Is there a politician with the balls to lobby for a rewrite of the 14th / the anchor baby statute?


The 14th Amendment codifies the citizenship of all persons born in the United States and recognizes the rights of citizens who reside in the states and local jurisdictions:

‘The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, has generated more lawsuits than any other provision of the U.S. Constitution. Section 1 of the amendment has been the centerpiece of most of this litigation. It makes "All persons born or naturalized in the United States"citizens of the United States and citizens of the state in which they reside. This section also prohibits state governments from denying persons within their jurisdiction the privileges or immunities of U.S. citizenship, and guarantees to every such person due process and equal protection of the laws. The Supreme Court has ruled that any state law that abridges Freedom of Speech, freedom of religion, the right to trial by jury, the Right to Counsel, the right against Self-Incrimination, the right against unreasonable searches and seizures, or the right against cruel and unusual punishments will be invalidated under section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment. This holding is called the Incorporation Doctrine.’

The southern states were denying rights to former slaves. That is why there was a need for the 14th Amendment.
You idiot... Everyone on US soil is subject to US jurisdiction .. Who's laws do you think supercede US law in the US?
Still repeating your conclusion as your premise. You are demonstrating a propensity to insist on remaining ignorant. You are of course free to remain willfully ignorant. But you have zero ability to persuade anybody with your reliance on fallacy.
I stand by my previous posts and laugh at bs for twisting in the wind.
You have a right to “stand by” your many prior erroneous statements. I laugh at you due to your ignorance and your inability to make use of facts and logic. You are quite a dunce.
I’m smart enough to realize that you are the one who ought to feel embarrassed.

I had held out a glimmer of hope that you might turn out to be a somewhat reasonable person. Alas. You clearly aren’t.

Ask a lawyer.
I’m smart enough to realize that you are the one who ought to feel embarrassed.

I had held out a glimmer of hope that you might turn out to be a somewhat reasonable person. Alas. You clearly aren’t.

Under the legal concept of jus soli, American citizenship is automatically granted to anyone born within or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States regardless of the citizenship of the parents. (The US is not the only country with this policy, by the way.
How does Dual Citizenship Work | US Immigration Articles ...

You have a right to “stand by” your many prior erroneous statements. I laugh at you due to your ignorance and your inability to make use of facts and logic. You are quite a dunce.

Definition of jus soli. : a rule that the citizenship of a child is determined by the place of its birth.
Under the legal concept of jus soli, American citizenship is automatically granted to anyone born within or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States regardless of the citizenship of the parents. (The US is not the only country with this policy, by the way.
How does Dual Citizenship Work | US Immigration Articles ...

I know the law, kid. It is you who fails to grasp what it means.
Jus sanguinis - Oxford Reference

The principle that the nationality of children is the same as that of their parents, irrespective of their place of birth. This contrasts with * jus soli, whereby nationality is dependent on place of birth. In states in which the jus sanguinis principle applies (i.e. France and Germany), a conflict of jurisdiction may arise when a child is born of parents who are citizens of another state.

Pursuant to 8 USCS § 1401, the following persons can acquire citizenship by jus soli:

A person born in the U.S., and subject to its jurisdiction.
A person born in the U.S. as a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe.
A person of unknown parentage found in the U.S. while under the age of five year. The person can remain a U.S. citizen...
More ...
Birthright Citizenship - Jus soli & Jus Sanguinis

Definition of jus soli. : a rule that the citizenship of a child is determined by the place of its birth.
Under the legal concept of jus soli, American citizenship is automatically granted to anyone born within or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States regardless of the citizenship of the parents. (The US is not the only country with this policy, by the way.
How does Dual Citizenship Work | US Immigration Articles ...

And this is wrong.

What controls is what the Constitution itself says, not what you think it means.

Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” [emphasis added]

Which takes us back to what I attempted (but apparently failed) to teach you previously: YOU MUST TAKE SPECIAL CARE TO TAKE NOTE OF THE “AND.” You are remarkably uneducable and stubborn.

You got the “born here”’part. But, of course, that’s the easy part. You studiously avoid to acknowledge the other part. You did address the concept of “jurisdiction.” But you are too stubborn and ill-informed to grasp the fact that another nation can still have a claim of jurisdiction over its own citizens.

Go study. Look up the legal concept of “allegiance” as it pertains to these legal issues. Be thorough. Be honest. Don’t be so stubborn.
And this is wrong.

What controls is what the Constitution itself says, not what you think it means.

Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” [emphasis added]

Which takes us back to what I attempted (but apparently failed) to teach you previously: YOU MUST TAKE SPECIAL CARE TO TAKE NOTE OF THE “AND.” You are remarkably uneducable and stubborn.

You got the “born here”’part. But, of course, that’s the easy part. You studiously avoid to acknowledge the other part. You did address the concept of “jurisdiction.” But you are too stubborn and ill-informed to grasp the fact that another nation can still have a claim of jurisdiction over its own citizens.

Go study. Look up the legal concept of “allegiance” as it pertains to these legal issues. Be thorough. Be honest. Don’t be so stubborn.

Unless your parents are foreign ambassadors you are subject to US Jurisdiction. No foreign country has jurisdiction in the US.
Unless your parents are foreign ambassadors you are subject to US Jurisdiction. No foreign country has jurisdiction in the US.
False. It’s a nice try though. Foreign ministers etc are indeed excluded. But the notion you favor is not yet decided. Again, it REMAINS an open question.

In particular, look at points numbered 5 through 8. One in particular deserves a bit of highlighting:

“6. Neither the Supreme Court nor Congress has clarified that the U.S.-born children of illegal or non-permanent resident aliens are U.S. citizens; federal law (8 U.S.C. §1401) simply repeats the language of the 14th Amendment.”
False. It’s a nice try though. Foreign ministers etc are indeed excluded. But the notion you favor is not yet decided. Again, it REMAINS an open question.

In particular, look at points numbered 5 through 8. One in particular deserves a bit of highlighting:

“6. Neither the Supreme Court nor Congress has clarified that the U.S.-born children of illegal or non-permanent resident aliens are U.S. citizens; federal law (8 U.S.C. §1401) simply repeats the language of the 14th Amendment.”

I read that list or one like it several years ago. Allegiance has nothing to do with it. Babies don't have allegiance to the state.

Heritage is like that. Clever but wrong.
I read that list or one like it several years ago. Allegiance has nothing to do with it. Babies don't have allegiance to the state.

Heritage is like that. Clever but wrong.
I knew you were too simple to get it. A child of an American citizen born in Kansas owes allegiance to America. You are simply making shit up at this point.

Similarly, the child of the pregnant snowback who illegally busts over the US border from the Peoples’ Republic of Canuckistan to have the child born on US soil is still a Canuck and therefore owes its own allegiance to Canuckistan.

You were not clever and you remain wrong.
I knew you were too simple to get it. A child of an American citizen born in Kansas owes allegiance to America. You are simply making shup at this point.

Similarly, the child of the pregnant snowback who illegally busts over the US border from the Peoples’ Republic of Canuckistan to have the child born on US soil is still a Canuck and therefore owes its own allegiance to Canuckistan.

You were not clever and you remain wrong.

The TRumpies throw in allegiance... Natural born citizens have no test of allegiance.

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