Is there a god?

Don't be silly. Of course it is relevant. For any given thing there is a final state of fact. After all we do live in a deterministic universe, right? This means that error cannot stand it will eventually fail.

So, when you lower your standard of conduct and normalize your deviance from the previous standard, the reason why that standard existed in the first place will eventually make itself known to you.

Now do you understand?
Give me an example.
wtf does that mean?
It means that the Challenger accident was a predictable surprise.
So how did they "lower (their) standard of conduct and normalize (their) deviance from the previous standard"?
They established a standard and then lowered that standard and then normalized their deviance to that standard until the space shuttle exploded ~50 seconds after launch.
No. God made existence because God is existence.
So you don't really know what happens when we die. Got it.
I don't care what happens to me when I die. It is the journey that matters.
So you don't know. Got it. And good for you.
Is that what you think I said? Really?

How old are you?
Then answer the question properly, not like a child playing games.
I'm not the one playing children's games, Taz. That would be you.
Give me an example.
wtf does that mean?
It means that the Challenger accident was a predictable surprise.
So how did they "lower (their) standard of conduct and normalize (their) deviance from the previous standard"?
They established a standard and then lowered that standard and then normalized their deviance to that standard until the space shuttle exploded ~50 seconds after launch.
wtf does that mean?
It means that the Challenger accident was a predictable surprise.
So how did they "lower (their) standard of conduct and normalize (their) deviance from the previous standard"?
They established a standard and then lowered that standard and then normalized their deviance to that standard until the space shuttle exploded ~50 seconds after launch.
I don't think you are loco, Taz. I think you are emotional.
So you don't really know what happens when we die. Got it.
I don't care what happens to me when I die. It is the journey that matters.
So you don't know. Got it. And good for you.
Is that what you think I said? Really?

How old are you?
Then answer the question properly, not like a child playing games.
I'm not the one playing children's games, Taz. That would be you.
We'll see, so what do you think happens to you when you die?
I don't care what happens to me when I die. It is the journey that matters.
So you don't know. Got it. And good for you.
Is that what you think I said? Really?

How old are you?
Then answer the question properly, not like a child playing games.
I'm not the one playing children's games, Taz. That would be you.
We'll see, so what do you think happens to you when you die?
I don't care what happens when I die, Taz. I'm focused on living.

People like you want to focus on death.
So you don't know. Got it. And good for you.
Is that what you think I said? Really?

How old are you?
Then answer the question properly, not like a child playing games.
I'm not the one playing children's games, Taz. That would be you.
We'll see, so what do you think happens to you when you die?
I don't care what happens when I die, Taz. I'm focused on living.

People like you want to focus on death.
I'm asking a simple question that is obviously too hard for your pea brain to grasp. Sorry to make you think so hard, try rebooting your brain, it might come back on. :highfive:
Is that what you think I said? Really?

How old are you?
Then answer the question properly, not like a child playing games.
I'm not the one playing children's games, Taz. That would be you.
We'll see, so what do you think happens to you when you die?
I don't care what happens when I die, Taz. I'm focused on living.

People like you want to focus on death.
I'm asking a simple question that is obviously too hard for your pea brain to grasp. Sorry to make you think so hard, try rebooting your brain, it might come back on. :highfive:
You aren't getting what you want, so you have a need to lash out. I don't have that need.
Then answer the question properly, not like a child playing games.
I'm not the one playing children's games, Taz. That would be you.
We'll see, so what do you think happens to you when you die?
I don't care what happens when I die, Taz. I'm focused on living.

People like you want to focus on death.
I'm asking a simple question that is obviously too hard for your pea brain to grasp. Sorry to make you think so hard, try rebooting your brain, it might come back on. :highfive:
You aren't getting what you want, so you have a need to lash out. I don't have that need.
I bet you think you're going to be sitting next to god when you die. I'll just go with that, it seems the most logical for you.
I'm not the one playing children's games, Taz. That would be you.
We'll see, so what do you think happens to you when you die?
I don't care what happens when I die, Taz. I'm focused on living.

People like you want to focus on death.
I'm asking a simple question that is obviously too hard for your pea brain to grasp. Sorry to make you think so hard, try rebooting your brain, it might come back on. :highfive:
You aren't getting what you want, so you have a need to lash out. I don't have that need.
I bet you think you're going to be sitting next to god when you die. I'll just go with that, it seems the most logical for you.
I am more than happy for you to believe anything you want. :smile:
We'll see, so what do you think happens to you when you die?
I don't care what happens when I die, Taz. I'm focused on living.

People like you want to focus on death.
I'm asking a simple question that is obviously too hard for your pea brain to grasp. Sorry to make you think so hard, try rebooting your brain, it might come back on. :highfive:
You aren't getting what you want, so you have a need to lash out. I don't have that need.
I bet you think you're going to be sitting next to god when you die. I'll just go with that, it seems the most logical for you.
I am more than happy for you to believe anything you want. :smile:
You didn't deny it. So that's it. You're looking for a seat next to god. You idiot. :biggrin:
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.
There is absolutely no way to prove there is a god. Therefore, it is purely a matter of faith. It is a personal opinion. You shouldn't care about or be concerned about what others think. Think for yourself and stick to your guns. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
I don't care what happens when I die, Taz. I'm focused on living.

People like you want to focus on death.
I'm asking a simple question that is obviously too hard for your pea brain to grasp. Sorry to make you think so hard, try rebooting your brain, it might come back on. :highfive:
You aren't getting what you want, so you have a need to lash out. I don't have that need.
I bet you think you're going to be sitting next to god when you die. I'll just go with that, it seems the most logical for you.
I am more than happy for you to believe anything you want. :smile:
You didn't deny it. So that's it. You're looking for a seat next to god. You idiot. :biggrin:
With that kind of logic how can you not be successful in life, amirte?
IIf there is a god, what does that mean?

Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore. I see gods as social "memes" of a sort. A god is a construct representing a set of values, beliefs and goals shared by believers.
Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore.
As shown by many of the responses so far.

So, assuming there is a god of some sort, what does that mean? By which I mean, "What does that mean to you in your life?"
Love God’s creation and God will love you.
Nature Is Not Supernatural

Tree-hugging nature-worship by misfits who know they don't belong is actually primitive and pagan.
Atheist Liberals hug trees.
Left and Right Come From the Same Source

They do it to make them feel morally superior to everyone else, which makes them theists.
Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore. I see gods as social "memes" of a sort. A god is a construct representing a set of values, beliefs and goals shared by believers.
Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore.
As shown by many of the responses so far.

So, assuming there is a god of some sort, what does that mean? By which I mean, "What does that mean to you in your life?"
Love God’s creation and God will love you.
Nature Is Not Supernatural

Tree-hugging nature-worship by misfits who know they don't belong is actually primitive and pagan.
Atheist Liberals hug trees.
Left and Right Come From the Same Source

They do it to make them feel morally superior to everyone else, which makes them theists.
Which has what to do with scientific anamolies?
As shown by many of the responses so far.

So, assuming there is a god of some sort, what does that mean? By which I mean, "What does that mean to you in your life?"
Love God’s creation and God will love you.
Nature Is Not Supernatural

Tree-hugging nature-worship by misfits who know they don't belong is actually primitive and pagan.
Atheist Liberals hug trees.
Left and Right Come From the Same Source

They do it to make them feel morally superior to everyone else, which makes them theists.
Which has what to do with scientific anamolies?
Dismiss Dyslexics

If you can't spell anomaly, you don't have a high enough IQ to discuss science.
Love God’s creation and God will love you.
Nature Is Not Supernatural

Tree-hugging nature-worship by misfits who know they don't belong is actually primitive and pagan.
Atheist Liberals hug trees.
Left and Right Come From the Same Source

They do it to make them feel morally superior to everyone else, which makes them theists.
Which has what to do with scientific anamolies?
Dismiss Dyslexics

If you can't spell anomaly, you don't have a high enough IQ to discuss science.
Typing on an iPhone is difficult enough.
Having a discussion with one such as yourself who relies on ad hominems raises it to a new level.
Address the topic.
I have yet to find anyone who has actually found god, they might say they have, but when questioned, it’s obvious that they haven’t found shit.

Really! So you haven't "found God," so don't know the first thing about Him, but you sure as hell know when someone else tells you they did and are lying?" Gee.

The funny thing about threads like this is that even when presented with a genuine opportunity to learn, none of the people actually asking the questions want to take advantage of the opportunity when presented to them! Proof positive that those claiming "a lack of evidence" are really just saying: "a lack of desire" on their part. You don't want to know, you just want to try to discredit and knock holes in anyone who says that religion and faith are not a waste of time. In other words, YOU are a waste of time.
I know all about the god believers talk about, I just don't see any real plausibility in what they tell me. Simply never makes any sense.

I'd like to learn about a real god, not some make up brah who drowned nearly all of humanity in his flood, he also helped the Israelites murder everyone in Jericho, Heshbon, Bashan and many more, usually killing women, children and animals at the same time. God once helped some Israelites kill 500,000 other Israelites. Totally cartoonish.

Then look beyond Western Christianity. God appears under many names and in many religions thousands of years before Christ.
When one calls someone "feeble minded" one is NOT looking for serious discussion. One is looking for a fight.
dingbat proves me right.
Your refusal to accept the reality here is duly noted. Name call all you like, the fact remains you are being dishonest when you imply that you want a serious discussion to satisfy your curiosity. What you are looking for is a venue to attempt to discredit and impune the character of those who disagree with you.
The arguments for the god of the bible at this forum are of a feeble minded level. I came here looking for serious discussion, unfortunately I have found none, it's pretty much all nonsense that believers spout here. Which led me to my conclusion. That you can't accept it is your problem, not mine. maybe you can up god's side of the discussion here. Have any proof?
If it is proof you are looking for, I have what I believe and nothing more. One can "see" proof if one wishes, or one can "see" no proof, if that is what one wishes. Whether or not there is proof is not the point here. If you do not believe there is a god that's just fine with me. What I want to know from you, then, is what does that mean to you?
I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god(s), but am open to changing my mind given empirical proof either way. That's why I first came here, to see if there was anything concrete that people believed in. Apparently, there's not. Not here, anyways.
Well, if it's empirical proof you seek, I wish you all the luck in the world. I doubt you will ever find any, at least not in this life. See, the problem is that the very concept of god is far beyond anything we mere humans can comprehend. Therefore, empirical proof is impossible.

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