughter.

You illustrated the #3 reason why the whole planet mocks the denier cult, because deniers are such pathetic crybabies.

The #2 reason is that deniers are pathological liars.

And the #1 reason is that denier science sucks so badly.

There's no conspiracy. You're just a cult rube.

Your problem is, as it is with ALL dimocrap scum, you fucking lie.

You take a worthwhile cause, and then you FUCK IT UP by radicalizing it and lying about it.

Is there too much CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere? IMO, yes

Are Fossil Fuels harmful to the environment? IMO, yes.

Do these things, and more, contribute to warming, climate change or whatever the FUCK you're calling it these days? IMO, yes.

But that's where you start to deviate from reality.

You and yours have been caught red-handed manipulating data and downright lying about the data you do collect that hasn't been manipulated.

You're just lying scum. And the polls are showing it. People just don't believe you anymore.

In a CNN Poll in December (yeah, CNN Is real honest) people said that they didn't believe GW would affect them by a 57 - 43% margin.

You're losing. And you're losing because you're lying scum.

Too bad. I think the situation needs addressed. But like EVERYTHING you scum touch, you radicalize and fuck it up.
Your problem is, as it is with ALL dimocrap scum, you fucking lie.

Your toughboy routine always amuses us.

How do you cope with it, knowing that the entire planet correctly defines you as flat out crazy?

Substance abuse?

Denial and further retreat into your fantasy world?

Does the bitter weeping give you any relief? Do the tantrums help?

Even the Republican party has ditched the denier cult, that's how toxic you are. Your leader rats have launched all the lifeboats and fled the sinking SS Denier, and left you and your pals to be the patsies who goes down with the ship.
You're really asking for a scientific definition of "human"? Um... Wow... Homo sapiens hominin Encyclopedia Britannica is a good one.

That certainly didn't give any scientific definition. It gave a circular definition. "Homo sapiens, ( Latin: “wise man”) the species to which all modern human beings belong."
Seriously? A modern human is a homo sapiens, which is a "a culture-bearing primate that is anatomically similar and related to the other great apes but is distinguished by a more highly developed brain and a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning".
Your problem is, as it is with ALL dimocrap scum, you fucking lie.

Your toughboy routine always amuses us.

How do you cope with it, knowing that the entire planet correctly defines you as flat out crazy?

Substance abuse?

Denial and further retreat into your fantasy world?

Does the bitter weeping give you any relief? Do the tantrums help?

Even the Republican party has ditched the denier cult, that's how toxic you are. Your leader rats have launched all the lifeboats and fled the sinking SS Denier, and left you and your pals to be the patsies who goes down with the ship.
There was a time when an educated adult asserting that a living creature only becomes its species at birth* would have amused me. That was a long time ago. I've basically come to expect flat out negation of basic scientific facts from liberals since then.

*I can at least understand where those liberals who assert that personhood is gained at birth are coming from. At least that's not completely fucktarded. It doesn't totally ignore genetics like the new common argument you're attempting to use does.
Hmm, let's test the OP's sincerity and commitment to science:

What do you think of all the studies show the massive IQ gap between Europeans (middle, largest deviation), Asians (high, lowest deviation), Jews (highest, mid-level deviation) and Africans (lowest, low deviation, but strikingly a high amount of outliers (like a hill with an extra bump at the end)?

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